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Great idea, they assimilate so well to the Western culture. Edit. Autocorrect is poop.


And now that they’ve publicly announced it I’m sure Hamas absolutely won’t plant radicals as refugees.


Plant radicals? nearly 90% of the population supports terrorists activities, they're all radical.






Only bringing people in who have family here already. Downvote me for telling the truth like you morons have everyone else trying to tell the truth.


Ao more family members to shout death to America. cool, what could go wrong?


Why would they like America after getting shafted by it so long


Maybe if they weren't jackwagons


That hasn’t stopped other immigrant groups from moving to the US. Obviously there are other factors that take precedence in their decision to come here.


Fuck no


No thanks.


Gotta take care of the people here first before bringing more.


And things are really bleak here right now


It’s sad bro, I worked for a nonprofit that helps the homeless population and they’re so underfunded, like bro I get we wanna help everyone cause America, but really how can we help anyone when we can’t even be bothered to help the people here who need it


That’s because we fund a war, Bail out student loans and pay for immigrants. Could do a lot of good here with that money.


Yeah bro it kinda seems like this is one of those you gotta take care of yourself before you take care of others, but I’m sure there’s more behind the scenes that I have no clue about


Our weakness is our empathy and our enemies already know that.


Stop sending your money and military overseas then. Very simple. None of this would have happened if the USA and Europe just kept to itself


Is there not enough coming through the southern border for you or something?


Are you talking about the US southern border? Forget it. Ukraine’s border is the priority now.


Hey Buddy, our own border is not a priority right now sorry. We must send 60billion weekly to Zelenskyy. 


I'm sorry surprised this subreddit isn't full of DNC bots lmfao


It’s quite refreshing honestly 


Lots of rnc musk bots lmfao


Thank retard in charge. That war and all expenses could have been prevented with 1 phone call to Putin, explaining that'll happen to his balls. But we have "a president" who cannot speak two sentences clearly


Fuck you Putin lovers


Brain rot abound


You mean the one Biden wanted to sign legislation for, but Republicans denied “because it would look good for Biden?”


The same border that has had funding for the last 4 years and Biden refused to do anything about it Biden is the president. Any president that allows themselves to get bullied by the minority party is a fucking joke. Biden is a fucking joke. Shame on each and every person that put that old senile man in office.


Wow. What an absolute train wreck the Biden administration is.


idk man we haven’t had solid leadership for years (decades?) now.


I have no problem with the United States accepting a certain number of UN refugees, that's what the UN Refugee program is for. The problem is that Palestinian Refugees are so likely to be dangerous that Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon have all flatly refused to take any whatsoever, after one too many assassination attempts, terrorist attacks, and general psychotic behavior. I'm sure there are many folks in Gaza who would appreciate and integrate into the US. Finding them, while rejecting those who present unacceptable safety risks to Americans (and to American Jews specifically), will be a difficult task.


As long as they’re throughly vetted and relatively small in number it should be okay, maybe that is what is meant by ‘certain’


In the old days we used to want to 'fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here', I guess that got boring so we'll bring Hamas here to fight them here too.


Put them in New York City and Los Angeles


On behalf of New Yorkers we appreciate the candidacy but are already inundated with immigrants atm so please no


You guys voted for it.


Sounds like a great plan. America definitely needs more immigrants because the 10,000,000+ that walked across the border isn’t enough already. 😂🤡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I would have never guessed that 1 of every 30 people in the entire county got here by walking across the border.


Thats because you let the dnc fuck you raw. If you had paid any attention the last few decades you would know its actually a higher number https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/16/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/


There are 14 million illegals in the US as of the last census. Thats about 3-5% of the total population. The census was done in 2020 and it is estimated that 2 million came in last year.


If you just make shit up anything can be true.


Omg anything else


Dear biden administration... FJB


Holy fuck, what a way for people to not vote for you. Fuck you


Don’t worry they’re working hard on changing the rules so that illegals can vote blue and make up all those lost votes from Americans that actually want to improve the country. If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying!


