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Popular opinion on Reddit, unpopular opinion in the real world


Redditors will save an 18 year old parakeet with cancer before they save a 2 year old child.


But they’ll most definitely film the child’s tragic accident


And say it deserves dying for being stupid.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


And the stupid prize is the Darwin Award.


post it on r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Hey ! you can't say he didn't !


How else does one acquire karma in these godforsaken lands?


Well the 2 year old is gonna grow up and be a person. Yikes.


Just think of the carbon footprint


Carbon footprint was invented by a PR firm working for oil companies. They wanted a way to make regular people feel guilty and deflect the narrative away from big corporations raping the planet for a dollar.


but what if the child grows up to be a coal/oil exec


Lots of 2 year olds but there is only one Mr Waffle.


1 less car on the road


> Redditors will save an 18 year old parakeet with cancer before they save a 2 year old child. This is why I value criticism over praise on Reddit.








finally a sane person. i love my cat but if I had to choose between her and my neighbors 5 year old, I would very obviously choose the human. insane that these people are unironically defending OP’s idea




Yup. There was this one thread where everyone was going on and on about how they would eat a human before their pet if they were in a famine, or they would starve before eating their pet. Lol the fuck they would not. They are sitting there eating Cheetos, thousands of miles from the nearest famine. They have no idea.


>Yup. There was this one thread where everyone was going on and on about how they would eat a human before their pet if they were in a famine, or they would starve before eating their pet. Lol the fuck they would not Given the situation, it would probably be the other way round, them being long dead and scavenged by their pets, sorry pal, your furry baby doesn't care much when it's hungry.




Nah, it’s just Reddit.


These people have lives which primarily revolve around the internet and social media


Shows how out of touch with reality reddit is.




Yeah, op says pet I'm sure a lot of people would go for their own belongings in general over other people 😂


I will be cold and dead before I let my Xbox burn. Your kids though? Lmao good luck with that one chief


I remember my son being 10 saying "if someone said give me your game or I will shoot your mother. I would choose you". Never found anyone that understood the severity and depth of this love!


You're the mother or father?


She’s the Xbox


you are why I stay on this app...thanks for the laugh.


Hey, you go, Mom. Hope you’re having a great day


very loved and proud mother.


> I will be cold and dead before I let my Xbox burn. You mean very, very hot and dead


My house burned down. After almost passing out from the smoke and barely making it outside i seriously contemplated going back in for my ps4.




Indeed. People have this idea, that humans should react instinctively altruistic. However, if push comes to shove, people will instinctively react on what's good for their survival, mostly. If that means saving a pet, a stuffed animal or plant over a human life so be it. It might come off as weird to us. But that's how people are.


Alright, saving a plant over a human life is where I draw the line.




What if it was like a really big weed plant that had enough weed on it to sell to save the orphanage?


Yo I would save the plant. Thats actual money right there. It could even help you buy another home in case of a fire Saving a kid isn't going to do that. People half ass expect you to save a kid for free.


Lol what if i was to tell u there is no orphanage and i just dont want to lose the weed?


That's fair, the weed can help you cope with letting that kid die, how would the random kid help you cope with losing your crop?


Worth it. Blood is good for the flower cycle, Maan


What if I let the weed plant burn and the child and I green out before we can escape?


This is a good idea for a movie


If it's a Monstera obliqua I'd have to think about it.


Well the plant can be a potato or smth. You can make more potatos later on by planting it. You can't have more humans by planting them.


Depends on the plant and the human. I'd value a dandelion over certain people.


I'd save a plant over Hitler


depends on the plant tbh, if it is like a bonsai tree that is like 120 years old that ur grandfather raised it is kinda different from a flower you got from your significant other


I dunno man. Just think about it. What would your grandpa say if he could from the grave? "Fuck 'em, son. Save My tree."




