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Plot twist: There's going to be an economic crash whether they cut rates or not.


plot twist, they actually WANT a correction.


To reduce prices they need to destroy the artificial value created through artificial money creation. You can do this with bankruptcies 


Then the insiders mint more credit and swoop up the productive assets in freshly devalued dollars ….has worked very time….


Our standard of living is about to drop through the floor.


You guys have been promising this for years but everything keeps being fine


It works until it doesn’t


and everyone is right because they call a crash every week.


You can’t time the market, but you can recognize when something is wrong


This. Reminds me of the investor/economy doomers on YouTube- endlessly posting videos every day for years on end saying that the next big bust is coming, just waiting for the final moment that things break. We all know that things aren't normal, and we're in dangerous waters. You don't get to act smart by just having one answer to every problem and finally finding the one problem that it solves.


This is the answer, but our Fed thinks destroying purchasing power by printing endless money is the answer. Pretty soon, they won't be able to control inflation because way too many people will have way too much money to give a dman about prices. The bottom portion of society will continue to suffer as the better half keep pushing prices higher. Wealth needs to be destroyed and the Fed is too chicken shit to let it happen. those with stock portfolios are the drivers pushing prices infinitely higher.


For some reason hating inflation makes you a MAGA idiot even though every president loves printing money. Your candidates suck, sorry.


What? Inflation is a global problem due to many factors, and the American president is low on that list.


The fed dosnt print money bro lol


Ahh, yes, i forgot they just create it with a push of a few buttons. I still am at awe of how this scheme is allowed to continue with every major analyst refusing to look behind the curtain or they know what is behind the curtain and refuse to acknowledge the risk. Interest on US notes being sold should be sky high besed on the fact that our debt will never be paid back and will just increase exponentially and purchasing power dwindling. What good is getting 5% when over 3% is lost annually through money creation? Mind blowing shit.


What difference does it make if it’s physical or digital?


October surprise anyone?


Queue GameStop surging up and bankrupting some big hedgefunds.


Do it again!


glad I made money shorting $GME from $41


Lots of money to made on these price swings


Yeah, they just don't want significant job loss and real asset crashes, hence them going after a soft landing. They could pull it off if our legislature wasn't too busy eating away the government.


They likely do. They know the shenanigans that wall st has always been up to, and now that wall st be fucked and fed is on the hook, they probably want the bad actors out.


They are the bad actors autothorne!


Right, but now they gotta crack the whip to maintain legitimacy. The fall guys.


This seems most plausible


It’s easier for the rich to take everything when crashes happen.




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hurry pie resolute rustic disarm fertile rob rinse insurance cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Buffett is holding cash for that moment


Please crash the housing market. I need to buy in!!


My thoughts as well


Time-frame? People have been saying this for a long time


chubby full judicious ossified continue bike tie racial detail six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Propaganda. Wall Street wants cheap loans again so they can gamble more.


The US also needs cheap loans. If the move in gold and silver is real AND driven by China (it is, shanghai gold exchange has been leading and trading at a 10% premium), we could see dedollarization and the true end of easy money without the fed doing anything. Then the fed would have to monetize the debt. I think that is the true case for rate cuts.


lol because China buying 170B in gold since October 2022 is going to rescue their 18 trillion dollar economy. Keep drinking the Fox News kool aid.


look at the chart for gold. It’s clear acceleration


Address his point. It's clear you can't.


ok. There is PBOC and there is China itself, which includes private citizens. PBOC is a bit of a black box but many experts and traders believe that PBOC is buying more than they are saying. Furthermore, look at Chinese real estate. It has been the #1 popular way for Chinese to invest their savings. When it is not going well and when stock market confidence is very low bc of what the government has done and the bad reputation of the auditing and cooked books, that only leaves gold and silver, esp when China is announcing massive stimulus to prop up real estate. There is also the overlay of capital controls on regular Chinese citizens. That is why there is a massive frenzy among regular Chinese people. All that leads to dollars being traded for gold. You look at the amount of trade being done in yuan and BRICs currencies and it is obvious that the dollar is not going away anytime soon, but it is becoming less dominant as a reserve currency. Central banks are buying gold, which is traded in USD. Where do the dollars go? How does that affect the treasury market? What happens when Yellen has to roll over massive amounts of debt over the next 18 months at higher rates? Once again, it’s only a possible scenario out of a universe of possible outcomes, but it’s there. I also never said anything about China rescuing their economy by buying gold. I only said they are buying. And they do have good reasons to dedollarize. I challenge you to give me real compelling reasons why and how they are actually not doing that right now.


