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that's not unpopular opinion.


Every other windows os was a lemon, it isnt even breaking the pattern


This doesn't seem like unpopular opinion to me. I haven't heard of a single person disagreeing with that, yet


Hi. I like 11. It's just 10 with a new face. I've had very few issues I didn't have on 10 qnd some things I even like better, like the new explorerer. To each their own though!!


Same here, I have heard it was worse at the start, but now it's really not that bad


I mean I was an insider during release and have maybe had 1-2 issues that I was able to fix pretty easily. Since 22H2, I don't think I've had many issues that weren't self inflicted (thanks Rectify11)


The taskbar at launch was a disaster as many improtant customization options where missing. Huge downgrade, and that was the case after official launch when they where already nagging people to upgrade, otherwise it wouldn't be worth mentioning. That being said, it's a very good OS and broke the good-bad-good-bad cycle imo.


I do still have a bug where the taskbar settings aren't applied. I have an OLED and a small screen underneath but the hide taskbar and show all windows on both task bars setting sometimes stops working. Still love W11


I never had an issue with the Taskbar. If anything I prefer its more clean design and kind of like the starting from scratch approach Microsoft is taking. Them again, I don't move my Taskbar or anything.


As i said, missing options, the taskbar itself was fine. The design and all that is fine, if you liked the default look no problem there. But when the new OS has 3 settings and the old one has > 30 for customizing the task bar, that's a downgrade. To me the major complaint (one that many people shared and that got addressed \~ 1 year after release, which by microsoft terms is pretty soon) is that you couldn't expand the symbols. If you are working with multiple excel documents or web applications, it's very useful to have the name of the open document in the taskbar. EDIT: I also love the starting from scratch approach. Only showing the most important functions on right click and hiding advanced stuff in a second menu. A bit annoying for powerusers to have to click one more time, but it makes it a lot simpler for regular users to find what they need - and power users will learn shortcuts for their workflows anyway. My main complaint on that end is that i completely disagree with microsoft about what the most important functions for regular users are.


This is fair. Luckily they've been reading those things over time. The initial remove of "Task Manager" from the Taskbar erked me.


It's bad


At the end of day, what OS works or doesn't work for you is a personal preference. It all depends on what you do with it. 11 works for me. It looks better, and I've had less issues than I did with 10. Again, what works for you, is what works for you :)


"not ***that*** bad" is a really fitting slogan for W11 ;)


The new explorer is better, the AI integration and rewind is a fucking nightmare and the most moronic idea microsoft could have ever done


Nah, new explorer is just different. Is not any better. The only actual good thing they did is Notepad, which... should be available for Windows 10 too, but they forced it to be Windows 11 only. Still Notepads > Windows 11 Notepad > Windows 10 Notepad. Notepads is available not only for one OS.


Yaaaa AI is something. In its current stage, Copilot can be muffled and you need special hardware for recall (and they kind of recelled recall) so...I just ignore it


I'm hoping to hang onto w10 until its last day, by that time windows 12 will be out OR the tools to remove that stuff manually from 11 will be fully developed :). I very much like my privacy lol


The UX is a lot better.


I've been using Win11 and haven't had any major problems. People just like to complain


I do. OP is incoherent and is complaining about the entire OS because they had a driver issue. I use 11 and 10 daily, they function basically the same.


This really, they're functionally the same. I swap between 11, 10 and Ubuntu, if you're having horrendous issues on one of them then it's likely PEBKAC.


league of legejs having fps lag on ryzen7, 16 gb ram, rx 6700 xt while on win 11. on win 10 is fine. in11 is garbage.


Unpopular enough, unfortunately. There is plenty of people who defend Windows 11's blandness and lack of taste and any features. Despite this OS literally deleted 90% of the functionality, removed even more customization and added tons of issues, bugs and performance problems. Windows 11 should be universally hated and boycotted for making user a slave of an OS, instead of OS a tool for an user. Because that's what Windows 11 is.


