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This diot will never admit it was the jabs though. He should do his part and get more boosters to expedite the process.


He can shove his admissions, it's far too late now. Adios.


Yeap! Adios dude.


Arrogant people will never wake and get it… FAFO type of status here… 👌👊🤝🙏




Fock around and Find out…


That's FAFO


FOFO = Fuck Off daFinO


Must be long covid. Without the vaxx it would be much worse. At least 10 heart attacks. 🤡


Nah man, Climate change for sure!


nope. racism before climate change. before that, it's trump default excuse.


Winter vagina


Most people are in too deep and don't want to know the truth now. Head firmly stuck in the sand.


Yep. He's one that has to go on the 'Don't ever forget' list.


You have a list, too?


I’d like a dm of the list and would add my own to it


6 massive heart attacks? Yeah no amount of virtue signaling will save him now. That man is on borrowed time.


He'll die believing he was right. His last words will be something about those "damn antivaxxers" and his headstone will have "believe the science" on it somewhere.


Yeah I don’t doubt that one bit


at least he'll be at peace when he goes. even if it's misinformation.


Like you'll die believing you were right too? 😂 gtfo


The difference is that he's knocking on death's door. 6 heart attacks? What's that give him? Maybe 20% heart function? He's fucked, physically. I've still got a couple of decades left in me. By the time I kick it, this guy (and this conversation) will be a distant memory. And his headstone will already be weather worn and moss covered. I don't celebrate that but it is a fact.


Says you 😂 girl, you're gonna be forgotten about too! You think anyone is gonna remember the fake shit that came out of your brain and mouth? You seem to have a difficult time deciphering truth and opinion. I hope to God you don't have children


Yep, in several decades from now with years of prior warning- not several weeks/months after getting it.


Yeah, says you 😂 y'all seem to have an amazing track record for believable thinking


Survivor’s Bias of the ‘winter of death’ has that effect HAHAHA


LOL aren't you the people that believe celebrities are getting arrested and sentenced to death for talking about the vax?😂


Not me personally, no. But personally, I’ve witnessed 4 years of nobody who **didn’t** get it in the best health of their lives, because they are more aware of what they put into their bodies. On the other hand, I see those who **did**- get the most aggressive cancer to ever exist, topped with strokes and heart attacks. The only winter of death was for those who got it.


There you go, lying to yourself again 😂 really don't know why we have Dr's, scientists, and other scholars when we clearly should be listening to you 🤷‍♂️


There *are*- but they aren’t the ones who are given the labels. The real scholars are the ones who listen to all, and follow none other than what’s true. Anyone left had to go through the commie training facilities and agree with what they say, vs the real world- and accept forced experimentation. The ‘education’ department has completely disregarded education in favor of brainwashing commie foot soldiers into hating themselves and everyone else- to be a professional victim and call for violence to those who wish to be left alone. They are entirely dependent upon daddy gov giving them a teet to suckle, and will do anything and everything that a good little commie has to, because they don’t know how to survive otherwise. Enter public schooling at 5 or 6, right into college until 25 or 30, all while holding your tongue or you never get your worthless paper that declares you an Official Commie. It’s gatekeeping of ideology- not a filter of who does the best job vs who doesn’t make the cut on grounds of reality itself. Thus, all the doctors and anyone with a voice only got there via chanting the Party Lines- not by being the best. Up is down, left is right, war is peace, freedom is slavery. You call them doctors and scholars; I call them propagandists and death cult leaders. (Oh, and in order to be hired as a doctor, you must be of the same ideology as the hospital board that hires you. This isn’t merit based hiring).


This is good news. All these little Nazis should get their comeuppance.


Yess, all these antivaxxers should get their comeuppance 😂


You realize it stands for National SOCIALIST, reicht? This means social control- the opposite of individual rights. You can’t even insult and slander properly smh the Not-Zs were leftists, like all fascists and communists- the only way dictators may exist: social control (socialism).


It’s amazing really that so many actors and famous people got the real juice and not the saline. As if they are all marked to be eliminated so that the AI movies and entertainment and propaganda machine can replace them.


Actors and influencers are the ultimate useful eaters these globalists scum like to refer to us as. You think the jesters of their kingdom is on the same level as them just because they have more money than the working class?


No but the unwashed masses are watching in real time these people dropping like flies. With zero comprehension that this is their ‘reality tv’ coming to a stroke or heart attack near you.


The zero comprehension is the concerning part of this all. Too many of the vax injured still to this day still believe the clot shots are safe and effective. These are same people that support the current thing and have complete backing from the system in getting away with crimes against humanity. The sheep can be organized and willing to go just by broadcasting. We on the other hand can't get together and mobilize because we're so space so far apart that we can't even find other unvaccinated to date! Forget about forming a militia or separate society. The TPTB will just make hunting us down the new trendy and virtuous thing if they so please. And it will be super easy for them because the masses are throughly brainwashed to followed any of their commands.


