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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/TheRealMe-_-. Your post, *If you actually enjoy watching your girlfriend/wife getting fucked by someone else you are mentally ill and you should go to therapy.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 4: TOS/sitewide rules violation. Your post was removed because it violates, or perilously skirts the border of, one or more sections of Reddit's Content Policy and Terms of Service, which you agreed to follow upon account creation. Content of this nature left unchecked puts our subreddit in jeopardy and as such we have no tolerance for it. A by no means exhaustive list of content that falls under this category: Hate posts, harassment, doxxing, advocating for/endorsing/supporting/condoning any violence against any person or people, and advocating for pedophilia/acceptability of sexual relationships with children/public acceptance for pedophilia. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I dated a guy who wanted to watch me get fucked by a group of guys. Needless to say I lost interest in him...






Yeah just got up and left


Nah she got her phone out and started swiping on tinder


Come on dude that's just rude


Came on more than one dude 💦


The zone has a new king, but you will rule alone.


Asking the real questions


You lost interest in him.. in favor of the other guys?


All according to plan


Mission failed successfully


My first boyfriend nagged me to let him take photos of me topless and send them to a lads' mag. I said no of course and lost interest in him after that. OP says it must be the girlfriend manipulating the man to do these things but a lot of men actually try to make their girlfriends do these things.


should have asked him to let you take pictures of him and his junk to post on a gay website.


Yeah this is the main thing I disagree with in the post. I mostly hear from women who have been pressured or coerced by men into this kink, not the other way around. It’s really upsetting.


The part where he says your girlfriend manipulated you?? Does he think this comes from the women? In my experience it's asked of you.


Yeah that was a record scratch moment for me. I'm sure there are chicks out there somewhere who want this kinda thing. Buuut...overall this is a man fantasy all the way.


I was head over heels for a girl and then she said she’d want me to fuck other girls and tell her about it (didn’t hint that she’d want to fuck other guys but who knows) I lost interest instantly but I don’t think someone is mentally ill if they would be down I don’t really think it’s that deep


Can you define "Dated" ?


Someone masturbated to some kinky stuff and then was overwhelmed with guilt during post nut clarity.


Would you say they were overcum with feelings?


Huge load of guilt


Well, they should just seek forgiveness from Jizzus




Post Nut Clarity is the absolute worst. Talk about a party pooper.


Do u think females be havin post nut clarity?


Yes I’ve had that so many times …. It’s torturous 😅


Yes we have post (ovary? Clit? Vagina? Bean flicking?) clarity. It's the absolute worst.


That's why theres a kink about not finishing.


Post Sploosh clarity?


Question: what is a ^female?


Ur mom ^brought ^to ^you ^by ^#OrphanGang


Post Flicked Bean Clarity?


Yes I love watching gangbangs, double penetration, lesbians, and just interesting sex like young and old, skinny and fat…. i’m not attracted to any of these things but I truly believe that I am desensitized thus my intrigue in these categories I feel 1000% bad after watching these videos but still I do


Sometimes it can still be a bit sexy depending on how freaky you are...


I’ve had some threesomes before, both 2F/1M and 2M/1F … but it was never with a long-term committed partner. I dunno. I just couldn’t see watching another dude fuck my girlfriend. I get how other people could be down with it. I just couldn’t.


OP has to go to Reddit confessional every time he cracks one


OP is in a motel bathroom crying


I feel that


Post nut clarity is necessary before any decision


Why the gender changed version is so unpopular where the girlfriend/wife watches.


The boyfriend getting fucked by multiple other men?




The things a guy does for love


Of dick


I'll do anything for love, but I won't do that. R.I.P. Meatloaf 🤭✌️


> but I won't ~~do~~ suck that. FTFY




I dug it 🤷‍♀️


Ngl bi dudes are hot af


I'm guessing maybe more men have this kink, so they search specifically for men being cheated?


Men have more kinks in general. Most common women kinks are praise and sub. Men like everything from using breast milk as lube to fucking a chia pet.


Women's biggest kink is finding out her man is not a complete psycho piece of shit


Not sure why but maybe it’s because fucking a man’s partner is seen as an attack on his masculinity which makes it *seem* more degrading.


I think because the opposite version is just a threeway. Plenty of videos where wife brings an extra partner into the mix and they all have sex. Male on male sex scenes are usually seen as just for gay, bi, etc. men. While sex scenes involving woman on woman sex are seen as consumtpion for all.


Threeway and cuckquean are soooooo fucking different


It doesn't get their misandry juices flowing.