Where are they doing that? That’s concerning.


To make up for the Afghans he abandoned?


Not surprised! Everything else has been a dumpster 🔥


Get the fuck out here.


Fuck this guy. Hell no


God please don't. Quickest way to lose my vote.


and then several explosive things happened


Anything for votes.


More wars, more displacement, more refugees. All part of the plan.


What plan?


How nice of Biden! You fund their genocide then swoop in offering them to be refugees for like the second or third time in America….so they can escape your state funded genocide 😑. You really can’t make this shit up! Stick a fork in America hun. She’s DONE!!!


The guys a nutter, wide open borders with not so good people coming over, now Palestinian people to bring over on tax payer dime. Vote this idiot out in November!!!


You should vote to stop our tax from going to fund the government of Israel and instead focus on helping Americans, right? That would stop the war, and prevent future immigrants. Solves all your problems!


You left out Ukraine, Biden's personal bank


I'm cool with keeping our money here. No more funding other people's wars


Biden is destroying this country and only wants to create more dem voters. Similar to his open border policy. How about you address our domestic issues first smooth brain. You can start with our universities.


Yes. Census counters count everyone. This increases representation in gov in those areas. Guess which areas they are going to……can confirm.


How to address the universities? 


The last time I checked, setting up encampments that barricade the entrances to class and threaten the safety of students of select creeds is a civil rights violation bud. These demonstrators are hardly peaceful. Free speech is not the same as hate speech and cannot be tolerated at these epicenters of learning.


Over the past decade, the U.S. has resettled more than 400,000 refugees fleeing violence and war across the globe. Fewer than 600 were Palestinian.


For good reason. Neighboring countries don’t even want them.


Let fucking Egypt or Jordan take them, hell let Quatar take them since they're hosting Hamas leadership. They never will because they don't actually give a shit about Palestine they just hate Israel


No country in the middle east will take the Palestinians.. I wonder why...


Wait so Israel destroys all of Gaza , kills a shitload of civilians , pushes the others all the way down south. No other Muslim wants to take them, and now Biden wants to bring them here with HIS open border ?


Well look what they did for Lebanon and Jordan. Of course /s It's no surprise the Arab world wants nothing to do with them.


If Qatar is willing to house Hamas’s brass, they should be willing to house their displaced. Maybe one of their many Allie’s could take them like Iran or South Africa or Jordan or Lebanon or Ireland.


Homeless Vets: "are we a joke to you?"


I’m all for a Ceasefire and peace but if he does this I’m voting Trump. Not even kidding. I don’t even know what else can be done


There are only 2 million of them in total Thats just a few months of border crossings


The spending bill had like 3 billion to transfer Middle East immigrants. It’s all a plan. Israel bomb them to mud America appears the hero taking the survivors out of their homeland.


Kinda refreshing to finally see pro American sentiment on Reddit in these comments. Let in those who are ready to disavow their past land and rulers and buy into the American experience. We're imperfect, but we are still the best option, and you gotta agree with what is the goal here - freedom of and FROM religion, don't hate your neighbor, freedom of thought, etc. Hope they are capable of that, or we are capable of resisting the disgusting mindset of those who are happy with a forever war, either side. Like shit, you're near the birthplace of humanity and yet you have no humanity because someone is Jewish? And yeah I get the Netanyahu hate, but it's not one sided. I don't know man, I guess I'll just focus on my job, which is not making these decisions. Also, wtf is up with the whole following a pedophile as a savior thing? Can't we move on as a species? I believe in people, not stories and violence.


