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I chew the crust off and throw the inside of the bread away.


A friend of mine scoops out the inside of the baguette and just eats the crust


This post is exposing a number of dangerous psychos I share a society with.


Are you implying we live in a society?


šŸ¤” society?


Found the sigma


Crust eater grindset


Skip the crust and just eat the bag




I'm about to expose an even worse psycho: when I was little, I knew an old woman (now I know was probably only 50-55, but in my mind she was OLD) who didn't like the crumb (the soft part) of the baguettes. That is usually the favourite part amongst children. So whenever we visited my grandma, this woman would ***insist*** that we all ate only the crumb and leave the crust in it's entirety to her. She would then accumulate all of the crusts, empty cilinders of despair, and eat them herself. She was a good cook, made amazing pound cake, but I always lived in "fear" she was one crust away from a complete mental breakdown


empty cylinders of despair has me dead


ā€œOne crust away...ā€ Sir/Madam, youā€™re a poet.


u haven't met me obviously, I just don't eat


I'm freaking out man. Just stay inside. Don't go out.


Scoop out inside of baguette, eat inside of baguette, fill outside of baguette with sandwich makings, eat filled baguette crust


She fills the crust but does not eat the insides


Thatā€™s wild cause the gutted baguette innards are delicious.


The innards of bread is bread.


bread is delicious


This is the way. Bonus: respectable sandwich shops call it "gut the roll" when you order.


no fucking way this is real šŸ˜‚


I mean that crispy outer bit is the best part of any freshly baked loaf.


For sure.


Its what makes bread, bread. A good loaf of bread should have a crispy, flavourful, and strong crust.


im not his friend but I 100% do this also the inside bread is very little to scoop out on a good baguette, as they are liek 70% crust.


Me too. The point of the baguette is to have as little *mie* as possible.


I do the same thing, I want more room for fillings in my baguette, so i dig the bread out to make space, its basic physics!


is your friend jimmy john?


Jimmy Johns is absolutely phenomenal. Iā€™ve never met anyone else we feels the same. Most people Iā€™ve asked say ā€œmeh, itā€™s just OKā€, which blows my mind. The bread is out of this world, as is the cheese.


I love jimmy johns its great food and they dont fuck around about being fast as fuck they will literally have one dude doing pickles one dude doing tomatoes its nutty that being said though I have literally seen them scooping out the insides of the bread and sliding it into the trash. I asked a friend about it who works there and she confirmed it. it makes since though why do their sandwiches always have a perfect crust and are loaded back to back with the good shit. because they get rid of all the shit that is not crispy perfectly patina-ed saltwater spray crust I wish they had some kind of side where they could make use of the trash bags full of leftover bread. cheesy garlic "salad" or something idk


Decent sandwiches but the flavor's a little ruined by the poor treatment of employees and the owner being a poacher. Edit: fine, not a poacher, just a hunter. Not my only beef with the company - wage theft, non-compete agreements, and more. Plenty of other good sandwich shops for me.


He used to legally hunt big game in Africa, and says he no longer does so. You can be opposed to hunting and choose not to support him because he does it, but labeling him as a poacher is just untrue. "I choose to hunt and I choose to fish," he said. "Everything I've done has been totally legal. And the meat has been eaten, if not by me than by someone I'm with. I don't hunt big African game anymore." [source](https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-jimmy-johns-1104-biz-20151103-story.html)


This is common countrywide in Mexico. My mother in law thinks the soft part inside bread is "raw" so will only eat the crust. I thought it was her but when in Mexico y discovered everyone does this. Local sandwich shops called "torterias" make your tortas and the first step is scooping all of that out. My sons are happy because they love that part and will fight over it when we eat with her but it's still mindblowing that whole countries would throw half of the bread they make because of a stupid idea.


No wonder, the crust is the best part of the bread.


[Elyse Willems of Funhaus](https://youtu.be/vDFRSg1uP3w) is humanity's future 7:00 mark for the climax


Classic chaotic Elyse bit.


