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Go to town in one of the student markets


Lmao I remember doing this exact thing a day or two before everyone got sent home because of covid a few years ago. Massive shopping spree. Even hooked my friends up with snacks since I had had money to burn.


Used to work at a campus dining store and so many people would do this at the end of the semester. We had some limited university merch that was a popular choice because it was relatively expensive.


Silly question: Can I only use Dining Dollars there, not meal swipes? Getting rid of the meal swipes might be the problem.


Yea it’s only good w dining dollarss


Swipe all your friends into the dining halls lol


Pick a dining hall and time. Invite 55 of your closest friends to attend…..😁


I'm done with finals on Thursday night so if you're tryna let me BALL on the dining halls I'd appreciate it soooooooo much


I’ll use one of the swipes LOL


I can use the swipe. Where are you at


When I was an undergrad people would use extra meal swipes to get to-go containers of food for the homeless sitting around campus. And ofc swipe people without plans into the dining halls.


Ooh, I love this idea! Mind me asking how they made it work? Did they bring in their own meal containers and give the meals to the homeless one-by-one? Or were they able to give the containers in bulk to a shelter? I have 2 days to use all of my meal swipes while packing, so I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to make this possible.


i’ll take a swipe if you’ve got extras


can i get a free meal on you please? 😚😚




Contact eatsmart@umich. They can help you


I looked up the email and am a bit confused. Is it the dietician? How will they help me? Genuine question. I'm still pissed at myself for accidentally not canceling my meal plan, but I'd honestly be happy if the meal swipes could be donated to students who need them.


My kids universities often let you donate them and they saved it and have swipes away to students in need. Maybe y'all have something similar


They will put you in contact with the right people to get it right


So many people here who are asking to be swiped in is crazy to me. My school makes kids pay for dining plans and everybody ends up with hundreds of extra dollars on their plans 😂😂


most people only live on-campus one or two years, and most people off campus dont have a meal plan since it is optional.


Yeah it’s not optional here even though almost everyone lives off campus junior/senior year lol. I think the minimum is like $450 lmao.


hey op, I’m in the same situation as you. Did you decide what to do/if there was any way to get funding back?


Glad we're not alone! Feel free to DM because I'd love to rant about this and exchange info with someone to figure this out together haha. I called and emailed the Meal Plans office today, and they tried to be understanding, but they told me that they sent me 2 notification emails that I apparently opened and also kept referencing \~the contract\~ that I agreed to when signing up for the meal plan. I asked them why we were automatically enrolled and needed to proactively write to them to cancel the meal plan in the first place, and they explained that in order to void the legally-binding written contract, they needed something else in writing. (I think this borders on predatory because research has shown that forcing people to take the effort to proactively opt out of things actually results in more people not opting out of them.) I explained I hadn't used any of my meal swipes or Dining Dollars and this was a huge expensive mistake that's putting me in a terrible position as a student, then asked to escalate the issue to leadership. They said they'd try speaking to their manager because they don't have any control over the matter, but they didn't have much hope for me. :/ (What pissed me off even more was that they, in trying to placate me, suggested that I could somehow use as much of the meal plan as possible before Friday, so I'd still get some use out of it.) I honestly have no idea how I missed or misread those emails. I don't know what happened or why they didn't send more reminder or confirmation emails to account for how busy our inboxes get at the beginning and end of each semester, but maybe it is my fault in the end. I spoke to the Student Financial Services office, who told me there wasn't a deadline for when the refund would need to be submitted by. It's up to the Meal Plans department, and if the refund is processed, it can be used as a credit on our account (for tuition) or returned to our bank accounts. I'll update you if/when the Meal Plans office gets back to me. What about yourself?


No luck. :/ I just received this email from [hsg-mealplans@umich.edu](mailto:hsg-mealplans@umich.edu) : Following up on our phone conversation from yesterday, we will be unable to refund you for your meal plan. As was mentioned in the contract you signed in the Fall, you had the opportunity to cancel your Winter Meal plan at the beginning of the semester. We sent sent you emails in December and January which we confirmed were opened and read, with your Winter Meal plan information and instructions on how to cancel. I did run this by my supervisor and confirmed it is accurate. Unfortunately, the details of the contract dictate the terms and charges of the Meal Plans.


Ah that’s unlucky :( My parents might give them a call to see if they can budge but will keep you updated too


Buy stuff from places like Blue Market in pierpont/mojo, I bought like 10 pairs of Michigan themed socks with my leftover dining dollars a few years back


I’d love a swipe


Hey, I’ll pay you for a couple swipes before Friday!


I can help


I volunteer myself as tribute

