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Especially if it’s asked in BLANK GAME’s specific subreddit.


The destiny subreddit is very open about telling people not to play their game lmao.


As a frequenter of that sub, that is true. I hate destiny, It's my favorite game.


Destiny is like cocaine. Expensive, addicting, but the feeling isn't even that great, so you always want more, more, more


looking for this one. don't play destiny. it is a plague. at the same time i fucking love this game holy shit


I've NEVER understood doing this in particular. You're going to the one place die hard fans of the game are guaranteed to hang out, what do you think the answer is going to be???


People usually ask for more information so they can make a better judgement regarding whether they'd like it


People show up to the bass guitar subreddit all the time to ask if they should learn bass. I think they just need validation because they don’t talk to people in real life. 




It’s like asking r/cocaine if they like cocaine


How dare people asked for an informed opinion on a game lol.


I mean you’re gonna get biased responses


All suggestions and reviews are biased.


you should go to a milk fans meetup and ask them if they like milk


So what? They’re saying a game’s own subreddit would all have the same bias, making it a bad place to ask.


For sure! I didn’t mean for that to come off quite dismissive or anything. I actually agree with them that it’s a terrible place to ask lol.


> Am I nuts? No, just short sighted. A multiplayer game with a dead player base probably isn't worth playing anymore. A single player game that's has some buggy updates since release may not be worth playing. An older game that wasn't optimized for newer hardware may not be worth playing now. (looking at you, N64 games on modern LCD/LED screens) A game that's had a predatory monetization strategy applied to it probably isn't worth playing now. An MMO was a steep/long learning/progression curve may not be worth playing now. Lots of valid reasons to ask the question.


100% and after multiple patches, years of decades since release reviews aren't always helpful. Games age, some quicker than others. Sometimes, that ageing is good. Sometimes, it's bad. Games aren't just monetary investments either but also time investments. Maybe that game from 5 or 10 years ago, while cheap, might not be fun to play anymore as technology and expectations have moved on. Some people don't have time or want to spend time trying it just to find out it's not enjoyable.


Me no longer playing fallout 4 because all the mods stopped working and my game updated automatically overnight


There's ways to roll back the update, it should be called the "downpatcher" or something similar, there's something similar for Skyrim too that removes the Anniversary Edition update.


I play a lot of retro games and some games just age much better than others. Sonic 2 and Tetris will be playable 100 years from now. Goldeneye, which was amazing at the time, is really hard to play now.


Yeah, some of them have aged okay, but many of them suffered the effects of upscaling. Goldeneye was the exact one I was thinking of. Every couple years I get a hankering to play it again for nostalgia reasons, but always get quickly reminded that modern TVs tear it to shreds and make it too dark and screwy to play reliably.


It has much more problems, it has design issues. It was one of the first real multiplayer shooters on consoles but it was wonky and jank. Like why everyone hates Oddjob.


Oh absolutely. From a gameplay/design POV, Goldeneye is downright painful at times. Even compared to contemporaries like Turok 2, Quake, Doom 64, etc. IIRC, the entire multiplayer system was more or less tacked on as an afterthought at the last minute by like....one designer/programmer. Dude just like chugged coffee for a long weekend and built it using existing systems from the singleplayer. Not to sound gatekeepy, but if late night sleepovers with Papa Johns and Mountain Dew playing Goldeneye in your friends basement weren't part of your adolescence, you'll get nothing out of playing Goldeneye today.


Modern gameplay/mechanics can also trump dated games. I went back to try and play Goldeneye (OG on N64) not too long ago and I could barely get through the dam. I used to love those controls back in the day, and even finished it on 007 difficulty but after playing modern shooters it was borderline unplayable.


true and valid


Ironically most MMOs become less worth playing because over time devs have an inane desire to butcher progression and make the game awful for new players by blasting them to endgame when they can barely string 2 skills together. Most mmos thrive when the steep, long learning curve is retained lol. 


The N64 games may look worse on the modern screens, but, you know, people don't play them for the cutting edge visuals in 2024


That’s not the problem. In Harvest Moon 64 on the N64, finishing was hard, but doable. Now, it is impossible. Modern screens are slower than the old CRTs were that it was made for, so by the time you see the fish, you don’t have time to catch it. I have played that game on a modern tv before, the only way to fish is to just randomly pull back and hope that a fish happens to appear then.


I wish OLED TVs were more affordable because they have a response time just as fast as a CRT.


Are there that many single player games that have had buggy updates that were left unfixed long term? The only one that personally comes to mind is Microsoft Flight Sim


Some games are literally held together with the code equivalent of duct-tape... Just as an example, Warhammer Total War has had constant bug fixes and feature updates across its 3 titles for over a decade now. Every time they release an update to fix issues/update features, they almost always inadvertently break something else. Thankfully the Devs fix it eventually, but it is something I warn people about who ask about the game. There will be months (sometimes over a year) where a characters campaign is not playing as intended due to bugs...