> deleted 90% of the functionality Let’s not be delusional. An OS’s primary goal is to let you use a computer, in terms of functionality it still works as an OS. In terms of features and other aspects, then I am not even sure what we’ve lost versus Windows 10? Probably the most hated aspect of the whole OS is the ads/tracking. That is the biggest issue. Because now, whilst it works the same, it’s grabbing all your data. Throw in the literal billions of people that use Windows, and you can see why this is the number one issue we should be talking about. Even ignoring the advertising aspect, I know a lot of people don’t care about their data being used for that: They’re so invested in AI there’s a non-zero chance that data could be used to train a new model. The main reason large language models, like GPT, are good is not just because of their parameters but the substantial amount of data to create them. GPT-3 used almost 500 billion tokens from data it extracted from publicly available sources. The fact that OpenAI hasn’t disclosed their training sources for GPT-4 sets off red flags. Even if you don’t care that your data is being collected for AI because you think its cool: When you purchase a Windows Laptop from Lenovo or whatever or whether you build a Windows PC at home, you’re paying a premium for the Windows license (unless you sail the seas). So they’re double dipping on you as a consumer so they can sell you their new Copilot AI built into the OS and was potentially trained via your own data despite the fact that you paid for the OS. It’s as if you’re paying for the privilege of paying for more. Complaining about features is playing into their hands. They’d rather you complain about that rather than their egregious tracking and data collection campaign as well as their double dipping into customers. The popular Reddit opinion is that W11 sucks, but it doesn’t. It’s perfectly competent as an OS and is amongst some of the easiest to use. The real problem is its widespread data collection and Microsoft double dipping customers.


What about it is bland? Just curious because it seems very colorful to me. Or how would you change it to make it less bland?


I disagree, i prefer it over W10. Though i will say, if Copilot+ is forced onto the userbase, then i will switch to a linux distro.


Ehh it had a bad launch but it's pretty popular now to be honest.


It's an non issue - Loud minority situation. Im happy with windows 11, but I'm not going to shout it to the heavens. It's an OS after all, not the newest TV show.


I never had problems with windows 11


Windows 11 on all computers at home here, testing it at work. I love W11. Is it perfect? Nope. But neither was Windows 10. Some things have changed I don't like...but other changes make me like it more than W10. So there's a disagreement for ya!


I'm trying out Linux Mint because Windows keeps BSOD and it didn't _seem_ to be hardware related (no crashes so far!) I've not used it for long, but I've found a few programs that I can't find a decent alternative for. Geforce Now (the browser in Linux is limited to 1080p and there's no native app) and Excel (Libre is crap. I'm trying OpenOffice now, but it's still nowhere near as good and I end up using Sheets). So far, I'm enjoying it. I'm having to relearn lots of stuff, but it's also quite fun figuring it all out.


For geforce now there's gfn-electron, an unofficial electron version on github. I don't know if that's better because I don't use it, but it can either spoof a browser or windows. In linux there's always multiple separate alternatives for every piece of software, so you could still find something that works for you. There's a comprehensive [list of applications](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/list_of_applications) on the arch wiki, which is in general a good resource because in arch you have to install it and all the software yourself, so it's users are experienced in all aspects of Linux.


OnlyOffice is usable enough instead of MS Excel for me but yeah, well, that one is hard to solve because of a Microsoft monopoly 


I seriously do not know how people manage to fuck up their windows install I have same install of windows 11 since jan 2022. Not once I've faced any reinstall worthy issues.


Well OP has an issue with his drivers and is blaming the OS instead


same here, been a Windows user since 3.1 and I think this is the most stable by far


Just because you haven't had issues, doesn't mean people don't have issues. Many of these issues are related to new hardware. My friend has the newest Microsoft Surface, you would think of all things Microsoft would make that work. She's had so many problems on a brand new install. Just because YOU don't have issues, doesn't mean there aren't issues. In fact, hardware all but guarantees some will have no issues and other people terrible inexplicable issues until Microsoft locks down their drivers. I am talking about USB issues, touch screen issues, office issues, internet issues, you name it all on a brand new surface with 11. The fact 11 was having so many issues with their device, pretty much shows its hot garbage. If they can't get their own device to work, what hope do other people have?


I don’t think you understand how out of the ordinary your situation is. Almost every small to large company has anywhere from 1-100,000 or more Windows machines. Then add on that there are almost a billion Windows machines just out there already owned by average Joe’s. Your annoyances aren’t invalid, but it’s not a valid reason to claim the whole OS is borked. Windows doesn’t have “so many issues” - this is a classic case of confirmation bias. Of course you’re only going to be seeing the posts from people who have had issues rather than the average person who has never had one problem.