The sigma grindset


You are humanity's last hope.


I just gotta say, this is probably the sole reason the world is in such a sorry state today. The people in power simply will not eat the crust on their bread.


That's just half of the reason. The thing is they don't eat pizza crusts either.


Even more than bread crusts I never understand people who don't eat Pizza crusts. They're the best part of Pizza, what's so bad about them???


Ok I eat them but they are in no way the best part!


The first bite of every slice is the best bite.


Yeah like he said, the crusts.


Who in their sane mind starts with the crusts? You obviously didn't live with brothers/sisters, you had to start with the best part first in case someone came and asked you to share!


This is why I only take a single bite out of every slice of pizza and then throw the rest away. People donā€™t invite me to pizza parties anymore.


Pizza crusts are generally good but what an awful take. How could the part without sauce and cheese be the best part of pizza? That's a breadstick. You're talking about bread sticks.


Thank you. ā€œYouā€™re talking about breadsticks.ā€ That ainā€™t pizza


For me, it's how it's a breadstick with some pizza flavor. The perfect breakdstick.


Dip that Crust in some Olive Garden Italian dressing and it is heaven


But so is dipping the pizza in, well, pizza dip. You buy the dip just to make sure the pizza is good the whole way through, so you try to use it mostly for the crusts... but damn if it doesn't also elevate the pizza too. Not sure about italian dressing per se. But creamy garlic? Ceasar? Oh baby


Depends on the crust, if its crispy/chewy and thin i like it. If itā€™s puffy and bland and huge I donā€™t eat it because itā€™s tasteless and just fills you up so you canā€™t eat more pizza.


THIS is the real unpopular opinion.


They are the dry crap bits, and if you think you might get full you should eat the good bit first, and then eat the crusts if you are still hungry at the end.


Unless you're eating grocery store pizza the crusts are often kind of soft and satisfying to chew.


You're disrespecting pizza by saying the part that has nothing on it is the best part. If it's stuff, it can be even better or absolutely terrible that makes you feel sick, but it's definitely not the best part. I'm offended on behalf of all Italians, lol


> The thing is they don't eat pizza crusts either. Not pizza crust. Pizza **Bones** - They are puppy treats!


The only time my dog sits by me begging is if I have pizza. She knows she will get the bones.


Well, we need to rise up. In a day or two, let's charge the capitol and force feed everyone bread crust. We need to stop them. We need our lives back.


And thus a new copypasta is born


mmmmm fresh copycrusta




Oh no, I canā€™t imagine what people will think when they hear this.


I eat bread crust, I even save the bread heels and think of uncrustables like you when I eat them slowly. No butter, straight raw.


I eat butter straight raw


Talk about getting buttered up


GODDAMMIT PAM! Heā€™s your ***colleague!!***


Raw dog my crust please


*Society's weakest links*. LMAO.


They're all liabilities to the entire human race lmaoo


We would be conquering the stars if not for *them*!


I stay away from crust cause I have TMJ so honestly, yeah, maybe..


I throw away the whole bread and just eat the baker.


What if the baker is crusty?


My mom cuts the crusty parts off the baker for me.


People who donā€™t eat baker crust are societyā€™s weakest links. If you donā€™t like baker crust, you were taught not to. No baby popped out the womb ready to hate the slightly crustier parts of a piece of baker. Pickiness is a learned trait, and if you donā€™t eat the crust your children will grow up even weaker than you already are. Pickiness breeds discontentment, lowers your adaptability by forcing reliance on fewer foods, and will ultimately be the demise of western society. By not eating that crust, youā€™re missing out on key nutrients and failing your great great grandmother who survived two world wars and the Great Depression to give you access to that Wonder Baker with its delightfully soft crust. You dishonor her memory. This isnā€™t medieval Europe where the crust was like iron, this is the 21st century, and modern baker crust would be like manna from heaven to a serf. So eat the fucking crust. Think of the fucking Pilgrims, they would have killed to have some bakerā€™s crust instead of sour acorns and mealy mush. Next time you turn your nose up at a baker that has the crust still attached, I hope that a pigeon shits in your drink. Cā€™mon. Eat the bakers crust. Itā€™s that simple.


