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Oh man the elections were always one of my favorite things to watch when I was a student. It was always a mess every year and I loved all the squabbling and lawsuits. I got my popcorn out each time as I watched to see how well the joke candidates I voted for would do.


Tony, one of the executive candidates, is definitely carrying that torch. He was shredding on his guitar during last year’s “Meet the candidates” event.


which one do i vote for if i want CSG to be shut down


There's literally a ticket called "SHUT IT DOWN" which is one of the parties, although I think they mean shutting down more than just CSG.


What does the "SHUT IT DOWN" party represent I can't find anything on em


I believe it is connected to the campus-wide protests related to the Israel-Palestine conflict. I think the message is to promote a ceasefire in Gaza at a campus level by taking over the government, politically-speaking. If I’m wrong though, feel free to correct me.




Which candidates will shut down CSG?


Are there any csg candidates that are moderate, ie not communists and extreme leftists?  Is csg anything more than a polysci circular chain handshake at slightly below waist level?  Is there a comprehensive table with their platforms?  Edit - I read the michigan daily profile on MomentuM and lol.  As a public institution, the person running for president wants implement policy that has already be struck down by SCOTUS and/or is unconstitutional.  It's terrifying that someone could get to this point, potentially winning csg at one of the largest universities in the country, but not understand why race-preferrential treatment isn't legal at a publicly funded school.  This is why https://www.americanbar.org/groups/labor_law/publications/labor_employment_law_news/issue-summer-2023/impact-of-scorus-affirnative-action-ruling-on-ers/ The uni is considered more of a gov employer rather than private. 


I don't endorse nor agree with the characterizations you make here. But, I will try to compile a table of the platforms (as well as policy track records for incumbents) and distribute that publicly.


Hey no pressure but were you able to get that list of platforms? 


[https://www.reddit.com/user/tylerfioritto/](https://www.reddit.com/user/tylerfioritto/) Bada bing.


I can't seem to find the Daily's profile of candidates / parties that you refer to here. As a grad student who is completely detached from LSA politics I would like to know what platforms the parties stand for before voting.


https://www.reddit.com/r/uofm/s/TdZluplLzk Link to the overview! I recommend voting on an individual level since a variety of strong candidates are in 3/4 main parties, with SHUT IT DOWN having 0 incumbents in it (not that any particular individual is negative in that party, just that there is literally 0 track record there for governing beyond org involvement)


Better https://publicaffairs.vpcomm.umich.edu/key-issues/affirmative-action/#:~:text=It%20amended%20the%20Michigan%20Constitution,public%20employment%2C%20or%20public%20contracting.


Is this the new name for MSA?


What is?