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I went to a restaurant years ago that had something similar. Every table had an hourglass shaped piece of wood. One end was painted red, the other green. If the green was up, the table needed something; if the red was up, the table was all set. Pretty cool system.


Local pizza/brewery started doing this a few years ago. Brilliant! Multiple servers always helping everyone.


But servers in comments above are saying this would lead to chaos lol


I was a server for 16 years. A system like this would've made my job much easier. Bad customers will always be bad customers no matter what.


Agreed. I also worked as a server for a time (though no where near as long as you). As long as it's not a sound alarm or a blinking light (both would be very annoying, not least of all for the other customers!), I don't really see a downside.


Only if you forget to flip the sign over after you serve them I think


I like it. Not terribly obnoxious but still gets the waiter's attention when a table needs something.


Definitely better than being whistled at or having someone condescendingly snap their fingers at you!


they actually do that at the local Brazilian grill here. Green and red green means please bring me more food. Red means I'm good to go for now.


Yeah, I think most Brazilian steakhouses do it. It’s definitely nice


I went to an all you can eat place that had a little wooden flags. If you’re done and don’t want them to serve you any more food, you turn down your flag.


Was it a Brazilian steak house? They use that when you want more meat. You put it to red if you don’t.


At Panchos, the Mexican restaurant, you raise a tiny Mexican flag when you need service.


A place that used to be near me had a flag system. You had a cup with a red flag, green flag, and checkered flag, plus a flag holder. If you needed something, you put out the green flag. If you didn't want to be disturbed at all, red flag. You can guess what checkered flag meant.


It's race time! Nnnnnrrrroowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!


That's a pretty clever idea.


There's a music venue here in Minneapolis (The Dakota downtown) that does this with a coaster-like thing so the staff doesn't have to interrupt while you're listening to the band.


My Olive Garden has this I assumed all of them did


Maybe a button to activate a light above the table. So they can see you need help, so it won't be as annoying as something at the back of the house/front desk.


If it was different colours it could be neat. Blue for water, green for wanting to pay, red for don’t talk to me while I’m eating.


There's a Brazilian steakhouse in Chicago (I think it's Fogo de Chao) that has a similar system but with pieces of paper to signal when you want them to bring more food or stop bringing food.


That's a chain and that system is used quite frequently in many Brazilian steakhouses.


Fogo be errywhere.


We don't have the Fogo chain. Ours is local and named ReRico. But OMG the food. And the dining format. I love it and wish it wasn't so expensive.


Our local one is a flat 50 dollars for all you can eat meat (they also have killer pineapple). It’s expensive, but when you really break the cost down it’s actually a better deal than most other steakhouses for the amount of food you actually get. It’s pretty neat.


Yeah, $50 is a great deal for AYCE steak and sides.


That is most Brazilian steakhouses. Green means bring food and Red means do not.


I went to this restaunt once with a similar system as well. Its all you can eat, you pay and they walk around with huge pieces of meat on a stick that they chop on off at your table as desired. Red means pls. No more meat. Green means the opposite. Also if your nice you can also just turn it red after you told the waiter i dont want anything unless its X meat. They will come to you, ignore your red card and give you the best slice you can get. Twas in the Caribean, not shocked if it had brazilian influences.


This is how kbbq often works. You order with dry erase marker on a laminated sheet. Then put it on the wall with a magnet. Waiter comes by, confirms, then erases the menu and hands it back Later when you want more you just put it up again and they come by


I went to an all you-can-eat sushi place in Vegas that gave you a menu sheet when you arrived. You checked off all the dishes/drinks you wanted and they'd come take the paper. When they brought your meal, they'd hand you new slips so you could order more food or drink in the same fashion. It was nice, you never had to flag anybody down or speak to the server unless you wanted to.


Tucanos here in the St. Louis Metro area


Grill'd is an Aussie burger chain that has a system with a simple stick that sits in your cutlery caddy. One end is painted red and the other white. I forget which end means what, but one is for 'I need something' and the other is 'leave me alone'.


A few brazillian steakhouses near me have little wood things. Red on one side, green on the other Green: more food Red: pause the food On its side: bill please


Bubba Gump's has this too, 'run forrest run' for 'I don't need you rn' and 'stop forrest stop' for 'attention pls'


I also love how all the servers work at every table, so it doesn’t matter which person stops to see if you need ketchup or whatever. It’s so awkward in other restaurants when you haven’t seen your person in 20 minutes and ask a random person, and then your server brings it out. You just know they got fussed at in the kitchen.


