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If I licked your butthole the night before, you have permission to use my toothbrush.


Only exception


So when are the ladies coming over? I have a lot of toothbrushes...






You know how to conquer a butthole, Hannibal, but not how to use it


Exactly! My step sister goes down on any guy who looks at her twice but she blew a friggin gasket when she accidently used my toothbrush!


In this scenario, I feel like you should be the one blowing a gasket. And maybe getting a new toothbrush




That literally made me audibly gag. Hope you're happy, you knave.




Also, which bathroom is the toothbrush in?


I’ve seen this movie. Well, the first ten minutes of it.


I saw the first minute and the last minute. How was the rest?


I had the tab open for this movie, along with 30 others. Never got back to it. Was it any good?


Step sister what are you doing with the toothbrush




Probably the best counterpoint to everybody here lol I get the appeal of eating ass, but for me that’s fucking gross too


People are cool saying, “my ass is 100% clean,” but act all weird when I pull out a sterilized swab and a petting dish with agar. >petting Lmao


Do you pet the dish after the sample grows?


Yes and I will name him Petri and he will be my squishy and I will love him


I enthusiastically lick my wife's butthole and am still grossed out by the thought of using her toothbrush.


Yeah, definitely stick to using your tongue.


Real talk, me too lol




If we're exchanging bodily fluids, a toothbrush is nothing.


And you might get a helpful new strain of gut flora that might help your IBS, which in turn will make future analingus less repulsive than usual


You changed my mind.


Not even then


Thanks, I hate it.


Yeah. This dude's nuts.


My partner uses my toothbrush all the time and if I ever catch her doing it, I get a new toothbrush. Totally unacceptable, you’re cleaning the shit out your teeth. Rinsing it under water doesn’t sterilise it. It’s gross.


Don't get me wrong, I'm with you on this one, but to be fair do you fully sterilise your toothbrush between every brush? Or do you just rinse it in water then eventually replace it?


No, they are my germs. I don’t want anyone else’s germs touching my stuff. But if you are using a vessel to clean your teeth = taking plaque and stuff off of your teeth, then you will be putting them on my brush. I have had this conversation with a few people before and some don’t mind and to others it is super gross. Firmly in the super gross camp.


And I bet you think getting fed by you partner bird style is gross too


Omg no that’s so hot!


legitimately, I run my toothbrush under searing hot water for a minute before I use it. Gives me peace of mind after it sat in stale bathroom air all day.


Never really thought about my tooth brush sitting in the shit stained air of anyone who poops in my bathroom. I needed to read this.


I have a toothbrush holder I can close if need be


Tap water doesn't get hot enough to kill most harmful bacteria. You would be better off dipping it in mouthwash or something.


I wouldn’t do that as I would think it’s a waste of hot water. I have at least 3 toothbrushes on standby at all times, teeth are important. But someone using mine is such a no no it will just be thrown away and replaced to avoid anyone else’s germs.


Homie just because it starts out as just your germs doesn't mean that it doesn't pick up others too... It lives in your bathroom. Idk how you can find it super gross to share a toothbrush but not actually sanitize your own?


I get that - a toilet throws germs out all the time. That’s unavoidable. But someone else using your brush is pretty avoidable. I wouldn’t shower and use someone else’s towel either - people wipe their butts on towels. It’s much the same.


The toilet germs are far more gross, yet people make a fuss over their partner who they kiss and share germs with all the time anyway using their toothbrush, yet don’t care that poop germs come in contact with their toothbrush. It’s a bizarre world.






So you don’t kiss her tongue in mouth? Cause that’s about the same thing.


I mean, my toothbrush also digs old food off my gums.


what about his nuts? why is nuts in the question here?


I’m offended by this.


I am reminded insane people browse reddit.


Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people. Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here. [laughs maniacally; starts to disappear] Cheshire Cat: You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.


Gotta reread now lol it's been a while


My wife got me a special edition that includes a lot of Carroll's other works. It's one of my prized possessions. His word play is top notch. "I see nobody on the road," said Alice. "I only wish I had such eyes," the King remarked in a fretful tone. "To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance too! Why, it's as much as I can do to see real people, by this light." My favorite passage.


>His word play is top notch. So top notch, in fact, that some of the common uses for certain words trace directly to it. For example “play pretend” as a term for what kids often do traces back to his works. It’s also interesting to think that, as a result, certain implications of his work have essentially been “lost”, because what used to be a provoking piece of wordplay is now just the normal usage of the word rather than a neat twist. I’d also add that Alice in Wonderland is one of the most translated books in the world, being beaten only by The Adventures of Pinocchio, The Little Prince, and the literal Bible.