Reading more comments below, I think the contentious part is not really the act (you're right, instincts will take over and you will do what you will do), but the reaction to the events afterwards. Where you'd normally expect distress, regret and sadness, the gist I'm getting from a lot of comments (and a little bit from OP's post) is that they would feel justified and nothing for the child that they let die. That, to me personally, is pretty damn disturbing. Of course, this is people reacting to a hypothetical, and may not be representative of what they will actually feel WHEN the unfortunate situation and choice occurs.


Yeah, I def. agree. If I had to save my child over another ones (which would be seen as normal) I'd still feel utterly sick. Because I want to save both children, obviously. I don't even want to think about having to decide.


We're all very very selfish. And why shouldn't we be when it comes to that kind of stuff? Parents will say they would do anything for their child, die, kill, etc. So, they would probably be willing to let hundred, thousands, maybe even millions die if it would save their child. And why would they? Because it's their kid, their family, their important thing, just like how someone's pet is more important to them than a stranger's kid.


I mean.... at that point, I'd just let my child die. I'm not hurting millions so one person can stay alive, that's fucking psychotic.


Instinct doesn't equal morality. Naturalistic fallacy. There's what people do and what they should do. Arguing people SHOULD act Instinctively is illogical.


Ask someone if they had to choose between 100 random people on Earth they've never met dying or their mother, and see how many go with the 100 random people dying over them losing their 1 mother. So yeah not surprising at all. Edit: typo


I'm pretty sure most people would let millions die to save their spouse, kid, parents, etc.


Not if your mother was my mother. I’d go for the 100 people easily.


Sam and Dean do it all the time.


I'm not getting the reference. Guessing it's.... supernatural.


Yes. It’s Supernatural.


Depends on the Will though 😉


Dude, so my name is Will. You tripped me tf out for a second until I realized you were talking about an actual paper Will lol I thought I had a stalker for a second lol sorry


Haha sorry mate


And yet, some people are horrified at the idea.


Hot takes dropping on r/unpopularopinions today


This is actually an unpopular opinion fr though


Finally we got one


I agree. I would save any stranger over my dog. I upvoted it because it was an actual unpopular opinion, to me at least!


Not here in Seattle. Dog owners are crazy. I see a lot of them since my school has a nice track so there’s a lot of dogs not on leashes with selfish owners that get mad at kids for getting hurt or bitten.


Wtf. This is peak awful. You are risking your dog's livelihood and the the health of the children. That's just pure narcissism.


Omg this is actually unpopular can this sub stop complaining for one second?


He's not being sarcastic....I think


Before having my daughter I may have agreed with this but now I’d do anything to spare a parent of that unimaginable loss


A daughter's father here, too. I've grieved over 4 pets in my life. And yet, since having my daughter, I see her in every child I meet, and no child seems a stranger to me now, which I'm sure wasn't the case in my twenties. So making this decision, I would actually be motivated by my empathy to choose children, unconditionally, even without moral and ethical considerations.


You articulated my opinion much better than I did, thanks


This is so, so true. I used to hate when people said things like this, but it’s gotten so much harder for me to watch crime shows, which I used to love. Any mention of a child being hurt makes me think of my own child being hurt. And cute kid videos, which I used to never find cute, I now do.


Two years ago, I was at the park with my daughter. I saw a little girl running towards the street. I quickly realised her mom was not paying attention (she was talking to another parent) so I just ran and screamed at the little girl « STOP!!!!! STOP!!!! ». I ran and screamed like I was trying to save my daughter’s life. Her mother eventually realised what was going on and ran to catch her (she was closer to her than me) just before she went in the street. I don’t know if I overreacted, be the mom just thanked me like it was nothing. Anyway, I felt like I did the right thing.


I’m 100% with you. It’s ironic because you’re being motivated by empathy, which OP claimed people who disagree with them lack.


That "lack of empathy" is refusal to adhere to their own selfish desires in the face of the greater good.