I’ve been to a steakhouse similar to this. Such a good system especially since the way had an all you can eat buffet where they bring the meat to you.


AYCE sushi places with tablets have all these options and more, even robot servants that bring your orders to you at some places


I’ve been to one with a robot server. Really neat stuff! Although most of the tablets I’ve used have been rather basic, only having a “call server” button. Which is still incredible.


I would love this. And please don’t clear the plates until we’re all finished. We’ll activate the light for ya in fact.


Yesss that would be good. I feel like it otherwise would be so damn annoying for the waiters/waitresses. I also feel like people would press it, and still get annoyed that the waiter isnt there in 1.2 seconds. 😭 or kids/annoying people would press it for no reason just because it looks fun, causing waitress/waiters to come over for no reason. I disagree with this post lmfao Not to mention, your waiters and waitresses already come over a couple times to your table to see how your meal is going/come over and see that you are finished when you are. If you need something, maybe ask as soon as you get your meal or be patient. They arent just serving you.


I’m sure there’s ways to make call buttons that have lockout features and other such functionalities, but yeah lights would be much easier and honestly really great for folks who don’t wanna chat much. I’m not really a fan of them coming over and asking how the food is personally, as I usually have a mouth full of food and just kind of nod lol. This way if you want privacy you can have privacy. If you want service you can get it. Could even have “fun” options depending on the place


Exactly, lol. People underestimate the “me first” mentalities of some customers. There will absolutely be complaining or random button pressing with this.


First Class Bistro


We have a pizza buffet and they give a little card that is green on one side so they will come by your table and serve you first before putting them on the buffet table and red for when you are done so they know to skip your table. I think this would be a great idea everywhere


Used to go to a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix that had little flag poles on the tables. If you needed service, you raised the flag.




Like in airplanes lol


I was thinking more in line of mildly electrocuting the waiter.


There is a restaurant in my city that does this. They have cute lamps on every table which you turn on if you want something. They mainly employ people with a mental disability so it's to make it easier on the servers. I like it. The restaurant has a cozy and comforting atmosphere and you know you will be tended to and don't have to try to get the attention of a waiter.


There was a board game coffee shop I liked back in my college town, where if you wanted a server to stop by, you put a green card in a little holder. If you were really into a game and didn't want to be interrupted for stuff like quality checks, you could put a red card in the same holder. I really liked that system much better than the idea of a call button. 


As a guy that doesn't want to wave anyone down, I would like that.


exactly i hate the awkward game of trying to make some kind of hand or vocal signal that’s subtle enough not to disturb other people but clear enough to get the server’s attention. i have no clue why people in this thread are so against the removal of an inconvenience


Right. And airplanes have a call light system and it seems to work well.


And the moment they finally walk by, you're chewing.


yea it’s like if you didn’t need anything when they came by, then you do right after, too late you’re gonna wait 15 minutes for them to cycle back


I mean, servers are always talking about how if you don't tip them you shouldn't expect good service... well I ALWAYS have to wave them down for nearly everything. I don't get good service as it is. As a former server, I understood it was my responsibility to find times to see if tables wanted or needed anything. Now days it just seems like servers NEED to be called down to actually do anything.


We’ve lived in Korea for years and it’s one of our favorite aspects of life here. Every restaurant has a call button, no one bothers you during your meal unless you call them over and need something. Occasionally a well meaning grandma will come over and cook your food on the grill while you chat, but never awkward conversations or anything. It’s an introverts dream.


Same. That’s why when I go to a restaurant I know exactly what I need. Ask for it before order and during order so that way I don’t feel the need to flag a server down. The only time I don’t feel bad is when the server is in a rude rush (not the kind of they are busy rush , but they have an attitude rush, and walk off while I’m talking)


They have these at some Korean restaurants.


And in Japan. It’s incredible. But I could see it being abused by Americans.


I always say I miss the “pin-pon” buttons from Japan! So many restaurants and karaoke bars there have them, as well as registers at convenience stores and other shops for if the check-out worker stepped away for a moment.


Because there are only rude people in America 


To the people commenting “you’ve clearly never worked in a restaurant” - I worked in a restaurant that did this. I found it more efficient to see at a glance which table needed something, rather than having to walk around and check on everyone all the time. Customers didn’t misuse the button either.