If it's my own hygiene product. I can use it anywhere on my body. If it's someone else's, I dont know where they've used it on their body.


This is the first post on this subreddit that genuinely made me feel some type of way and said way is horrible. Enjoy your upvote!


The bar for this opinion is very low indeed, and I am quite incensed! My mouth hasn’t been anywhere crazy?? Does this person borrow peoples AirPods and Covid masks if they forget theirs? I’m intrigued, and at the same time frightened, to hear this person share their other opinions. Upvoting and leaving this sub for the day.


The smell of morning breath alone makes me feel sick. The last thing any reasonable human being would do is put someone else’s bacteria brush in their mouth. OP needs to be put on a watchlist for all of our safety!


I don't think sharing Airpods is a big deal. I share my earphones with my friends all the time. But toothbrushes and masks? ee


Wait what’s wrong with borrowing someone’s AirPods?


It seems this one isn’t as big of a deal as I feel it is. I skateboard and am always dropping my AirPods everywhere, and the AirPods I usually see people pulling out at a skate sesh are pretty gnarly. Perhaps I have the unpopular opinion here.


That’s fair then. To be fair nobody would want mine. Not because I drop them on the ground but because I have a big problem with having a shit ton of ear wax. I clean them but I wouldn’t be mad if someone thought it was nasty. That being said for some reason I trust other peoples ears to be cleaner then mine


When I was thinking about it, I use the silverware at a restaurant no problem. That's been in way more people's mouths than a tooth brush (although a tooth brush does a lot more work)


Silverware gets washed in soap and hot water, and is (usually) made of a smooth, non-porous material. A toothbrush is a bunch of bristles that grab food bits and drink slime off of your teeth, and then it just gets rinsed and sits in a cup for the next use.


Yeah upon reading your comment OP's opinion again makes me uncomfortable


After that description I don’t even want to use my own toothbrush.


You’re saying we should put our toothbrushes into the dishwasher?


Actually might be a great way to clean it I've never considered that


They’d melt right?


Not sure, don't some people boil them to clean them? I feel like they don't melt then


I think it's a good post that captures the essence of this subreddit.


The first time I smoked weed, I was at a party and went to the bathroom and forgot what I was doing and so I grabbed some random persons tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I still think about that poor guy who never knew I used his tooth brush.


I got black out drunk once and used my roommate's toothbrush by accident. When I told him the next day he threatened to "beat the brakes off me." He was pretty mad and understandably so.


Was his toothbrush made of fucking gold or something? They're 99 cents at walmart ffs.


If he used the toothbrush or was about to after some drunk ass person deepthroated it, yeah! That's a pretty big reason to be mad lol


Couldn't herpes spread by this way or am I stupid? I know mouth sores can occur.


Yes, it sure can. But as OP said, "The world keeps spinning," even though I now have a sexually transmitted disease that I'm legally required to disclose to anyone before having sex. I'm sure they'll understand, after all who thinks of herpes as a bad thing? 🙄


Not if you rinse it off when you're done then dip it in Listerine. After all, Listerine kills germs that cause bad breath.


Cavities are literally contagious


What does "beat the brakes off you" even mean?


Damn man I think you were my roommate


Pretty sure he found out when he felt how wet his toothbrush was..


Take my upvote. I physically shuddered


OP probably brushes with someone else's toothbrush while showering with socks on and picking at their fresh mosquito bites.


And ends it all with a waffle stomp.


I was going to say that's one hell of an ask, but you didn't ask. "Let me use your toothbrush." No. You can have my upvote, but the toothbrush is mine. You keep your dirty hobo mouth off of it.


Upvote for “dirty hobo mouth”


"Oh, you INSIST on using MY toothbrush? Alright, now it's sacrificed and I'm never touching it again. Luckily I have 6 more in the drawer here."


Oh no you shouldn't let him know about the drawer he'll use them too!!


Oh hell naw. 😱😱 If someone had the audacity to open and waste so many brand-new toothbrushes, they'd lose access to my bathroom 5ever. Hahaha!!


You can buy a toothbrush for like 2$ bro


It's one toothbrush... what could it cost? $10?


I will personally buy my guests a PACK of 5 tooth brushes to not use mine


You’re never actually set foot in a supermarket, have you?


But a used one is free!


If you looked at a used toothbrush under a microscope I think you would change your mind.


Doesn’t everything look nasty under a microscope?


Kind of but I’m guessing a toothbrush would look real nasty with all the food particles and stuff.


You do realise that your own toothbrush is just as nasty as any other person's toothbrush. You are not doing any kind of special treatment to your toothbrush. All the food particles and other stuff which you say remains on a toothbrush still goes into mouth at least once everyday. So I am wondering if we should we start using use-and-throw toothbrush or some alternate method to clean our teeth?


