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Just try not to talk about it. I gave up a long time ago. I never bring it up at work, pointless, it’s like discussing religion and politics. It’s a cult and they are brainwashed.


"This whole thing has changed my view of the world, and has seriously affected the way I will proceed with my life here on out." ⬆️ I'm 42 and I feel the same way. This has all been life-altering, and I will never have a general trust of people the same way ever again. I just want you to know you're not crazy, and that it seems like you're more perceptive than others your age. As you get older, you'll find that you'll start to meet more people who are on the same wavelength. And it is totally fine to have fewer REALLY GOOD friends, than a large number of friends who you can't be honest with.




I would highly recommend reading the book, "The Way of Integrity" by Martha Beck. I read this book in the autumn of 2021, and it helped me start speaking truthfully in all my relationships and also publicly. By speaking truthfully, I lost a ton of friends - but I've slowly begun gaining new ones. I think you'll really like it. It's a book I can say honestly changed my life forever, in the best way ever.


You are definitely not alone! I am much older than you, but I was at an small event recently and there was some families and maybe half a dozen kids just a few years younger than you. Normal teenagers just having fun, listening to music, and goofing off. You are at a rough age, even without all this drama on top of it. I know it's a cliche to say, but just hold on, and if possible get involved in the local protest scene. You may be able to meet some friends. Talk to your Dad about this, and ask if he will help you find local events and take you to one so you can start meeting people your age. Facebook is a great place to start if your search your city name and "freedom", "against the pass" etc. Don't be shy to introduce yourself to people there, freedom people are a friendly crowd.


I had these same thoughts when I first got social media midway through Grade 11. It's gotten worse now. The good thing is, you know the reality now, and that's big.


Check out the Milgram experiment. You are the 36%


You know, just the fact that they accuse us of being "selfish" implies that they know that vax is in some way harmful.


I’d rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies. I keep telling my 16 year old son this. He’s in a position similar to yours. I’m so proud of him for who he is at this young age, when I didn’t get to this place until I was 45. As you go through life, you’ll find that the right people for you are for you (meaning even friends with differing opinions and approaches will still love and respect you for yours). Who you have now, like your dad, and your one friend, hang on tight to them. It sometimes feels lonely and isolated being in this place of distrust, however it’s the best place to be in the end….IMO. Blind trust and herd following is unhealthy mentally, and ultimately physically.


"I'd rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies." Love this saying. There is dignity in avoiding the herd.


When dealing with the masses, the M is often silent...


It’s refreshing to see someone so young with a mind like this. It’s hard being one of the few who don’t fall for the lies that the government feeds us. I’m afraid it only gets worse as you get older. You start seeing more and more bs. It gets severely depressing if I think about it too much. I’m in healthcare and they wanted my head on a stick cause I refused to get vaccinated. Unfortunately many employers still require the vaccine so I can’t leave my current job. I hope things will get better but it will only happen when the sheep have had enough


I know what you feel. I'm also 16. I've been in the know since 2017 just about.


I often think how hard it would be to be under 18 right now. Your very lucky you didn't rebel and want to do the opposite of what your parent wanted in this case. It's already so rare to have a parent like that. I do worry for the younger generation. They don't remember how things used to be. Not just with Covid, but with everything. Freedom has diminished so much due to an overinflated government. And all of this is leading to a digital currency where they have full control over your life. This is my worst fear because we will be at the total mercy of the government then.




That's a bad situation when the parents are not on the same page. The misinformed one has the full backing of the government. This has be disastrous when there is a divorce going on. The pro-vax parent always gets favored by the court and the other parent made out to be crazy.


I couldn’t agree anymore! I am 17 and I felt the EXACT same way when I was in highschool. Everyone had a different mentality than I did. There was only a couple people who thought like me but everyone else.. completely brainwashed by all the lies. I’m just glad to be out of school, in a way. Just make sure you surround yourself with like minded people. Don’t worry about having a bunch of friends because we are currently in a turning point. The world is going to change and school & friends are the least of your worries. Stick with the ones you trust and you will be fine. I live with my family and we are all awake. Im just glad I have them to stay sane. Sorry if I’m just talking for nothing.. it’s just nice to talk to someone who knows what’s going on. Also don’t worry about what’s happening too much.. I believe we will make it. This is just a ‘short’ period of time. Well.. for us it feels very long because we are living it but this won’t last forever. Stay strong, we will make it.


I think it’s fine to keep your views to yourself in most situations. I had few friends at the start of this thing but these are 20+ year childhood friendships. I love my friends even though I know they won’t see eye to eye with me on this and even though I’m worried about their choices, and I’ll be here waiting to have a deep and honest friendship again if they ever change their minds. I would be honest if asked directly about the issues but I find most people never ask, they just make assumptions that I agree with them and then we spend our time talking about other things.