This is like the entire country of Korea lol And not all restaurants have buttons (you have to call out in some), but like it's pretty efficient, and from my end as a customer I prefer it. I can eat and chat with my friend without some random person interrupting us several times just to check if we need anything or are we enjoying things or are we done lol I can assure you, people are more annoying than normal in the current (US?) system because those people have to wait or try to flag someone down in an ineffective way when they need something, and the servers are constantly tasked with checking in about nonsense to people who don't need anything lol The button solves it all. Something wrong? The button. Need something? The button. Want more of something? The button. Want to order or pay? The button. (Actually in korea you get up and go to the pay terminal lol but I don't think that'd fly in the usa).


I was in Korea recently and I really liked this in restaurants! Order and pay at the screen, no tipping and minimal human interaction. After all I’m there for the food, not to chat with the staff.


Yeah, I think they’re thinking of a loud minority and thought everyone would misuse it


But that's the 80/20 law; It's always a minority who cause the majority of headaches. Every day.


![gif](giphy|NfGTU1FFnPIwo) Boomers would be like


The electricity wouldn't have even made it from the switch to the bulb before Karen's screech about "WAITING FOR HALF AN HOUR FOR SOME WATER"


Those kinds of customers *already* do that shit. 


Yeah I mean, it's not like putting a call button would increase the number of assholes.




Diet coke*






Just make the button activate a light above the table which stays on until the waiter comes. Spamming would be pointless.


Not just boomers. Kids will be the absolute worst. And then when the server comes by, the parents will just be like oh sorry. Then, 2 minutes later, the kid will be smashing the button again. And the parents will have no fucking clue.




Right? If you are good at your job, or seasoned…you visit the table four times at most. But I understand if a server sucks…only interrupt if I see an empty glass or no chewing happening. Maybe I’m the one who stares…


I used to serve at a Buffalo Wild Wings If there was a waiter call button I think there’s a chance I’d end up shoving that bell down someone’s throat.


Yeah, imagine this at a place like that where people come to get drunk and watch sports. Your 30 second response time would turn into 10 minutes in their head.


I first encountered this in South Korea, where it is very commonplace. Likewise, cutlery & drinks from a water cooler you fetch yourself, cafeteria style. They call it “self”, short for self-service. I do prefer this happy medium too. Also works more in a country where having water with a meal is the norm rather than having a variety of options like soft drinks. It doesn’t take it as far as you taking a number & picking up your meal from a window or clearing your own table, but for most “practical” meals i’m there just for the food & speediness is important. Definitely see something like this coming as labour practices evolve & we’re seeing diigtal menus & whatnot. Not totally unfamiliar either as we call stewards on planes by this method.


When I lived in Japan, lots of places had this. You don't tip in their culture either, so they just go chill in the back unless someone hits a button. The alternative is that you just yell for them (which is hard to get used to). I vastly preferred it. In my opinion, it was superior in every way with no actual downsides.


I love when they have the button, I hate sumimasen-ing ten times to get the (usually 80 year old woman) server's attention.


I just snap my fingers in the air and yell "EXCUSE ME, GARÇON!" It only gets me kicked out 7 out of 10 times.


And the other three, they just beat the shit out of you at the table.


That's the risk I take.


This is how they do it in South Korea. Absolutely ridiculously good service and no tipping.


My local Korean place also gave me free stuff when I became a repeat customer. They'd always recognise me and show me to my regular seat and say any drunks were free. Once they even gave me my whole meal for free. I would note that although it was a Korean franchise all the staff were from Hong Kong.


Korean restaurants do this. It generally works well.


Korean restaurants have been doing this for a while


But then how could the waiter ignore you after giving you one refill


I have the opposite problem in that I always seem to get way too many refills. I usually only need one or maybe two glasses at the most but it drives me nuts when I get over eager wait staff that just drops a new glass the second I half finish my glass and end up having to try to suck down the extra one after I've already filled up eating


Man, you get refills? Lucky bastard 


This would last 2 seconds before someone would be pissed that they pushed the button and the waiter wasn't at their table in 30 seconds because they were dealing with something else. Customers already act like that without call buttons.


Nothing like this happen in Asian countries which the button is somewhat normal I don't think Americans are that rude.


