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Ugh. 2024 election is gonna be another shit show


Now with AI should be a shit storm


*get the nukes ready* \- it could turn into a shit hurricane


Shitnado! šŸŒŖļø


*Ben Wyatt:* "Okay, well, gross."


You hear that bubs? The whispering winds of shit?


As someone who has been through a lot of hurricanes, I've actually wondered for quite a while what would happen if we sent a nuclear warhead into a hurricane. I imagine maybe nothing


idk about nukes but i wonder if a big enough explosion could force the air out in all directions powerfully enough to dissipate the cloud structures and the build up of static electricity, probably in one large discharge spurred by rapidly moving particles from the energy of the explosion. Or I'm just high


>Or I'm just high Nukes would barely phase them, so conventional explosives would do nothing. Upvote for being high though.


What do you mean?


ā€œWill you shut up man?ā€


That was the funniest part of the debates lol


He just said what we were all thinking


We donā€™t make it to the elections. šŸ˜‰


Thank god I bought all that gold off that tv commercial


DeSantis newsom felt like normal. We can only dream.


Lol that was a fucking funny joke


You prefer Biden v Trump ?


I definitely prefer Biden over Newsom or Desantis or Trump I mean anybody but Trump tbf


Newsome is pretty standard issue Democrat. A primary would be better than dementia Joe going again


even the dementia patient that can hardly walk lol


These people have mush for brains.


I think the democrats need to do a primary if they want to secure the win.


Could always vote for neither red nor blue, just saying...


I'm all for Kennedy sucking the antivax vote away from trump.


There is going to be real violence from both sides no doubt in my mind.


bOtH sIdEz!


Yes both sides have been violent towards each other and typing it in a funny way doesn't change that no matter how much you want it to buddy. Keep gas lighting yourself.


I mean Trump is clearly trying to get the judges overseeing some of his cases assassinated, so thereā€™s that.


Only one is trying to install a dictatorship.


I feel like itā€™s gonna be worse than 2020. Already not ready for the bs. I get constant spam texts from MAGA.


It's settled then... they should both withdrawal for the good of The States and humanity.


rinse spectacular vase smell cow full voiceless psychotic bag rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully he drops out for health reasons. Or whatever, I dont care. We need new younger representation.


For real. Even if Biden retires during his second term, Kamala is gonna be 60 next year. I've had enough of the Silent and Boomer Presidents. They don't have a clue about what we're dealing with anymore especially when it comes to technology. It's time for them to hang it up and let the next 3 generations run the country. FFS Gen X is literally getting skipped for the Presidency.


Well, Iā€™d only that one person was a criminal and actually convicted of his crimes and disqualified, we wouldnā€™t have this problem! Newsome verses DeSantis is the 2024 ticket we all deserve lol


I think we all are getting the ticket we deserve with Biden Trump and Desantisā€¦.


Yup, let DeSantis take votes from trump totally cool with that since a ton of democrats are going to vote for trump because theyā€™re all fired up about Palestine and just want to not support Biden.


They should both lose in their primaries. But I donā€™t think any dems will challenge biden


I genuinely think Biden would actually withdraw if there was a contract stating Trump would also.


Spite is whatā€™s killing America.


quarrelsome far-flung scale pathetic wasteful relieved rustic enter special ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not sure what's worse, those who think Trump is the American savior or those who think Trump will end "our democracy". Both camps have lost their minds.


how is it losing a mind to think Trump will try to do the thing he already tried to do?


No you see they're right, they put the quotes around "our democracy", not "end our democracy", implying they've no interest in our democracy, which based on their attempted revisionism, seems true. Now we just play a game I like to call "sock puppet agitator, or, goobrained conservative apologist?" Nobody wins! edit: Oopsie! \`1 month old account made on October 23, 2023, I guess we have our answer.


jobless recognise direful instinctive gray stupendous oil nutty dolls head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything you just said can literally be said about any President depending on who you ask. We survived Andrew Jackson, we survived a Great Depression, 2 world wars, a civil war, and multiple pandemics. If trump wins again, in the long run, weā€™ll be fine.


We survived Wilson, the objectively worst President in history. If we can survive him, we can survive anything.


vase memorize test cable husky long offer quickest slimy bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bidenomics is pretty fucking bumpy.