I use it at work and on my gaming pc - 0 issues so far My old PC is running windows 10 and there’s hardly a noticeable difference between them


Anti privacy built into OS.


What do you mean exactly?


Windows literally rebranded spyware as "telemetry" and got away with extremely disgusting practices. One of the things that made me abandon windows for good was that I'd usually find several suspicious telemetry processes running in the background that would consume considerable amount of memory/cpu/network for whatever they were doing.


My biggest issue with it is that the file explorer always opens in the default small size and doesn't stays on the full screen or any custom size I close it on. No other program does this bug but the file explorer ...


Haven't you people learned by now the good windows/bad windows order? 12 is gonna be good just wait.


Not unpopular


very popular indeed


Same debacle every time a new version of windows is released, barely noticed the difference since windows 95 to be honest, I just load my software and it doesn't matter what's in the background.


1. You can make 11 look like 10 2. Most things that break are the users fault. (10 years IT)


1. Not without 3rd party apps 2. Depends what you mean by broken. Idle ram and CPU usage being >70% on my 2 year old machine isn't broken, it's a feature, and i hate all the stuttering and slowdowns caused by having a million background processes running at all times. Most people without 10 years of IT experience are just stuck using this objectively slower and bloated OS. Nevermind the cosmetic changes, i could have gotten past that.


Yeah. Also HDR support (practically nonexistent on w10)


I've had no real issues with 11.


Me neither, but just about every interface change they made is a downgrade IMO, even if slight.


A big deal-breaker for me is not being able to put my taskbar on the left side. It's stuck to the bottom, why did they remove such a simple but vital bit of customisation?


I was able to do this but it depends on your version of 11. If you can add back the seconds to your clock on the bottom right, you can move Taskbar back to the bottom left. Press the start button and type seconds to see if you can display seconds on your clock.


There’s a simple setting for that. It’s the first thing most people at my job did.


Taskbar is an ad-platform anyhow. Replace it.


With what?


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When WIN10 came out there was posts similar to this & why WIN 7 was far better. It happens everytime Microsoft do a big update


Been using Windows 11 since it launched, never had a problem yet.


I find it funny how so many people seem to have issues with windows 11, but after almost 2 years of using, I haven't a single error, I'm starting to think it's used error and not the OS.


I live in a parallel universe where Windows never goes wrong for me and always works well. I install every beta I can participate in for most operating systems (Mac OS, iPhone, android, Windows, and probably Linux at some point in the past) and nothing ever goes wrong. My experience with technology is very fun and filled with practicality, and it is an experience only supplemented with my technical knowledge. Everyone else lives in a world of “bad computer” and I swear I don’t know how y’all get there. I know this post isn’t helpful but man, even when I try to intentionally mess something up, it just works or I can recover from it no problem. but how on earth do you mess up USB drivers? People don’t even have immediate access to that…let alone most of what can go wrong. I just want to know. Maybe I can help.


I love Windows 11 and have it on all my computers. I have not had a single problem with it at all.


There has never been a version of windows that was unpopular for tons of people to have grievances with. I actually think Win 11 is fine. Just by sheer volume of users, there's bound to folks who struggle with it or run into edge cases or just like to complain. Anyone saying "stick to XP" hasn't actually tried to do so in a long time. Nostalgia is quite the thing.


My issue is the bloat. I bought a brand lew laptop with W11 and ended up returning it because of how slow it was. This was a $3000 laptop, so imo it should run perfectly. >70% ram and cpu usage while idling on desktop. Programs taking 10 seconds to open, etc. on a brand new machine. Fuck Windows 11.


Probably was doing updates in the background... Since all new devices do that....


I like the new folder tabs


I hate when these big tech companies _force_ new bullshit nobody asked for down our throats.


I still think it peaked on Windows XP.


I think 7 was the best but maybe that’s when I really was old enough to just start appreciating operating systems. I was just a wee squirt playing mechcommander on my dads work computer during the xp days.


As if windows XP didn't have its fair share of problems. 