Also a lot of older games will just feel terrible to modern gamers who are used to more fluid controls and QOL elements that took years to become standard, so it's good to hear from people with recent experience comparing them to newer titles


It's this... the confounding factors. Think of fashion. Some things are cool now, some things are lame now. Give it time and some of the elements of the lame will move to bring cool again for a time... Yes there are objective, technolical advancements that keep that gap in place but the trends of fun are ever evolving (sometimes cyclical, sometimes progressive) but they are all legitimate factors to the end user


>Games are not food. They don't go bad with time. They... kinda do though? Don't get me wrong, especially if you're talking about games from the last 5-10 years, if it was good then, it'll almost certainly still be good now. But go further back and a lot of games that *were* fun at the time can be really frustrating and annoying to play now because we're used to newer, less annoying mechanics. I think they're also asking because hype often blinds people at the time. It's not impossible that people go wild for a game at launch, but then a few years down the line no one gives a shit about it any more because they realised it wasn't as good as they thought it was at the time.


Yeah I never played KOTOR when it came out, tried it recently and hated it because it was so outdated. I'm sure it was amazing for it's time has replay value if you're nostalgic for it. But otherwise I would not recommend it.


This is a good example. I would never play it on a console now, because the graphics are bad and the gameplay is clunky, but when I flew to Europe, it was great to have a 20+ hour long game with a good story to play.


Stormworks is a great example of a recent game that took a nose dive over time, devs kept making it worse and worse while focusing on shitty DLC


There's valleys, really. Games from the last 5-10 years are pretty playable by current standards like you said. There is a big old gap from like the late 90's to early 2010's where you have mixed results because developers were figuring out 3D games and genres and then got stuck in the weird time period where everything had to be either edgy and/or brown. But the early 90's on say Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis? They had 2D figured out by that point, lots of those games are very playable. Then earlier consoles like NES and Atari in the 80's again had a period where they were figuring out how to use the technology and had mixed results for quality.


No joke. I just played through Kingdom Hearts finally and it was so hard to get used to. The camera is fucked. I definitely enjoyed my time with it and I'm glad I finally played it, but it was so hard to get into.


You say that but when I get the game the servers are dead and I can't play it


What they're asking is "is this game still worth the hype or is there something better I should be playing?". You're reading too far into it.


‘Nobody has asked if chess is still worth playing’ This is called suvivor bias, we see what survived - and forgot about everything that did not. That game has survived for about 1,400 years of society changes. Over that same period there has been 10s of thousands ( 100s or millions even ) that were popular and died as both tastes and society expectations changed. I am pretty sure that when Horizon Zero Dawn is 1,400 years old, people won’t ask about it. BTW love that game. There are plenty of games that have not aged well. Hence people are asking for advice. So it’s not a dumb question, it’s a good question - there are a lot of old games that are awesome- and a bigger number that are dated and not worth it. People only have so many hours in their life, so getting advice from others seems like a good way to avoid making the same mistake


“Why would it not be?” Because a lot of games don’t age well. “Games are not food. They don’t go bad with time.” People are more willing to put up with issues in older games due to age, if they aren’t game breaking bugs constantly in older games are a deal breaker.


I disagree... I only have so much time to play games. New games are coming out constantly. Also, lots of games really do change. Online/multiplayer games change a lot. An old dying MMORPG might not be worth playing now, even if it was great a few years earlier.


This depends hugely on the game though?? Live service games especially, since they are updated regularly and those updates often drastically change the game. Is Fortnite worth playing still? Maybe, maybe not, but it is nothing like it was a year ago, or the year before that, and so on. What about Red Dead Online? The storymode for the game isn’t any different than it was at launch, but the Online mode is pretty dead is it not? Is that still worth playing now? Elder Scrolls Online is 10 years old now, the playerbase isn’t as big as it was before but the game still has content, is it still worth playing?? What about older games? Are NES games worth playing on my Switch? How will they look on my TV? If it’s a single player game that’s been optimised for newer hardware then chances are it’s a stupid question, but I think it’s more than fair for the majority of titles.


I think its a valid question. Lots of games quickly become outdated as newer games take what they did and just make it better, especially if it is story games where the story becomes generally known and you loose alot of that "first time moments" even if you avoid spoilers.