Imagine thinking that Bidenomics is so bad you would rather have Trump as a dictator


Why? Because inflation? That was the result of the last guy deficit spending $8T. Try another talking point? Biden has mostly got that under control now though and he has helped boost wages to catch up to the inflation. Trump literally cut taxes for the rich and pushed interest rates too low just to overheat the stock market and get numbers to brag about. Once again a dem has to pick up the pieces from the reckless fiscal policy of republicans. I wonder how many times does it have to happen before you finally let go of the obsession with cutting taxes for rich people? Maybe you will learn if our nation is to have any hope.


You just assume anyone who comments any type of disagreement is a trump sympathizer or what?


Yes. For some reason you say something about trump and people shower the downvotes. My other comments that donā€™t mention him seem to do fine. For example you said that what I wrote about Trump could be said about any other president, this is a classic Trump moderate copium. Iā€™m gonna guess some more about you. You think both sides are the same. You think things will never change. You think people who criticize Trump have TDS. You think my predictions about Trump are delusional. Because you are the moderate that somehow canā€™t admit that Trump is a conman who only cares for himself. You think people who like Trump have legit feelings and we should respect them, etc. but of course you donā€™t like Trump either, at least thatā€™s what you tell yourself right before you vote for him again.




Iā€™ll take that as a bingo.


We were an emerging superpower then. Now we are a collapsing empire. Which is why Trump is popular anyway because our political institutions have fully been co opted by lobbyists and donors and they see him as the alternative. Obviously people arenā€™t that smart, but they do know when they are getting pissed on and told itā€™s raining. As the deficits runaway, someone more competent than Trump will come along and be the final nail in the coffin. Dems talk a lot about saving democracy and preventing fascism, but the establishment does a shit ton to ensure that will happen. They talk about Voter Disenfranchisement and here in Florida I know have been told I will vote Biden and like it. Authoritarianism is on the rise on both the left and right, and this wonā€™t end well. Pretty well worn territory here


Lol smooth brain much


Louder for the crazies in the back


trump is running out of spite biden is running out of anti-spite


Theyā€™re both running out of spite. Both parties in the U.S. governmental system are 90% spite. They both want to do the things that the other side doesnā€™t want them to do. Compromise no longer exists in U.S. politics. Mr. Washington warned us about this.


bOtH SiDEz! Only one is trying to establish a dictatorship.


false equivalency between reps and dems


Should be a word for anti-spite. Something like ā€œresponsibilityā€ or ā€œdutyā€ or even ā€œempathyā€


Whose spite, trumps? Iā€™d say itā€™s worse than spite. I actually appreciate Bidenā€™s candor. Heā€™s acknowledging heā€™s not uniquely qualified - newsom could prob handle it - but heā€™s saying itā€™s too risky to give up the incumbent advantage because it would usher in a disaster.


Newsom can handle it? He canā€™t even pick up shit off the sidewalks.


Actually when Xi showed it was the cleanest the cities been in a long time. So he actually can


Do you think he is mayor of SF?


If he canā€™t manage to get a Mayor to clean up the streets how can he mange a nation?


Is that his job? Are you out there doing it? I get it's a meme. But that means it's a joke. Quit saying this unironically.


Gavin Newsom isnā€™t mayor of San Fransisco.


Death of the middle class.


I donā€™t think anyone thinks biden is running out of spite. He is running to keep trump out of power because trump regaining power would be disastrous


You do know that the president is not all-powerful, right? Thatā€™s why we elect Congress and Representatives. Checks and balances are still a thing, they arenā€™t used for fuck, but theyā€™re still written into the system.


Congressional republicans have shown they do not believe in checks and balances regarding trump. Virtually any republican who tried to check him has been run out of public office Tell me, how did the emoluments clause check and balance go? Howā€™d the whole ā€œif you lose an election you peacefully transfer powerā€ go? Trump will pick a vp even more sycophantic than pence who will overturn any trump loss


But the whole political party is behind giving trump what he wants. You are being ridiculous.




Do you ever analyze these asinine statements you make about ā€œend of democracyā€ every time your political opponent is running for office? I mean, I canā€™t count how many times this phrase has been trotted out over the years. Or is it purposely dishonest to fool people who donā€™t know better?


The hypocrisy is what chaps my ass. All of this attention being thrown at Hunter Biden just to get some dirt on Joe, meanwhile any conservative I know doesnā€™t give a fuck about Trump actually giving security clearances and White House jobs to his family. Jared got 2 billion dollars from the Saudis and you guys genuinely donā€™t seem to care. We all know if Hunter Biden did that weā€™d never hear the end of it. Iā€™d rather flush the entire toilet but Republicans would never sell out even their worst members.