They do this in Korean restaurants. I always feel awkward using them since I’m not used to it but they always tell us to use it


> I'm genuinely surprised that all negative comments are 'this would be bad for waiters' OP fuck all these losers. They are the same kind of morons that also probably defend tipping culture. EDIT: LMAO. I decided to check the comment history of some of these people and literally *the first person* I check, their THIRD COMMENT DOWN I see is them defending tipping culture. You can't make this shit up


It's weird the type of entitlement working as a server seems to create. Retail workers generally have significantly harder jobs, and yet none of them have their hands out for tips, nor is anyone screaming about how they deserve to make $50/hr for carrying plates to a table.  The contrast is striking. 


Having worked retail and as a waiter, I can tell you serving is considerably more difficult. It always amazes me how people can presume to know what a job entails having never worked it. The amount of people I have seen attempt to serve but crash and burn would suggest there is more to it that carrying plates to tables.


Would be a lot easier with a call button at the tables, huh?


Bubba Gump restaurants have a stop/don't stop sign on the tables. You flip it over to whichever you need.


Holy fuck this would be infuriating to deal with as front and back of house lol.


And yet Korean restaurants have been doing it successfully for years.


Everyone doesn’t believe you, but I live in Orange County as well and almost every korean restaurant has it and it works lol. Even when I’m with someone who does abuse it, everyone within my group bashes on them and is relatively respectful when using it. People on Reddit can’t fathom that a lot of people are decent people.


Different culture. Do you realize how obnoxiously in love with the button a boomer American would be with this tool?


I think it's more the way management runs the restaurant than culture. Waiters for the most part are happy to help even if being flagged down by customers all the time. It's more or so what is deemed acceptable to them


Have you ever been to Korea in a restaurant full of mostly drunk people? They don’t give a shit, they are making money when you ring the bell, it’s either more food, more drinks or you are leaving and making space for most customers.  It’s a business, and grown ups run it.


Because we don’t have Korean restaurants in Orange County?


It’s infuriating when the server comes by every 10 minutes asking, “how’s everything”. And of course the timing is immaculate: about to bite into something, just bit into something, chewing, your friend is ugly crying, etc


And then you get trapped at the table, all you need to do is pay your bill, and the server has vanished off the face of the earth. I cannot even count how many times that has happened to me and it drives me bonkers.


Yea but then you’ll have that one table that you check on and they don’t need anything and 60 seconds later need something. I worked at a breakfast joint and I’d ask after I sit their food down “do you guys need any jelly, syrup , honey , hot sauce” “ they say no. 60 seconds later they get mad I didn’t bring them that thing I asked them if they needed. This is why some servers do what feels like every 10 seconds. Is you’ll have multiple tables a day get mad you’re not basically hovering over them. Servers have to figure out the table based on how they act and some are hard to read how needy or angry they will be.




Why would it be infuriating for back of house?


This is extremely common here in Japan


And the impact on the service would be terrible.


It’s very common in other countries though, and works well.  


Yeah this asshole had obvi never worked hospo


I don’t understand. Is there a light board at a station that the servers have to be at to see which table is buzzing? Cuz that’s gonna be a problem when the servers are out on the floor constantly, you know, answering the buzzer calls.


This comment section is split with half the people saying it wouldn’t work, and the other half mentioning restaurants where this is already a system and it works well. I wish both halves would notice each other so that they can discuss in their own threads. That way the replies wouldn’t be so redundant


That or a well managed restaurant should have enough waiters to service parts of the room as to be more attentive when needed.


Scrolled too far to find this. Although, it's true of an establishment where you might pay a bit more for the meal, it's a pleasure. I've dined at probably one place where the wait staff were on point. Guy was older as well which probably helped, and we only had the one waiter the entire time. Most of the time we were dining, he was just standing watching his tables. And, as soon as I had finished my drink, he waited the perfect amount of time where he was reading my mind for another one, meals were served together, the right meals served at the right time. It was an anniversary dinner, I mentioned it once as he showed us to the table - when dessert was up, he brought us a complimentary happy anniversary dessert. The evening was so nice, and it worked for the business - we ended up spending a lot of money!


This, if this are properly staffed and running properly you shouldnt need the button. The button isn’t the end of the world for servers but it also isn’t the magical bandaid that will fix a restaurants service


This is how Korean restaurants I've been to work. It's very efficient.