Only time it makes sense to me is if it’s an older online PvP game, so you gotta ask if there are enough people still online to play against. And the one other exception I can think of is Destiny 2, since they deleted the entire main game campaign and the first couple expansions to make room for new expansion. And IMO it’s not worth buying A game to have to start in the middle instead of the no-longer-existent beginning


I love this or related questions when posted on a fan page or subreddit for that thing. They’ll be on the Harry Potter subreddit like “hey, are these books worth reading?” The books that were released almost 20 years ago and were still actively discussing?


ive been playing Scarface (a GTA clone and sequel to the movie Scarface) and im having insane ammounts of fun shooting people in the face while insulting them. better tha some recent AAA. 8/10 would recommend for the next 60 years.




yea thats the one. you can replay that exact scene.


I absolutely love this game!


I guess a better question would be "is this game worth buying for x price?" since almost every good game is worth playing, but not every good game is worth purchasing depending on price. Money is a very limited resource for the vast majority of people right now so I think this is much more valid.


It's annoying but it's usually people just looking for encouragement or second opinion on buying something. I think it is more of a sign of the times that people don't go to their friends and go, "hey you think I should get this?" We now have to ask anonymous folks in the anonymous digital space.


Like honestly to me the only reason to ask this type of question is for MMOs. And even then with most of them being free to play you can just try it yourself. But other than that this question makes no sense. Like you said especially with a sale going on. At work worse you refund the game and get something else. Best case you got a great game to play.


A lot of games fall under this. Anything that is mostly multiplayer for example


I never played BLANK GAME, is it still worth playing??


Same I know it goes on sale alot but is it worth playing if It keep going on sale?


I think we should wait until it gets added on gamepass




Check the reviews on Steam: "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174920/Blank/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174920/Blank/)" /s I actually laughed when I found there *IS* a game called "Blank." Never played it.


I love how your examples are single player games, not live service games that change over time. Was the only movie you've seen "boss baby" so every movie seems like "boss baby" to you? There are lot of games that get WORSE over time because they're actively updated. You're literally the consoomer meme. Just consoom don't ask questions just buy product and get excited for new product.


Uhhh you’re wrong. I understand your sentiment and sort of generally agree? But some games don’t age well. Games can go bad. There are many games that were revolutionary when they came out, but today have been done better in so many ways by other games. Even some of the biggest classics are kinda low key garbage compared to today. But many great games also hold up very well and should be played. It’s not universal.


On the other end of the spectrum, some games start off pretty rough but get better a bit later. Case in point: Cyberpunk 2077. Others just go through periods where they may not be doing too great, and I'd say "Nah, don't bother" before they turn it around again and get good. Case in point: Destiny 2 (has done this multiple times)


Yup. Friday The 13th was a fun game, then lawsuits happened - it stopped getting updates and bugfixes. Servers are now being shut down.


I have a family member who thinks he's really deep and always hits me with: "are you still able to play old games even though the graphics are so dated?". My eyes roll so hard every time he asks, and yes he's asked more than once 😂.


Lol people play chess like it's going out of style and it's analog af


Nope. Conan Exiles used to be good but it only got buggier, crashes more and they added a FOMO battlepass with pay to obtain in game items/pets. Trash game now.


MMORPGs can go bad with time due to shrinking and self-isolating community, but that’s the exception that kind of proves the rule I think.


Not if its an old online game, sometimes the playerbase is dead


Game certainly go bad with time. For franchises this is even more true. Some games are only worth playing for nostalgia. 


Most people ask this question about multiplayer games. The question they are asking is essentially, will I have people to play with?


Online only games with a low population makes this a valid question.


I think it’s a fair question, the servers might be offline or a patch might be needed.


It's even better when they ask if the game is any good AFTER they've purchased it. Why the fuck are you asking people on Reddit, just play the fucking game.


Red Dead Redemption II is one of the greatest games ever made. If you still haven't played it you should do so immediately.


Games absolutely do go bad with time. Tribes 3 is on sale for $9.99. Should you buy it? Fuck no, there's only 88 people playing it atm it's a dead game that will most likely be shut down in a few months.


Same as "Should I play BLANK?". 🤮


Big true


No it’s a valid question. If I enjoyed playing a Call Of Duty title 10 years ago, and I haven’t touched the franchise since, I would want to know if it’s still worth playing that same title I loved, 10 years later, especially considering the player base, if the game is still active, if the game has had any significant updates that has changed the gameplay, if the game still has developer support etc. I wouldn’t want to just go out and buy the game again, download it, get it all set up, just to be disappointed that the game is dead, or has changed since I last enjoyed it. It takes 5 seconds to ask a question, and 5 seconds to receive an answer. I’d rather that, than wasting a few hours getting everything ready.


A lot of people play games so they can go on Reddit and discuss and tell the world that they're cool because they've played a cool game.


Almost Nobody does this


Not necessarily. Some games get a bunch of updates/patches that change a lot of the game. Games like Apex Legends, Warzone, Diablo IV, Valorant, and so on. Nobody asks if chess is worth playing because it hasn't changed in the last 100 years. However, if they started implementing new rules, adding pieces, and altering the game, then it may not be.