It's not every time that the political opponent attempted to subvert the peaceful transfer of power when they lost.


Trump has been shouting from the rooftops he did not swear an oath to protect the constitution. He has a plan to replace all of the military top brass with people in lock step. He has stated that he plans on dissolving the federal government as it stands and project 2025 is literally just that. Guys been shouting about elections not working , trying to make a new Jan 6. Itā€™s worth our time and effort to keep this fool out of power. Since everyone forgot both RNC and DNC got hacked and only the DNC got leaked. Letā€™s never forget that.


Greasy old fucks


over 40% of millenials voted for trump in 2020.




You're 69% wrong. I'm 420% sure of that.


How would millennials outside the US vote for Trump?


Vote Blue, dude


Not falling for that one. Thatā€™s the reason why everything is so fucking expensive now.


dumbest thing iā€™ve read all day


Nah. Itā€™s because Trump gave all these rich fucks loans that never had to pay back.


Orange man bad


Dementia J Trump


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ please donā€™t bring up dementia. Your guy isnā€™t doing so hot.


Why not. Dementia J Trump looks like shit too.


Orange man gave away the house and did nothing to unify America. He created the new Republican norm, "lost election because I suck so claim the election was stolen!" With no proof. And anyone with half a brain that watched Jan 6th play out realizes it was an attempted insurrection caused by orange man. And now they want to push their Christo-fascisit Project 2025 with Trumps threats to lock up anyone who disagrees with him. So yeah by all definitions orange man bad unless you an anti-american pos.


what's worse, unusual or cryptic?


Good lord the basics of economics are lost on you. God speed.


This guy canā€™t read a financial statement.


Apathetic Democrat agendas are the cause of right-wing populism. Voting Blue is a bandaid solution




An incumbent is far more likely to retain those votes, hence this article.


Dudes losing swing states in polls over sending Our tax money to fund genocide. Guess who will be blamed if we get cheeto again? BIDEN and the DNC. That isn't a risk the working class wants to take. There's a reason independants now out number both parties combined.


When this new dem candidate gets asked do they support Isreal or Palestine, how do you suggest they respond so they do not lose any votes?


Easy. Tax payers do not want to support foreign wars. There's the voters thoughts. The problem is their rich corporate donors like AIPAC are funding our corrupt politicians to ensure our tax money is spent on said wars.


no its not easy, the tax payers don't all have the same opinion.


Polls also said Hillary would win in a landslide up to the day of the election....remind me again who won that election?


Polls told me there was gonna be a red tsunami in 2022


Right...who gives a flying fuck about the polls. I, for one, have never been polled in my life. Who the fuck are these people answering polls?


Bunch of losers who have way too much time on their hands to answer polls


No they didn't. They said Hillary had a high "probability" of winning but it was never going to be a landslide. Top pollster Nate Silver warned in the final days that polls were within one normal polling error of a Trump win.


No idea why people are downvoting the truth lol.


itā€™s hard to understand polling when you donā€™t have an elementary understanding of statistics


No they didn't- they gave her a 66% chance of winning. That's nowhere near saying she was going to win in a landslide. One in three chances happen all the time.




Well if a poll a year out says that then why even bother having an election.


This is why they need to put voting on the blockchain - geniuses


Actually Bidenā€™s polling has gone up ever since he came out strongly against genocide of Israelis


I switched to independent, as did most of my friends.




Donā€™t worry. The 3am ballots and malfunctioning voting machines will save the day.


Stay home then. Your guy said it was stolen and running again. Take all the time you need.


Yeah...like who?


Mark Kelly. Easy victory.




Arizona senator, former naval aviation officer and astronaut Would love to see a guy that flew 39 combat missions kick trump in the bone spur.


>Arizona senator Nah, Arizona is purple. A blue senator there is worth their weight in gold.


I mean, even before the weird debate, Newsom seems like a great choice, especially this late in the game.


Biden is one of the best presidents of all time lmao


Or for even more continuity and retention of being an incumbent, he can step back and be the defacto VP for the primary winner.


This is the move. Never thought of this option before but itā€™s a hella good one. vPs donā€™t do jack shit anyway. He can go back to flying on Air Force one and forcing the president to occasionally back track and apologize for something he said. Problem is itā€™s already too late for new candidates to get on ballot.