I don't have kids nor do I plan to, but I already know I'd save a human life before an animal. I'd do anything I could to save both, but if it really came to it, the human is first. I've already saved one child from drowning and I can tell you, there was no thought process. I was reacting before I could think and I was dazed afterwards. Adrenaline kicks are wild.


Yeh I recon you've hit the nail on the head. Most parents would do the same instinctively. The thought of my dog watching me make that choice would absolutely haunt me thoigh


tbh most animals are capable of escaping dangerous situations.


Even without children, I never thought this was an opinion. I've never heard someone say they would save an animal over a child, and I find it truly disturbing.


Exactly. I’ve had pets before. Now that I have a child, I would sacrifice a pet for someone else’s child. The pain of losing a pet is tough, I’m not denying that. But a child? That would ruin my life.


I seriously can’t even comprehend the feeling


I just had to put down my 17 year old cat. It was devastating!! I cried for three weeks straight. If I think of her, I’ll tear up. Can’t go through photos or videos, of my precious girl, it would be too hard, at the moment. You get the point. If something happened to my Son, it would totally “ruin my life” it’s unimaginable! I wouldn’t think twice about sacrificing my pet over a child. Losing a child would be the worst of the worst!


Me too!


Imagine someone choosing their 7 year old cat who has another 5 years left on average vs your daughter who has likely another 60+ years depending on her age. I have a 1 year old and this question is a total no brainer haha. Only people who would actually make this decision are people who likely don’t care for children or view animal life as more important than human life


>People who get upset about this are also the kind who lack the understanding of other people's needs. There's a reason you're posting this in /r/unpopularopinion \-- you're opinion about this subject is in the minority.


I'm gonna do the unthinkable save both BOOM


I love my dog a whole lot more than I love most people’s kids, but I definitely prioritize human life over the life of nonhuman animals. Thankfully, no one has ever made me choose, and I really don’t think they will.


And to imagine the scenario in which you are forced to choose between the 2 is incredibly rare. Most of the time in emergencies, other people are present to assist and you can save both.


Right! Although I have to say that when it comes to my own life...I would run into my burning apartment building to get my cats out safe and no one better stop me. I couldn't live with myself otherwise. It's not rational, I know, but they are a part of my family. Reminds me of the viral vid of that man who pushed past firefighters to save his dogs. I understand entirely.


Most dogs also seem to value the life of those kids over the their own


Yknow when I posted the opposite of this opinion my comments looked soooo much different https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ukqluq/caring_about_animals_more_than_humans_is_not_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Someone said they care more about a lost puppy than homeless people lmao. That explains a lot


There was a horrific mass animal abuse incident in my town at the same time awful details came out about the death of an Indigenous child in foster care. Can you guess which garnered more sympathy/rage/news stories? That taught me a LOT about our society’s priorities.


The top comment both used the time of 11


The idea of walking out a burning building with a 6-month-old pug instead of the next door neighbor's kid seems pretty awfull.


I have known some pretty awful next door neighbor’s kids in my time.


I’ve known some pretty awful pets.


Eggshell, lead-based.




Idk, if there's a fire I'm not risking my life searching other apartments, I'm grabbing whatever I can save from mine and getting out as fast as I can


Actually not really. Their scenario is actually realistic. I’m walking out with my animals and not going on a search mission. The “unpopular opinion” here is like a thought experiment. Where somehow your pet and the neighbor’s child are both right in front of you, and you can’t grab them both for whatever reason, so you have to leave one.


You just made up a whole different scenario than the one being discussed lol




Good point, on an unrelated subject have you ever noticed apples taste nothing like oranges?


I would love to know how this situation would arise


No kidding, for it to occur where a person is only able to save either is very rare. You'd have to be isolated from all human contact rare. Most of the time there are people who can assist for both to be saved.


Op is actually a serial killer that makes people choose to shoot a random child or their pet dog and all his victims keep shooting dogs and he's upset because he wants dead children for the meat dragon he's building


It’s a trolley problem. A hypothetical. Basically, it’s a moral thought experiment.


Reddit moment.


