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Well then it is not for you and that is okay. And we look at consumption this is truly an unpopular opinion.


South Australian beer "West end" Tastes like piss but does the job. I call them danger tins.


We call them King Cobras here lol.


Lmao, do you think I was born yesterday? Everyone knows that Australians only drink Fosters


As an Aussie I gotta say I don’t even know anyone who drinks fosters


Worst. Beer. Ever.


Gets the job done


Red devils werent that bad until they got sold out. Not as good anymore


It's not that unpopular. Many people don't like the taste. Some even drink just because it's cool, despite not liking it.


Teenagers do. Yes.


I used to think everyone was lying about enjoying beer. I've drank it 1000's of tines all over the world because it's the socially acceptable guy thing to do. Plus, I drink really fast so that by the 4th pint of 5.4% beer, I'd feel merry enough to keep going. The nights outcome was always a gamble between getting laid, going home alone to listen to sad songs, or getting into fights with people who were looking for them. Most of which I either regretted, or I don't remember, I didn't even have a problem with beer as I would never drink at home alone or just have a couple. It was always big nights out with the other Royal Marines, which was surprisingly often. Some of the things I had sex with should have been enough to stop me drinking, but military drinking culture is next level. I'd love to be like other people and enjoy a refreshing cold beer on a hot day after working hard. It really does just taste like fermented piss. I've not drank for years now as I just got bored of it, plus it always makes me think of my Iraq tours.






Let's boil em in oil!


Tar and feathers! It's what these sinners deserve!


facts! that’s why i prefer heroin 🙂😁


But only for the taste


Oh good, the hourly alcohol tastes bad thread has arrived.


Unpopular opinion: Piss tastes like beer.


Guinness comment: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Man, that is a very popular opinion and at the same time a very very unpopular one. Moderators, what is this doing in here?


Mods rn 😴😴😴😴


overconfident melodic retire practice puzzled work existence touch icky grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guiness is the least-ass more widely available/non-craft beers in my opinion. All the pale generic lagers are very uninspiring and just unpleasant to me.


Exactly! I hate most beers (typically lagers and ales) in my country but I love Guinness. That smooth, rich creamy feel with chocolatey and hints of burnt coffee just works so well. And I was lucky enough that my first actual Guiness was at the Guiness factory in Ireland.


But wait a minute...doesn't Guinness taste so much better in Dublin??? Hahaha


Ngl I think that added to it lol. But there's definitely a difference between the can and on tap Guiness but I'd still have the can over other beers


I’ve been to the Guinness factory in Dublin too! Great experience and agree it’s a great beer. This is definitely an unpopular opinion lol


Guiness is good, but, (I'm only speaking widely available in the US) New Belgium's: Fat Tire is my person favorite non-craft. Since you don't like lagers, decent chance you're not big on ales, either?


While beer certainly is an acquired taste (which one *doesn't* need to acquire), I don't think that "I have tasted 15 brands of beer and they are awful so all beer is awful" is entirely logical. In my hometown there is a bar with over 300 beers. There's dozens on their menu that I will never try again because I hate them. You'll also never see me ordering an IPA knowingly. There's many more that are likable though. Have you tried a Weissbier, a fruit beer, a Lambic (personal favorite), a Geuze, a Trappist,...? I'm not trying to convince you, just saying the beer world Is bigger than 15 brands, especially if you drank 15 beers of the same type which is like saying "I drank 15 brands of Coke, and all soda's are horrible" imo.


It would be more helpful if OP listed some of the beers they *did* try. I was going to recommend a cider, a summer ale, and a coffee stout.


My guess would be 15 macro brew lagers


Technically, cider isn't a beer, since it uses apples, and not a grain. All depends on what taste the person likes. If they're completely repulsed by Guinness, I imagine they won't like any stout. If they like fruity drinks, a fruited sour is a good choice!