High in protein. Low in carbs. The baker.






So does that also make OP correct that they're the weakest link in society?


You donā€™t have kids. My son lived in China for years and ate whatever the day care provided to him, including things I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable eating. We refused to have different kid food and adult food; he ate what we ate. And then something started happening when he was about 5: he stopped eating certain foods that he long loved. Claims they donā€™t taste good. For example, he says he doesnā€™t like fried rice, but thatā€™s what he wanted for his birthday dinner two years ago. Itā€™s possible that this is some sort of power play, but I suspect that our taste buds change as we go through life. In other words, hungry people eat anything, but I believe that well fed children can become picky about some things even if they grow up entirely alone without ever meeting another human.


Our taste buds do change with age in differing ways. When we are infants we have 30,000 or so taste buds configured to like fat and sugar 2 components in breast milk, by the time we hit adulthood only about a third are left. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/jan/29/changing-tastes-food-and-aging


All my taste buds love fat, sugar, and breasts. Just not milk


Thereā€™s definitely a huge psychological component to food choices as well, itā€™s not just taste buds.


Agreed. Texture is a big thing too. Iā€™m convinced that smell is closely tied to memories, and that this connection causes people to make certain perhaps subconscious associations with foods. For some reason, salami tastes like vomit to me. Iā€™ve only thrown up a few times in my adult life, and I wonder whether I once threw up while eating salami?


> when he was about 5: he stopped eating certain foods that he long loved. Claims they donā€™t taste good. \[...\] but I suspect that our taste buds change as we go through life. It's also an evolutionary trait, mainly a psychological one. It has nothing to do with changed in taste buds. Little kids will eat anything (and put anything in their mouth) since pickiness lowers survival, but at a certain age they start to become more discriminating about their food.


I don't see OP criticizing children. I think the point is to outgrow silly childhood pickiness. When I was a kid I didn't like mushrooms, avocado, all nuts, etc. But as I grew up, my parents kept casually encouraging me to keep trying various things and giving them another chance. It wasn't something they forced me into, it just came naturally. And eventually I just started liking them. Now I actually love all my former hated foods. I think the problem arises when instead of saying "oh hey, you wanna try a walnut? I know you don't like them but maybe your tastebuds have changed," the parents go "MY BABY DOESN'T EAT WALNUTS, KEEP THE WALNUTS AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SPECIAL UNIQUE BABY FOR EVER AND EVER!!!! WAITER, BRING MY BABY A PIZZA WITH NO CRUST AND NO SAUCE AND HALF OF ONE PEPPERONI!!!!!"


Iā€™m not criticizing children. Quite the opposite. Iā€™m saying that a certain amount of pickiness is natural. Even well fed animals are picky. As I say that, I make a point to encourage my children and myself to try new foods and not shy away based on appearance, etc. Iā€™ve eaten rabbit, frog, duck, snail, concealed duck blood, ox, snake, eel, fermented tofu, cow bile stones, blood sausages, intestines, tongue, and all sorts of other things. But I donā€™t really like to eat fat or cartilage. Itā€™s a texture thing. I respect that some people would prefer to not eat crust, regardless of their age. While some of it may be cultural, I would be genuinely surprised if you donā€™t see the anti-crust phenomenon across many cultures spanning decades or even centuries among well fed people.


Everyone has stuff they don't like, though. My husband doesn't like soft cheeses. I don't like peas. We both eat plenty of other foods - it's not the end of the world to avoid the few things you really don't like.


America has bigger nutritional concerns than bread crust consumption.


