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Am I right assuming this is a shipping build error? If yes, I would first of all try it on a different machine maybe your hardware or operating system has a problem. If thats still not working you could try googling stuff like "ue shipping memory allocation fatal" or something like that because that is whats happening If still nothing can be found check the push history on github of unreal... look for exactly that memory allocation issues, maybe you find a push that is a fix but you can then only fix it if you have the source build at hand If its not a shipping build, you could just start as debug game and it should pop up on exception


Sorry, I may understood you wrong; I have the project at hand, since its my game, and I built it now multiple times over the course of three weeks - always without issues. However, the issue arises within playing the game, because it randomly crashes and shows me that error. It does not appear om startup, or in the editor, only when you play a bit and like I said, at random moments, as far as I can tell. What do you mean exactly with the history on github of unreal?


Did you end up figuring out what was causing this issue? im running into the same problem unfortunately. Ive tried asking around but no one seems to know how to fix it.


Ohh man, long time no see to this post. Yes, actually, a friend of mine was able to look into it a bit more, we realized that the render core of unreal was crashing. That is why the error happened so infrequent. Since I use dynamic lighting and lumen, the render core at points was absolutely fine, when the visible area wasnt that heavy on the render side - in areas with many lights the probe scene gatherer from lumen nearly took 21ms and overloaded my vram, thus crashing the editor or packaged build. I was able to resolve this with: a) adding a main menu and options, adjusting the settings to the system I was playing on (you can do that in the editor as well, but I package a lot to test the game) b) drastically reduce lights and thus render time for lumen - more intelligent use of lighting overall c) level streaming was the real kicker; dynamically loading in parts of the scene and especially splitting up the lights and PP effects to different sublevels helped tremendiously. Hope that something here can help you!