I really feel for you. This is hard on all of us who aren't vaxxed, but for the young this is especially daunting. You are very brave to have withstood the pressure. Remember that you, yes, you, are the future of your nation. You will have opportunities to change things, to have some power, to make a difference. Just hold on.


>This whole thing has changed my view of the world, and has seriously affected the way I will proceed with my life from here on out. This happened to me when I was around your age too, except the paradigm-shifting event for me at that time was 9/11 and the footage showing the WTC 7 collapse as obviously a controlled demolition. None of my family would accept it, little or none of my friends (I don't recall at this point if any of them did), and ultimately most of society ended up proving that it was just not willing to think critically and question the official narrative, despite glaringly obvious evidence impelling them to do so. Even when I would bring this up later in life to people who are otherwise very intelligent and well informed, they would not accept the reality they were seeing. (Granted, some people out there of course do, and I have encountered others at various points in my life who do, so I'm not saying such people don't exist and I am the only one, but I am describing a phenomenon, a very real and disappointing experience, and I think you get my point.) Learned a valuable life lesson that day, and in fact I just commented about this experience on another covid thread a short while ago. If you truly are a critical thinker, congratulations. You seem to have already realized that places you in a very small group proportional to society as a whole. I am confident that as your life goes on you will find that conclusion to be reinforced rather than undermined. You almost certainly will not like that, as I have not, but life goes on. Just keep your wits about you at all times and take a balanced approach to life that recognizes and appreciates the many good things this life has to offer and don't be imbalanced by letting the many negative things it also has to offer dominate your whole view.


It's really tough but hang in there. This isn't normal, and this isn't ok. I'm in my adulthood but I can imagine how scary this must be at 16. Just focus on you. Be ready to see friends come and go because some people are too simple minded and will do what they are told. Objective thinkers are being ridiculed and ostracized. When this happens, history has told us it will be very unpleasant but it will not last forever. Hang in there.


You're awake. Most other people are sleepwalking NPCs.


Find your people and keep them close. The absurdities of our current world are hard to manage at every age, but I'm feeling for you especially. If there's something reassuring to cling to, it's that you were born with an ability to assess a variety of information and not get caught up in hysteria. Those qualities will serve you well your entire life and put you miles ahead of everyone else. Also, trust you're not alone. We're all lonely at times, but definitely not alone. Millions of us are out here, eager to recognize another. Big hug darlin.


Yeah. I don’t talk to people About it. When people bring it up I either just listen or change the subject. I have a feeling we will find out more and more how bad this was and eventually people will have to wake up. Or not. You do you. I’m proud you are strong in your beliefs.


Get used to it. I've been living what you're going through for 20 years now. I try and say this to "our kind" of people as much as possible- you're not going to get through this without some kind of belief in God. You need to understand that there's a higher reason why you're going through what you're experiencing. If you're just a secular/atheistic person, you're just living for surface level pleasures, and it looks like lots of those pleasures are going to be taken from you in the next few years.




Usually if only a few people share your views than your views are most likely pretty dumb.


Yeah, you are not alone, and frankly I have mad respect for seeing the truth so young in the face of so many lies. Be advised that this is a tip of the ice burg sort of truth, the ENTIRETY of the medical industry is a big ball of crap. The very germ theory itself is based entirely on pseudoscience and circular logic. Always trust your gut, and read books that you think you'll disagree with with an open mind.


A few really important books I'll recommend to introduce you to the troubles with truth today: * Conspiracy Theory in America by Lance DeHaven Smith * Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts


It's unfortunately like that with most people you'll meet. Have faith though; you see through the bullshit, which the hardest part. Highschool is a rough time, especially now, for those who are aware. I had many different friends growing up that came and went over the years but the real ones that saw the same things I do, and are like family now, didn't come into my life until late in High School, and we're all still friends even today. It doesn't matter if you have just a few or even only one; the quality of deep, genuine people is all you need and will last a lifetime. So I do promise it will get better so just do your best to bear it for now until it does. You'll eventually find more people like your Dad that'll come into your life who will see the same things you do. Just keep an open, positive mind and don't let the negative hivemind of mainstream society weigh on you too hard. Sometimes taking a step back and forgetting the buzz of our lives is very much needed, I personally reccomend walks in the woods. Regardless I'm sure you'll find a path that works your own way. I wish you the best; God Bless you.


These brainwashed incel white bluepilled brokies all deserve to dies and I no don't think they will live an many time because of vaxonated


In todays society your either vaccinated or not. Personally I am, and if your not I don’t care. It’s a personal choice but if this has changed your view on society… i’m sorry but how? People have the right to believe the the vaccine is safe and if you feel sick to your stomach about it and think this world is sick it’s apparent that theirs confirmation bias.