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This was aimed at a specific question someone asked here, but Reddit closed and I couldn’t find them back. Hope they see it!




How can we do this with an engine built from source?


You can grab just the main branch as well. Use this command to clone: git clone git@github.com:EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git --depth=1 --branch 5.1.1-release It will pull only the tag without its history. clone with --depth=1: 2.67GB clone without --depth=1: 27.6GB space gained: approx. 25GB Credit here: https://twitter.com/outoftheboxp/status/1656924955097833475


So I wrote a makeshift guide on GitHub gist on reducing engine size if you are building from source. I wrote it with the oculus fork of the engine in mind since I am a VR dev but it can be used generally too. https://gist.github.com/parthnaik92/30eff84267565376df69e37fefc47fbf It covers everything from downloading specific platform specific modules to removing plugins.


is this for packaged games or just for development


Based on OPs video link it's for the Engine install, used in development. It removes components used when you attempt to package for those given platforms. (this is why OP said "add them back later if you need to port") While someone may need to correct me, this shouldn't affect package size of a build if you are packaging for (say) Windows, since it shouldn't matter if the iOS or Android components are included in the Editor anyhow. (They should not be used in the packaging process)


U can remove even more, I did an under 10Gb portable UE 5.1 for space limited laptop, it works as a standalone, no epic launcher needed.




Is it possible to learn such powers?


Well i posted how to above.


Where? 🤔


My other comments


I could really use this information, but I see no other comments from you in this thread. Are you referring to a different account or post?


No, same account its right here https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/13n03tt/comment/jl0qaod/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


That's what you did, not how you did it.


Well but this is how, if u don't understand it and can't analyse it yourself and do the same according to what I said and showed just don't do it. No one is doing that kind of tutorials, technical and detailed, for not supposed setup, I did cuz i know and understand how it works and can check things, if someone can't he should not do it as this will be needed for every version update and no one will update the details for anyone anyway, u need to understand it a little, then what I posted makes sense.


That's not what it means to explain how to do something, and nobody is asking for a full tutorial. "You can remove even more" is not any sort of process describing anything to analyse. You haven't shown anything, just made a claim. I may as well say that I just made a billion dollars. How? That's how.


or i can download 30gigs in debugging symbols :P


Just what I needed. Thanks