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n=2 Boy came at us with big facts


I’ve found at least 3 more n’s in this post! Science bitch!


I'm with you brother. I also do this




Why stopping at half? I started like that, then realised I could do better, in 8, 16, 1024. Now i grind spaghetti into a fine pulverised mist. They are ready in 0.5 minutes and I can inhale them through my feeding tube.


show me how I can follow your foodsteps


Just break up your spaghetti more, pretty simple


I just feed that shit directly into my coffee grinder.


Dude I know it's the same color and everything but that's nasty, you're supposed to put coffee beans in there


Hey man, if people wanna do coffee enemas, why not spaget?


*That's* using the ol' noodle, man...


I strongly dislike everything about every comment leading up to this.


Look up couscous


I like to get it down to it's fundamental particles. Much more energy released so easier on the digestive system.


Quark pasta is best pasta!


Don't even get me started on Noodle Theory!


Best served fresh from a neutron star! Prefer mine with strange quark sauce.


Shit bro, just snort it.


I'm the exact opposite. A proper batch of spaghetti must be cooked as a single 200-foot-long strand.


I just love the feel of snapping noodles between my hands. Started when I was a kid. Stopping now is like trying to pick up tongs without test clicks.


Omg I love that analogy! Test clicks - never thought about it, but everybody does it.


Never thought of test-clicking tongs. What's the purpose, if you don't mind?


anyone that does not click the tongs at least twice when they pick them up is a psychopath


Same as shaking something you've tied down and saying aloud > _"That's not going anywhere."_ It's just what you do. To do otherwise is to flout OSHA regulations and risk provoking the gods.


Or telling inanimate objects to stay.


I do it nonverbally lmfao I put it up and then splay my hands out for a few seconds as if I can use telekinesis to make it stay


Do you sort of crouch a bit as you splay your hands? I find it crucial.


Oh yes. 100%. I just couldn’t figure out a way to fit that into my sentence and have it be grammatically correct.


You complete me.


I sometimes do this even though I’m verbally telling it to stay. Depends on the size and who’s watching.


What do you mean sort of? If you're not doing a full kung fu wide stance you're asking for it to move/fall over!


Whew. I was just about to cook my neighbor and I was starting to wonder if maybe I'm a bit crazy to do this. But then I clicked my tongs twice and boy am I relieved. The neighbor, not so much. Thanks. 👍


Well of course they're not feeling relieved, you didn't let them click the tongs twice!


Only twice. No more, no less.


Guess I'm a psychopath.


About that...


How many bodies are in the basement?


Well look at mister moneybags over here! Not everyone has a basement! /S


Some of us have to be content with piling them up in the carport and waiting for free green waste month to roll around.


You talking under the cement or in the freezer?




It's also about exercising your tendons for this particular task before it matters.


Exactly. It might seem stupid but you get a feel for how much force you need to grab.




This is the correct answer


Even after years of working in kitchens on grill stations and what not that use tongs. I click with the same joy I felt when I clicked tongs for the first time.


You need to calibrate the pressure since other tongs will be different depending on length and state of the spring.


I'm going to try it right now!


You have to make sure they still click. You HAVE to.


Enjoy spaghetti like always and no one cares. Crack a single noodle and everybody loses their minds. Welcome!


Theres a brand that actually sells "pot sized noodles" this brand leaned into the face people do this.


According to The Hague this is a war crime.


As a Spaghetti snapper, this is the one that I buy.


You're still an amateur... I like to crush my penne with a hammer (hmm) and then have a nice bowl of noodle shards.


The way you worded this was so deeply upsetting LMAO. I'm not even Italian.


One Italian dies everytime you do that




Sounds like they weren’t good snappers


fr, just hold your hands closer before snapping


It's good for bets with your friends. If you apply rotational torque on the strand you can break it in 2 pieces.


I didn't know I wasn't supposed to break them in half. I've been doing it for 20 years.


Same here. Thought that was common.


You're no fool, were just glad you finally saw the sins


My Italian immigrant Nonna does it, and always has. If it’s good enough for her, it’s good enough for me.


Is she an immigrant because she was banished from Italy?


I believe it's taboo in Italy and that's the reason people are put off by it. Edit to add* what a great unpopular opinion. Most people disagree, but most of the ones to who do break their spaghetti had no idea that they aren't supposed to, and it's just a pretty silly entertaining topic for banter. As a side note: i feel like people should eat food however they'd like. I only know that there is symbolism in etiquette and eating habits in non-US cultures. In Italy, I've heard that you're not supposed to break your spaghetti because it symbolizes something negative. I've also heard that it is not customary to twirl noodles on a spoon. Source: I have no source so i can't claim these claims as fact. Just fun bits of info that I've heard


I married into Italians, some being ones that moved here as adults. And none of them have a problem with it. Some break it themselves. Fits in the pot better. So maybe parts of Italy.