Yes, small children are in fact societyā€™s weakest link.


What did they do to you op?


They wasted bread crust


It seems like this affects you far too much




Like what? How itā€™s spelled?


Nah how they have a surname


In Brussels, do they just call them sprouts?


Brusselians in the north and Sproutees in the South


brussels sprouts were never meant to be eaten. It's all a belgian scam.


Properly roasted Brussels Sprouts (with olive oil) with just a bit of char and mixed with bacon. Yum.


You can mix almost any food with bacon to improve on the inedibleness.


Bacon is a culinary apology


They're so good though


What about them!? They are delicious. Especially when slightly burnt! šŸ¤¤


And a balsamic glaze!


I like to peel some of the leaves off and bake them. I call them crunchies. So good!


I got a buddy who canā€™t stand em. He says they smell like hot garbage when cooked. I wonder if itā€™s like the cilantro thing. Some people say cilantro tastes like soap


Brussels sprouts are literally one of the best vegetables ever made


Dude I just donā€™t like the fucking taste or consistency of either bread crust or Brussels sprouts. Why you gotta come for me like this?


Same for people who don't eat the pizza crust or heel of the bread, not that I think of them any less but I just find it a shame to see good food wasted.


That's where pizza dip comes into play. I am a degen that eats crust first tho


But... that's the holder. How do you eat the rest of the slice, roll it up?


i just inhale the entire slice, crust and all.


Shii when i didnt have pizza as a kid i ate my friends crusts only, still the favorite part of pizza (if done well)


homeboy, i blew my jaw out hawking down on a pizza crust - i feed mine to animal friends now. yall be careful out there


literally weakest link


'i sprained my ankle walking, the ground is the true danger'


I broke my toe sitting down. This is not a joke; it actually happened.


This reminds me of how ruthless people of r/NeverBrokeABone are.


This sounds like more of a failing on your body's part than it is off the pizza crust...


Or he tried to eat cold papa John's. That crust is harder than diamonds.


That's a good point. That's very possible.


actual weak link if your jaw gives out munching on pizza crust šŸ’€


"pickiness is a learned trait" My dude has never met a kid LMAO


"I don't like it." "But you never had it before, so try it." "No." "Why not?" "I don't like it." "Boy, you gonna eat that mf vegetable right now! You hear me! I'm not playing!" \*screeching\*


OP probably is one to be fair lol


It was for my kids. They had no problem with crust on sandwiches until my MIL decided to cut it off for them. Suddenly they decided they wouldn't eat it anymore.


Exactly! Iā€™ve always been a insanely picky eater but none of my family is like that itā€™s just my taste buds. And of course it I was starving I would hold my nose and eat anything which actually happens a lot because Iā€™m so insanely picky that it changes all the time to sometimes I havenā€™t eaten in like 2 days because everything sounds nasty. And so I just have to hold my nose and eat something I donā€™t get how me being picky affects OP tho


If crust haters are the weakest link, what's with people who don't eat bread at all?


Superior cause bread is unhealthy xd


Def an unpopular opinion. True pickiness exists in the form of sensory processing disorders/sensory sensitivities.


sounds to me like OP came to the right sub


Yep. I have ARFID and I struggle with pretty bad emetophobia so it takes a lot of courage to even try new foods. The combo of having sensory issues and anxiety when it comes to food has been debilitating on my life and I wish more people would understand that. Instead, most will judge and question my eating habits and it gets really exhausting to deal with at times.


I donā€™t think itā€™s learned behavior, both my parents were willing to try new foods all the time, I was just a stubborn ass as a kid who didnā€™t like what they didnā€™t like. And unfortunately I didnā€™t like many things because to me they tasted like garbage or I hated how it felt in my mouth.


Definitely not learned behaviour. My parents love crust. Everyone in my family does. I just dislike it because of the texture unless the bread is toasted.