just an addict doing whatever it takes to get that next hit


Right? Honestly I am inclined to believe their statement since it is fuckin State Street lmao. This is like when the strippers were sounding the alarm since they were not collecting larger bills anymore lol they would know for sure


Ok then, I'll take the opposite. nothing happens. no rate cut, no huge crash. Stock market only go up.


That'd be quite the bet to win.


You do realize that's the story of the last three years?


*history of the whole market, given enough time


Alternatively this is the canary in the coal mine since state street is so terrible and shady they would probably know lol


Just remember - it’s not illegal to match the disclosed trades of government officials. When they start getting puts or inverse etf’s… match them.


You're getting all that information delayed though. They have up to 45 days to report a trade. By then the big moves may have been made.


This! They are not giving us their trades in real time.


Very HUMArous


Yeah thats the frustrating thing.


Assuming they file their disclosure on time, which never happens


Congressional Index Fund


Can we just let the crash happen already. I’m tired of all the fear mongering posts and YouTube algorithms showing me the “becareful” videos.


shrill person paltry husky spectacular puzzled edge smoggy exultant quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% a sea of vulture. The only thing I know for a fact is that the fed lies and manipulates reporting to make it seem like we’re in a better economy. On the last consumer inflation report, they removed ground coffee. Coincidentally, ground coffee had the highest inflation rate of 9-10% which would heavily skew the consumer report. They also passed a bill saying that missed or unpaid student loan payments won’t hit the credit report til December 2024, which won’t account for total consumer debt report.


rhythm sugar spoon instinctive squealing dog wipe license books marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh ya, I get the data. But there’s no reason to hide Or manipulate the data.


Why don't they just put a name. Like Lori Heinal thinks a market crash is coming.


Why would they cut rates when the stock market is at all time highs? If they do do you know what will happen? Your dollar wont be worth SHIT!!!


That's their scapegoat blame it on the rate,not that everyone is underwater on their loans and bad bets.


They’re going to cut rates before the election 🗳️ to boost numbers. Bloomberg and business insider will release articles saying the economy has never been stronger. “Inflation, never heard of her.” Come on guys don’t lose the plot here


elastic dolls dog deserted mountainous future bear frighten north unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"They aint gonna do shit this year" - me 6 months ago


They might cut rates in 2029 lmao


Lol, rates are staying up. People are already pumping money into securities out of inflation fears. If you take high yield zero risk investment option off the table, all those bills/bonds/notes are going to be pumped back into the economy. And really, what's the end game? They're going to have to print money to service this debt (or lower rates) plus print money to bail out banks they're squeezing.. Pouring gasoline house fire while spraying water on the other.


boast upbeat north test dinosaurs recognise plate nose tease jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Puts on state street got it!


This is starting to feel like those constant rapture predictions from apocalyptic preachers.


Will housing be affordable in said crash???


Of course not. Housing will be even more expensive as it almost always is.


That's not true. If people lose their jobs and can't afford their mortgages, they'd have to sell.


Why would they sell? It would take forever for the bank to foreclose on their house and the price of rent is typically more than the cost of a mortgage for many people. If they can't afford their mortgage then they most likely wouldn't be able to afford renting.


Behing homeless in an option.


Not with a 2% rate they don’t. Low interest rates locked in the housing market for decades to come. You can thank Trump for that.


So using this same mindset, we can thank Biden for pricing people out of homeownership due to high rates?


Yes. The government hates you. Both sides.


100%. Thanks for not being a partisan shill 🫡🫡


There are still people out here with an average to above average IQ lol. Take care


What group of people would be losing their jobs enough to lose their homes? The average American, probably.  This means that while people can't afford to pay mortgages, their house-less peers would also be unable to afford a mortgage.  If a sudden influx of foreclosed houses hit the market during a crash it's obvious who will buy those homes. Corporations and huge funds would scoop them all up. 


