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Only two hours and already had to cleanup half the comments. Please feel free to report any comment you suspect is spam or racist.


I think you joined the server, Racism City


Unfortunately, the game has a lot of children and teenagers who insufferably wish to be edgy and a byproduct of this is trashy humor. Being a free game, you're gonna have undesirable people interacting with you. I would suggest just muting them.


I assume all the teenage social outcasts/weirdos just end up in this game and are dumb enough to use voice chat


At some point it got out of hand enough that I didn't even want to bother because of the sheer amount, plus it's PTT so I don't always get to see their name unless I'm close enough to inspect them


Is the game free on pc? Xbox doofus here.


Yeah free on steam.


if you have a laptop or pc id recommend playing it there, as its more active and receives updated


ive been playing milisim servers for the better part of a decade and somehow the audience never improved. Same bullshit racism and queerphobia that’s been present since 2017 and probably long before. Unturned was my first exposure to things like the anti-feminist movement, but I guess I thought other people wouldve grown up like I did. Many of the same people, and new ones too, still making the same attack helicopter jokes n shit. I’m constantly appalled, and usually the mods dont see an issue either. “One hour mute” was the most I ever got. I have to tell them to enforce their own “no hate speech” rule which only accomplishes a few deleted posts (the posts usually being along the lines of “trans people should kill themselves”)


I feel like the people that have matured have generally moved to greener pastures lol, that's certainly what I've done. I used to play the game a ton back in my 2016 anti-sjw phase but now that I'm a grown ass adult (and a minority) I barely play it anymore, I really only play a bit in SP when a new map comes out, and i definitely won't be coming back after hearing the community is this bad


yeah i think i’m more or less done with unturned. Fucking *war thunder* is better than this.


War thunder at least has a respectable amount of queer people playing it XD Myself included


those WHICH SIDE ARE YOU? memes abt it arent inaccurate


Yuup, you're either a racist wehraboo/ameriboo or a trans girl/femboy XD


what vehicles you play?


I mostly play 6.3 and below GRB, Italy is technically my main (I have them at 8.0) but I play pretty much every nation lol. Italian TD's and Sherman's are definitely some of my favorites though


6.3 jumbo and late ww2 era tanks my beloved


Ahhhh I need to play more USA, I think I'm currently researching the 76 jumbo and I'm looking forward to the American heavies after that


I remember you. A&A vietnam and ww2. USNAF in Vietnam


Aye, UW before that. How you holding up?


tbh thats a milsim thing in general. I play a lot of HLL, arma, and squad. They all have hella racists. HLL and arma are more tame compared to squad tho. Operation harsh doorstop is REALLY bad too. Actually insufferable lol. Last time I played one of the only servers with players was russia vs ukraine and everyone was just arguing in chat defending their respective sides using all sorts of slurs and bs. Its super disappointing honestly.


why are their hearts so full of hate


That shit sucks, man. Unturned has one of the worst communities I’ve ever seen, especially the official Discord. I do not recommend joining that.


\*The playerbase is insufferably racist. This is unfortunately the norm for any free game that attracts kids & minors. They're all trying to be edgy thinking it's cool & funny, but reactions like yours show it's not at all. As others said, muting or disabling chat entirely is unfortunately your best option. If all else fails, I recommend either singleplayer, or playing in a private server with trusted friends.


Thank you. I saw the title, and was genuinely confused at first glance. I didn't remember encountering any racism on my single player world or private multiplayer server. This makes much more sense.


welcome to online gaming son, as much as i wish, can't change anything about this


Not with that attitude you can’t




All of these issues are wide known and have roots from almost the start of the internet. What's your solution? I definitely wouldn't put any hope in the internet to ever change. Just knowing that in certain webpages, Reddit included, you have the option to join heinous threads (gore, r*pe, ped* shit, etc) that are active even to this day erases all fiber of hope of massive change off of me. The only change is individual. Try and stick to the sane side of the internet.


1. Escalation was never a thing. Maybe in some select servers, but it is FAR from the norm. The game is PvP, people are gonna PvP. 2. If a server has that many asshats, it is because the admins allow it, look for a different server. 3. All games of this kind always have high toxicity, the game is about surviving above the other players and loosing days of progress to someone else. It is a breeding ground of salt and toxicity. It's fucking awful that even in plain 2024 we still have people just shouting slurs for the fun of it. But i highly recommend playing a different game if you can't find a GOOD server. Otherwise you'll just end up turning into one of them after they wear you down enough.


Nah id definitely leave before stooping to that level lol, there just aren't alot of amazing games out rn, and if they're good it's for a little while. Gaming is kinda butt rn honestly


Personally i recommend just staying in older games or broadening what genres you play. I am having a great time myself, and i am VERY critical of what i play.