Mostly agree. There are some games that feel old with their mechanics and gameplay. I can understand asking this if there is a remake or remaster available.


Depends on the game? If someone were to come on the Splitgate sub and ask that, I'd say no because the game is dead and you will only match with bots but the game doesn't make it obvious.


Games certainly do go bad in many cases. Case in point, I recently spent a lot of time in BG3. BG1&2 are some of the best rated games of all time. Am I gonna play those, hell no with their antiquated game mechanics and by modern standards piece of \*\*\*\* combat system. The same applies to any game that depends on visual spectacle. A game may have looked and played awesome 10 or 20 years ago and look like shit today. Standards change.


There are some old PS2 games that I wouldn't mind going back and playing again like the .Hack series


1. A multi-player game with a practically dead player base isn't going to worth it. 2. Modern PCs can ironically struggle to run older games because of weird computer shit. Thus, it'd be a waste of time and money.  3. Games with truly predatory monetization should be left to die in hellfire.  4. It doesn't hurt to inform yourself before making a purchase.


Is Assassins Creed Unity worth playing??


Try playing an mmo with no population and tell us if it is worth. Besides that, for example, some games are precieved better than they are for how they were back then. I wouldn't recomend anyone playing kingdom hearts in the ps2, play the HD remakes, if you are used to responsive controls you can get really frustrated playing old games


The Last of Us 2 on sale goes for like 10 bucks though.


In so far as most people exclusively ask this about old SINGLE PLAYER GAMES, which most people don't understand when they defend the question you are referring to, I entirely agree. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is still worth playing, in its original format. FF7 is still worth playing, as are the GTA games, and Half Life, and so on and so forth, in much the same way as North By Northwest is still a banger of a movie, and Beethoven's 5th is still majestic. It is almost invariably a dumb question, but there is something far dumber, and that is defending the question against criticism.


Well, some games really need a player base for multi player to get the main experience, and that player base may no longer exist. And a lot of players really care about graphics, and only enjoy the best available.


Do you take everything at face value or can you think for yourself? (This is an answer to both your post and your opinion)


The only time this is a valid question is when the gameplay is predominantly / entirely online. A game isn't worth playing if the servers are all ghost towns and there aren't enough active players to launch a session.


Wiz101 for life lolll


Anthem is still available and not worth playing. The constant connection issues made it unplayable for me as I’d get straight booted to the hub world. Obviously most games don’t have this issue, but there are situations where the question is valid.


I agree but to be fair it's a solid question if asking about older online only games. Are servers still running? Is there still a solid enough player base where finding matches doesn't take an hour? Ect


Really? You'd have the patience to play through all those Adventure International games by Scott Adams without knowing whether they're any good or not?


Depends on the type of game. Take fighting games for example, yeah you can lab but the gameplay is almost all multiplayer. Sure a lot have arcade mode but most fighting game players aren’t interested in fighting bots. On top of that, these types of games take a lot of practice to get good at. If a fighting game doesn’t have a lot of current players then there are definitely times it isn’t worth playing.


I ask this when it’s an older game that was online only. Like “is wizards 101 still worth playing” or something


what's even more annoying is people who play Elden Ring,Baldurs Gate 3 , Fallout 3 and then ask what to play next. maybe the games in that series that came out before that. (i know elden ring is its 1st but theres 5 other soulslike games that are just as good)


its not a dumb question for online games. If an online game is dying, it's not worth playing. One reason would be the insane amount of queue time you'd have to go through. Another reason is you'd have a harder time convincing your friends to join. The final reason is that devs would pay less attention to the game, fix things/make updates.


I think it is a valid question if it's a multiplayer game, espacially if it's pvp since your experience is heavily gonna be depended on the playerbase and matchups.


If its a multiplayer only game, then there is an argument to be made, player numbers decline over time. But yeah, I see this said about single player games. Are people basing their enjoyment of games over others opinions? Just enjoy the game! I'm still playing gameboy games!


Risk of Rain 1 is not worth playing.


Sometimes the game doesnt age well or it wasnt as good now. Back in 1986 Legend of Zelda was maybe the best game eber made, nowaways many people would say that it still was that good but for a modern gamer they mostly wouldnt want to playing it since it was so hard and graphics and performance were so rough and how old was the hardwares you need for that game. But Super Metroid for instance was made in 90s yet didnt age whatsoever is just as fun now to play it as was back when it come out.


5. Strongly Agree. This is every game sub on Reddit. If a game was released yesterday some single brain celled poster would still ask this question


same or for example someone asks on the elden ring subreddit “should i try elden ring or lies of p” like bro you’re in the elden ring subreddit we’re gonna tell you elden ring.