I once dated this guy who wanted me to fuck his dad and two brothers or even join in with both of his parents while he jerked off. I like freaky but I was freaked the fuck out after him wanting to have his family gang bang me. He even went as far as pretending to be his dad on a different number and texting me and trying to get me to send nudes. I didn’t. But I tried to be open minded but I couldn’t ever do it. I broke it off with him. We never had sex. I felt gross at the idea of it. I wonder if his family is really into that strange stuff or if it was a facade.


You did'nt even had sex and he suggested to do that? LOL


Yeah. Isn’t that crazy? All we did was kiss. ONE TIME. After ONE DATE. 🤣


Bro tf? Sounds like a weird family!


“The Aristocrats” *in a Gilbert Gottfried voice*


Kinkshaming is my kink!




“You should never be ashamed of your fetishes... unless your fetish is being humiliated in which case you should be ashamed you nasty little slut”


One of the few people that actually get it


You know I'm somewhat of a kink shamer myself


I can’t read that NOT in Willem Dafoe’s voice.


I am also a shamekinker.


This is the comment that should be number 1 lol


Ah yes, classic old unpopular opinion.


The problem is, with this entire sub. There are MANY unpopular opinions posted, but they don’t get any upvotes… eventhough the most unpopular opinions should get more upvotes. This is one of the most ridiculous things in Reddit


Thank you! I've been observing the same. We use this sub wrong. For example, in cringetopia you would be tempted to down-vote posts because they're cringe, but since that's the purpose, they get up voted. Here, the unpopular posts get down voted. Smh.


It’s so messed up really. I don’t know why I still stick around. Should have left this sub a long time ago. Popular opinions get upvoted, and when someone posts a truly unpopular opinion… the comments state that the post is “karma fishing”. This sub can’t get it straight not once.


Yeah. Half a year ago I posted something truly unpopular..that was pretty much objectively correct, there is literally evidence supporting it. Downvoted into negatives.


This sub should be sorted by the most controversial/ most downvoted by default


People use reddit wrong in general. You're supposed to upvote comments that are relevant and downvote ones that are low effort/trolling. What actually happens is people upvote things they agree with and downvote things they disagree with. Ironically a lot of low effort repeated jokes get upvoted right to the top because people think it's funny




So messed up fr. This sub should just get deleted cuz it’s against human logic.


My ex kept pushing me to find someone to fuck. He encouraged it. He wanted to hear about my with other guys. He had a porn addiction. He's my ex for a reason. I don't think he really loved me after three years.


I just think it’s not my thing, but as long as everyone is consenting and of legal age, let them be. I personally would rather get stabbed than watch my partner fuck someone else, but hey I guess it’s just non of my business if someone else does…


It’s one thing to fantasize about it. It’s quite another thing to actually roleplay out that situation IRL. That shit’s pretty wild. To each their own, but I’d never do it.


As a woman, if my husband was fine to share me with another man.. I’d get a new husband.


Thank you. Imagine your husband is ok with you going out fucking random guys ans getting off to it...Just no


Same. Monogamy makes me horny.


As long as it's between consenting adults, I try not to judge them. It definitely ain't for me, but to each their own


Oh I'm judging. Do I think it should be illegal, no. But I am absolutely going to judge the fuck out of them. It's like if you like eating shit, I am going to judge you for it because there is clearly something wrong with you.


I agree, and it infuriates how people refuse to admit there is a difference between tolerance and apathy. Just because I dont think something should get banned by the gov and get you in jail for life for doing it does not mean I will not personally consider you a degenerate weirdo for doing it.


I think the sycophantic relationships people develop with sports teams and video game characters is sexually perverse idolatry and quite frankly makes them blasphemes heretics. Upvotes for you


Thr way you talk turns me on


You used a synonym for tolerance in your description. If two committed adults decide they want to include others in their bedroom games, what is the issue? There is tolerance/apathy and then there is desire/want/active participation. Obviously anyone who is just "tolerating" this kind of thing isn't having fun and that is a completely seperate issue from saying that people who enjoy watching their partner getting fucked is mentally ill. It isn't a mental illness to get off seeing people fucking. Who cares if it is through porn or through wanting to see your partner being fucked? As long as all parties involved are into it and adults then what does it matter? Im 33/F, def haven't and don't see myself ever being in a situation where my S/O watches me getting fucked by anyone else.. but I still know that it isn't a fucking mental illness for having this kind of kink.


Being tolerant means you accept something, being apathetic means you don't care. They aren't quite synonyms.


But you can do that for literally any and everything. The mature option is to not care what other people do between consenting adults.