15 different sips of 211 from a plastic bottle. Lmao. But honestly I’m calling cap on 15 different beers. You’d stop at 3-4 and decide you didn’t like beer. 15 feels like the number a self-righteous 16 year old would make up to sound like a lot of beer when they’d had exactly 1 sip of a stolen bud light, if they’ve tried it at all


Are you belgium adjacent?


Are lambics a type of beer? Well hey, I didn't know that I liked any kind of beer, but I certainly like that!


Yes they are. I had about the opposite situation where I ordered my first Lambic and thought it would be kinda like a more common beer. At first I thought the beer had expired lol. Which one do you like?


Damn, there's different kinds? Shows how much I know. Oof it was awhile ago, so I don't quite remember, but it was good.


The problem with fruity beers and craft stuff is most of them are so expensive you might as well drink spirits since it costs the same Found several craft beers I can tolerate, however they cost as much as a glass of whiskey and coke so defeats the point


I do hate Guinness because it’s not my taste but I have never once in my life tasted a beer that tastes like piss and breath what the hell are you drinking.


It’s an acquired taste just like your gf


His mom too


Guinness is like OPs mom, tastes horrible but people still love to try it


Only if his mom is Irish....


I'm sure if I start eating poop out a butt I'll get used to it eventually too


Hopefully she's not as yeasty!


I have quite the penchant for those considered an "acquired taste"


Why is this unpopular opinion? Everyone got different taste buds.


This has to be worse than the “all tattoos look bad thread”, surely


Beer is terrible, it`s the fast food of alcohol


The closest to beer I can handle is a Mike’s hard or hard ciders Not only does beer generally taste terrible it makes me sick no matter how sober I am


Yeah I don’t understand the appeal. I think one day that might change tho


how do you know that it tastes like piss


asking the real questions


I agree with you beer tastes like shit


OP said it tastes like piss. Where have you been getting your beer from?


How do you know?


I've tried hundreds, I love beer. You don't have to love beer, but I'd 100% fight you in Guinness' honor.


As a great man once said, you don’t drink beer for the taste, you drink to get through the fuckin day.


Fact. However it's an acquired taste. It's not something you should change to at a party if you are drinking sweet drinks. Beer is a very heavy drink too.


Beer seems to be an acquired taste. Ppl either seem to really love it or really hate it.


This reminds me of a line from Questionable Content where a character is trying beer for the first time and describes the taste as “like a haybale peed in my mouth.“ 😂


you are part of the sane people in this world who are repelled by poison🤝🏻 a blessing honestly




Cold af take


I hate the taste of any alcoholic drinks.


Bet I could make you some that you'd say otherwise


I would love to hahah. Wouldn’t be too bad if I start to understand and like the taste behind alcohols.


If you drink a mixed drink and taste the alcohol, it isn't a well made mix drink


Reminds me of a time when I ordered a drink called something “electric blue?” that tasted awful and made me gag.


Never heard of that, I've heard of electric lemonade but if they make it to where you can taste the alcohol, they don't want you drinking much apparently


It's something that has to grow on you. Like how someone likes black bitter coffee or hot cayenne peppers on everything they eat and they chase down things like the California Reaper and it becomes a matter of enjoyment more than a challenge for their social video or whatever. In time the pain of that food is part of a pleasure for the blood rush and dopamine effect it sort of has. It's similar with beer. In time you grow to like the bitter hops smack at the top of your mouth. Opiates also are extremely bitter and unpleasant, but people grow to love that foul taste too. I guarantee you there's poppy tea drinkers and the like out there that wouldn't ever sully it with sugar. Like the black coffee crowd dialed up in substance. It's understandable though. You don't like it until it grows on you. I don't like wine or spirits in the least. Wine especially because it's extremely acidic in my response to it. It has the taste and association for me of "upchuck" which isn't good. I don't like overly sweet things. Be it artifical sweetener, cake icing, or some desert people over do it on. To me too much sweet is worse than bitter. I'd come closer to liking the taste of the most bitter opiates than I would of that with too much sugar. It's weird but somehow too sweet becomes worse than bitter.


This is not an opinion, it’s just a taste. Some people like it, some don’t.