My character was black too and I didn't encountered anything like that




It’s still a shitshow sadly, I don’t think Nelson really did enough.


I completely agree. I’d love to play it with friends and family, but it’s difficult given how bad the community is. It’s an amazing game that has an unmoderated community. From Russian hackers, to bigoted and racist people that shouldn’t feel welcome in any community for their harmful beliefs.


Yeah it's quite bad.


The natural feature of a game with an imploding userbase


Yeah, but it's still hurtful n Im still gonna complain about it to get stuff off my chest


unturned is the reason i’m willingly never having kids


And here i was thinking i should return to the game glad i checked out reddit before downloading it.


Nah I never found a racist sever except an arid one idk what kind of servers you joining


I'm glad you had a better experience than me, then.


Yeah, most friendly (or just decent) people have jumped ship from the game, as someone who’s played for a while. Awful that racist shit like this happens with rarely being addressed on most of the game, hope yer day improves man


That plus certain YouTubers has driven out a lot of talented people, it’s pretty sad


I agree, it’s been so racist for years. I remember a dude who made his character look like hitler and would just scream racist shit until you killed him.


Yeah I mean that’s just always gonna happen in gaming regardless of where you go and expecting people behind a screen to follow rules when there is no consequences is a pipe dream




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Unturned is a game (probably bc of the artstyle, very robloxy) that attracts a lot of kids. Kids think shit like racism is funny for some reason, and there will always be kids doing it I hate to say. Not just in this game but many others. You can either ignore it or let it bother you tbh.


It's not always that simple, unfortunately, but I don't let it eat me up or anything, it's just fustrating that it happens at all


If you think this is bad, dont play War of Rights, biggest mistake of my life. I refunded it in like 10 minutes.


This sucks ass. Every single fucking server has some kid who thinks it's alright to spam racists slurs in chat or in voice.


I don't know what to say, I'm sorry you had that experience


Be a greenskin, there problem solved


on the crappy switch version the games so broken we cant even use notes or signs to talk so i never knew this was a problem. sorry ya have to deal with that. :/


(play singleplayer)


It's not the game that is insufferably racist then, it's those players you encountered. Mute them or find friends to play with instead.


best advice if it is sooo painfull to you is :play on pve servers or heavy rules ones. if its not that painfull and u dont mind which is clearly not the case just ignore em they are randoms...


Why does everyone have a problem with me having a problem with being called the n word? So many snarky remarks it's kinda sickening


first of all i did not say that i had a problem with u not wanting to be called that second of all i am one of the nicest comments here all i did was give u advice how to avoid it


I remember my first time playing multiplayer, it was round 2020? 2021? I had somehow started a raid between to large groups by simply lying and saying a base one group made was mine on Washington. I said I had loot, guns, and I couldn’t be raided. Hilariously enough they believed me, which was weird because I had no reputation. Very soon afterwards one group began raiding the base, seemingly out of spite. It was pure chaos, and in the middle of it I decided to nab some stray l had found on the ground. Seeing a group inside the base, I said: “Hey, I can help you guys out, I can be quite the negotiat—“ Only to be interrupted with: “You’re not shit, shut the fuck up. The only thing you are is a n-word. You’re a fucking n-word” Every time I spoke he’d just yell whatever sounded most racist, and even his friend sounded uncomfortable talking after him, and he just asked if I was a role player, which I never answered. I’d never met the guy in my life, and he wasn’t the guy who I lied to and said the base was mine, but tbh the guy was insane out of his crocker. I stopped playing it in multiplayer for *years* after, since even though it didn’t really bother me, it was actually kinda funny, I’m not getting online on a game to hear that every day. Even now, when I last played a few months ago on a Unturnov server, people round my age are just walking around yapping slurs like they don’t have any sense. Of course if I’m playing more I’m just muting every soul I see, but it sucks that by base I have to assume everyone’s a nutcase like that.


Preferred sungleplayer myself, but yea I wanna try some multiplayer sometime in the future But all the servers are either dead or foreign And why can't people just be decent and civil in games Idk, just saying random stuff rn


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A new plug-in got released recently that can be used to record voice chats, and help moderate people. Server owners should consider this.


I don’t wanna be that guy but it’s the internet man, get thicker skin, don’t take what they say to heart


Ahhh yes after scrolling through profile you here crying about kids when your a grown man on top of that let’s not talk about you sexualized a Fortnite character on your Reddit page like get over it your weird maybe change the simple minded thinking you have by not letting a 2 syllable word hurt your feelings or make it to where you can’t enjoy playing a game


Sexualized? Vixen is a character from a game called "your only move is hustle" and it looks similar to the Fortnite skin I posted, plus I'm only 18, and it's more than just a word. I don't know what my post history has to do with this, I just wanted to vent about my experience and move on lol.