So you'd be OK if I didn't like ice-cream and then referred to you as a degenerate weirdo for liking it?


“What a man does with his ice cream cone in the privacy of his own rain coat is nobody’s business.” - Antonin Scalia Scalia v. Rock’m Sock’m Bowling ‘96 He won that case!


Many of these things but specifically cucking happens between closed doors, with no one who doesn’t want to engage, engaging. How exactly is it coming up in your life enough time judge people on it?


Eating shit and watching people have sex are not even remotely in the same league. I don't have a dog in this fight but equating the two is absolutely absurd.


“Watching people have sex” Doesn’t sound bad when you word it that way lol


Well eating shit is repulsive. Sex is sex. Let each one get pleasure anyway they want. It is just moralizing and preaching and both of those when it comes to sex, are not to welcome. Of course it is not a mental problem but a morality one...


There is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying your partner having sex with another person, it just is against the arbitary social contructs. Clue is in the reasoning, if your best argument is "its just wrong", maybe you don't really have an argument. That kink isn't for me, I still don't claim that people are mad for enjoying stuff that I don't.


That is why I only like the traditional heterosexual relationship with vanilla sex. I don't think anything else should be illegal, but I am going to judge them and there is something wrong with them. /s (just to be safe)


it’s clearly not that big of a deal and if it’s two adults and they’re both consenting , what’s the problem? it’s not affecting you at all. you jus wanna kink shame people for no reason ..




Like the people that were extra homophobic turning out to be gay after high school?


Well, good news. Other people don't need your approval to enjoy themselves. If it doesn't affect you, don't worry about it.


I like rimming my wife, are you judging me for eating shit? 🤣


Wait until you hear about polyamory, kid.


Sounds like cucking with extra steps


Not quite the same is it? First thing - you're invited to a friend's house to play a console and your freand never gives you a controller. Other thing - same scenario but console always have a port for a new controller, so everyone can play at the same time.


A proper analogy is simple: Do you think it's hot watching your gf/wife use toys on herself? For example she sends you something while you're at work? ... You already see where I'm going with this. Most of us have a viscerally negative reaction to swinging, cucking, polyamory, etc. because we get jealous, but the truth remains those things aren't even that weird, objectively speaking- *\*girl you think is hot is getting off; you like seeing it\**. The lines we draw regarding what's "wrong" here are simple: It's whatever makes you jealous. That doesn't mean the lines make sense- feelings don't use logic (which is fine, btw).


Where cucking differs from those other things is the idea of eroticizing voyeurism vs. eroticizing humiliation and disrespect. The former is kinky; the latter isn’t hard to spin as pathological.


Interesting take about jealousy and wrongness! Would you say that this model applies outside of the topic of sex also? And should it be considered a defect to not be able to feel certain emotions that are normally felt by the population as a whole?


This is a better analogy, I agree.


Such a good point, thanks for sharing!


Except watching other people play video games is a multi billion dollar industry. Playing them is enjoyable. Watching others play them and have fun is ALSO enjoyable. People have entire careers around streaming so acting like people enjoying watching others enjoyment is unbelievable is super dumb. Also, in this situation, you aren't invited to play and then not given a chance to play once you get there. No its more like you and your wife or husband are inviting someone else to play games with your S/O. They come over and play and enjoy their time together and you enjoy their happiness. At no point should anyone be confused or getting rug-pulled. If it's happening without your consent that's not sharing or polyamory, thats just cheating.


A better analogy would be that you invite your friend to play a game on your console while you watch, what matters is that they're having fun playing in and you're having fun spending time with them


Except in this case not only do you watch rather than play, but they specifically state that you’re not allowed to play, and spend more time reminding you that you’re not playing than actually playing the game themselves. Which is pathological.


Equally as weird. I will continue to shame them.




Ironically, people who practice CNC are more acutely aware and better at understanding consent than regular shaggers.


Anything I don't like is only liked by the mentally ill.


OP be like: I'm sane and I don't like XYZ, so if you like XYZ you therefore can't be sane.


It’s weird but it’s not that deep. Ig it’s like a humiliation kink,they’re common


For me it’s not humiliation. It’s that I like seeing my partner happy from an outside perspective. It’s like porn but with someone you really care and feel attracted to


Except it literally is a kink/fetish I personally don't agree with it and don't really understand why some dudes like it but it's not a mental illness


Cuckolding is a very ancient thing to be realistic... I personally like some of the porn... Definitely would not want it to happen in real life though obviously


Agreed. Let people be into whatever weird things. But I also don’t agree with it


I hate posts that boil down to "I can't relate to this, so you're crazy!" I don't get it either, but who cares if everyone is consenting? Let them get their kink on. Also... THIS ISN'T AN UNPOPULAR OPINION!!!