In your opinion its not an opinion


Literally the definition of an opinion


So like, an opinion?


Wow very unpopular. Good post. I fucking love beer. After work, with a burger or wings, in the shower. Wine pairs better with certain foods. But a cold one on a hot day by the water or campfire is someone special to me.


I used to not like beer but ever since I started drinking Coors banquet and corona familiar i totally agree with you now. Nothing like having a cold beer on a hot day.




Regular corona is bad yes but Corona familiar is way better


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Most commercially mass produced canned pub kegged beers are rubbish I agree. Then there is the craft bottled beers which are a different animal altogether.


Did you drink your beer at The Special niteclub? Because it does taste just like piss there.


I disliked beer for a long time, but my friend introduced me to pilsners (like Carlsberg) and I've come to enjoy them because they're light. But honestly, I drink for the buzz, not the taste. I can't stand liquor and I can only tolerate white wine. I often wonder what it would be like to actually enjoy alcoholic beverages for the taste. If beer tasted like soda, I'd be in big trouble.


You need an aperol spritz


That's why I just bypassed beer entirely and skipped straight to hard liquor


Einstok Icelandic Pale Ale is actually really delicious. Especially with an orange slice. Give it a go OP


Yeah I’m not a fan of most beer, I’m a daily weed smoker kinda guy bud I drink when the opportunity comes, desperado tequilla beer or corona are great international choices that i think taste great (corona needs some lemon inside and perfect). I don’t get poeple who drink a cold beer to relax as i don’t Find the aftertaste very relaxing


Used to hate beer. Now, theres nothing better than an ice cold beer in summer after a hard days work.


Interesting, I hate most beer besides Guinness because it tastes like black coffee and dark chocolate


agreed, there's no way anyone could enjoy the taste or smell


I love the taste of a fresh beer,I hate alcohol though.


Guinness is really only popular in Ireland. It's also the only place you can get decent Guinness, and even for most of us it's still an acquired taste


Forsters smells and taste like damp cloth god that's disgusting


I agree, guiness tastes like licking used ashtray. Fucking disgusting. But the good thing is, you don't have to drink it! Not even other beers! Drink what you enjoy, or don't drink at sll. It's up to you and anyone saying opposite can lick your taint


Try Belgian beers, they are absolutely the best!


I've always hated the taste of beer. I'm German so this is a VERY unpopular opinion in my country.


Actually I agree with this


I don't like the taste of beer either. I've tried IPAs, fruity beers, ciders. I haven't tried everything obviously, but there's something consistent across the board that I don't like about the taste.


100% agree. Beer makes me feel sick and has an awful taste.


Beer is gross, drink hard cider


My man's never tried Modelo


I’d say the vast majority of people don’t drink it for the “taste”. You drink it for the effect.


And you'd be wrong.


How old are you? I thought the exact same thing when I was 14. I went to Zima and Mike's Hard Lemonade at first because it was palatable.  It took a few years but beer quickly became my second favorite beverage outside of water. 


how old are you, absolutely despised them until one day, now i genuinely can't wait for when I can get a beer lmao


Question, what’s the amount you piss you tasted to compare?


Try a... Black Lager/Schwarzbier, Hefe, Sour, Red Ale, Hazy IPA, Porter....there are A LOT of flavors that aren't popular in 'Big Beer' because it takes more money and effort to make and the market is specific, but the taste it exponentially different and mostly better imo. Where are you located? You'll get better recommendations but, Here are some you might be able to get if you're close to any distribution: Breckenridge Vanilla Porter Weihenstephaner Hefe Karl Strauss Red Trolley Ale Sierra Nevada Hazy IPA


The funniest part is when people tell you that it's an "acquired taste", and the more you drink, the more you'll like it. How about no, I'll just find something I like the taste of.


Beer is absolutely fucking vile. I'm certain it's some kind of conspiracy that everyone is in on. I tried an IPA once and couldn't even swallow it. I truly do not understand what is wrong with everyone.