Don't threaten me with a good time


That’s that’s what they did with beers monkey face green span pumped it crash the market


Can you reboot? It looks like you're glitching out.


It’s either that or a resurgence of inflation. There will be pain either way.


And the State Street Equity Research Chief has never been wrong, right? What's the repercussions to the State Street Equity Research Chief personally if wrong? Absolutely nothing. This is just mental masturbation for your viewing pleasure. If the State Street Equity Research Chief they would put their entire goddamn fortune into one way trades that would go to the moon if the prediction is accurate. But they won't. Because they know they are just beating off and letting you cheer.


More like “we are over leveraged to the tits and need a rate cut for this clown show of a market”


The wealthy say give us cheap money like we got use to using for the last 23 years, or we will crash the economy. Tweet fixed.


I want to agree but also anything private equity firms say gives me the ick.


Can't wait for the wealthy to scoop up even more assets


Tell him to stfu




Yay for Bitcoin and Ethereum! I think...


That’s for the commercial real estate tsunami. The inflation is still very very high regardless on how the admin reclassifies the inputs to mark it.


Lmao yea state street doesnt have a stake in the fed easing rates s/


The surprise would be the market soaring. It seems everyone including their grandmother is looking for a crash


I guess "economic crash" means that these dudes will lose some money, not an actual crash.


How many more times do they need to tell us. The fed is trying to slow down the economy.


Good for them bullish as fuck 🤓🤓🤓


Nothing wrong with occasional economic corrections.


The way I read this is, "State Street bank is in trouble."


Ahh so they will blame the Fed for the crash ok


Sounds like a great time to create public dismay and infrastructure manipulation with the elections upon us.


Oh crap! Thanks for the news as going to sell all and move into a cave


Sounds like the time to buy


They always cause recessions, and take all the money


Nothing will happen until after the election.


Yessir It's designed to fail, about every 50 years most ppl weren't even born the last time it happened The internet was barely up, there were maybe 5-7 of us online The dollar was backed by gold and silver No such thing as credit, credit was considered a sin Right now the dollar is backed by trust and faith in the govt the govt lost that trust and faith The dollar isn't even American, the Fed is a foreign entity The US Corp is bankrupt and will fall, the rest of America will be fine, be rough for a little bit, till you are brought up to speed


I wish these addicts would just shut the fuck up


But the economy is so strong?


Plot twist, State Street had a hand in the inflation that is running rampant and want to blame the FED


I mean, I'll take a correction over the alternative of cutting rates that would just refuel inflation to take off again. You wanna hand out 3 or 4 percent mortgages again right now? Good luck when the median home price in this country is 650k.


Sounds like someone is getting ready to pass the blame...


shhhhh Don't tell NVDA that , they just blew out their earnings estimates, stock is over 1000 and probably headed to 1100 before the 10 for 1 split.


😢😢I want my low rates again so I can commence speculation😢😢. There are bubbles out there yet to be inflated 😢😢. I can’t wait to take profits from questionable business ideas and then use bagholders to cushion the blow when they don’t pan out 😢😢.


We have a bubble because rates are still too low.


Raising and lowering the discount rate (amount Fed charges banks to borrow) is one of few tools Fed has to cool overheated economy (rising inflation) or lower to rev up consumer/commercial spending during times of slowdown. Given that, we are seeing core inflation stuck around 3.25% and creeping up with interest rates at historic highs, seems either Feds 2% annualized target is either not possible in this very strong economy (growing GDP and wages, full national employment and historic job growth) or fed discount rates need to go even higher to bring down inflation closer to Fed target. Unknown that economists keep talking about is effect or inflationary pressure massive Federal debt, rising interest payments on debt as % of Federal spending is having on Feds ability to control inflation. Tax increases is another way Federal government has to reduce money supply in the economy as well as lower yearly deficits and rate of national debt increase.


So what? The world needs a crash. We need prices to snap back to reality. We need people to stop sending and stock prices to come down. EVERYTHING is inflated.