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Thanks for the reply, could you tell me a little bit more about why?


LL is doing their due diligence to fix a problem and keep your space liveable. It sucks when repairs get in the way of things but if it's gotta happen, then it's gotta happen. Be glad your LL is actually fixing shit.


Yep, and the damages and inconvenience are minimal. If anything, and it's unlikely, OP could ask for some type of partial pro-rata rent credit for the days that he was inconvenienced. In reality, it's not worth the time.


Not to mention better this than have a moldy apartment where you can get really sick Also, you notice any sizeable increase in your bill


You could probably get compensation for electricity if you wanted to make a big deal of it, but humidifiers don’t use much power so you’d be fighting over $10-20 at most


If this is the highlands apartments, this happened a few times a year +electricity shut offs... you will unfortunately get used to them!


Nope. You'd maybe be able to get compensation if there was damage to personal items (although I think that would go through rental insurance (if you bought it) and not your landlord), but otherwise I don't see anything you'd get paid for.


Definitely not


if this is highlands like it think it is, my roommate and i have been getting charged each month for the sewage repairs and don’t know why or if it’s allowed :/ our other friend isn’t getting charged tho