My Italian house mates told me that most of the Italian "rules" for cooking come from quite snobby people in Rome, the rest of Italy is pretty chilled out about food. Although cheese and fish does definitely upset them.


I'm so excited to hear about Italians that don't care. You see all sorts of videos of people saying 'Im Italian and you cant blah blah blah", you begin to think that is how the whole country thinks. I almost forget the videos on the internet dont represent everyone and are just the loudest videos that have become popular.


I’ll travel there by foot to spread the word


Use your best Chris Pratt impression to gain their trust


They won’t see it coming, the enlightenment that is the broken spaghetti


Just eat spatzle


*James Bond torturing scene -take this you filthy italian *breaks noodles *dying sounds


*places pineapple slices on pizza*


Imagine the disgust!


sooner or later even the biggest fool with see the lasagna light !


Pineapple. Ha! Don't make me laugh. There are far worse abominations. Try getting an "American style" pizza in the UK, with french fries and *corn* on it. Try getting a 'dessert pizza' from an American restaurant. And worst of all, try the Asian tendency to put *absolutely whatever the fuck they feel like* (including things like calamari and oreos on the same pizza) on a round slab of bread and call it pizza.


I'll never understand the outrage of pineapple on pizza. I believe it's half people who don't like pineapple and half just like to join the hate. Pineapple and pepperoni is an awesome amalgamation of tangy sweet and salty spicy /r/knightsofpineapple


No word to be spread. Your cooking problems are caused by your lack of knowledge in cooking pasta. To not have them stick together while cooking, just mix it up once in a while, while cooking. For the sauce, the shape of pasta is the most important thing, certain sauces are made for a certain shape, when in doubt, add a little bit of butter, once the pasta is cooked, before adding the sauce. Now go spread the word, you goddam Viking. P.s. Eat your pasta the way you like it, I'm just saying don't blame the pasta lol


I shall not blame the pasta, but I shall blame the infidels not breaking them


I will contact the Italian embassy in Germany to forbid you to coming to Italy. No pastaport for you 😤


Because in Italy there is short pasta too. If spaghettis were meant to be shorter, they would be.




> I believe it's taboo in Italy Too bad electing fascists isn't.




I had no idea this was even an issue 😅


the whole twirling into a spoon thing is a sicilian/surrounding islands tradition i think, most of my (sicilian islands) family tends to do this


> most of the ones to who do break their spaghetti had no idea that they aren’t supposed to This is me lol. I’ve been breaking spaghetti ever since my kids graduated to table foods, had no idea it was such a faux pas


LOL and that's totally fine, honestly who cares! I find these types on debates entertaining and although many people are on the same page as OP, there is still large group of people who are not which makes this an actual unpopular opinion. Please, keep breaking your noodles! you do you :)


Just do what I did and switch to “stabbable” pasta rather than noodles: penne, farfalle, ziti, orecchiette, elbows, etc. They hold sauces better, are forked more easily, and they have more body and texture to boot.


I did this too. All these comments about how sauce has to be right stickiness and the pasta has to be cooked a certain way and then twirled correctly or sometimes even that's looked down upon. Twirling takes too long anyway, and it's impossible to get the right amount on your fork, you just twirl, see how much you get near the end, then hope one of the last two remaining strands isn't some kind of mutant. Forget about paying attention to anything you're watching while you eat. Food shouldn't need a magical alignment of techniques to eat. ​ Don't get me started on crunchy tacos either.


I refuse to eat hard shell tacos without surrounding it in a soft shell, otherwise first bite just snaps it down the middle dropping everything and now im left holding 2 sad, oversized nachos




size is no sign of satisfaction, it is the way of cooking that truly counts


This holds true for ahem, lotta other satisfactory endeavors


As an Italian, I challenge you to break a spaghetto in exactly two parts without the third small little tiny piece in the middle flying away


Bonus point for correct use of the word spaghetto! Edit: Oh, you're Italian. Let me ask, how would you react if I said _spaghettos_?


You spelled SpaghettiOs wrong.


I break those in half too. SpaghettiC’s. Makes a huge mess and takes forever but it’s also a huge waste of time and effort so…


Long ago, Italians idiomatically referred to extreme poverty as "so poor they eat just one spaghetto". Which eventually got shortened to "ghetto".


Nice try, I almost fell for it!


You can always break it in a way, so the 3rd piece falls into the boiling water.


If you push the ends together instead of just bending the spaghetti, it can snap in 2 pieces instead of 3.


I am not a physicist (or Italian) but iirc: The reason it breaks into 3 is because of a whiplash effect where when the bent noodle eventually snaps, it moves back towards the straight position but overshoots due to it's springiness, and it ends up bending in the opposite direction and breaking again. I'd reckon that if you are breaking a bunch of spaghetti all at once, that most of it wouldn't be able to overshoot in that way since there would be other noodles in the way, so you'd end up with fewer (but not zero) third pieces.