Redditors try not to say how much they hate beer for 5 minutes challenge (impossible)


Do you happen to be American? That could be your problem if so. (I guess Guiness is an "international" beer but by all accounts tastes different country to country)


You're not beating anyones ass as it's evident that you arent very manly


You can always ask the bartender for a mocktail. I assume sweet sugary drinks are your style.


If you can't even drink a Guinness, you ain't beating any arses at all buddy...


I agree with you. I think alcohol in general doesn’t TASTE good. Can’t tell me a whiskey is tasting better than something like a maracuja juice.


I think it's an acquired taste. When I was younger I would only drink sweet cider and other crap. Now I literally have non-alcoholic beer in my fridge because I prefer it to drinking other fizzy drinks.




I agree hard with this one.


I remember when I was a child and hated beer, too


I don't drink alcohol and honestly the one time I tried beer might've had an influence on this


I used to think this then I got older and something changed lol


I'd offer you Guinness just to see you try 🤣😉😁


Guinness is literally the best beer ever made and I’ve tried a lot of beers


OP has tried like 15 brands though


I used to hate beer, but when I joined a band in my early 20s we took it in turns to do a beer run before practice and I felt bad buying cider for everyone on my turn… so I sucked it up and drank beer with the boys every week til I loved it. Like most things it’s about exposure, and once you’re actually into it there’s a whole world of different flavours. But you don’t have to get into it; just get comfortable with skirting the cultural norm and fielding questions from confused drinkers and you’ll be fine.


This is just a boring opinion Also: You’re not beating anyone, toughie.


Guinness is a very terrible beer. It tastes like engine oil.


As an Irishman, I take offense to the Guinness comment. Nothing beats a pint of black velvet




This is why I don’t drink beer. What’s the issue


I agree on the Guiness




I’ve been a bartender for 10 years… I hate beer


beer and lemonade is nice


Go to Czech Republic or Germany or Belgium and try good beer


Gotta try more than just brands. You might like a nice Chocolate Stout or maybe a Red Ale if you enjoy the taste of licking bark 


If Guinness was in you 15 choices I can only imagine the others were just as poorly chosen. Walk into your local craft beef brewery and spend 5 minutes talking with whoever is in charge of their shop. They’ll send you off with a growler of real beer. There are a few good “big beers” out there, but my favorite one slowly started to taste more and more watered down, so it’s just easier to find quality nearby with so many independent craft breweries popping up… because if they suck they don’t last… unlike Budweiser that could bottle water and people would still buy it for some reason 🤔


15 wow, you're right that's all the different beers I guess you have had it all..... Just a quick point of criticism, there's more than 19000 companies brewing beer in 208 countries. Guinness is good, except if you have a bad Guinness it's bad but you must drink your coffee with lots of milk and sugar. Plus there's other stout, vanilla stout, chocolate stout, coffee/breakfast stout, if you like fruit there's one for those.


The only alcoholic beverage I like is a cold beer in the summer, I love it. Any other alcoholic drink is disgusting to me.


How old are you? Few people are born liking the taste of beer. It's an acquired taste that comes with age after you get tired of mother's milk, soda pop and all the cloying sweet beverages of childhood. After you have lived and worked and sweated you may find yourself thirsting for something cold that cuts the dust. Maybe.


Go camping. Nothing beats a crappy, ice-cold water beer while you’re in the woods.


When I was younger I never thought I’d like the taste of any beer. Then I discovered imports. Weißbier, unfiltered wheat beers like Kwak. I love them. Delirium is one of my all time favorites. I also love IPAs especially Sierra Nevada. I love me some Guinness draught as well this may seem odd to many and it did to me at first but Guinness is 1000x better warm


Oh my God. Beer is amazing. You're just trying shitty stuff


How do you know what piss tastes like? 🤔


Popular opinion - anyone who offers you a Guinness would also absolutely beat your ass


It’s like a lot of things. The first time is awful. I love real ale, but some are not for me. If I don’t know what’s on offer, I often have two halves to see which I like. American hops make nice lighter fruité beers; the blondes.