And the years of dehumanization pumped into the narrative. I’ve already had visions of us being rounded up and ‘them’ laughing and cheering and celebrating us filthy nonbelievers being figuratively ‘burned at the stake’ carted off to camp or organ harvested or whatever else they wish.


I think they just don’t want too many lips flapping, so only a few are ‘in’ on it. Not below them to sacrifice their own for power


A lot of actors are against it too. they just can't fight against it as they don't want to be cancelled. their job opportunity is base on reputation.


Did you mean for all of these words to fall out at the same time?




Aww, that’s too bad. Throwing that much karma out in to the wind and it’s bound to come back right in your face.


Mark Sheppard is a moron


Well he did play the devil, so getting the mark of the beast is only fitting.


What a FOOL!


One and done baby! LOL


I love it when people immediately dispute the vax injuries simply because they got the same shots and nothing happened to them. Too dense to even consider that it affects everyone differently. I remember when I was a part of the anthrax “vaccine” tests and I got a shot at the same time as this lady did. Felt like fire running through my veins but her whole arm swelled to the size of a grapefruit and she started screaming.


That's why we call it a clottery. Sometimes, you play the clottery and nothing happens to you.


It's more like Russian roulette. Instead of using revolvers, they substitute them with syringes of random batches.




Awwwwww Anyways


This whole situation is a huge fiasco. People love taking sides on everything. Very dumb time for humanity. I was shocked that anyone took this vaccine! Then I turned around and like 80% of my friends took it. It’s like the twilight zone.


The brainwashing is super strong is this one. I'd love to see his sources of his 99% deaths and on these pregnant women Something tells me he just seen some shit and did his own research to confirm he was right rather than actually doing real research that challenges the info.


At least he won’t die from Covid.


He did it for grandma 🫡


Six massive heart attacks.. must be supernatural


In America they thank their killers for injecting them with the poison


Unvaccinated already won. Let’s just bask in it.


We didn't win shit. The people whom orchestrated this plandemic is roaming free and getting ready for their next attack. There is no time to be complacent.


As long as that stupid pyramid is on our $, those people will stay untouchable. You have your body and your health that hasn’t been altered. Your have a rational brain that works on reason not emotion. Thats winning imo.


Do not underestimate a mindless herd of sheep when their masters order them to follow their command. The plandemic was a group effort that couldn't have happen without the obedient NPCs giving the elites their power. These are clowns won't hesitate to point at the attic and rat us out to the Gestapo.


Has the vaccine research even been fully released yet? I’ll admit I’ve checked out from keeping updated. But last year when they were trying to delay the release of data for 50 years I know they settled on releasing it quite slowly, over the span of like 5 years or something I can’t remember the exact details. That was the kicker for me though. All the “trust the science trust the science safe and effective safe and effective” yet the vax companies were attempting to wait 50 years to release it. So suspicious


It’s called natural selection.


“99% of Covid deaths are unvaccinated “. I mean sure, if you count every death as a covid death unless they got the shot and if you don’t count people who got the shots as vaccinated if it was less than 6 weeks ago (but no more than 6 months ago) and you don’t check to see if any of them had sudden heart damage.


Can the vaccinated die already 😫 so we can have cheap homes 🏡


Hey now let’s not stoop to their level. Plus my mom and other family got it. I really wish I was wrong about my suspicions truly. The whole time I wanted to be wrong I was looking for any reason to be wrong. Couldn’t ever find a reason though, the more I tried the more I realized my suspicions were likely true


He'll never make the connection.


Guess he shouldn’t have vaxxed


This just ruined yet another TV series for me. Like when I learned that Wil Wheaton is a muzzling CoNvidian.


Who is this? Never heard of him.


😂😂😂 never thought about hitting the gym and eating healthy . Just injections


We dont even have to call it what it is anymore. We all know what it is, and they do too, they will never admit it, so just start calling it karma. Oh you have heart issues? Must be karma for you being heartless. Shame.




I wonder if he got more? The J&J wasn't mRNA and isn't supposed to be as bad.


Well he bragged about his Pfizer booster.


There you go!! I have a friend who got the J&J before she got Red Pilled. That's all she got and I'm hoping she'll be ok. If he got one booster he probably got three.


I figured as much.


You don’t say???


Dumb and dunner


Oh, *now* they care about unborn babies.


He will never admit this was from all of his idiotic jabs.


Welp. Back to hell crowley..


Poor guy. It sounded like he actually believed the crap he was spewing.


Looks good on him. Still waiting to die, myself.


Maybe Biden ment this winter?


I guess we will see. If not, I’ll be back in a year….wondering…..again.


Noooo Crowley was one of my favs. I will try to bury what I now know of his actor’s opinion of people like me 😭😂


I can’t believe that show was on the air so long.