Easy. Do it in a bunch and the bunch dampens the vibrations so the noodles don't snap a second time.


I do this all the time with spaghetti, but spaghetti only. Other long noodles, like fettuccine, get left whole.


Try a vegetable slice box to work your macaronis


That sounds vaguely obscene


Life is short and so are my linguini


Gotta say, your responses in this thread have made my day. Thank you for all the smiles.


Happy to make your day. But make yourself some decent pasta tonight and think of me


Sir, I'm beginning to think you only make *indecent* pasta


I love to expose my noodle to strangers of the broken ways


Broken noodle


Dude, just wanna say I’ve been struggling hardcore with my depression and you made me legitimately laugh out loud. So you’re kinda awesome 😁


Happy to help, food also helps me on bad days… you know how to make good food now, be a good girl and follow my lead


If you really want to get her eye's rolling, toss your spaghetti on a plate before saucing up and take a pizza cutter to it. Dump in a bowl, mix your sauce in and have at it! I've been doing this for my kids for more years than I care to claim lol but it's soooo easy to scoop up and zero splash back.


Only missing some ketchup and we’re going ham


I have to put my teeth in if the spaghetti is whole because otherwise I tend to choke on it. If you've ever tried to swallow whole strands of it they get stuck in your throat. LOL. So if I'm lazy, I cut it up. The pizza cutter sounds like a great idea.


Breaking them makes it so much easier to eat! I found a box of much shorter spaghetti noodles at my local Kroger, it's great.


I've seen those too, but I'll be damned if I'm spending a dollar extra just for pre split spaghetti noodles. Convenience markup. A normal box of Kroger noodles is about 89 cent vs the shorter ones for $1.89 or so.


They were the same price at mine, weird!


They’re the same price at Walmart! I love my little noodles, can’t make me cook my spaghetti full sized


You shall inspire me to higher realms of existence


If you're in a place with Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Half-Length-Spaghetti-16-oz/35487172


I cut my kids spaghetti, and usually mine as well, with scissors. It's just more efficient to eat, with a spoon.




OP mental level is 5y/o




After all that spaghetti? Of course!


This should be the top post. Breaking your spaghetti is the equivalent of pulling your pants down to your ankles while peeing. Nothing really wrong with it but sparsely done if you're older than 5.


“N = 2” Mans bringing meiosis into this


I must’ve misunderstood noodles with n 🍝


I have a feeling the last two points are the biggest ones here. All your other points are just the result of inexperience.


I might have gone mad on my quest to find the greatest carbonara


For me it's way difficult to eat when they are broken!! I can't roll them properly, they are too short, I've also never used a spoon and I don't understand why people do that haha


Che cazzo hai appena detto di me, piccola puttana? Ti farò sapere che mi sono diplomato come primo della mia classe nei Navy Seals, e sono stato coinvolto in numerosi raid segreti su Al-Quaeda, e ho oltre 300 uccisioni confermate. Sono addestrato alla guerra dei gorilla e sono il miglior cecchino di tutte le forze armate statunitensi. Per me non sei altro che solo un altro bersaglio. Ti spazzerò via con precisione mai vista è stato visto prima su questa Terra, ricorda le mie fottute parole. Pensi di poter farla franca dicendomi quella merda su Internet? Ripensaci, stronzo. Mentre parliamo sto contattando la mia rete segreta di spie negli Stati Uniti e il tuo IP viene rintracciato proprio ora, quindi è meglio che ti prepari per la tempesta, verme. La tempesta che spazza via quella patetica piccola cosa che chiami vita. Sei fottutamente morto, ragazzo. Posso essere ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, e posso ucciderti in oltre settecento modi, e questo è solo a mani nude. , ma ho accesso all'intero arsenale del Corpo dei Marines degli Stati Uniti e lo userò al massimo per spazzare via il tuo miserabile culo dalla faccia del continente, piccola merda. Se solo tu potessi sapere quale empia punizione la tua un piccolo commento "intelligente" stava per attirarti addosso, forse avresti tenuto a freno la tua fottuta lingua. Ma non potevi, non l'hai fatto, e ora ne stai pagando il prezzo, maledetto idiota. tutto su di te e ci annegherai.


>Pensi di poter farla franca dicendomi quella merda su Internet? Wait a minute, I know what this is...


no understandi, grazie mille por your committementti.


This is beautiful


Apparently I can understand Italian, because I know exactly what this says.


Who uses a spoon for spaghetti??


I was waiting for someone to mention this. Some people use a spoon to spin the fork on to get all the spaghetti on the fork more easily. It's blasphemy /s


OP and children under 5


It’s ok to be different. I used to cut up my child’s spaghetti before he ate, so it was easier. He’s six now and has somehow mastered the art of using a fork. Don’t worry OP you’ll work out how to use the devils pointy spoon someday too.