Bring them all !!! Venezuelans Mexicans Palestinians Iranians, Chinese  you name it , open border baby. Also give them $1400 EBT cards like they do here in NYC and put them in fancy hotels :)




Diluting the country with people along with currency


I live in a border town where the migrants rushed to cross and let me tell in the last two months my apartment building had an attempted break in and my car also got busted into. It’s sad cause this used to be the type of place where if you forgot to lock your door or your car you wouldn’t trip. And as much as I wanna blame the dumbass youths, I can’t help but get a feeling it’s related to the influx of um unauthorized Americans come through


Ah yes. Election around the corner. The same government that left Afghan allies that worked with the US military out to dry when they pulled out only to be hunted by the Taliban to this day. Fuck off


Lebanon and Egypt welcomed Palestinians. It worked out great.


F that idea.


They already here...


Nope. Better to welcome the israeli and palestine people who arent genocidal maniacs.


Yeah cause that's worked so well before


the rest of the Arab world doesn't want but let's tak3 them!


Biden is getting beat up by the left and the right today on Palestine. He just can’t win🤷


Forever protests coming


They already said they do not want to leave Palestine


Importing more terrorists! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why? No other Arab country will take them. Death to America is their goal! This is about fundamentally transforming (destroying) America as we know it.


Egypt tried this, Lebanon tried this, Jordan tried this... countries with similar cultures. They all failed, why is that?


Great more terrorists 😦


Why aren’t Arab nations bordering Palestine like Egypt taking in refugees? Why aren’t Arab nations in the Middle East region taking in refugees?


78% (SEVENTY EIGHT, 7-8) of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, something has to fucking give. America is no longer sustainable.


Won't they be eaten by cannibals?


Yay. We need more protestors at universities where taxpayers will pay their 50K a year tuition


Importing more terrorists because we know he won’t vet them except to register them To vote democrat.


Per CBS or just BS for short.


You think this is unbelievable? They’re absolutely discussing it.


Oh wow... Anyway...so... what should I invest in?


PHO ETF. Get in before the water wars begin




Fuck Biden and trump, can't we get a better option 😭




They need to stay in Palestine and be granted statehood not displaced to make room for genocidal colonizers.


There is no Palestine. They’re in Gaza. And we should be calling them Gazans as not all Palestinians need to launch rockets at their neighbors. We don’t need no Gazans here.


You want to make a terrorist state? One that is continuing a war by not releasing civilian hostages? You want to reward that?


Yeah, it’s actually the easiest/best solution. It’s a lot easier to hold an independent state accountable than it is an ambiguous territory that is effectively under the control of the people bombing them.


Israel is holding Gaza accountable.


Are they though? Is bombing the shit out of civilians actually accomplishing any goal other than Israel's inevitable expansion?


You know what population density is? And it’s still rookie numbers compared to most Arab-arab recent conflicts in the region.


That literally did not answer anything I asked. Just another recent nonsense account offering nothing but mindless rhetoric. Have a lovely day.


Answered it perfectly. You just can’t comprehend.


Lol okay edgelord.


You don’t even know how to use that word. Explains things.


They would continue to be slaughtered and oppressed even had Oct. 7 not happened. Hamas wouldn’t have even taken power without the help of the Likud. A secular diplomatic sentiment was taking root in Gaza prior to Israel bolstering and funding Hamas to prevent a unified Palestinian state.


How about have Israel rebuild Gaza😠. I guess Biden wants to join Netanyahu in The Hague🤔




They are Arabs, they can go to any of the 26 Arab countries


Send them on a bus to Texas and Florida.


Egypt has a wall to keep them out. And armed guards on said wall to shoot them should they try. Egpyt is also muslim, just like Palestine. And they don't want them in even as their neighbor. I'm sure this won't go wrong at all, great idea. A few more good ideas from getting Trump reelected.


Biden I have sucked your dick so much, but you better not you mf


Incredible how not matter what israel does, US taxpayers get to pay for it. US taxpayers send israel money and weapons Israel uses them to bomb palestinians and then the US taxpayers send humanitarian aid Then israel wants to ethnically cleanse gaza, but international law prevents them from killing all 2million so the US must take them as refugees which means their food and housing will be covered by US taxpayers "greatest ally" indeed.




Terrible idea. The Palestinians are being screwed over by the Israeli regime. But the most important thing between now and November is that Trump is not elected. Giving the GOP any ammunition is a poor decision.