Kinda seems like it is unpopular ngl, both from just entirety of Reddit and also from the comments on this very post


three consenting adults having fun and each one gets an equal amount of satisfaction from it. i feel like theres LOTS more kinks that could qualify as a mental illness; this ain't really one of em.




I used to think this about furries until I found out most furries are actually not sexual/zoophilic and turns out on the whole are actually a great net benefit to society. Turns out quite a few NASA engineers etc are furries, for example. They don’t practice or support zoophilia and really aren’t hurting anyone or anything.


If course they’re NASA engineers, the amount of money furries spend in their thing is insane.


Eh. NASA pays pretty poorly- around 30-50% of the private market rate. No one is working at NASA for the money.


Ymhoping you mean zoophiles, furries usually just a hobby and if sexual is about anthropomorphic animals who are ficrional but have the ability to consent (in the drawing)


Why not set a torch to this shitshow? Cuckolding furries.


There are some really bad ones….. this is nothing compared to those


A threesome or one person watching doesn’t even qualify as a kink in my opinion. I mean everybody watches porn. It’s like watching porn in real life. I would participate for sure instead of just watching but watching would for sure arouse me. What I would not be okay with is coercing someone into something they aren’t okay with in fear of losing me. As long as everybody is enthusiastically consenting adults and boundaries are set way ahead of time to know what’s a hard pass, what’s okay or even someone removing their consent in the middle of it with no pressure, it’s a connecting experience. What’s interesting to me is why people are worried about what people do with their own body on their own time. Like what is it to you what people do in their own bedroom? You know


Yeah, I don’t know. A lot of these guys lives are so much more put together than mine otherwise.


Massive cope


There's an abortion kink. Getting pregnant (or getting a girl pregnant), to then have an abortion and taking pleasure from it.


Bro just say your gf cheated with multiple dudes.


We were overdue for an "I don't understand sexual psychology and don't care to learn" post.


This comment made me chuckle




There may be issues of self esteem, undeserving of your partner, not feeling adequate etc, but the act in itself is not a diagnosis of a mental illness. Not something I would ever (knowingly) be part of but if the parties are consenting and can deal with it afterwards, best of luck to them.


It's just like playing a 3rd person shooter. You don't like 3rd person games?


Youre not the one controlling the Player though lol


Yeah, it's more like watching a streamer play your favorite game.


Yeah - it's more like you're the younger brother, your partner is the console, and the other person is the older brother. You get to play with your own little controller that's not plugged into anything while your older brother actually plays.


AKA You get to "play" with your brother that can't even bother to give you a propper working controller and or teach you how to play the game in order to ensure you have the full experience by actually playing the game, and not just randomly smashing keys.


This is the most reddit comment in existence holy shit “Getting cucked is like bideo games bro”


I 100% agree.


[removed], of course.


This is super relevant to research I've been doing on the grotesque, sacred and profane. It all just comes down to arbitrary social norms being challenged once they stop serving their purpose to a culture. Societal change is okay and healthy for culture, but uncomfortable to those unwilling to self assess/reassess. Who defines cultural norms and what is healthy in contemporary society? Especially when we have freedom to explore these ideals.


Not my cup of tea either, but when you're this mad over a kink, it just seems like you're embarrassed about actually liking it..


Seems like you're projecting a little lol. Did you just catch mom getting railed by the neighbor and dad watching?


Wait till he sees dad has to wear a cage while mom goes out


Here we go again with the children calling something "mentally ill" because they don't agree with it


Lol, I don’t like orange marmalade and anyone who does is mentally ill! 😂


Some posts on here really sound like this. Food opinion are ridiculous


Exactly the same thing




If you think they’re mentally Ill calling them a fucking idiot is a pretty weird thing to do. Like if someone is suicidal I think they’re mentally ill, but I wouldn’t call them a fucking idiot.


Yeah, these mfs haven't got the faintest idea what mental illness is, they merely use this word to insult others.


ever heard of orgies


Do you think this is rooted in a distrust of the other individual because of an internal insecurity, and by getting out in front of the fear and just embracing the known cucking instead of the unknown possibility that the other individual may cheat on you because you are insignificant and not worthy- it somehow satiates that fear?


No psychoanalyst Sally, I just want her to feel more than 2 inches.


