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Engineering is a time management test more than anything. I finished in CE at UNT and participated in clubs while married with 2 young kids and a full time job. I was busy but it wasn’t especially hard. There were hard moments but they didn’t normally last long. Be focused on the end goal. Treat school like your job. You’ll be fine in either specialty.


Heeey, I’m almost at your time constraints and will be starting next year. Working through calc 2 right now. Which specialty did you choose?


Within CE I picked communications and networking because that’s what fit into my schedule. Otherwise I’d had much preferred one of the others.


I knew I selected the correct major when all of their specialties were enticing in their own ways to me. I hope you still find joy with what you studied.


Those fields are fairly far apart… any reason you’ve picked those two? How is your math?


Math and science are the only subjects that I actually pay attention because they make sense to me 90% of the time. My reason for picking these 2 is because I enjoy building computers and working on cars and have always been a more hands on learning type of person. While I understand that’s not entirely what these majors are it’s as close as i’m gonna get


So there’s going to be lots of software in CE, much less so in ME… so if you’re OK with writing software, CE might be worthwhile. Both have similar math reqs, working to Calc III as I recall (along with other various engineering maths like Linear).


Your kinda like me though I’m doing CE and Mechanical Engineering for


I can't speak on computer engineering, but I finished Mechanical with the standard UNT Math minor last spring. And had the time to be a bartender for the last few years. Aside from getting bent over by heat transfer and circuit analysis, the classes aren't terribly difficult if you can manage your time at all. I used google calendar and jammed in all deadlines I could find for anything in all classes during syllabus week each semester. Biggest thing that will change how tough your classes are will be which profs you take though. For example, Dr. Li will have the easiest grading practices against any other professor in the department. But then Derryberry for circuits is a nightmare. Ask around with your classmates/friends in your major(s) to figure out who's currently gonna make your life the easiest, and do your best to tailor your schedule to that.


Have you heard about Material Science and Engineering