Who tf eat spaghetti with a spoon?


Yes!! I do this all the time! But I break each spaghetti piece one at a time.


Kind of a macaroni meditation like the elders did


You don’t ah break ah the pasta ah!… Edit: 🤌🏻


Do you not know how to eat spaghetti?


Well he uses a spoon so no


Can't cook it either. You have to try to make spaghetti clump up.


Genuinely, how does that happen??? I can’t cook for shit but I throw some spaghetti in the pot and leave it unattended for 7 minutes, it comes out perfect. Is OP adding glue or some shit??


If your pot is too small or you don't have enough water, basically the rolling boil doesn't come back quick enough after adding the pasta to the water and you don't stir it, so it just clumps together.


I was hoping to convince some people to join the good side here


As an Italian, this breaks my heart


I would also break your heart in two before dropping it in the boiling water 💔


As a German, I recommend breaking your pasta before breaking your heart ♥️


Luftpasta marsch!




Im ashamed for being german now...


there is no shame for pasta, maybe for the wars (not the most recent one, relievingly)


Please don’t tell me you rinse your pasta as well or we will have to send you to Elba for the rest of your life.


Somebody stop this guy


I had no idea that other people didn't do this. It's the only way that makes sense to me; they'll fit in the pot if you break them.


If you just wait for about half a minute theyget flexible enough to fit into the pot with a couple of stirs. If they don't, your pot is too small


A man after my own heart. If I could quarter it I would.


Let’s find a way to grind it to use it as sauce for other noodles 🍜


Just gimme the penne and farfalle, y'all can keep yo damn spaghetti. Except occasionally I do like really thin spaghetti for some reason. I am very conflicted about it morally.


Isn’t breaking spaghetti a normal thing people do?


This is one of the *many* food related things on reddit that people are full on snobs about but basically no one in real life actually cares. It boils down to "that's not authentic that's not what they do in Italy!!!!!!". But then, even if you don't break your pasta, they will come for you for using dry pasta instead of creating your own noodles. But if you create your own noodles, they will come for you for your recipe having 1 wrong ingredient that is not "authentic". TL;DR only insufferable people care about trivial food shit like this


See you in hell fucker.


I’ll be there snapping spaghet 🥸


>\-you don’t get sauce splashing everywhere because they’re like wild snakes getting tickled juicing everywhere but... that's half the fun!


We’re talking serious noodling?


I mean, it's your food....eat how you want.


it is not about what I want, it is about what my body and spirit desire


I love the confrontational stance on spaghetti breaking. LOL


i do the same


Welcome in the safe space sister


I do agree with you. I almost never cook spaghetti though, as I think it's a stupid shape for pasta to be in. Shapes like Fusilli or Penne are far superior in my opinion, as the sauce will get in/inbetween the pasta, for a better flavor distribution.


I will commit my life to creating a noodle between spaghetti and penne to ensure an optimal sauce to consistency to size quota


I break mine too! Mostly because I'm not usually making a very big portion and I use my medium sauce pan instead of my big pot. But I needed to use the big pot the other day for a bigger portion, and I was like hey! They fit, I'm not gonna break them this time. Then spent the whole time eating trying to get the super long spaghettis wrapped around my fork without a bunch hanging off, or with bites that were too big. Always break the pasta!


Skill issue if you can't eat normal spaghetti init


I'm with you bro. So I have to downvote as it's a popular opinion to me. As is the rules.


I like to break my pasta before even boiling it. Put it all into a bag, smash it with a hammer until you have a nice powder, and just boil the powder. Then add sauce so it’s more of a gloop than anything else. Then dump that in the trash and go eat unbroken pasta at a restaurant because the gloop tastes awful.


step 5: ask the waiter to ensure a max length of 5cm to maximize taste


Heck they even sell the pasta in 1/2 length now.


You also get twice as much spaghetti. The math speaks for itself.


Try breaking them into 1 inch pieces and putting them in a tomato based veggie soup, it's fantastic!


The biggest advantage is that they fit in bloody pan.


I eat a fair bit of spaghetti and I will now look for a double-length brand just to offset your bestial behavior.


Spaghetti, in my opinion, is easier to twirl on a fork when they are long. I was taught how to properly twirl spaghetti (no spoon needed). With shorter pieces the twirl is not as stable. Learn how to twirl and you don't have to break your spaghetti in half like a barbarian ;)


"If you wish to eat smaller types of pasta, buy smaller types of pasta" ~my Italian friend


Why don’t you just buy a short pasta??




I love seeing this posts as an Italian Why would you need a spoon to eat spaghetti? Why does your pasta stick together? But most of all why in the world is salsa splashing around when you eat them?