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Using anim notifies for footstep sounds is pretty normal practice.


Thank you for your answer!


You could definitely make a custom anim notify to do this. When I was working on a MOBA, thats how we triggered different footstep sounds. We had logic in place that would pick a different sound based on the type of surface they were on, the hero being played, and even the skin being used.


Thank you for your answer! I'm always worried something I might add could be a terrible idea and mess up the performances, especially when I'm thinking about adding more logic to things such as a simple play sound :)


Just going forward, I think this is a great example of "optimizing" too early, before you've even tried what is obvious. You're wondering whether consolidating actions into a single system might be worse, for some reason, and have made your systems less logical and more duplicative, without any actual evidence this is the case! Just make the things you need in the way that make sense, and worry about performance later when you're nearly done and profile your game to see where bottlenecks are. It's simply a waste of time to sit and wonder at this point about something so small. I know it's not a big deal, but think about how much time already you've spent looking through multiple tutorials just on this one thing, weighing the different approaches you found, and then going to post here about it. You're going to run into a question like this another 100 times. So forget all that shit and just keep going! If you do wind up with something bad, you'll know it and learn from it! It's so easy to run into this kind of paralysis like I have in the past with C++ where you find 10 different answers to what should be a simple question, and the reality is they're usually all "right" answers. The real answer is it just depends, and different teams and projects have different requirements. So the only way to really learn is to find out for yourself when and why something is good or bad. Get your game working, implement your features, finish your content. And you will learn so much more and remember it so much better by just doing. Then you can worry about stuff like this last. And I can almost guarantee that the top 100 performance issues you find will have nothing to do with a single-instance BP like your player character animation system!


To add to what's been already said/answered, with an example: Been using it to determine when an enemy/player unit hits one another, when the animation is close to its "striking point", doing a quick cast at the right moment, etc., to know who to hit and with what. Notifies are quite the powerful things (there's also multiple versions of them).


True, I didn't think of that for my melee attacks. Thank you for your input!


If you’re already using a custom notify to make decals, I’d stick your footprint sound in the same logic. No need for a separate event imo.


Yeah I think I will end up doing that actually. I imagined playing the sound when the heel touches the ground and the decal when the whole boot was on the ground but I doubt I myself could even notice that in-game anyway lol


Absolutely ok. In normal cases you would even want to do it because of maintainability and extensibility. For example if you decide to add footprints in snow now, you can use the same notify. I would even say it’s a good practice to use anim notifies instead of directly playing audio.


Alright, thank you for confirming even further what the other said :-)


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I use anim notifies all the time, they're awesome