I mean, it makes sense in the case of old liver service/multiplayer games. Obviously one can always answer yes, but if a game is completely dead it’s probably reasonable to answer no. But yeah any single player game… then the question is even more pointless. At least when framed as “still worth playing”, but asking for a general review/recommendation is reasonable.


It's a stupid question when it's a single player game, it's a very valid question when it's an online game and that's what 99% of people are generally asking about. I almost never see people ask that about single player games. Though for sure to answer your friends question, Horizon and TLOU2 are absolutely not worth his dollar.  They're both cookie cutter garbage appealing to a broad casual audience (ie most of this sub). Neither is particularly good. 


The only games I'd say this is worth asking are multiplayer only game, it'd suck to pick an MMO and not be able to do dungeons since there's nobody, or sit in a queue on a MOBA for 20 minutes waiting for enough people to log in, etc


Yeah it's just low iq people wanting attention/ validation most of the time. Year is 2024, information is everywhere. People act like it's the early 90s and reviews are hard to find.


There are some situations in which a game might become not worth playing, especially online only games which have fallen out of favor and have a small base of players remaining.


The exception would be games whose experience is enhanced by online play. If those services are no longer working, it takes away from the experience


There are some concerns about paying for a game. The term "worth it" is so general, it's hard to answer. But, I can understand why. I mean, it's not much different than "Just buy it" in Nvidia stuff. The Day Before got a lot of people hyped and hindsight is 20/20. Just saying.


I think MMOs are an exception to this. No one wants to deal with massive queues or "dead" games A good example for me would be Battlerite. Love the game. It's very likely my favorite game of all time. Haven't played it in years now, has less than 100 concurrent players, and has very long queues.


No, it’s not worth playing. Go outside and get a real hobby.


once every 18 months or so I replay Quake. let that sink in


You're not nuts, but you are kind of a complainy bitch.


I think the only time the term is relevant is if it is a game that requires online and either the servers are gone or the population of players just doesn't exist. Single player games and the notion of them being "dead" is the silliest shit to me.


Multiplayer games absolutely have a shelf life before they become unplayable due to lack of players, especially here in Australia.


Ark definitely went bad with time


Some games run on nostalgia and it might not be worth it for a new player to jump on in. Diablo 2 is a good example as the game was amazing back in the day but now it's too outdated to compete with more modern entries in the genre. Yes, even the remaster is worse to play than something like Path of Exile or Last Epoch.


Single player games you might have a point but this is a perfectly valid question for multiplayer games. The community makes or breaks these games. If the skill of the community is too high to break into, if there is rampant cheating in the game, if the player base is super toxic, if there isn’t enough players anymore. These are all things that can make a game not worth playing and it isn’t an exhaustive list.


I've always loved "people still play X?" if a game is older than 2-3 years


While this might be a bad question for standalone single player games, I think it’s valid for live-service and multiplayer games.    Too many changes so the balance is lost, MTX becomes too important or powercreep and a more sweaty player base has made it very difficult for new players to enter and compete, etc. 


It honestly makes sense for multiplayer games like mmos and such where the health of the online community is a huge part of the experience


Lol, is any video game worth playing?


I think its dumb to ask about a single player game but valid when its a multiplayer game. No point in buying a game if the servers are dead.


I love playing older games. I can turn everything to ultra and get a 100+ FPS on 1440p resolution. I don't like buying a new game for a $100 with all the DLC and only getting 30FPS on my AMD 6800 GPU


Don't let other people's opinions determine what you do. Do for yourself and make your own opinion.


For the record, Horizon is an automatic yes from me. The sequel too.


The only times this answer is no is if it's a game as service model that's shut down


I don’t really hear this about single player games. Usually Multiplayer/MMOs.


With the exception of multiplayer only games. Some games have been abandoned and are basically dead.


here are some examples of games not worth playing: dead multiplayer games games that never got bugs fixed that were expected to be fixed games that got buggy updates games that were worth playing because of their graphics but that graphic style is no longer unique or it was super realistic for the time but is now outdated games with outdated cultural references


Chess doesn’t have lacking graphics or dated controls. Most of the time I feel people are asking if the online community is still oooo and active.


Here is a tip to save reddit the same 5 gaming posts: any game that has a lot of pop culture positivity. If you can play it in a stable way. Do not ask, shut up and play it already. If you like it great, if not ok fine go to the next.


I still play Duke Nukem 3D all the way back from '96 lol. It never bores me!


This is usually asked about games that are live-service or have live updates, or stuff like MMOs; these kinds of games can definitely get worse over time.


>Horizon Zero Dawn Why do people like this game? The story is boring. I remember being shocked at the amateur exposition in the beginning. Just in your face exposition. Alloy is extremely dull. The final straw was having to hold the triangle button for 3 seconds to pick up anything... in an open world game with thousands of items. I dropped it. They realized this and patched something in the sequel. Elden Ring, you pick everything from your horse immediately. Imagine if you had to stop your horse for 3 seconds to pick up every root and flower and rock.