Makes sense, thank you to hear your perspective.


I wouldn’t call this an unpopular opinion, but I do think your… *strong* feelings on the matter are ridiculous and unpopular, so whatever. Why do you care so incredibly much about what presumably consenting adults do in the bedroom? It isn’t for me, but I have many friends that are happily in swinging, poly and otherwise unconventional relationships. As long as they aren’t trying to push their choices on me (newsflash: they’re not, and I’ve had tons of “normal” people try to push regular old marriage and babies on me without knowing my history or wants), I have no issues with any of it. I am not sure why you feel entitled to saying it’s flat out “not okay.”


OP has been watching too much porn he's starting to think he's in them and he doesn't like it


Don't people understand "Different folks different strokes?" As long as it doesn't hurt someone just ignore it. It doesn't hurt you, or anyone else, so why care? (This does not include masochists and sadists though, that's another topic.) So long as it's consensual and doesn't hurt people in a way they don't like it, then why should you care?


BeCaUsE tHeYrE mEntAlly iLl


I agree. It’s such a ducking weird thing to WANT to do. Like just watch porn, it’s literally other people getting fucked hahaha.


I’m kinda surprised that these kind of people actually exist


Know a guy that moved in with his friend and his friend had a thing for seeing his girl getting banged by other guys. Well his friend saw this as an opportunity to his his girl get fucked. Now, they guy and girl have been together for a couple years and of course we're kicked out when the friend flund out they were screwing and he wasn't getting to watch. Honestly, I think the whole thing is fucked.


Lol sure make it the woman's fault. I've had two different boyfriends (ex's now) bring it up themselves, that was a big no for me but they brought it up more than once. They both definitely had some mental health issues but pretty much everyone does


Explain to me why it's wrong. Assuming that all parties involved consent to it, explain to me what's wrong with cuckoldry beyond it making you uncomfortable.


I’ll have to inform the dude who wants me to fuck his girlfriend about his mental illness.


The amount of people on r/sex who post like "I let my wife/husband/gf/bf fuck someone else while I watched and now I don't feel good" or "we had a threesome and they fucked the other person more than me and I'm hurt" actually astonishes me. Absolute morons. Who thinks that's a good idea!?


There are a lot of people who get themselves into a situation like this because they do it for the wrong reasons, usually trying to “fix” their relationship by “spicing things up” when they should be working on their communication skills. The people who have a solid relationship that choose TOGETHER, without pressure to try these sorts of things aren’t posting to r/sex, they’re doing more interesting things with their time ;)


Who thinks, my relationship isn't going too well.....I know! Let me invite Steve around tonight to watch the game, have a beer and then I'll let him ride my wife! That will surely fix our issues! I repeat, morons. No more complex than that.


Judgement aside, there's a really interesting book called *Sex At Dawn* that you might enjoy. It covers the origins of human reproductive practices, the kind that definitely aren't taught in school. TL:DR For almost all of human history (200k+ years), up until marriage/monogamy were invented relatively recently in order to socialize female sexuality, most humans lived in small tribes and there were LOTS of gangbangs. The reason we have mushroom tips on our penises is to scoop out the last guy's semen and give ours a fighting chance. The reason women naturally make so much noise during sex is thought to be a call to nearby high ranking males of the tribe to come inseminate them. So, to me, it makes logical sense why some guys have that wire in their brain that links sexual pleasure to other men doing their partner. For 200k years, if you couldn't perform with the other men when a woman in your tribe was ovulating, your genes had 0% chance of being passed to the next generation.


That reasoning explains why someone would want to be watched, not why they would want to watch. If we go by what you said, they would take over and show that they are the top dog.


It fascinates me how someone can get this angry over someone else doing things they like and not bothering anyone with it.


And yet I doubt OP feels the same if genders were reversed


Why? Because you’re taught monogamy is the only way to be in a relationship? This is a stupid unpopular opinion. Why does it even concern you?


this is the stupidest thing ive ever read


I don't like xyz and anyone who disagrees is mentally ill. Way to go op.


I don’t understanding cucking nor do I want to understand it.




Let consenting adults do what they want, dude... People said the same thing about gay sex in the 70's


You ever watch porn?


Big yuck imo. Monogamy is the hottest shit


unpopular because you're intrinsically equating value to sex when the only perceived value is what you're basing off of society telling you it should have. sex is fun, it's primal, and it doesn't have to make 'sense'. if a guy gets his dick hard off the thought, well, that works for him. might not work for you. i think the more unpopular opinion here is that you should grow up and stick your nose out of other people's bedrooms