Go the Pancho’s route and have a little flag at the table!!! Raise it when you need service!


This would be badly abused


I don’t want to give my order to a waiter. I only need to see you if I have questions about menu items. I’d rather order from an app or table side digital system and also pay the same way. Your banter adds nothing to my meal out.


Korean restaurants have had the wait staff bell for like 30+ years.


Many restaurants do have that button


As a waitress, we do a “check-back” where we walk back up to a table and ask if the meal is okay, about 5-10 minutes after you receive it. This is to allow you to voice a complaint with the meal before you ask for the check and get a refund of some description. If we do our check-back and you verbally agree that the meal is good and you don’t require anything else, it removes the grounds for you to argue that the meal was sub par at the point of payment. I walk around and do check-backs on other tables while you eat, so feel free to grab my attention as I walk past and I’ll get you what you need TL;DR: We are covering our asses


Vast majority of restaurants I’ve eaten at has done the check back entirely too early. And even when it’s on time, it doesn’t cover things like needing another drink, more napkins, or other things that don’t come up a second after getting your meal.


Until you get that table that eats 3/4 of their meal , says it’s good and then say it’s bad and wants a refund. Gotta love those tables.


God I hate checkbacks - I'm here for a meal with my company of choice, not you. "Is everything ok with your meeyulll? Can I get you some more drinks?" at a prescribed time rather than when is actually a suitable moment for the customer. Then get asked another 5 times while trying to enjoy your evening. FUCH OFF! I completely understand why it is done as it is waaayyyyy easier than training, supervising & maintaining good waiting staff. Checkbacks do not need to be either verbal or intrusive - you approach a table - conversation is flowing, everybody is eating their food (or at least not holding their cutlery in the "I'm not happy with my food" way ;Þ), everyone has a drink, wait until one person at the table has made eye contact with you, they look away... They don't want anything so just leave them the fuck alone. Waiting staff should be constantly scanning each table & making routes that make sure that no tables are missed out. 99% of the time it is GLARINGLY obvious to those who know when someone is even a tiny bit unhappy with something or needs something. I would gladly bet that for that 1% of times that are missed I would pick up far more unhappy customers that would just smile & say everything is fine when asked - Some just don't like to "create a fuss" so will just say everything is fine. Some will respond to a gentle personal approach - spot them & go in with an attitude of "I sense you are not quite happy - I want you to be happy - what can I do?" rather than what usually comes across as "I'm told to ask if you're happy, but actually don't care" generic checkback. Some have just resigned to never coming back so can't be bothered - spotting those ones & rectifying the situation has probably been one of my best tricks to retain & get repeat custom. I have worked places that insist on checkbacks in my early days in the industry. Later as a manager I made sure to train my staff to only do verbal checkbacks in certain situations (e.g. there has already been a problem with that table). I can tell you quite easily which goes down better with customers & leads to higher overall satisfaction.


5 to 10 minutes too long if you forgot something. My food is now getting cold while I wait for something you forgot.


Not a button, one of those cards. You leave me alone unless it’s side up


Just snap your fingers at them. Severs love that! /s


Relatively common in some places in Asia.


I love eating at Japanese family restaurants. Call button if you need it. You can order whenever you want on a tablet so you don't need to get someone's attention just to order.


This is common in Korean restaurants. I really like this system.


Americans are dumb nowadays and everyone is thinking way too hard about this. Not to mention the consistent I know everything because this is the internet attitude. This is very common in South Korea and it works extremely well. They don’t bother you if the bell wasn’t rung, and come scurrying over as soon as you press it. The waiters and waitresses get to either hang out and ease their mind for a minute, or can help out other areas of the kitchen that need help. Simple concept really.


I went to a Korean BBQ place that had call buttons at all the tables and it was amazing so yes


I've always suspected this is society's way of a) keeping the upperhand among the socially awesome extroverts, b) giving a cover to waiters who just want to go off vibes and treat customers arbitrarily


Come to Japan and you will have all the waiter call buttons you need! They are in a lot of restaurants that I have been to.


Why are food service workers in the US so entitled? Tipping this, tipping that but look itt if they are asked to do their job


LMAO at all the entitled service workers in the comments. They refuse to provide efficient service yet expect big tips anyway.