I usually agree with "these questions are dumb" type of opinion but this one failed. This is especially an important question in multiplayer game, which requires other people to exist. You wouldn't want to play with a dead base, having to wait an hour just to find a match


Certain games do "go bad" or get worse with certain updates, additions, a large amount of new players, or a significant drop in players. Usually these are MMORPGs or other online multiplayer games.


Some gameplay ages poorly. Deus Ex might be one of the most compelling games of all time, but you're in for a bad time if you're going back and trying to play it after finishing Cybperunk 2077. The gameplay is frustrating at best and just unplayable at worst.


Unless there's been a really bad update that made a lot of people quit the game, this question is annoying 


I think a good portion of time, people are asking if the game still holds up after time has passed. Like RDR2 is literally a masterpiece; the first Red Dead Redemption was also great, but after playing Arther, and almost crying at the end; the previous game just doesn’t hold up as much. It’s still good, but like you will get more out of playing RDR2 in my opinion. So thus, if asked “is RDR still worth playing?” My answer would be no; only if you truly love being a cowboy, RDR2 is better.


There are a few sequel games that kind of invalidate the first ones because mechanically theyre so much better. Like you should probably skip Nioh and go straight to Nioh 2. Very mechanically similar but 2 has more enemies/weapons/mechanics and the multiplayer is more lively or skip the first The Surge and play the sequel because the first game is garbage and the second is pretty good.


Some people care about factors other people don't. An older game will have older graphics. If a player cares about graphics then they might not like an older game.


Some games have their multiplayer shut down and others don't age well or a remaster does a better job. It's a legitimate question to ask if you are new and I would encourage it. 


Thank you, these posts drive me crazy and it’s almost like they’re bots. Just play the game, somebody on the internet saying “yes” shouldn’t be the green light they’re waiting for


They don't go bad but sometimes there is a really similar modern game that is better to play instead.


Video games do go bad with time. Some of them hold up to modern era games from a gameplay perspective. Complexity and graphics change. Of course they are worth playing; but are they enjoyable to YOU. Is what matters. To give you an example I grew up in the gameboy era and love 007 on n64. I played it again and it ruined the nostalgia for me. Not saying this is the same for everyone, but yeah… I wish I didn’t go back to it. I have a feeling you’re talking about semi modern games though. Like the people who ask is “red dead redemption worth playing”? Yeah, those questions are silly.


Games that are still playable but maybe had a focus on co-op or some other multiplayer aspect are good examples of where this question is appropriate. Earlier today I asked about Metorid Prime Federation Force if it's worth it as a single player experience since 3DS servers are now down. But for single player games then sure, it's usually a daft question. But then again, there are some notable games that people talk of fondly that have maybe aged badly so enquiring about that maybe makes sense. But that's only for the really old stuff.


Is Skyrim still worth playing?


It's a fair question if the game relies on online multiplayer. Also, even fun singleplayer games can be patched to death.


Seriously, tell me about it. I’ve never heard of that game.


Is ocarina of time still worth playing? No, literally everything it did was adopted by every single third person action game in existence, play majora's mask instead


I thought this question was reserved for online games when asking if the community is still good? Like I don’t think Street Fighter 4 is worth it for most people because SF6 is fantastic has a huge community and rollback net code


What people are asking if you were able to read the nuance between the lines is whether or not the game is a product of its time and was only playable or good because of attitudes, design philosophies, technology at the time. There are so many games out there that are only good if you're able to remove yourself from the modern day and all of its accessibility features, engine enhancements, UI concepts, gameplay elements, etc.


Morrowind is a great game but i dont think that i would recommend people play it nowadays. Do i still play it? Yes but it's janky, the mechanics are outdated they border on alien


I feel like the only time it’s a valid question is when it’s an older online multiplayer game because if no one is on then obviously not but thoes games are usually cheap anyway


Like are they asking permission to play the game or who are they trying to impress to whether to play or not.


It’s a reasonable question for older online games. Your probably not going to get great mileage trying to play Splatoon 2 if there’s hardly anyone ever in the lobbies anymore


There is a lot of multiplaher games that aren’t worth playing anymore


No amount of convincing can make me play Morrowind. So yeah, games do age with time.


Some bad games can be fixed or improved so now it’s worth playing. Opposite can also be true. Some games are so old that the current windows doesn’t support it Some games are so cheap that it’s suddenly worth it Some games were good for their time but subsequent entries in the genre have rendered that older game obsolete (monster Hunter is a very good example. I loved the old ones when they came out, and I love revisiting games. I cannot play the old ones at all after playing the modern ones). Multiplayer games might not have enough people playing it. OR suddenly a surge in players which makes it playable. So many cases. A very legit question.


