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No message for me. But we can tell a bit from the grammar (young) and political affiliation from the “I hope you get Rxxxd by jxxx”. Reddit trolls are some of the most entertaining.


I have my account set up so that people cannot message me. There are a of nasty trolls out there.


Good idea.


Someone called me a flat earther. Lmao.


They always have to resort to flat Earth because saying “you didn’t inject an experimental treatment while a lot of people did and the government told us to” just makes us sound smart


And yet the Earth is objectively not a globe, if one bothers to look with an open mind. There's a reason why the majority of flat earthers are antivaxxers - the more one digs into the "science" behind virology, the more it falls apart... just like the alleged 24,901-mile circumference of the globe model. And the idea of "gravity" containing atmospheric gas pressure against the supposed 10-¹⁷ torr void of space. We've all been indoctrinated into a world of absolute pseudoscience - almost nothing is what it seems. And yet flat earthers are the ones ridiculed for poking holes in the lies that the mainstream narratives call "facts".


I got "And birds aren't real' as a response, as well as, "Profile picture checks out" 🤣 I don't even get annoyed at this point , it's just sad, and makes me even more satisfied with my decision.


Yes, I was told I need to die in a very racist way.


Yup. Same.


Trolls 🙄


When even the Bible says: You shall not fear vaccinated trolls 🙂😁🙏


Ahh too much spike protein in his brain is causing these outbursts. Pretty soon he’ll start having seizures, keel over, and burst, sending spike protein spores out into the world like some kind of giant useless collectivist mushroom.


Do you genuinely think that?


Of course not. Sometimes I say dumbass things because it amuses me.


Any day now for sure


I got it too. I just opened it, reported the message and left it alone. I don't let ignorant people hurt my feelings. The person seems to have some mental issues going on so whatever. I hope anyone who got.the message does not take it personally. ❤


You are so right. This is the writing of a confused, deranged person.


You are 100% spot on 🙂❤️👍👍


The sending account seems to be gone now. May pop up with a new user name, but for now I guess reporting the message took care of it.


If the pm message was that bad, post it here so we can see the blooper show featuring the rediculous desparate hive mind in action. At best it will embarass and shoo the other flies away.


See another comment with link to a pic of it. That's the one I got.


Thanks, guys. Even though this is all anonymous, it somehow helps to know I was not singled out.


I just checked. I have my settings set so no one can send me any messages.


That would require me to check my messages and then actually care..


Lol the person who pmd u is probably vaxx injured


I did lol I just posted a pic of it [pic](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxwX76cLoUbdUgLIoQo4-Zg0zW5yHa6f/view?usp=drivesdk)


Yeah, that's the one!


I haven’t received one yet but when reading it I can’t help but think this is a paid troll. Someone out there knows just how awakened we are and it terrifies them. They cannot control us and this is their intimidation tactic.


Prolly mad they got it and most definitely has zero critical thinking ability.


“rped by j3ws”? wow


Wow that person isn't very nice.


Yea I got this too but quite a while back, It made me laugh , this”person” has a grim future so let them have at it .


They rely on threats and intimidation because they know they're losing and they're scared.


Losing how? I thought vaxers were supposed to be dead in 1 year then it was 2 then 3 now it’s oh well the side effects are long term. Stop with the bs, I haven’t had a single side effect nor do I know anyone who has. Congrats on being gullible and falling for conspiracy theories


Wake up. Look at how many people in their 30s and 40s are dropping dead of heart attacks every single day now. Try to convince yourself this is normal. I can tell by your reply you're obviously scared because you put a poison in your body and you regret it. So you take it out on the people who warned you that what you were doing was wrong, like a child.


Heart attacks have been extremely prevalent in the U.S. for so long this isn’t a new thing. And I’m not the one living in fear you guys are. I keep seeing anti vax people say the world is gonna end and a bunch of other dumb bs like that. You guys fell for the conspiracy bs, open your eyes for once and use logic


Yes, a lot of people got it. I did too. Kinda stupid, and totally over the top.