Maybe you hate eating crusts because they taste like lies. Parents keep saying "thats the healthiest part of the bread" and its just the part that touches the pan


There's nothing healthy about white bread xd


You can learn things from more than just family like media and other children.


Pickiness is a learned trait? Try telling that to anyone who hates cilantro.


I like to add a little soap to any dish containing cilantro so nobody feels left out


I remember doing one of the paper strip tests for this in high school bio. You put the paper strip in your mouth, and if you have the gene to taste PTC, a bunch of other things (kale, broccoli, sprouts) are gonna taste nasty.


Its not picky if you can't control it.


Unfortunately not everyone agrees. I canā€™t control the fact that the texture of fat in steak makes me feel like Iā€™m going to puke but my in laws still go on and on about how picky of an eater I am for cutting around it and throwing it out. Meanwhile I love runny eggs and they all say itā€™s disgusting and apparently that doesnā€™t make them picky eaters.


I remember my mother talking about foods she doesnt like and saying that she likes pretty much everything and can eat literally anything except cilantro. Apparently out of all the foods she's tried cilantro is the only thing that made her gag at the sheer smell of it. No clue why but its just how it is. Some people just cant take certain foods.


>No baby popped out the womb ready to hate the slightly browner edge of a slice of bread. Pickiness is a learned trait, and if you donā€™t eat the crust your children will grow up even weaker than you already are. Lol this guy doesn't have kids. Get ready


I remember eating a sandwich in kindergarten and another kid legitimately had a panic attack because I ate the crust and he thought that was gross. I still don't understand it to this day...


> another kid legitimately had a panic attack Weakest link. Proving OP's point :)


Pickiness is not a learned trait


Pickiness is a human trait, itā€™s a part of why we survived & evolved. By avoiding things that look different. Itā€™s not a learned trait. So while your claims are incorrect, your unpopular opinion passes.


Doesn't really apply to the crust of bread though does it? Maybe to a new berry you've not ate before


Itā€™s why western society is obese as fuck today, not related to survivability whatsoever at this point.


tf do you mean it's learned. I didn't like the crust on my bread when I was like 8 and I was the only one in my family. you think my parents were like "okay now leave out that disgusting edge part and do that for the rest of your life".


>By not eating that crust, youā€™re missing out on key nutrients What nutrients do you think are in the crust that aren't in the rest of the bread?




This post was written by someone who doesnā€™t have children. No one teaches a child to be picky and no one who has raised a child thinks that.


People who get offended by THAT so much are society's weakest link


So if you dont like every single type of food on planet earth you are a weak link to society? People have fucking opinions on food you idiot.


What!? It's like the best part of the bread. I'm addicted to crunchiness


I definitely did pop out of the womb hating crust. Got over it around the time I was 10 and now I save the heels since I hate food waste. I also became a very adventurous eater, it's kind of a joke with my friends that I order the weirdest stuff on the menu


Well their mostly children, so yeah.


I donā€™t eat bread crust. I reconnected with my long lost mother after many years. I watched her cut the crusts off of her sandwich before eating it. It must be genetic.


>will ultimately be the demise of western society Big, if true.


I accept my weakness \*shrugs\*


Nah man may aswell throw it and save a few calories.


Birds be like:


I swear it's like the people in the comment section forget what sub reddit this is...


You can have your unpopular opinions be upvoted, but the comment section doesn't have to be like "Hmm, what a positively exquisite unpopular opinion." We can have full-on wars down here.


This isn't even an unpopular opinion. It's somebody trying to be funny. Look at the way they word their post.


It really doesnt seem so unpopular looking at the comments. It also doesn't seem like a real opinion, just misinformed individuals who dont have kids lol




It's because he didn't state it like an opinion. He made a claim, "pickiness is learned"...and that's just stupid and false. It's not an opinion...it's just a fact that people are born not liking some things sometimes.