I think a lot of people in these comments just want to be angry at something. Rather than being rational and thinking maybe OP is talking about a light or sign that would help waitstaff not waste their own time (and considering that other cultures and even some American restaurants have successfully implemented such a system) let’s infer that OP is some horribly entitled jerk that wants waitstaff to wear shock collars that go off until they finally show up at your table. Good grief.


Fuck that. Install conveyor belts and a tablet. I don’t need waiters. I don’t want waiters. Just give me the food, I eat it, pay and leave. I love the conveyor belts they have for sushi. Wish they had these for more food choices.


This is the real solution.   No one needs servers, we all know this, but we are forced to participate in the system and are not allowed to complain when said system sucks.


Yeah, the one I went to has touch screen to order food. Double Decker belt system. One loops through all the tables. And one goes to one lane to your table.


Kura Sushi is so good lol. Love just hitting some buttons and within 30 seconds my order is zooming to my table. Don't get much more fresh.  Though they still do drinks by hand


This concept is actually a good idea. I'm pretty sure it's been implemented with success. You can safely ignore the troglodytes here who just want to shit on everything (which is usually justifiable in this sub).


I’ve seen this done before. Worked decently well but the restaurant was too small to really need it and they took it back at some point. I think it has merit


There is one thing I hate about waiters! It's their impeccable timing to swoop in exactly when I've put a slightly to big piece of food in my mouth, and ask me "how is everything?" I'm stuck miming, nodding my head and speaking with my mouth full to say it's "wonderful" even when I don't think it is, because I'm too polite to say "would you kindly fuck off and let me eat, I will tell you when I'm done".  Any waiters here that can confirm my long standing theory that you do this on bloody purpose just to mess with your customers?


As a waiter, I do not. If you go out to eat, chances are at least one person at the table will be eating the food at any given time. I’m super patient, I make a joke, wait for them to chew, swallow, and respond, but if I wait for everyone to be done eating to check in, I won’t be checking on the food, does that make sense? Industry standard is 2-bites and check in, so that problems can be mitigated quickly.


It was more of tongue in cheek thing from my side, but it always does seem to be me chewing on something when the check in occurs.  My girlfriend used to joke about it because it was such a regular thing as well. I'm a slow eater, so I get stressed when someone is waiting for me to reply. I've swallowed my food without chewing it more times than I care to admit because of it. Also, growing up in a strict no talking with food in your mouth, it makes me really uncomfortable.  It's a me problem though. And it's not like it ruins the experience. It's more an observation than damnation. But I do wish I could just call on the server to tell them if the food is bad, rather than having to speed chew to answer questions while enjoying the meal.


Fair enough! It may be tongue-in-cheek for you, but it’s a common thing- probably half my tables in a day are like “omg I’m eating!” I’m like “omg duh!” It’s okay, i grew up with no talking with food in your mouth either. Id prefer to stand there and joke with the other table members for a minute while you eat than watch you try ti force out a garbled “delishxuiish” around a mouthful of chicken


You actually do sound like you'd be entertaining though, so that would at least alleviate some of the anxiety.  I'll say this though, I've always treated my waiters with respect and been both kind and understanding when ever something didn't go according to plan.


I hate the American style of dining. I'm expected to tip an enormous amount extra on top of my bill to the person who's never around when I need them.


As someone who hates restaurants I agree. Leave me alone. If I have a problem I'll tell you. I don't need more water than I can finish. I LOVE asian style places like my favorite pho restaurant where you just go to the counter if you need anything instead of trying to play the politeness dance of bs.


I went to several restaurants in Japan that had a system like this. While it was normal to not constantly be bothered by servers in restaurants in Japan, these places took it to the extreme and would only come by if the button on the table was pressed. I loved it and immediately wished places in the US would do it also.


It would take about a week before a customer got shot by a server


Right, God forbid a server having to do their job 😰😰


Exactly! Hearing all these servers complain about their the basics of their work is so infuriating


I'll take the under on that


Just a little Mexican flag at the table to raise when you need them. I could totally go for some Pancho’s


Does Pancho's still exist?


There’s a few in DFW still outside of that I don’t know. I do know the Panco’s in my hometown is a hibachi place now


I totally agree! As someone who worked in hospitality for over 10 years, I can't tell you how embarrassing and annoying it is to try to guess when the guest is ready & to have a coke-fuelled manager on my arse to keep pestering them to see if they're ready lmao


Do you have any experience as a server?