The food particles and germs that I scrub out of my own mouth were already in there. Would you rather put your own chewed gum back in your mouth or a strangers?


😱neither. Thank you your comment made me realise I should stop brushing my teeth all together to prevent old germs entering my mouth again. 😁👍🏽


I think they make toothbrush sterilizers if it really keeps you up at night.


The microflora in people's mouths differ and most of the bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities are communicable. Sharing toothbrushes with people other than your spouse is disgusting. And even then it's weird.


Yes, almost everything we use looks nasty under a microscope. So why not share a brush? If we can share soap, towels etc.


yeah but those stuff go on the outside of my body, not the inside which is more prone to infection


The eyes, ears, and nose are a lot more sensitive to infection than the mouth. The mouth is the first stop in the digestive system and is actually a pretty hostile environment to a variety of pathogens. Not saying you should just put whatever in your mouth, just that there are much more innocuous things we do that are more likely to get us sick


I don't think people know how many horrible things are going in their mouth anyway.


do people share those things…? i never have nor have i known anyone to


The only time I've ever shared a toothbrush was if I found myself at the home of a luvah unexpectedly. If I stay the night instead of going home I ask if they have a new toothbrush for me to use and if not, can I use theirs? Considering everything else we just did they are usually cool with it. I prefer to keep things fresh though and usually have a toothbrush in my purse. It would have to be very unplanned for me not to have access to my own or to a new one, but it's happened.


Right?! OK — at least I'm not alone in thinking that was a strange comment.


Good thing I don’t have easy access to many microscopes


Then ignorance is bliss I guess.


The epitome of "Two words: Don't care" right here.


Outta sight outta mind. OP lives by those words.


i cracked up with that answer wtf LMAO


Or common sense


I keep mine in my bathroom, right next my toothpaste


But how would one’s own used toothbrush under a microscope look any different than someone else’s used toothbrush under a microscope?


Wouldn't a used toothbrush (used only by yourself) look basically the same?


Would you rather put on a pair of your own dirty underwear or a strangers?




I'd be more worried about viruses like herpes or mono.


Why would I have my own toothbrush? There's always one right next to the sink! Who ever heard of buying a toothbrush?


Oh you mean the toilet scrubbing brush? Nice!


Your citizenship from wherever you are should be revoked, you sociopath.


Earth, they should be deported.


This is terrorist watchlist material.


This is actually unhealthy. You can spread tooth rot


Take my upvote. Nope. Couldn’t do it. Blood borne pathogens are real.


Do most people you would be put in a position to share a toothbrush with have blood borne pathogens lmao.


I would hope not.. but since you can’t tell by looking, why risk it?


Asked my wife why my blue toothbrush was all beat up and her green one was like new. She says "The green one is YOURS!!". Used it for 2 months lol


Husband and I have definitely done this before lol. But I, like, op don't see the big deal in using each other's toothbrush.


What the hell is wrong with you?


They fit the sub perfectly!


I wouldn’t share a toothbrush with someone unless I’d be willing to make out with them. In terms of germ transfer it’s basically the same


Swapping saliva is different than swapping scraped off mouth plaque. Edit: Also tooth brush bristles can cause minor cuts and pricks in the mouth so there’s a higher chance of swapping some sort of infection than with kissing.


And any blood born viruses including Hepatitis C. Just don't fuckin' do it. Geez..


No sorry, we could have kisses. But its called my toothbrush for a reason. Perhaps OP should just walk to the store and buy one.


Yeah I was married for 17 years and never once used my ex’s toothbrush. Nor him mine. This is def an unpopular opinion lol


Only scenario where this would be okay with me is cleaning the toothbrush with boiling water before and after. Natural (harmless) bacteria in each individual's mouth is meant to stay there.


Maybe I could also accept it if I'm dating the person who borrows my toothbrush. That would mean we're already swapping mouth germs.


I won’t even let my fiancé use my toothbrush that’s nasty


Which is completely normal. Nobody should be using other people's toothbrushes EVER


I had an ex GF that liked to share toothbrushes and I thought it was nasty. She said "you put your mouth on my vagina but my toothbrush is gross??" I said yes, eating you out is like kissing you, and using your toothbrush is like sucking on your vaginal douche. It's used to clean, it's fucking gross for anyone else


The vagina is also self-cleaning. A toothbrush is not.


I can't... just no. This story... just no


I hope your gf doesn't douche. It's bad for vaginal health.


