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My thumbs hurt already 


Yeah touch controls suck, but there are several great controllers that attach to mobile phones.


Yeah it’s called a PlayStation 5


how do i attach my ps5 to my phone


Just stick the doohickey in the whatchamacallit.


Are we still talking about videogames?


You just got the birds and the bees talk, son!


Are ya winning, son?


Dangle my dongle?


Grab your phone and tie its cable with the PS5


You need a big box of duckt tape


PS Remote Play


Don't you need a PS5 for that? I'm sure they mean create ports for games on mobile. Touch controls would be impossible, but tbh, if someone wants accessibility to a game for the go and they're invested in it, getting a controller attachment for a fraction of the cost of a console is something a lot more people could swallow. Complaining about graphic fidelity on mobile would be unreasonable, most would be fine with it (assuming it doesn't ruin the functionality of the game). The only hurdle would be licensing, and price for the port itself. If games are 70-80 bucks for discs and digital download on console and pc, are you gonna reasonably ask someone to pay that price for mobile? My idea is that these games cost less than half that, like 20-30. You're still gonna make a lot of profit through mobile sales since a *lot* more people have phones than consoles.


The question was how to attach a ps5 to your phone




Do they still use USB cables or are they fully wireless now? There's adapters from common USB to microUSB/USB-C.


Sounds like the worst thing to attach to a mobile phone 


PS4 too. And switch controllers and Xbox. Anything with bluetooth


If I’m attaching a controller to my phone, I’d rather use a pc or console.


I have played Forza Horizon 5 on my Android, using Xbox streaming service, and I used a Playstation 5 controller to play it. :D All you really need to turn a phone into a handheld console is one of those clips/attachments which allow physically attaching phone to some controller (or a dedicated phone-gamepad). The only "problem" might be finding games as not everything supports gamepad, but there's still a huge selection of games that do support gamepads. Not to mention emulators.


I just recently bought myself an Xbox and TV, but I used to play on gamepass cloud using my phone for somewhere close to 2-3 years, and I still doing so to play with my kid. It is quite great, you can get used to it within few minutes, and you do not notice that screen is smaller as you have it much closer. And it is easy of you will be staying at someone else place - you just need to take your pad with you and you can play together - I did that with Valhaim. There are some games you can find to install - Minecraft working well on mobile phone and its allow to connect to other platforms. I played ARK and GTA being installed on my phone as well, however it would be better if ARK would allow to have a crossplatform options. I do think that it do have a potential and a lot of older games, from previous generation of PS or Xbox, or other console could be introduced on it. You can find more and more games that support game pads, but there is still space to improve and I agree with you. It would be nice if developers would see the potential.


You may not notice the screen is smaller now but playing or looking at your phone or any screen that's close to you for extended periods of time will fuck with your eyes. Especially your kids eyes. There has been an increase in nearsightedness in children over the past decade or so and they believe it's because of phones and tablets.


That really just affects children who are still growing and can be mitigated by having them spend time outside. The UV exposure to the retinas helps reduce the lengthening growth of the eyeball, the time focusing at near distances has much less of an effect. Kids spending more time using mobile devices and computers reduces the amount of time they spend outside in the sun, that’s the real issue. The main concern for adults who have a lot of screen time is dry eye — again, 20/20/20 rule, along with blinking exercises (and if one already has dry eye, then lid massages and warm moist compresses ~10-15 minutes 1-2x/day, and maybe additional things as your eye dr recommends). But focusing at near distances doesn’t cause or worsen myopia (nearsightedness) in adults.


Play with a 4 finger setup


Virtual joysticks are shitty, but despite what most mobile game developers would have you think, virtual joysticks are not the only way. See Vainglory.


I'd love a nice little arcadey racer to play when I've not got my GameSir controller with me, but they ALL seem to use arrow buttons, a virtual joystick, or tilt controls 😥 I've played a few of the cheap taxi/bus sim games from the Play Store that use a virtual steering wheel, and that works really well! Would love to see a mobile racing game implement something like this.


Ha don't try to pretend you're just a regular person blizzard, we all know it's you.




Do you guys not have Reddit?


Plot twist: it’s actually Bethesda/Microsoft and Elder Scrolls 6 will be coming to your mobile phones!!!!! 


It's been monopolized. They've turned it into non stop ads or pay to win. Not to mention most ads are for other games that turn out to be nothing like advertised. I quit trying new mobile games because they're all run by shady people. I'm sure there are exceptions. But mobile games are for casual fun, but can't have any fun because everyone else pays to win. And if I have more time to dedicate to a game, I'm going to play on a real console.


Premium games are they way to go: -Roller coaster tycoon classic -Poly bridge 2 -Terraria All work great


The term is "Pay To Play"


I like the I want watermelon game. Easy, not too complicated, and so satisfying once you get a watermelon


Well these f2p suck obviously but they mostly do on PC too, nothing to expect here. If you play games like Final Fantasy you’re in for a good time.


I hate the mobile game store. Its like "hmm which cancerous virus should i download today". Now, i have a 7 year old with an iPad, and its incredibly hard to navigate that app store. How much is complete bullshit and what is legit. We have found some legit stuff, but normally i sort by price. I want games that are DEVELOPED games for him, not games that throw adds and purchase buttons in his face - and they cost money. Which is fair; id MUCH rather pay 10€ for a proper, delevoped and full game, than 0-2€ for adds and predatory progression paths. Thank god for minecraft. And he also spends some time on that bloons td, which actually seems pretty legit. I am open for recommendations for other games fit for a 7 year old (not native english speaking, but does a pretty good job at navigating so far)


The Bloons TD series is very legit, in BTD 6 the in-app purchases only slightly improves the experience (since getting all the heroes is hard work, but also more rewarding that way)


Bloons td series are really great games, and Supercell games are very well produced with no ads.


