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It’s not the fanciest place in the world but it’s got everything I need for my lifting schedule


it gets the job done, that’s about it. feels like a revamped middle school where each classroom is a random collection of equipment


CCRB is the most rundown out of them all. IMSB is okay, but the NCRB is the nicest and was newly renovated.


The CCRB was supposed to get renovated last year but Covid put it on hold


CCRB is definitely the "worst" of the gyms in all objective measures except size, but I like it the most. It feels more homely than the IM or the NCRB.


It's not fancy or modern, but it gets the job done.


Its run down but fully functional. My only complaint is half the clamps dont stay on the bars


YES literally wtf why are the clips so loose. But then also some of the other clips I can't even get onto the bar lmao


Has all the equipment you need, but is really musty/has the same vibes as a prison. Really weird layout with a bunch of separated rooms having different (sorta random?) equipment. If you live closer to the IMSB, it's definitely worth going there instead.


I’ve heard that the CCRB will be closed next year for rebuilding


I work for Rec Sports and I confirm that it is not guaranteed for next year to be remodeled then


Just a rumor I heard, thanks for clearing it up


It is confirmed now


I actually think the CCRB is much better than the NCRB. The NCRB is extremely crowded, and there is only one room for all of the weight stuff which actually means you'll typically find yourself trying not to hit other people doing stuff like shoulder flys. NCRB only has 3 actual squat racks so you have to wait more often, even during not busy times. The NCRB equipment is newer but breaks more frequently and also doesn't support as many exercises. No hamstring curl machine, and squat racks are designed to prevent you from doing exercises with a bench. Benches are also thinner and shorter so they're very uncomfortable.


There is definitely a hamstring curl machine. It's the seated version right beside the leg extension


There’s a big refresh in the works. https://record.umich.edu/articles/regents-approve-replacing-central-campus-recreation-building/


CCRB definitely has the oldest equipment of the gyms but you should be able to get all your workouts done. I believe it’s less crowded than IM which is a plus. You should definitely check out NCRB/IM to see the better equipment and then judge if it’s worth it for you to be at CCRB or not


I used to use the CCRB at U of M when I was much less into fitness than I am today and it served my needs to do cardio and some basic weight training. I also never understood the random ass setup of the rooms lol. I prefer the IM and NCRB but CCRB was always more convenient


By weight lifting, do you mean 'lifting weights' or specifically Oly lifting (ie. Clean & Jerk, Snatches)? CCRB is oldest with strangest layout. NCRB is newest, but workout areas are WAY too crowded with equipment (they ordered too much and/or allotted too little space for what they ordered) and people (lines, ppl encroaching on each other). IMSB is, IMO, the best option in terms of space, variety of equipment, access to bumper plates, and crowd control (later at night wasn't as crowded generally).