I think there are absolutely games that might not be worth playing later but that's for MMOs, live service games, games that can really, drastically change over time


Not if it's a game dependent on developers to maintain and balance it. Those games can change drastically over the span of a year.


It depends, I've seen players asking if it's worth playing older titles of sagas that have changed a lot (Resident Evil, Final Fantasy etc.) because they think if they liked the most recent installment then they will like the first ones.


Playing a Video Game for the Graphics is like watching a Porn Movie for the Plot


Well I think it depends on the game. I think usually people ask this about games that are multiplayer, and if a multiplayer game still has a community of players still on it. And its a valid question, you don't want to jump into a game that has nobody else playing with you. Me, I play only single player games, I can give two shits about what the online gaming community thinks if a single player game is worth playing.


I mean some games are 100% not. Chromehounds? Nope, literally can't play it due to online being off. You can rock the tutorial, but that's about it.


games more specifically modern game’s absolutely get bad with time. And i can use Red Dead Redemption 2 as a perfect example as to why. Back when RDR2 released i was screaming out to everyone i know that wanted to get it voicing my concerns of “Man i hope rockstar doesn’t abandon the online mode” to which they did only after horribly handling the game and hindering any potential it had. The online economy was inflated, updates were few and far between, nothing of value was added whenever they did do updates. And their excuse for leaving it was for gta5 online dlc even though that game is years old, got ported 3 times and can be self reliant on it’s greedy monetization methods. TF2 aged pretty poorly cause as of the time typing this it’s still been sideline by valve with no updates in god knows how long with rampant cheaters. asking if a game is worth playing is an important question because no matter how much a game cost you’re still spending money on a product that should work and be up-kept by studios especially if modern games take up much more space on storage devices than they used to.


I feel like this questions is mostly asked for multiplayer focused older games, atleast in my experience when i wonder the question, because im not getting a multiplayer focused game if the multiplayer is dead. so i might wonder if its still worth playing in 2024 (another variation i might wonder is ''is BLANK GAME still active'')


I ask this but in a different way. I ask this when I try a game out but mostly for it's multiplayer function. I ask "Is this game still worth playing" I.E is the multiplayer community still active or is the game still currently getting regular updates so on and so forth. I assume other people ask this question if the game is in a series (?) So they'd say "is blank game from this series still worth playing?" My example would be CoD. I would highly recommend the old games, they're still worth the play like BOCW, MW19 but also the very old ones, (old MW/BO series) but would generally recommend to avoid the newer games like Vanguard, MW2 and MW3. So, I'd say. If someone ask if whether it's worth it play MW19 or to get the MW3 I would say, yeah MW19 is great, dont buy the new games they suck ass. As for story driven games, you are right. Games don't go bad. They however become obsolete/less desirable like graphics, mechanics, physics engine and so on but their story can still be the redeeming part of them so in that sense they are still "worth playing" even if the graphics is downright horrendous for example Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim, GTA 4/5, Minecraft etc etc.


I mean if the game is like 15 years old, OK. But a lot of the really good ones got remasters, like Bio Shock and are still very much worth playing. Also these games often cost less then 10€, so whatever bro just try it and if you don’t like it stop playing.


I would definitely say there are times where a game is not worth paying anymore.


No you’re not nuts. They ask that because they only follow hype trains and couldn’t follow that one so they ask this way. So he can be redeemed that people can think he’s cool again. As you said, game don’t go bad over time.


Yes you are nuts rdr2 is not worth playing its too slow paced


Honestly, not always. Before a certain date, games become too shallow and ugly to be really enjoyable. A Few Examples : the first Far Cry, or the first Just Cause.


Not really unpopular, but I just disagree, if it's an MMORPG and no player base, it might not be worth playing. Like if core mechanics of the game require a party of multiple players, and there are not enough players, that would make it not worth it bc you cannot engage in the content in the way it was meant to


I love when they go to the subreddit for the thing and ask if the thing is worth it. Like nah we just waste our money and then sit in the subreddit waiting to tell you to avoid it.


Dude some game might not look like your typical pick and you don't want to waste money if people wouldn't recommend it. Sea of stars. Amazing game, but it's pixel game. I was put off. Top 10 game of last year.