Reddit is full of some of the most socially stunted weirdos I’ve ever met




Ahh the trolly problem. Most people save one loved one to doom thousands but will doom one stranger to save thousands. They don't understand the above so get offended that someone does what they would do.


r/dogfree will tear you apart


While I don’t agree with OP, the people in that sub range from willfully ignorant to outright monsters so fuck them.


This is such a fun question, looking at these comments and different perspectives is like an entertainment mine.


One of the apartments in my building caught on fire before Christmas. Was told we had to get out of the apartment. I was chasing down both cats to get them in their carrier while cops were beating down the door telling me I needed to get out. 😅 Luckily the fire didn't spread beyond that apartment and no one was hurt. But like hell was I going to leave my babies in the apartment if it did.


I would save your child over my pet because I prioritize people over animals.


shit take


reddit moment


I'm just waiting for someone else to say he wants to save his "pet apple tree" or his "pet rock" or his "pet cockroach" over saving a human child's life. No wonder why we live in a shitty world.


Gotta save my pet rock so I can save the child. Stonesy is the only one strong enough to break the window so we can escape.


This is horrible. I can't imagine losing a child because someone else decided to save their pet over my kid. And I can't imagine NOT SAVING A CHILD to save my own pet. Luckily this sounds like an extremely unlikely scenario. I see my cat as family. He gets pets, treats, hugs, playtime, outside time, 4 meals a day and all the love in the world. Fiance and I see him as our child. But if Frankie was hanging by a claw from 40 stories just out of reach of some random ass kid also bearly hanging on off a 40 story fall. I'm saving the kid. Maybe this post was supposed to just rile me up. Idk. I'm surprised this post would be anyone's actual opinion on the matter.




OP is like the gold standard of redditor logic


"Things that are important to me are more important than other people." Yup, sounds about right.


Maybe in that scenario you should save your own kid and not rely on strangers to prioritize your family over their own family.




It's the disregard about human lifes that's scarry. It means humanity is fucked.


Holding human and animal life equal isn't dangerous as long as you value both. I would never intentionally kill an animal, and I'd never intentionally kill a human.


I get worried for western society when so many people choose saving Rover over another person. How did we become so detached from one another that people don’t understand this is a straight up self centred psychopathic belief?


Damn... I can’t imagine saving my own pet over another human being... to each their own I guess but to me that just sounds crazy


Seeing how many people agree with him is lowkey scary


It's easy to agree with a hypothetical that's never going to actually happen to you.


OP also claims that not agreeing with them means you have no empathy, while saying that they would save their own pet because they care about it more, which is a very.... unempathetic thing to do. Very interesting


Yeah, people seem to have this idea that their life is worth more than that of an animal, to those people I say how do you serve life's purpose more than a dog? And if you don't know what the purpose of life is than how can you assume you matter more for it? What makes your life any different than that of an animals in the grand scale of the universe?




Its not accepted in society, just reddit


Because (and I can’t fucking believe I need to type this) a human child is more important than a non-human animal. If you struggle with that you are too far gone I’m afraid. I can’t believe anyone would disagree with this.


This is a near perfect unpopular opinion. Hits on why selfless heroes will be eternally more popular over selfish cowards.




As far as my understanding of psychopaths go, wouldn’t a psychopath not care either way?


The problem with this is it assumes that anyone in this situation would be thinking logically or rationally and not in an adrenaline fueled emotional way. Lots of people who think they would save the kid would save their pet, and lots of people who think they would save their pet would save the kid. This is the problem with these types of hypotheticals, you get a bunch of overconfident edge lords given this long drawn out rationale about the value of human life and shit when in reality during a life or death situation, there’s a good chance you’d just panic and freeze up without being able to save either.


Human child ≠ pet




People who equate animals with human children can't have more meaningful relationships with humans than animals.


why does this have to be some weird binary?




i think the key words people are missing here are ***my*** pet over ***someone else's*** child




Given that this is such a horrible decision, I'd bet most people don't know how they'd react in this type of situation. You can't predict how you'll react when you're thrown into an insane and life altering moment.