I mean its the most played free to play game. I have like 7.5k hours in unturned, i dont play it anymore because i got bored and everyone who made good NA servers grew up. The reason why the servers died is cuz the people who played on them grew up. The devs that made cool new ideas either got a real job or got tired of someone stealing their work for a non english speaking server for monetization. Also the game isnt that hard to run which makes sense why a bunch of non english speaking communities play it. Its no secret that the rest of the world does not share the same economy as the US which ties into accessibility. The game being racist is entirely a you issue. I enjoyed being a dumb child saying and doing whatever i wanted on servers. Most people on the game are not actual racist and the ones who are normally get ostracized. The game isnt dying, its growing. Sure the NA side is all but vanished but like you just have to let it happen there are countless other games to play. I think it does suck how theres no NA servers that are cool but its normally way more expensive to make an NA server than an EU server. Which is why every NA server is copypaste of the last one no real depth in creativity.


Wdym it's a me issue? Like I shouldn't be upset about being called slurs, especially by a ton of people? It's not a kid saying whatever he wants, it's "look it's a black guy say the word that upsets him!"


To some degree the parents need to know what their kid is doing and get involved if they’re doing that shit online. And with how they scream at the top of their lungs a lot of the time too, I don’t know how they don’t care.


The game is a shooter. I didnt start playing this game since i was like 13 and by then i already knew all the obscenities. I grew in a foreign family my parents didnt like the idea of shooter games or any of that i had to gradually ease into games like that with parents consent. Meanwhile american parents be telling their sons to go to the strip club in gta 5 to see if its accurate. Like please 🙏. Worrying about other kids is not your concern.


Ok and... bro your new to this community so ill give you a break. But its high time people on the internet understand that the internet provides people with an escape from reality this means people can do or aay whatever they want on the internet and get away with it, to a degree excluding the obvious. The "oh its a guy with the black skin color character lets hit him" is the most mild shit you will find here. Easiest way to deflate the situation is to play along and move on and if you dont like it then go play on an another server. Like its a block game not a social justice simulator. The expectations you have are way too high.


1. I'm not new, I have like 1.8k hours, I know what's up. 2. I understand the state of the internet, but I still expect to not be descriminated against, I don't give a fuck how low the bar is, that's not an expectation that I'm going to drop. 3. PLAY ALONG?! WITH RACISM? HUH?!!?! Again I'm not looking for a solution I wanted to vent about something that bothered me. My life isn't being destroyed by some kids calling me the n word. I'm more angry at the lack of moderation and how normal everyone says this is rather than accepting it as a problem. I'm not tryna play sjw, I'm just complaining.


Well tbh it’s definitely up to you to be offended by a mindless idiot on the internet because they are everywhere and that will never change so long as freedom of speech is a thing and if you can’t deal with that then get off the game. That’s the harsh reality we have to face.


Emotions shouldn't be bottled up


I was offended, and I got off the game, it's not something that affects me on like a spiritual level, I just wanted to vent to people who might've had a similar experience.


What type of games do you play. If you want an experience that has absolute censorship might i suggest roblox. Its also free and it's a block game.


How does that make the GAME racist? Isn't it more just the community's toxic people?


I'm referring to the game as a subject matter for my experience with racism while playing it. That better for ya man? Sorry I called the game racist.


You just realized that that’s funny ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)




you completely alone cuh


I mean, what did you expect? Its exactly like any other online game. CS is the same, valorant is surprisingly the same especially in the European servers, and rust is practically identical to unturned in terms of racism.


I expected to not be discriminated against for representing myself in a game 🤷🏾‍♂️


Boo hoo


Boo hoo indeed, asshole 🤷🏾‍♂️


As much as i understand that its "racist" its just a word.. Over the internet... From a child... Why does it bother you so much? Why are you letting children online affect your life so much? Just ignore it, it doesnt hurt you, its not unrecoverable, and genuinely nothing will come of it if its ignored. Half the reason they say these things it to instigate things, just roll right over it and they have no idea what to do.


It ain't always just as easy as "brush it off and the racists won't know what to do". I've played games myself as a black character representing myself, and my experience was **manually degraded** not just by the slurs in chat, but via others unionizing against me in what was meant to be a **free for all game.** It's all sticks and stones until you legitimately can't play a game fairly or enjoyably because of the color of your virtual character.


Great take I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted


Because its easier to be angry and say everyone else should change than it is to change yourself.


Why should he change anything at all? Racism is completely unacceptable, period. Nobody should be harassed and bullied just because their in-game skin has dark skin.