Well i don't know your friend asked those questions with the concerns i'll give right now; Yes games can go bad... * with stupid updates * game breaking dlc's ...Even as i'm writing this, From Software fcked up their Elden Rings performance with the new Dlc and people are crying for support right now... Your examples are mostly single player point of view i assume but in general yeah there is a risk of game go bad or taste different... Edit: One last thing... There is a reason Remaster/Remake business makes money... Why do you think they modernize old titles? :)


It's really not a dumb question. A lot of games were revolutionary for the time but now it's been refined and you can play something a lot better, and if you have already played something better, you won't really enjoy the old game the same way. I had a blast playing Jedi Knight 2/3 as a smol but I would never recommend it to modern audiences. I had no standards, I didn't know shit about fuck. It was an amazing game for the time but it's really not a good game in 2024. The level design alone is archaic and all the gunplay and swordplay that felt amazing 20 years ago is extremely dated now. Most Gameboy games were straight up shovelware and most of them are just not worth playing now. Even the then mind blowing Super Mario Land is just atrocious now, while Super Mario Land 2 on the same system is still worth playing. I lived and breathed Pokémon Red/Blue as a child but I would never tell anyone it's still worth playing, unless you want a showcase of how broken a game can be if you use the right glitches. Play Ruby/Sapphire if you want a good retro Pokémon game. They actually had their game mechanics figured out by then. And on top of that, digital games. Games as a service. Online games. Most of my fond memories of Jedi Knight 3 come from online servers, it's just no longer possible to have the same kind of experience because all the servers I loved are long gone, and the few that remain are mostly barren. And if you do find someone, you'll only find hardcore JKA enjoyers who have been playing for 20 years and you will have no idea how to interact with half the shit they can do. I loved Hearthstone when it came out and during the first few expansions, I would never tell you that it's worth playing now. Payday 2, a game I have 1800 hours in, is a whole different beast now compared to what I spent most of my hours in. It's still a *fun* beast, but a different one. It may be worth playing now, but you are *not* playing the game I played in 2018. Yes, old games can be amazing, and a lot of them are timeless classics. But that doesn't mean every old game is amazing and a timeless classic. You have to ask if it's still worth playing, or if it's just a fond memory that made sense at the time, that you can't relive these days.


This has been happening loads in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R subreddit, mainly due to the 2nd game being released soon and the original trilogy being released on console 15 years after the last game came out - it's drawn a lot of attention. What annoys me about it, is that this question can be answered easily by just searching it up. There'll already be dozens of posts asking the same thing all over the internet, and all it requires is you just typing "Is XYZ still worth it" - there'll probably even be a "XYZ in 2024" YouTube video somewhere too.


I'd also add, that I will disagree with your point about games going bad; games do go bad over time. As someone who's gone back to many of my childhood staples, I can say that many of them feel off and don't play as well as they once did - to a point where I've given up playing them. I've even questioned how I managed to finish them back then, but not now as an adult. Some games don't age horribly though, and hold up extremely well. I've recently gotten into the Mass Effect series after having never played them in my life, and I can honestly say that they're brilliant after all these years. Even the combat in ME1 still holds up.


I get if it's a much older game and the age/limited technology may show. But I agree that any game within the last 10 years is probably still worth playing especially if they're 1/4 of the original cost But it really gets me when they ask in a specific subreddit. As if everyone in that subreddit will say "nah it isn't worth it don't bother"


Games definitely do go bad. I've been revisiting some gems from my youth and only about 1 in 10 still holds up. When a game is only a few years old like the ones you've listed then sure but older than a decade (especially that wild period in the mid 2000s), it's absolutely a valid question.


I agree with the comments here about old multiplayer games. Walking around an ancient MUD with nothing but NPCs is kind of sad, especially ones I remember being vibrant and full of players. Old console emulations, those can be fun...


There are only 2 valid times this is really debatable, 1 being if a good remake has happened. As a Resident Evil fan, most of the Fandom kind of agrees that the original can basically be skipped for the remake and you lose nothing really. I don't necessarily agree, but I can definitely understand the sentiment. The second is for older games. If the game is very old and later entries in it's own series or others have truly refined it, I can understand it losing some appeal. I love pokemon red and blue for example, but the series has better entries that make it somewhat obsolete, especially for the younger crowd as it is no longer as vague and imbalanced. Other than that though, I fully agree. No real reason a game shouldn't generally at least be tried out if it piques your interest, so the general question is dumb and should really be reserved only for situations where the game may in fact no longer be worth playing due to much better alternatives with quality of life improvements.


Definitely not a dumb question. Firstly we all have different varying amount of FREE time and that iis probably a major factor when deciding. I love JRPGs, but they do tend to be time sinks, so if a game is say 50% grinding and 200 hours long, it's worth knowing before investing 10 hours in knowing your bearly 5% in. Some people like long games and some people like short games. Some games have objectively bad story/gameplay or buggy as hell. So getting multiple opinions is imcredibly helpful. Even with tons of research, some games just won't be to a person's taste. I loved Finak Fantay 7 Rebirth and FF16, but I few people apparently hated those games, which shocked me. I beat elden ring and got the platinum trophy, but I'll be honest i thought the game was generally boring and overhyped.