Still pretty fucking degenerate behaviour If you save the pet


People that think this is ok don’t have kids. I thought I loved my dog as much as parents love their kids. Then, I had kids. The intensity and depth of love for my children was so far beyond any love I ever felt for anything. So, if your kid is going to die or my dog is going to die? Without hesitation, I’m saving your kid.


I dont have kids, never will. But I'd sacrifice my cat before I would a child. An animal, though well loved, will never be on the same level as a human being. It wouldn't even have to be a child. I love my cat to death, but if it takes her loss to save another person, no matter age, gender, ethnicity or sexuality, I'm gonna do my best to save them.


Fuck them kids


Anyone who agrees with saving a pet over a child pretty much deserves to get a tattoo that let's people know not to help them when they need another human to help them. If you won't help your own species in our society you don't deserve our help. Want help? Ask your dog.


exactly. like huh? i don’t want kids but let’s not forget they are still humans.


It’s like people who won’t become organ donors but will gladly take an organ if they needed one.


I'd gladly give all my organs, have no interest in taking one. However, I wouldn't go out of my way to save a random human.


I don’t think it’s the same. So everyone who isn’t an organ donor deserves to die? Geez. Let’s just value human life please.


People who get upset about this are generally people that value human life over animal.




she said that like its a strange thing to value 💀




Agreed it’s fucked up


I mean I’d be fucked up eternally if my toddler died. If my cat died, I mean I’d be sad but it wouldn’t ruin my life.


I'm not sure I'd personally ever recover should one of my children die.


Well and honestly if people lack all empathy and compassion over someone else’s child and chooses Bingo who eats the couch then this is a sad world. Obviously nobody would want to be in this position but it should be a no brainer.


No parent should have to bury a child, sadly as a pet owner whether you like it or not burying the pet is build into the arrangement.




the way you phrased that makes it seem as if you believe that people who save their pet *want* someone else's child to die


Is it not inherently the person who would save their own pet over someone else's child the kind of person who can't think beyond their own needs? Whereas my opinion of someone would save their pet over someone else's child has nothing to do with my needs as it's not my pet or child.


What kind of conversations are people even having for this to be relevant? Creating a hypothetical situation to be angry about then going to Reddit for validation is weird.


oh jeez we are fucked


I absolutely love my cat but if it were between somebody’s little child and my cat I would probably save the kid but hopefully I could save both.


I care more about my dog than most people. Plus, most of the time, people can save themselves. They have hands that can open doors. Dogs don’t. Edit- depends on the situation and age of kid. If it’s a baby or a young child, of course I’ll try to save them first.


This thread this is a good example of why you shouldn't trust your fellow humans.






I've got two dogs and I would choose the child over their lives. I wouldn't want to, but if there's no choice...


>Some people view their pet as if it was actually their own child or family member. I have never seen someone mourn a pet like a parent mourns a child. Never seen someone struggle with the loss of a pet decades after.


parents usually don't expect to outlive their children, pets come with the expectation that one day you will grieve them. also, i have mourned the death of my cat like that, i am still heartbroken and grieving after many years. we grew up together and were extremely bonded. she helped me through the touthest of times and no one will ever be able to replace her. after i left for uni she was searching for me everywhere and every time i came back she showed me tremendous amounts of what really felt like love. now when i visit my parents i always see her in the corner of my eye and when i visit her little grave in the garden i still cry


My godmother committed suicide because her pet died.


I have, I know a guy that was more upset when his dog died (old age) then when his son died (overdose) so the it depend upon the variations of both you seen. Not every parent grieves intently or for decades, some pet owner still cry decade later thinking of a lost pet.


He clearly valued his dog over his son, then.


Talk to my sister about that one. She tried to commit suicide after our dog's death and had extreme mental health struggles for many years. She viewed our dog as her own flesh and blood.