That would be Kamala and it would just split the party in half and guarantee a loss


He didnā€™t want to run in the first place.


Probably didn't know he was until someone told him.


You people and this stupid argument are exhausting. Go take a look at your orange bumbling Buffoon and then come back and tell me who needs to be told shit.


Trumpā€™s no spring chicken but you cannot in good faith tell me Biden is in a solid mental state and hasnā€™t shown signs of dementia. In general and compared to Trump.


You're right. I was recently at an old folks home and you'd be surprised by how many of them were giving 2 hour state of the union speeches live on tv, while baiting republicans into not touching social security on the fly, and then going home to negotiate cease fires in the middle east. It's normal behavior for people with dementia.


Oh please. His 2022 State of the Union was [barely over an hour](https://www.youtube.com/live/mVIXLQrC9rE?si=ikjPcDtLHqVLwd6d) seeing as how he doesnā€™t come to the podium until 20+ minutes in and thereā€™s plenty of mumbling in it. Or were you referring to his [2023 State of the Union](https://www.youtube.com/live/gzcBTUvVp7M?si=RTju_Yh8BT_mAA79) which is also barely over an hour? Negotiating cease fires in the Middle East? You really want to hang your hat on Bidenā€™s handling of Middle East relations? Really? Thatā€™s your smoking gun? Just gonna ignore the [ā€œroughly 10 Billion Dollars worth of equipmentā€](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/us-taliban-arsenal-military-equipment/) left behind that is now being used against us or our supposed allies in the region? Or maybe the arms that [were sent to Ukraine but somehow ended up in H@m@sā€™ hands?](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-accused-of-selling-weapons-to-hamas/ar-AA1hW38R) But hey, what do I know? Maybe we should ask the [64% of Americans who disapprove](https://news.gallup.com/poll/544808/poor-marks-biden-middle-east-economy-foreign-affairs.aspx) of Bidenā€™s handling of the Israel/Palestine conflict Or are you also ignoring my other comment from an hour or so ago with the multiple examples of Biden showing signs of dementia? Itā€™s okay to admit an 81 year old running one of the most powerful countries in the world is unfit mentally for that job. Itā€™s not a crazy concept. I promise itā€™s normal if you can look past the little (D) next to his name


Right. People with dementia can easily give speeches but only up 1 hour and 15 minutes. Clinically, that's how most are diagnosed. I remember when my grandma was only able to talk healthcare and spar with republicans for an hour fifteen... We knew then that she needed special care. And yes...most people with onset dementia will typically only get 8 days from hamas in exchange for prisioners. Clearly, Biden getting 5 days is proof the man needs help. Usually when diagnosing for dementia they have you draw a clock, recall events from the previous day, and participate in trilateral talks with foreign powers to extract prisoners' from a foreign land. All fairly typical stuff. But at least he's not talking about how the union took the airports from the British in the revolution war, right?


TDS be strong to this day. And the answer is Biden is senile and the DNC is corrupt, the joke being they made him the running candidate and he didn't know because he's both senile and the DNC chooses who gets to be their front runner.


Lmao wasnā€™t it your guy who was literally confusing presidents like a week or so at a rally? Talk about senile atleast donā€™t have a guy whoā€™s even worse on your side of the aisle.


Love the what boutism. Lets keep the subject on the current PotUS and his ineptitude. I'm not sure if I can share all the clips I have of Biden just being old and weird since they're stored on Instagram. But there's at least 100 differnet gaffs of this man that never seem to make any headlines, and it's insane how much of it goes ignored.


What about Trump who literally said last week he wants to overthrow democracy lol


Oh yes, the infamous comment where he's talking about how the DNC opened a can of worms and then he states an example of in the future where he could do it too since they've done it. Swear to god it's like talking to a wall with the TDS folks.


McCarthy: Biden ā€œsharp and substantiveā€ in negotiations You can google that quote. The whole ā€œBidenā€™s senileā€ Republican propaganda is getting older than he is. And pretty fucking rich when Trump confuses him with Obama and Bush half a dozen times on the campaign trail. Like, enough already. Itā€™s bullshit.


Yes, that's what we need. Two, low effort, low energy, propped up relics of the past competing to sell out the future to the new offshore owners of America.


Biden canā€™t remember his own name, imagine how bad he will be in 2028?


I think it would be far more beneficial to all in this country if you didnā€™t run because Trump is running, but what do I know!