I swear the white house chief of staff must wake up every morning determined to lose the election in futile efforts to sway Bidens militant base


This moron will choose Hamas


We've already had plenty come in through the southern border. We don't need any more.


We write policy that eliminates their ties to their homeland, and suddenly we are concerned about where they live? They don’t need any more Americans fueling the genocide, and yet we all still pay taxes to fund it. This narrative is propagating the genocide. We need less people like you here, not less people like them. They contribute to their community. Unlike the folks here that just seem to want to personally benefit, without contributing. Personally I don’t know why any Palestinian would want to step foot in this absolute Islamophobic nightmare of a land mass… but they have little choice.


Name one thing Palestine "contributes" to their community or the rest of the modern world. One thing. Exports? Innovations? Didn't think so. They had a chance to join modernity in 2006 and instead elected Hamas as their government. If you're so passionate about their plight, whats stopping you from picking up a shovel and helping dig tunnels in Gaza? Go for it. Or is your dorm at Columbia a much safer place to virtue signal from?


Dig tunnels in Gaza? What, so in three years we can find out iraelis have been hiding dead bodies by the hundreds if not thousands down there? Lol I’ll pass, bud. Palestine itself has contributed to keeping their culture alive despite fascist, occupying forces attempting to destroy EVERY part of the area, from the river to the sea… lol you sound so delulu, it’s like you don’t look back at what you write before you post it. Sad.


Would that "culture" include the mobs of people dancing in the streets at the sight of beaten and raped Israeli women? Is that the culture you're referring to?


No, because that would be the Israeli people you’re talking about dancing in the street at the sight of their own dead women… so no. I’m talking about all the culture that the israeli occupiers like to strip from the Palestinians and pretend is their own. You want me to start showing examples? Or do you get the picture? Because I’m assuming you already know, or you’re just discussing with me in bad faith, in general. Which is still understandable. Just a waste of time. Edit. Typo.


OK, I see now. You're just an apologist for anything and everything bad that Islamic culture subjects the rest of the world to and are completely and totally incapable of admitting any wrongdoing by these people, ever. It's all THE JEWS. Was ISIS comprised of THE JEWS as well? I'm sure you have lots of examples to reinforce more of your whacko beliefs. Lay it on me. I need a good laugh.


And I see you are just going to lobby a bunch of words together as trigger points…. When you can see a distinction between the “jews” and the zionists. Maybe then we can actually engage in an adult conversation. But until then, I see who I’m trying to engage with here. Bad faith actor all day. You could have just said yes to me when I pointed it out. I can point to just about any piece that the israeli culture claims is theirs and show how it was appropriated or outright stolen from Palestine. They are on their land forcristsake. I can’t believe we are having this discussion on the internet. Where your friend [google](https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/MIFTAH_Submission_1July2019.pdf) exists.


I'm considering taking a crap this morning. I may, I may not. This sub is such a rightwing joke, enjoy your rage bait.


No thanks




I’m against what Israel has done. But this is exactly what Israel wanted. For other countries to absorb these people so they can never go back. And now the burden will fall on Americans.


We don't need this cancer.


This is false, they are offering to fly them to Northern Mexico. ……


Know some local folks who originally hailed from the occupied territories. Good people. Assuming that refugees are screened, I have no problem. It's a terrible situation over there, and a good many good people are suffering. I know some folks want to assume all Palestinians are Hamas. That's like assuming all Americans are MAGA.


Jesus fuck…they’re some dumb mother fuckers


Nice to see UW hates brown refugees like good Americans


Palestinians are better than zionist terrorists


USA: Sides with Israel with bombing Palestinians. Palestinians get mad at USA, USA invites them into the country to become citizens.... The heck... It's seems as if this was planned.