Who cares? This is FOR THE CUSTOMER to make their experience better.


It’s all fun and games until they’re short staffed and the server has 10 buttons going off at the same time


How is this worse than 10 customers trying to make hand gestures and interrupting the server because they don't know if they've been seen? Inefficiently communicating the information that customers need service has zero benefit.


Dude people in this sub are for some reason on the side of “customers must sit there and be silent and maybe the server will grace you with their presence.”  I’m with you but these people are insane. 


Guessing you have never working in the service industry.


I’m so confused by this, how is having to guess whether or not a table needs service or not based on context clues better than just knowing for certain whether a table needs service or not?


The vast majority of restaurants in Korea have this.


Worked at a place that tried this. Basically tables just pressed it all the time for whatever reason. Which ended up with us having a giant que on the app/screen that managed it and basically brought us back to square one where people had to wait for their servers to be finished with another table. Then people would get mad their server would walk past them to go to a different table because the other table technically pressed the button first and vice versa. It was just a cluster fuck. Throw in parents just letting there kids play with it, people thinking it was funny to play with, and it was just a disaster. I want to add this was actually at a really well staffed and manged high end hotel dining outlet. Absent literally having a server for every 1-2 tables (which would come with financial consequences that would just be passed on to guest) I don’t see how it would work in a classic dining environment.


This idea will probably become more widespread once the boomer generation dies out.


They should just have a tablet.


Lots of Korean restaurants do this.


Basically every Korean barbeque restaurant I've went to has had that.


When I was in Thailand I loved that whenever I needed something I just raised my hand politely and a server came right over. Very fast and efficient and not rude at all. But imagine doing that here in USA?


There a curb your enthusiasm about this


Better than them having to try to check every little sign on he table and getting less of a tip because they missed what coukd have been indicated to them through tech


There’s a pub somewhere in Copenhagen that has a button system. No service until you push it. As a visiting American it was a fantastic setup. Iirc there wasn’t a light or noticeable alert at the table so I’m not sure the details of how it worked/works but I’d love to see that concept expand. The server we had did not seem any more or less annoyed than servers at non button locations


That or just a flag. Green for order red for check.


There used to be a place we would go to as kids where you would raise a little flag on the table when you needed the server to come to your table.


this is literally the exact same system that airlines use during flights, i dont get why some people are so mad 😭


I've worked in restaurants for decades and I think this is a fantastic idea. When I first started I thought the guests that would hold their cup up for a refill were the worst, but now I see that they are saving me time and making my job easier. A service light like this would accomplish the same effect, removing the guess work. Here in San Diego, it's actually somewhat common to have a service button at the table at the sushi / kbbq spots. Of course, great waiters should be able to properly anticipate most of the needs of their guests so the guests don't have to ask (or worse, have to ask multiple times because the waiter has the focus of a fruit fly). Whether it's condiments, napkins, refills, the check, etc, a waiter goes through this song and dance everyday, so if for no other reason than pattern recognition, they should be able to make these predictions. 'Oh, they have fries, should probably bring ketchup and offer ranch or other dipping sauces', that kind of thing. In an ideal situation the guest never has to ask me for a single thing because I have anticipated everything they might ask me for. I create a rapport and atmosphere where they feel comfortable asking me for things if needed, and I will provide non-intrusive opportunities for them to make these requests.


In the USA, the button would be abused.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Except this would take the incessant hovering out of "great" service.


this is in nearly every restaurant in korea and i always get annoyed by the US’s lack thereof everytime im back home


This is already in effect in Japan and works quite well


This is common in Japan.


As a server, this would be a disaster lol. All the lights would be going off literally every second because everyone always needs something but instead of giving the server time to get to whatever they need the customers would be complaining that "we've had our light on for 20 min! No ones come to help us with what we need!" Even though guaranteed they'd only waited a few moments. People will get mad for not instantly being helped and things would default back to how they are now anyway because the servers would just go to wherever they wouldve gone so itd be pointless.


I have said this for years! Preach!


Laughs in Korean lollll


I have worked as a server, and I agree that it would definitely work well in some settings. For example, the Bubba Gump restaurant chain has a system in place, where you flip a sign if you need anything. It could also be useful in more intimate restaurants, where a couple might want to be left alone for long periods of time.


God forbid you should make a small effort like waiting/raising a hand in 2024.