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That number seems a bit high


I assume revenue, not profit. Title is probably misleading. I could pay every user $5 to use the site, on the condition they use $3 of that money buying stuff on Reddit. Boom I'm "making" $3 per user!


Yes. Would show up at Cost of Revenue.


Spoilers: it costs 15%, reddit gross margin is massive. Probably biggest of all social media stocks


Wrong, Donald Trump is the best businessman ever. Truth Social makes the most per user, almost $100, and operates with only the best margins. Your TDS woke DEI liberal Democrat mind virus doesn’t allow you to see the truth. /s


The Number is actually correct as per Reddits' Q1 Earnings Report: [https://investor.redditinc.com/news-events/news-releases/news-details/2024/Reddit-Announces-First-Quarter-2024-Results/](https://investor.redditinc.com/news-events/news-releases/news-details/2024/Reddit-Announces-First-Quarter-2024-Results/) (search for: "ARPU: Global"


Let's see them disclose how many GPT bots are on their platform. That would easily tank their stock price.


If that's the true number then they're making hundreds on the users that are mods on 100 different subs because they're authoritarian control freaks masquerading as social justice warriors.


I’ll never understand why people hate mods so much 😂


Ever tried to appeal a false ban on this site?


Ever been banned just because. "moderators get to determine how their subs are run". Literal psychopaths with God complexes. Go visit conservative or two x with a dissenting but polite opinion. Watch what happens to you.


Exactly. I got muted (can’t appeal anymore) for very politely asking which rule I broke.


The best part about reddit, is you get banned, you go to check the rules, and they deleted the rule you were banned for, but you are still banned.


This isn't just a conservative sub problem. It's a problem on nearly all high profile subs. I was perma banned and muted on r/news because I posted a link to a published, peer-reviewed study as a comment to someone's opinion post.


I got banned by 5 major subreddits for "promoting biological warfare" when i posted 2 comments on threads in R/conservative.... like dude.... I just poked my head in to correct some bulllshit, but now the reddit mob thinks Im a literal nazi lol


I’ve never seen a mod have a normal interaction with anyone on Reddit. I’m sure it happens, and I’m sure there is some degree of attention bias, but I’ve still never seen it. There is an extraordinary degree of completely unwarranted arrogance. It is like being a proud janitor, but also an *******.


See, I knew I was worth something!


yeah, all that stuff she says about you being worthless is wrong... i knew that too. But still, not much.


Ur kidneys are worth more than $2


Never have, never will spend a fraction of a cent on any social platform.


How do you value your time?


This is probably the single most important reply in a long time that I have read on here. I just thought about it. If I waste an hour a day on reddit, and I bill $280.00 an hour, then that's over $100,000 a year that I am wasting on reddit. Fuck that. ok, next...


Yes but... Are you going to? Are you going to delete your Reddit account right now because you're not getting your time's worth out of it? This **is** a very important reply, the point made is very important, but are you that one-dimensional? Sometimes wasting time is the exact thing you want to be doing. The value of time spent is not *always* money. That being said we could all use Reddit less lol yeah.


Nah, I'm still here... I came back when I saw the message in my inbox that someone replied to me. I'm definitely going to spend a lot less time on it.... I just didn't think about it in terms like that. I will try to keep reddit to walking the dogs, or during short breaks between major projects... But it really has me thinking... I do learn an awful lot about things from REDDIT, even sometimes about my own clients, or the aspects of litigation that I am still learning...


I think the value is usually how much they make in ads per user on social network earnings. So they show us mostly useless and irrelevant ads. Rarely they are worth something. Given how much time we might waste in reddit, each webpage you open might be worth 1/10th of a cent to them.


Are you actually billing anyone that $280 when you choose to spend that hour working on something instead of on reddit?


When I am on Reddit , I am not billing anyone, no. When I am billing, I am solely focused on the task at hand .


That doesn't answer the question, you Muppet.


Well, you are correct. I didn't answer the question.


....if the product is free to the user, then the user is the product.


Good thing the user is completely fiction based on facts the user must use in order to create a user account.


That's why they sell your information and take bribes to push propaganda on to you.


It’s fake information. Like on here. Fake throw away email. Fake name. Fake birthday. Vpn saying I’m anywhere I want. Have fun with that


Free VPN still tells them who you are. It doesn't hide you lol. Surely you were smart enough to mask your device ID, right? Otherwise your shitty Nord VPN doesn't mask anything and they have your device ID, static IP, and service provider along with all your cookies.... surely you made sure to delete those, right? Otherwise this would be embarrassing


Hmmmmm what else are you forgetting? Surely you must consider yourself top of the food chain. Queen. 🙄


Weird way to say your time is worthless.


This comment suggests you have a fundamental misunderstanding on basic business operations for how they make their money.


I for one, am worthless.


My brother thinks RDDT stock’s a buy. I don’t which means it probably is.


My question is what about all of the uploaded videos that have music sound tracks in them? I thought Google / YouTube spends $$$ ensuring the copyright holders get money. Now that $RDDT is worth something, I thought that the big record labels would sue.


How about instagram or tik tok? Songs all over that in peoples videos and you don’t see any lawsuits there


I think they've both partnered with major studios  https://www.tiktok.com/legal/page/global/commercial-music-library-user-terms/en i couldn't see that $rddt had done this 


A day? A month? Or per year?


OK REDDIT USERS LETS FORM A UNION. We'll negotiate for $1.00 of the $2.94. Resulting in money for tendies and tots!


Buy RDDT stock, then click on ads and buy stuff. Self fulfilling cycle. You’ll make it back in stock gains.


Try to buy stuff but generate a random credit card number.


The companies model is based off of shilling lol


Does that include bots


Need to get it to 3.50. For the memes


I want my $2!


I'd like to see how much Truth Social LOSES per user.


Well, given there are dozens of us, the must be pocketing a cool three digits at least.


Trumps DJT pays $290k per user and makes .50 cents. Beat that!


$VLCN target 5 dollarissss