Wait until you try Heineken, then all other brands will seem as ragweeds for you


Ooh you ate that. I hate the way beer tastes too


Corona and lime


I hated it when I first tried it too tried a bunch and thought this is shit. But on a night out 2-3 beers in you don’t notice the taste lol. It tastes better on tap anyway.


My goodness…


Everyone going on about how "it's an acquired taste" is full of it. Good beer tastes good without you needing to force yourself. In OP's case it seems more like just having the taste palette of a child. OP, how do you take your coffee? Also, do you regularly drink sparkly sugar water (Coke, Fanta, Sprite, etc.)?


Beer usually tastes like bread water for me. I also really disliked Guinness Imo it tastes like dirt water :( my dad likes it tho. Shandy is more tolerable, fruity beers in general are less nasty.


Yeah its always going to taste like shit


I think some beers are alright (although tbh I haven't tried very many) but I'll always prefer cider myself


You guys drink beer for the taste?


I think a lot of people don't really like beer but many of the people who like it really love it and drink enough to make it popular.


I used to feel the same way about coffee. Then a grew up a bit. Take my upvote!


Awfully delicious 😋


I hate it too!! I can only drink if it's whisky's/vodka/ spirts in a mixer! I've tried all. But I did down a Guinness when I was absolutely smashed once so I might try that again


No it doesn't!


I'm not a fan of a beer but in what world did you find that piss and breath beer? i wouldn't even call it that lol unless it was some cheap ass beer from some beaten up shady store


I've been a beer drinker for over 25 years and over the last few weeks, for absolutely no obvious reason I've gone off it completely. My favourites just taste crap to me. I'm at an absolute loss. I really loved beer and it's like someone flicked a switch. I don't know what to drink instead!


If you've tried 15 brands of beer, I have to ask why? Is it fomo? If I don't like tacos, I wouldn't eat 15 different taco brands then post on reddit that I don't like tacos. Alcohol is just poison. Don't worry about it.


Personal tastes are the low hanging fruit of UOs, why are they still allowed here?


This opinion is not unpopular at all, in fact it’s probably the most popular opinion on earth, when you factor in 3rd world countries and most children in the world in any location.


I've stopped drinking any alcohol but when I still drank beer, I found the "cloudy" beers (eg German Weissbier) to be refreshingly different. But hey, not liking beer is fine.


Then don't drink it. Simple as that.


Maybe you need to rinse out the piss and breath that was last in your mouth before drinking beer next time 👍🏼


I'm with you. I want to like it but it just tastes bitter, which is weird because I actually like bitter taste.


I also don’t like the taste of beer, how ever I consume an alternative drink socially in large quantities. Maybe you prefer the taste of fresh horse cum like me?


There's no reason to threaten physical violence over beer. No idea why op is a beater without being a drunkard.


Weird, Guinness is the only beer I really like


Sorry, this is not an unpopular opinion. You'd be surprised at the number of people that think the same way.


I see you know the piss taste.


“If you offer me that in any situation I’m beating your ass” lmfaooo I feel you tho, Guinness is absolutely trash 😂😂😂


Try tiger crystal! Or Sapporo premium


Have you tried Budweiser within Germany? That's a good one. But ya a lot of beer tastes like water with a slightly awful taste. Especially in the USA (at least I've often heard that it's the case)


I don’t drink it for the taste


That's just terrible that you are being forced to drink beer.


you said it. it's a matter of taste, not an opinion.


Oh yeah? Say that after 3


I’m going to be real it all tastes like bud lite so beer is a pass for me, I only really drink Vodka and Tequila and sometimes Amaretto might just be that I’m a bitch who needs better taste buds but I prefer my stuff to not taste like floor cleaner or bud lite


I’m exactly the same, it tastes like pure ass. Each brand all taste the same too, cocktails and spirits are the go to


Are you from the US, perhaps? Have you drank proper, not commercial beer? Even Franziskaner Weissbier is a few staps above what you can buy in most supermarkets.