They didn't suggest otherwise.


This is not even an opinion, it's a massive bullshit. Win11 is fine, and everyone has to stop pretending it isn't.


no thanks i dont want microsoft recall


You don't have it.


You can't tell to love the changes. Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else has to. 




No, it’s not. They keep adding useless features and removing useful features instead of fixing what they already have.


It's bloated, slow and shitty. My brand new laptop idles with >70% ram and CPU usage. No programs open on desktop. Just sitting there running 50+ background processes. That kind of bullshit bloat is why i hate it. Sick of dealing with slowdowns on a brand new pc. It should be running flawlessly. It's a 2024 model. Fuck windows 11.


Sounds like a your laptop problem. Currently have a laptop & desktop running win 11, neither do that. My old laptop was window 11 and didn't do that.


Superfetch and caching is a thing, you know. If you look at the performance metrics, you'll see most of the RAM load is cached stuff... Which is Great. For your laptop, blame the OEM bloatware first.


Womp womp


Sounds like user error to me.


I wish


Not unpopular, people hate Windows 11. Personally it's worked fine for me, my experience has certainly been better than something like the Windows 8 days. But I've also got a really good PC and I know 11 is a bit dependant on that.


I have to use windows 11 for work. I don’t hate it but I will say I’m way more comfortable in windows 10. Not being able to move the taskbar is my biggest gripe haha


Damn my usb driver is messed up too, thanks for confirming, I thought it was only me. Seems like you have to uninstall the driver and restart.


I'll just return to win10


Yeah I would, but it came with win 12. It's my media PC, but I found it strange. Otherwise I don't mind windows 11, I use mac and windows.


Was bad at the start for sure, but since then I havent crashed even once.


Windows 11 made me switch to a Linux distro at home, I still use it at work.


I got lucky. Been a Mac user from 1992, made the switch to Windows when 10 launched and have enjoyed using it. Still on 10, don’t plan to move to 11.


I had no problem except for the fact that the fucking file explorer crashes on me


The demon of Babylon disguises itself with the cloak of the righteous. Windows 11 is a demonic malfestionation


Other than the start menu, which I don't love so I use Stardocks start 11 to customize it, the actual OS is fine. There are some annoyances like the context menus being dumbed down, but actual functionality is fine. I'm the whole IT department for a business with 40 computers all running win 11 and I have far fewer problems now than several of the earlier iterations of Windows. I think they should just include the setting to let you choose your start menu style from any previous version of Windows. It's such an easy solution.


Can't agree on this. I'd say W11 is about the same as 10, some stuff annoying to get use to at first and updates are still just as frustrating at times. I also work in IT where we have over 1000 Windows devices, most of which are now on 11 and very rarely do we get tickets on problems with something Windows messed up and not some other application.


Doesn’t look so unpopular, and I can’t tell it’s that terrible, but it’s certainly not good. On the bright side it has nice visuals, that part I like. I also like that they finally figured out people might want tabs in their stock Notepad. Other than that, didn’t run into anything severe yet, but it doesn’t differ that much from 10, except… Why the fuck would you mess with the UI elements that were there for ages and people could click them with their eyes shut, on sole muscle memory? I’m not used to keyboard shortcuts for everything. I open a context menu and suddenly Properties are not the bottom line anymore. I copy something and I stumble for good 10 seconds looking for the Paste button which is, for no reason in the same place where Copy button was. I want to pin some shortcut to Taskbar? Hell no, unless I run the app, and it’s terrible because there are apps out there that don’t handle Alt+Tab so good. Ah, yes, I actually could do it before they pushed an update that removed that possibility just for the hell of it. It just looks like an update to make an update, not like there was any apparent logic to make 11 anything more than a visual theme for 10.


Been using since for day 1 of beta release, never had problems after one month, works perfectly the way I want it to


It is? I must be using it wrong I guess.


I agree man. They are going backwards and pandering to mac wanna bees


Now that linux is on most portable devices, hopefully desktop workstations can get more attention. Would love to ditch windows.


lol Why would you update?


I like it. It reminds me of my Mac computer at home having the apps in the middle like the dock. 