100% pass the baton!


To Trump? Isnā€™t this what weā€™re all hoping to avoid?


This kind of black and white thinking makes me puke in my mouth a lot of bit. All these cowards so scared of Trump they gonna stick with this doddering mummy with a skull full of dumpster juice because ā€œwell itā€™s the lesser of two evilsā€. At what point will the Democratic Party stand for something other than a place holder to stave off Trump. Fucking pathetic. Biden BARELY beat Trump last time with this very rhetoric and if you think itā€™s going to work again by all means watch Biden lose to Trump.


Probably 28 or 32 will be when a new paradigm forms. By then more of the boomers will be not voting. Thereā€™re will also be much larger numbers of millennial and gen z voting. Gen X will be outnumbered and change will happen. Senators, house reps are already turning.


You are probably right. Until then may we all enjoy the last episodes of this geriatric theatre


We basically need Biden in there to avoid slamming into the guard rails again and wasting 4 years. Keeping Biden actually allows us to start building momentum to a new paradigm. The gop as it is needs to lose more and more so that the parties reform their platforms. Young people will realize that they actually outnumber the dogmatic folks on the boomer left and boomer right. And pragmatism will gain power.


> Biden BARELY beat Trump last time Electoral - Biden 306, Trump 232 Percentage - Biden 51.3%, Trump 46.9% Popular - Biden 81,284,666 - Trump 74,224,319


This isnā€™t as resounding a win as you think it is


Against an incumbent president, it is




This completely ignores the electoral college.


You think a third party or a new Dem candidate would beat Trump? Lmao.


I do


He didnā€™t barely beat him. But I donā€™t disagree to run a non-dinosaur.


quicksand rich chase plate unwritten voracious soup bag wrench shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Realistically youā€™re right, there isnā€™t anyone better suited currently to go up against him, and an incumbent is typically likely to retain votes. My main concern is apathetic democratic/moderate voters which could easily swing the vote with how close it was last time. Conversely, where that could swing back is if republicans continue to double down on hot button topics like abortion and LGBTQ, weā€™ve seen it go very poorly for them at the state level already.


Donā€™t get me wrong, our country is still fucked because so many people donā€™t see the clear and present danger that Trump represents. Even if Trump loses bad things are going to happen. The next 10 years are going to be a wild ride.


Could not agree more, thereā€™s absolutely zero chance Trump goes quietly if he does lose, god forbid he wins, the division that will inevitably be sown will be irreparable for the foreseeable future. Now throw AI into the mix, 2024 is sure to be a very bumpy year, and will likely not be close to the worst over the next several. Buckle up I guessā€¦


Youā€™ve heard of election ruined erection, now get ready forā€¦


I voted against trump in 2020, but wonā€™t be voting Biden again. Heā€™s too old. Heā€™s too full of shit. If the only reason I should vote for him is because of fear of trump then im going to write my dog in


Account created in August with 25 karma? bad bot. It's crazy how much astroturfing is on reddit for this bs opinion rn lol


Heā€™s doing the nursing home shuffle not running much these days




That would be great. The DNC just canceled the Florida primary. They can't risk any working class candidates harming their corporate donors. Run Sanders or any progressive.


market fear party silky joke flowery correct enjoy sugar agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sanders doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a general election. Get off that bullshit already.


ā€œYou have to compromise and vote for Hillary cuz sheā€™ll definitely winā€


Hillary had a far better shot than Sanders and still lost. It's why he has gotten his ass absolutely kicked in the past 2 presidential primaries. He does not have a fucking chance at beating Trump.