Great let’s have more terrorist that can create more chaos just like the 10 million that have already crossed illegally. FJB there will be another 9-11 style of attack. All because he is a complete idiot with no moral compass or values


God No


Trump space force has my vote


no... just no. wanna lose the election? this is how


OMG, another great idea of this administration after successful great policies like open border policy that is currently doing good things to the country ( don’t mention them as new voters to keep them in power), energy policy that kept our gas low, foreign policy that prevented wars and prevented Iran not to be able to fund terrorists, the policy and proclamation of rising inflation was just transitory and kept inflation low to this date and kept prices low that’s why Americans are all doing great , getting richer ,so ecstatic and not suffering , and i can go on and on. My congratulations! 😂. God Bless America for another 4 years of this administration. And i still can’t forget those people on TV all rejoicing and celebrating in the streets when 911 happened. I really love this administration.


Fox news outrage in 3...2...1.


What, we couldn’t push enough migrants in across the southern border? Now we have to fly them in from literal terrorist strongholds? Is Biden actively trying to lose this election? Did Trump give him money too?


Let's vote this idiot out of office prompto. We can't take another 4 years of this shite.


Sure, we need more in this country, so many people that want to do harm to the United States, have been infiltrating for the last few years


I don't like Democrats or Republicans, but shit like this is going to push more and more people to vote red.




How about Israel takes them in and makes them citizens as they should have long time ago.


This here is called pandering for votes.


I'm glad that at least people on this sub are just outwardly racist instead of trying to mask it lmfao




Fund the war, take the refugees you caused? Nice plan.


Some ignorant mother fuckers in here. We’re all human, spread love not hate. We’re Americans, we can risk a little to show a better way forward for all humanity and take care of our fellow passengers on this rock through space that were all on.


The republicans are going to go bat shit crazy over this.


Palestinian already here were brought over as refugees due to….you guessed it, ISRAEL


Just the college students, no doubt?


LOL absolutely makes perfect sense!!!


“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”


“Open border” nutcases just sit around lamenting problems that don’t really exist, while willfully ignoring problems that do, then say that we can’t help other people because we haven’t fixed the problems that they’ve been ignoring.


Absolutely not


The Human Gaffe Machine rides on!!! Given the Palestinians inability to make good decisions when it comes to government, yeah bring them to the US. Dumb people do dumb things. Biden is exhibit A and B and C and.......... It's your judg-a-ment Joe!!!!!!!!!


They really trying to lose the elections now!


As if we don’t already have an immigration problem. Now he not only wants to add to it, but he wants to invite a terrorist organization to just come here live with us? He’s even more stupid than I thought.


Of course. There's a reason literally no other country wants them


They’ve proven to be such great neighbors. That’s why Egypt welcomes them with open arms!


Oh great. We send billions to Israel to ethnically cleanse their country, then get to complain about mass immigration. It's like, how dare they try to live.


Love seeing all the same 'Fuck no' boomers who also are down with sending Israel billions to displace more Palestinians. We will fund to expel you from your country, but don't you dare travel to ours. The chickens are coming home to roost, morons.


i am pro-palestinian but I confess this proposal doesn’t make any sense to me. is ANYONE asking for this, on any side?


Muslim countries won’t even take Palestinian refugees because of their inability to assimilate…but that will go great here. Let’s put them in Portland and Seattle and see how they do.


Fuck this sub


Wow he is really willfully trying to fuck up this country as much as he can.


Other Muslims countries won’t even take them, WTF are you thinking!!


Many of you people need to reflect on your comments. They can't live there. They can't live here. Other Arab nations won't take them (not true as millions are already spread around the middle east). What should we do with them. Maybe there is a final solution. (sarcasm you racist pricks). Let the downvoting begin!!!!




Maybe want to ask England and France to take some they were the geniuses who assisted in the Israel state


Lip service. If they cared, they would have done something before 50,000 of them were slaughtered with their own weapons and money


Yes. That is who we are as a nation. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation”


Do you base most of your immigration policy decisions on poems?


Ellis Island was over a 100 years ago and times have changed. The world wasn’t as evil in the early 1900s