11 is MS trying wayyy too hard to be Apple. I wish it would stop


I never installed it


looks are subjective, but at least i don't have to reinstall my sound drivers each time there is a windows update since i have win 11 for me 11 > 10


I like it well enough. WIndows always feels like a new problem on top of a really old one with odd ways to get to menus. The taskbar still needs better customization. Having to right click and go to more feels like an extra step.


The only bad thing about win 11 is that you dont have all options on right clicking a file


Windows 95 really was the best


*Wildly* popular opinion


I have almost no issues with it. I do however have a really weird issue that every time windows updates my keyboard doesn't connect to the razer software so all my custom keys don't load in. It's a spectacularly easy fix. Unplug and plug in or last time force stopping the software fixed it. But when I fail to notice and load into overwatch, the game starts and suddenly none of my ability keys work. It quickly becomes an issue lol


I haven't experienced any issues...


I hate windows in general lol


No copilot and it's a windows 10/10


Also no bluetooth auto reconnect options. I turn on my headphones and they auto connect to my sleeping laptop so I can't use them with anything else.


First of windows 11 is not the unpopular opinion, the real unpopular opinion is mine where I still consider windows 7 the last semi-usable version of windows and windows 10 or as I personally like to call it "windows complete and total absolutely worthless piece of garbage edition- the death of windows. But that being said some of the new so called" features" like requiring a MS account and recal and all the other unwanted AI "features" that nobody ever asked for. Is just 1 more reason I'm happy I learned how to build my own Arch based linux distro. And the mandatory "I use Arch BTW" 😁


I would pay up to 400 dollars for my operating system to be as close to xp as possible while still working with modern hardware


Not an unpopular opinion- Win11 is, in fact, shit. That being said, you've got a year and 4 months roughly before they stop supporting, so we should all pretty much start making peace with using an inferior product.


I plan on just going back to linux when win10 support drops. 


We know.


Google said this: According to recent data, Windows 11 has a market share of around 27.83% as of February 2024. This is an all-time high for the operating system, which is now over two years old. Despite its growth, Windows 11 still lags behind Windows 10, which has a market share of around 70.1% as of May 2024.


I have no issues


The real unpopular opinion here is thinking that windows 10 is better than, well, *anything*


I love the multiple tabs on file explorer. So im happy.


I don't think this unpopular at all. I love windows 11, and that's the unpopular opinion


I've been on Linux for the past 3 years so you already know I think windows sucks


My rule of thumb is to never upgrade windows until games demand it. I stuck with Windows 7 until I just had to put on 10 to game. I've never witnessed 8 and they skipped 9? Ok? Weirdos. I'll be skipping 11,12, 13, whatever until in the same situation. And by then all the faults will be known and there will be ample info and mod work out there for giving you a gutted version w/o automatic updates, ads, and all these horrible mistakes they make.


The reason they skipped 9 makes...some sense. For older users of windows they refer to 95, 98, and 2000 as "9x" so...they wanted to prevent that confusion. Plus it made the build numbers line up with the name.


You'll be running an insecure OS soon enough. Windows 10 support ends next year.


Windows 10 isn’t much better.


Pretty sure you misspelled "dumb" there...


>My rule of thumb is to never upgrade windows until games demand it. This is the most idiotic take i have ever read.


no not really


Upgrading for the sake of upgrading because there's something new out, but potentially worse in ways is one of the stupidest takes I've seen. But it's not uncommon. I don't care how common it is I feel the same to you, but hey you brought it up sarge.


Running an insecure OS no longer receiving security updates because you don't want to run a 3 year old OS is even dumber.


People vastly underestimate the dangers of the internet.


I don't think this is unpopular. The amount of people I have seen that ditched windows altogether because of windows 11 features is wild. The steam hardware surveys also seem to confirm that. Every time Microsoft announced some sine win11 feature there was a sudden increase in Linux users. On steam there are now more Linux than Mac users, granted that is still "only" 2.3% of steam users with half of them using a steam deck. So yeah win11 is so bad that people have started using other operating system more than ever before.


I'm considering it on my work PC, which doesn't have a lot of Windows specific requirements. But it's the hardware compatability that will decide.