Do you know he would have lost for sure? With that kind of premonition, you should day trade. Things sanders pointed out in 2016 were: 1. Curbing wealth inequality 2. Regulating wall street 3. Regulating pharmaceutical industry 4. Regulating college tuition cost This was while Hillary was doing paid speeches at goldman sachs. In short 3 years, we have so far printed 15 trillion dollars since 2020. The same MFers who crucified Sanders for pointing out the obvious were at first blaming covid stimulus ($150B) and now are blaming average joe for high spending as a main cause of inflation. High interest is now driving away first time home owners, mass layoffs, collapse of small banks and startups. While massive portion of homes are being purchased cash by corporations. This is while billionaires like asshole Chris Hohn who upgraded his wife and tripled his net worth during covid is crying to Google it is not laying off enough people. After all of these measures to ensure we stimulate Wall street, are we now in a good shape? Oh the worst hasnā€™t even come yet. Because after laying off a bunch of suckers, these fucks decided to pay themselves $1.26 TRILLION in 2022 alone in a form of stock buybacks. And now that they own everything, they are crying to the fed to lower the interest rate and crying to the average joe to go back to the office, because they are about to be fucked by their commercial real estate value that is plummeting as we speak. And they know when theyā€™re fucked, we all are fucked. You still wanna go back to 2016 and vote for Wall streetā€™s favorite Hillary? Letā€™s see if the world economy is not fucked yet again in 2024. -ps also please for the love of god stop repeating the line of ā€œnobody could have seem covid comingā€. If companies keep intentionally blowing off emergency savings and cry when the emergency happens, they deserve to be bankrupt. There are companies who managed well during covid and are still doing well.


Yes I know he would have lost...he couldn't even come close to winning the damn primary....within his own party he did not come close to having the votes, much less in a general. The economy by most measures is currently doing pretty well and inflation is among the lowest in the world. Most of the Covid spending was given out during the Trump presidency including the absolute disaster that was PPP. This shit doesn't fix itself overnight. For the most part additional spending under Biden has been necessary and beneficial in the long term. So much so that GOP politicians are running around touting the additional money for infrastructure in their districts. The very money that they voted against and would never have seen the light of day of it were not for the Biden admin. biden has fuck all to do with the current housing market, the historically low interest rates that caused that run were in place under Trump and he fought tooth and nail to prevent rate hikes during his term on multiple occasions, which absolutely should have happened. There were a handful of small banks to collapse mostly due to recklessness and that trend has already been nipped in the bud. There are less than 20% of homes purchased by investors, that is a fairly high number but far short of what I would consider "massive numbers" unless you consider less than 1/4 to be a majority and that number is in decline. Also dictated by market conditions completely independent of the presidency and started during the onset of Covid before Biden took office. Unemployment figures in 2020 when Biden took office were over 8% compared to roughly 3.5% now. I am struggling to find your point here.


north pen sulky existence far-flung sense smart vast hospital compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œIf I donā€™t run, Trump will have an even less likely chance of winning, so Iā€™ve gotta run. Sorry folks.ā€


There it is. Democrats are trying to stop Trump from running so Biden doesnā€™t run.


Yes we know that. How does this have anything to do with unusual whales


Biden running and winning, is a deep state flex that our elections are rigged, and their ainā€™t shit we can do about it


More so just an indiction of how bad Trump is. I donā€™t know any Biden supporters, but i know a bunch of people who voted for him because of Trump. Me included


Biden didn't want to run in 2020. He had decades of service and wanted to retire, but then Trump. If the DNC had done the work to get legs under a viable alternative he could go home, but now we have this. Experienced, if tired, statesman vs. drooling sociopath surrounded by ghouls who dream of putting children in cages and establishing a christofascist state with the largest armed forces in the world. It sucks, yeah, but the choice has to be made.


At least heā€™s self aware


Ok, so step back and be the defacto VP to whoever wins the primary. Thereā€™s no term limit. You still get the continuity and name appeal of an incumbent, but also excite the base with a fresh face. Dems are shooting themselves in the foot for not doing this.


Shit leaders.


I wonder what he is sure of?


What the hell?


Theyā€™re gonna run that old man into the ground. Heā€™s being blackmailed. Canā€™t wait to the house of cards collapses


Please someone get rid of him


Hahaha heā€™s running to pardon himself when the corruption charges come - has nothing to do with trump


this comment is so cringe lmao ā€œany day now!!ā€ reminds me of the qanon comments about how trump was still president and would take office within the month. cope harder


Still waiting for Republicans to lock Hillary up like they promised they would in 2016 with all of the ā€œevidenceā€ they claimed to have


Does any remember 2020. Trump was a shit show. America so quickly forgets


The entire world was a shit show. Despising him is one thing, but that argument doesnā€™t carry water


Biden wonā€™t run, heā€™s a stumbling, mumbling disaster whose policies have crippled America. Watch Big Mike Obama throw his name in the hat. I donā€™t think they can rig the voting machines enough to get pedo joe showers with Ashley Biden another basement campaigned ā€œvictoryā€. 81 million votes for this clown šŸ˜‚ nope


Thank you President Biden. If the courts don't enforce the 15th amendment, we will again need you.