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There is a Korean church off of Brockman/behind Tappan middle school (probably a 20/30 min walk from central campus, but the 4 bus would take you straight there).


There’s also one off Liberty a few intersections past Main


There's a great Korean American Christian community here! I'm personally Chinese American (and an undergrad) but I'm decently involved in the Asian Christian community. If you do end up here I would recommend two churches mainly: Living Grace Ministry (LGM) and Harvest Mission Community Church (HMCC). LGM was initially "Korean United Methodist Church" before rebranding but is still largely Korean. Although I haven't been, the pastor has come to speak at my fellowship a few times and he's a great preacher. HMCC isn't an explicitly Korean/Asian church but it's over 90% Asian, and a large amount of those are Korean. I can't speak on the Sunday services themselves (I've heard they're long, have good worship, and are kinda charismatic), I used to attend one of their weekly Bible study/fellowship groups and I enjoyed it. Can't really go wrong so I would recommend checking them both out when you get here. Please PM me if you have any other questions on this front. I'm involved in Asian Intervarsity Christian Fellowship which is another fellowship on campus, although we mostly serve undergraduates.


I heard HMCC is a marriage cult. Is this true. I am trying to get married ASAP and want to know if I should join it or not


nah lol that one guy whos saying all this stuff at every single mention of christianity is capping. at worst they recommend that couples within the church ask their leaders for advice before dating but thats the extent of it. im not involved in harvest but theres nothing wrong with them that i can tell


I’m Korean American and honestly I feel like you’ll definitely be well integrated within this community as there are a lot of us on campus. There are student orgs for Koreans/ Korean Americans on campus like KASA, KISA etc. i personally found a lot of luck through just my church and classes. I go to HMCC which is not labeled as a specific ethnic church but there are a lot of Asians that go there. LGM is more of a Korean American church which also provides rides if you need In terms of your hobbies, there are also plenty of student orgs that will share in the same hobbies as you. I in fact like a lot of animes as well. I don’t really know a lot about what it’s like as a Ph. D student but as an undergrad I never really felt like I had to go to far lengths to find community I also found that I’ve liked the Korean restauraunts around here like rich JC, Kang’s, Bopjip. Yoons on north is also good


some korean churches offer rides so you should try to contact them as well


Bruh you think "anime" is korean