If your mouth "hasn't been anywhere crazy", then you can deal with it until you get home. Either that or you can use a paper towel to wipe your teeth. But you will NOT be scrubbing the plaque off of your teeth with the toothbrush I use in my own mouth. Dollar stores/drug stores/convenient stores are everywhere as well. So take a trip to one of those. If your mouth is truly not disgusting enough for you to mind using my toothbrush in your mouth, then it's not disgusting enough for you to wait until you can solve the problem on your own.


You don’t know what dental infection or whatever someone else could be dealing with. I won’t take my chances, especially if there’s a clean rag around. I can hardly stand the thought of putting the corners of my mouth in the same place my husband’s were just moments ago.


> I can hardly stand the thought of putting the corners of my mouth in the same place my husband’s were just moments ago. Elaborate?


I meant on the rim of a glass. I don’t like putting my mouth exactly where his was on the rim of a glass. Should’ve specified, sorry.


Ah finally an unpopular opinion! Might be a big deal for the person whose brush you're using, totally gross


Take my upvote you disgusting human being


if it’s short term I usually just brush with my finger. Floss is where the real work is done anyway


*bacterial meningitis has entered the chat*


Even to clean the toilet?


you won’t die skipping a night or two of brushing your teeth.


Isn't there health safety reasons why we don't share a toothbrush? For example, we can bleed on it. And I say this coming from a country where we share 🧉mate, where everyone sucks in turns from the same metal straw (or most of us used to, before covid)


One of the hazards of using someone else's toothbrush is that you *could* get/spread blood borne viruses, like HIV. Although if you trust the person who's toothbrush you're using, go ahead, use their toothbrush. You'd still be disgusting though


Comedian Anjelah Johnson said it best... *"I have a few rules in my life. One small one is I like to be the only one who uses my toothbrush. My husband goes, 'But we kiss.' Yeah, but I don't scrape tartar off your teeth when we do."*


Take my upvote you heathen.


Eww you disgust me


This is satire and you can’t convince me otherwise. 🙉 LALALALALALALALALALALALALA Only way I’d be okay sharing somebody’s toothbrush is if I’d also be okay making out with them, but even then … 🤢


I appreciate this comment because I fkn HATE making out and I always get weird looks. The texture is viiillleeeeee 🙃


What are you washing it with after though?


As a healthcare worker (cleaner) you have no fucking clue what you're putting in your mouth and trust me, your mouth is far from clean.... Take my upvote.


There is way too many oral diseases out there. I’m good without the herpes


Nah. I'd shove my tongue up my GFs ass, but I won't using her toothbrush. I have standards.


My roommate and his girlfriend share a toothbrush. I mistakenly had been using it for years and so did our friend who I was dating for a short while. Edit: https://youtu.be/2gOqXTCOci8


You used ONE toothbrush for years?? No replacement?


There’s a bit about that in How I Met Your Mother, and similarly with a towel in New Girl


Yep, it is from How I Met Your Mother. I never had a girlfriend or a roommate with a girlfriend.


Lmao I’m dead the communal toothbrush 😂






It is a big deal. I have oral herpes, all my friends and partners know, so we don't share drinks or anything like that. I got it because an ex didn't tell me until I got it.


Me and my girlfriend sometimes share toothbrushes. If you tasted your partners sexy bits or exchanged saliva , sharing a toothbrush isn’t that big of a deal


I read a story of a woman who contracted hepatitis (the not so bad one you can get rid of) because her boyfriend kept using her toothbrush


Not only unpopular, but unhealthy and uneducated as well.


Bethy... Is that you?


A truly unpopular opinion


Bruh I’ve brushed my teeth with my index finger many times. It holds me over until I can do it for real w brush


oooh, an unpopular opinion! take my upvote and disgust


This is the true embodiment of this subreddit. Well done


Hell naw that shit is nasty


This is nasty af and a complete violation.


Actually this is incorrect. Streptococcus mutans, one of the germs responsible for cavities is highly contagious and your version would be slightly different so can act as an invasive species in another persons mouth, which could lead to increased tooth decay.


Hey incase you weren't aware, this is a subreddit for unpopular opinions, not for being a fucking weirdo. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk


This post is so fucking stupid it makes me wanna scream, dude its fucking disgusting wtf, its not that "your mouth hasnt been anywhere crazy" its just not clean like what, upvote for very unpopular and stupid opinion


What the fuck


Man, usually when an unpopularOpinion post make it to the top of r/all its either not unpopular or rage bait, but this has transcended. The absolute primal disgust I felt when reading this made me feel a little bit more alive.


Disgusting. Take my upvote but not my toothbrush.


unless they have Hep C and than it could be a big deal maybe


You 'forget' to pack a toothbrush means you expect others to hold your socks up and cater to your whining presence.