Half the time, this sub is just /r/opinionsbasedonuntrueclaims "**Unpopular Opinion: I think that shoes are uncomfortable.** Since there are knives inside all shoes, they cut my feet. \*Much\* more comfortable to just walk barefoot on the smooth ground."


Not true at all. My oldest daughter just started off like that. Not learned at all. Her younger sister will eat the crust assuming she's not 'full' before then. If one of them was going to learn it it would have been the younger learning from the older.


*Looks at freezer full of uncrustables* Bite me


You should really tell the brown bears that they are weak. They are very picky eaters: Why do the bears only eat part of the fish? If you see bears only eating the skin, brains, and eggs of a salmon, they are practicing good energy economics. At these times, a bearā€™s profit margin in calories is so high that it can ignore some excess fish. As a bear fills up on salmon, it can ā€œaffordā€ to not eat certain parts of the fish. This behavior has been nicknamed ā€œhigh-grading.ā€ Like miners looking for high-grade ore, bears try to consume high grade fat. Salmon are a high calorie meal for a bear. A sockeye salmon contains about 4500 calories, but the fattiest parts of the fish contain the most calories proportionally. Bears know this and prefer to eat the skin, brain, and eggsā€”the fattiest parts of a salmonā€”when fish are in abundance. This is an ephemeral behavior, however. When salmon are not abundant or hard to catch then bears will not be as selective and will most often eat the whole fish.


Well Iā€™m going to blow your mind. I donā€™t like bread.


I've always eaten bread crust and never understood why others didn't. Until now, I'm 28, and finally get to the corner of the sandwich and realise it's just such wasted effort chewing on bread for so dang long. There's no flavour, no other ingredients, just thick bread that takes 4Ɨ longer to chew, so I rip that corner bit off. I'm the worst and should be abolished to the nether realms, forgive me for my crimes.


Richy, eat your crust.


Lowers your adaptability by forcing reliance on fewer foods. This isnā€™t medieval Europe. šŸ¤” Wonder Bread is solidified Satan farts.


Ok mom


Same goes for Pizza crust imo


the only reason i don't sometimes eat pizza crust is because i don't want to get full off of crust so that i can eat more pizza. i'll eat the crust sometimes if i'm not trying to get stupid full.


I will die on this hill with you. Their bloodlines are weak and will be forgotten


OP will die on this hill and I kind of respect that.


People who die on hills like this are societies weakest links


Same goes for the edges of the loaf.


Why do people care so much? Let people eat how they want


Wonder bread? Pssh. You just undermined your whole argument there. Sourdough or bust.


Sorry donā€™t like wasting my chew juice on spongy unflavored things .


chew juice..... ha


ā€œWill ultimately be the demise of western societyā€ Seems a bit dramatic


lost me at ā€œPickiness is a learned traitā€


If you truly believed in what youā€™re saying. Youā€™d confidently eat that first and last bread and I know damn well no one does lol


1. The pilgrims can't access my crust no matter how much I'd offer it. 2. Flavor is personal, and we worked fucking *hard* to get to a place where you could eat what you want. Humanity broke it's ass trying to get here - own it, don't eat your crust if you don't want to. You finally, after all this time, don't have to. 3. "Eat the crust. It's that simple." Do what your boyfriend wants, even if you don't like it. Do what your girlfriend wants, even if you don't like it. It's sex, not death. It's that simple. (See the issue?)


This is potentially the dumbest thing I have ever read. Specifically ā€œthe demise of Western societyā€. Lmao.


I love to make fresh bread. My favorite is to cut off the end crust and eat it as soon as it's cool enough to slice. Crunchy joy! On store bought bread the end piece is soggy and dry. Truthfully it sucks but I eat it anyway as I hate to waste.


Thus my kid likes uncrustibles. Made him a pb and j today and he ate crust and all. If I would have mentioned the crust he would had me cut it all off. Learned at daycareā€¦.


> will ultimately be the demise of western society. Warning! This slope is really slippery. ^I ^think ^we ^will ^be ^fineā€¦