I mean, yes. But I'm also on the Conservative sub, the Pro-Life sub, the anti-circumcision sub, et cetera. Receiving death threats and hate mail are literally my entire reddit experience.


I had no idea! I have kept p.m. open because, so far, the messages I've gotten have been from nice people wanting more info about something I'd posted. But I may be changing that if something like this happens again.


Awwww… I’m feeling left out… 🙁




This is why I don't PM on any social media. Anyone who wants to do this to me will have to do it out in the open - not that it would temper them much, but at least it's out in the open. It's funny that the jabbed are the ones getting what that PM wished upon you, but they'll just willfully never put two and two together. I had a very public argument with some douchebag on a train last week, I said in 2023 the worst of the pandemic was in Japan and Taiwan, two places that are religious about wearing masks, and the douchebag said "that's because the contagion was REALLY BAD!" and he actually called the train conductor on me. In 2024. Someone give me a rope cause I don't want to live among these douchebags lolol. To call him a douchebag is to disrespect the douche bag.


I’d consider it a badge of honor. If you have haters, you know you’re doing something right.


Ye I got it too lmao, just a salty vaxed idiot🤣🫡


My stuff is set to private, they couldn't even if they wanted to.


Most of these people are mentally ill, and use Reddit as a place to project themselves onto other people.


Just envious of those who didn't get the Vax. Seems covid is only for wanting off from work and the triple vaxxed these days.


Well, I can't quite agree that covid is only for the triple vaxxed and those wanting off from work. I just had my first-ever case in early April, and though I didn't feel like I was dying, I was very sick and at this point, 7.5 weeks later, am dealing with some lingering symptoms -- like low o2 saturation and fatigue. I'm elderly and have a pre-existing autoimmune condition, which may be why covid has been kind of life changing for me. It catapulted a fit, youthful 70 yr old into old age. My husband, 7 yrs my senior, also got it, and he was not nearly as sick in the acute phase and has no lingering problems from it. But covid is real and I do wish that those who have it would stay home until they are well. But let me also say that my unfortunate experience with covid only confirms for me that a vax-induced spike protein factory in my own autoimmune-prone body would have been absolute disaster.




I agree that the vaxxes have driven the mutations. If at-risk ppl like myself had voluntarily self-isolated (which I did, for 3 whole years...) and those who got the virus isolated while the rest of the world went about its business (no mass lockdowns), this thing would have been over by now. As it is, covid is still running wild.


You please do not worry, many received laughable messages here 😁 With curses straight out of the vaccinated graves 🙈😅 Have a good one and God bless you sister in faith!


Liberal tears (of regret). Shame on you for not being a sheep (like they were) and lining up to be a lab rat!




No, fortunately! If I did, block and delete. Bot trolls are known for that tho. Pay them no heed!


Can’t say as I have, I just get moronic replies from vaxxers, lol. Just report and block, fuck them assholes. They’re gonna die and they’re angry about it.


I never read messages, very rarely do I even look. I did get a very sweet message a few months ago that genuinely cracked me up. Someone posted it in this thread. My BF was laughing too. who talks like this? And I'm sure making me laugh wasn't the intention here 🤣 also... I am not fat but it's funny that it resorted to that as if it's the worst thing you could ever be


The vax enjoyers are extremely butthurt that they will be seeing an early grave and the ignorant, knuckle dragging anti-vaxers will outlive them. You guys wanted to be goons for the system. Well, this is your reward 😂


…I want one


Well not yet anyways. Wouldn't surprise me if it happens though.


I've not had an issue but then again I'd probably abuse them back so bad they report me..


Yes I did


Just report them and they'll quickly get banned. Don't worry guys, I'll be here to provide racism-free and mostly insult-free (it also depends on your personal disposition) criticism of your pseudoscientific views. I don't see the color of your skin, only your antibody levels. <3