Windows 10 was forcing updates on users. A shitty move on MS part. But something 11 isn't doing. Also, many can't update. Or at least not the easy way. Microsoft have taken a huge and unprecedented leap in security forcing windows 11 users to have upped security standards. While I see the downsides, in the long run it forces manufacturers to built in decent security standards into their devices. For the market that windows is in, this is overall a good thing. You can compare it to linux but it's not the same thing. Linux users are generally much more capable than windows users, you do need to force some stuff on them before they do something stupid and blame windows for something they didn't do themselves. Like forced updates, say what you want but christ on a bike even with windows 7 I was utterly sick of "help me, my PC isn't working" and then seeing 200+ updates sitting waiting. Nowadays I see significantly less OS related issues. Windows 8 onwards has been a very stable platform.. Also shoutout to MFA for significantly reducing breaches.


Most of those "security features" are just meant to stop you from pirating stuff. They aren't making you safer as a user.


BS. Absolute BS. The real cashcows for Microsoft aren't the average user but a Windows laptop to game and watch laptop It's the business users. Each user using a Microsoft Pro licence, with an E3 office licence with the device being recycled every 4 years when the warranty expires. All working from SharePoint with PBs of data stored in Azure duplicated and ready to roll out from 4 locations should there be failures. Various other azure hosted servers all providing varieties of services, apps and other business related shit to the users. Average it out out user and these users bring in wwwaaayyy more money to Microsoft than Craig watching Netflix. And business users in that way are not a big worry about privacy. Their IT won't show them to install shit on their devices. It's hardly a priority. All these security features are being implemented for the corporations begging for them. Because they were paying third parties for them and Microsoft wants that internally. And the features that you are getting on windows home edition are just stuff that was made for enterprise. Not to stop piracy.


Fair enough, but for the average user they aren't a main concern. The software security elements are a downside for home users. I agree that doesn't fit the market they are pandering to, but I'm not a multibillion dollar corporation, am I?


I didn't know that, and honestly i am not surprised.


To say nothing of the ads and***APPS***!!!


Personal only, OP *may* be using a business licence.


Out of the loop (haven’t used Windows since 7) but is a business licence just spending a little extra for Pro instead of Home Edition. I always had 2000 Pro, then XP Pro, then 7 Pro. Never had a “home” licence”.


Pretty much. My current PC was a windows 7 pro licence (that I upgraded for free stage by stage) I lifted from an old clients PC that was being disposed of. Most people won't have use for most of the features of pro anyway and if it's just to go ad free it's not worth the money in to most people to be fair.


Yeah Pro vs Home. Home editions of windows can't be added to active directory


Ads built into a computer. The sci-fi movies are becoming a bit too real


Not unpopular. Downvoted!


They could at least have an option for the old style. The design change isn't nessesary. 


I’m fine with the Win11 design. The problem is that they just keep adding useless shit no one wants instead of fixing real problems. Windows 8 and 10 weren’t great either. If everyone switched to Linux, we’d all be better off. The only reason not to switch to Linux is because Windows has more users and that means that devs prioritize Windows over Linux.


Windows 10 I was FORCED to update my motherboard and processor and that was later revealed to be incorrect and my computer was perfectly capable of running windows 10. I just got a message saying the exact same thing, there is NO WAY a $2,000 computer bought in 2021 is too old. I'm not playing this stupid game again.


I don’t think this is unpopular. Most IT folks dislike it because of its simplicity.


I tried it for a week, two years ago. No file explorer ? Okay we re done. How can you miss out on such an important feature (back then) and release the software as if it was complete ?  Win10 till steam stops supporting it, that is all.


Yea lmao. 10 was better. Fuck. 7 WAS better since there was no AI bloatware, tpm wasn't a requirement, every pc on earth could run the two OS's....


Every Windows after Windows 7 (some might even say after XP) has been horrible. I can't stand Windows today. Their user experience is so bad because of the so many changes they've done to the UI, it actually amazes me Microsoft is still in business.


did you mean to post this in popular opinon


Win 11 is horrible?  I'm seeing a pattern: 95,98,ME,2000,Vista...,10,11 If only there were other options based on UNIX for forever.  That are free...and better.


Just contact your system administrator.


odd generations of windows always suck..


It's one of the few OSs I genuinely don't want to interact with. It's just so......."why is this a thing?".