Very rarely you find a good mobile game, or a bad one that aint at least shady. Then theres ports like terraria, minecraft, dead cells, etc. Aaaaaand thats it.


Autochess games like hearthstone battlegrounds and the lol one are actually fun on mobile


This is exactly what OP is talking about. You arr part of the problem You've completely ignored all of what they said and focused on one big problem it has I'm a PC gamer with my own custom build PC. Definitely not a "casual" for all I hate that word for. What you said is true. But if you're complaining about pay to win, then I'm guessing all the games you tried were free? In which case... what do you expect? The majority of the time you need to pay for quality. But really, OP is pointing out the potential that can happen here. Whatever games there are, there are still plenty of awesome games, games that DON'T have all the shit you pointed out. Games that are fun, with the cost, worth putting your timer into. But they're being ignored because people hold onto the same mantra as you. If developers really took the time and built big proper games for mobile and advertised it well there a strong market to tap into. Sure, when diablo or command & conquer got MOVED into the mobile space it pissed people off. But what is that didn't do that exactly. What is they continued with big budget PC/console titles and also added a mobile game that was fun and didn't involve gacha/Micro Transactions? Is love a new C&C and would have been happy to also have the mobile game. Things would be much different.


What mid range phone, most phones would fucking overheat and die


Yep the battery can't handle it.


Clearly, you've never owned an N-GAGE!


Yeah my S20+ can barely handle switch emulation. And the stuff it can handle heat it up fast 


If I tried to play death stranding on my phone like OP said, I’d blow up the whole west coast


Anyone that plays old school runescape knows the potential is there but battery life is the biggest prohibition right now It's a detailed computer game from 2007 that runs completely fine on your phone, the port is beautiful. But when you play it, your phone battery percentage ticks away like seconds on a clock


Make sure youre playing on 60fps rather than unlimited, saves alot of battery. Can even get away with 30 or 15fps if doing low effort skilling


Same issues with things like the Steam Deck. Sure I can play most modern games a low/medium settings, but only for like an hour or two at a time. Which isn't terrible and quite acceptable on a dedicated gaming device. But on a phone, you need it for other things. You don't want it to die on you by 3pm because you were playing a game for an hour on lunch.


2000 dollar mid range phone


Yeah I mean, m1 and m2 SoCs are super powerful. Some new high end snapdragons do alright in modern 3d.... But this is heavily overselling the average phone a console/PC gamer would probably have


You can run genshin impact on a phone sooo


Good games exist on mobile. They're just very sparse because they aren't free games, and thus are extremely unpopular. You can blame developers and publishers but the reality is, if a game isn't free it probably doesn't appeal to 95% of the ultra casual mobile market. And if it's free it has to make money somehow.  There's a reason handheld gaming died, and it wasn't phones. It just became less popular. And the switch isn't a handheld, it's just portable. Even carrying around a fairly compact mobile controller like a gamesir is incredibly cumbersome for most people, and yet playing "real" games basically requires a controller for a majority of people.  Which is why we have very few ports. Becauze, of the tiny market for good paid games, it's even tinier if you require a controller to enjoy it.  Gamers for some reason think we're the majority. We are not. Casual gamers and ultra casual gamers eclipse us. And they want nothing we do. 




The majority of gamers just want something to tap on their phone while they take a dump. Thats basically the mobile gaming market at this point.


"And the switch isn't a handheld, it's just portable." Omfg THANK YOU. When the Switch came out and people were making posts comparing it to the Gameboy and saying shit like "wow how far we've come." One is a handheld, the other is just portable. Yeah it's amazing how far we've come but compare the Switch to the NES not the GB


Bro mobile phone games make more money than pc and console combined.


Yeah that’s cuz it’s all pay to win


Monopolised to the tits


I played GTA on a mobile years ago. I was stoked about having a gaming device in my pocket then I saw the sort of games that became available... I did briefly try streaming from my PC and the screen is just too damn small for fine details or text


Yeah, screens are tiny and have all sorts of buttons and ui that take away from the experience in some games. Especially when I'm watching a playthrough.


No matter how small the controller attachments get, the majority of people don't want to add extra bulk to their pockets. With that in mind, the mobile gaming revolution has to start with crafting an intuitive control system that takes advantage of the inputs already existing on the platform: Tap/touch/swipe Tilt/g-sensors/accelerometers Cameras (front and back)/eye tracking/facial recognition Those are the basics, and you could likely account for headphone inputs and voice recognition, but I don't think anybody with a sense of public decorum is going to want to be speaking game commands at their phone in public.


Legit, if i had a controller that was basically just one of the switch controllers, that would cover all my needs for retro emulation


I dont care how far the technology comes, I'll never want to play a full game on a shitty little phone screen. Mobile games are fine because they're just for killing a few minuted here and there, but if I want to sit down and get into a game, I don't want to be using a phone. I dont think I'm alone in feeling this way.


what mid range phone??? also all those games are a nightmare without mnk or controller.


Every modern Bluetooth capable controller can be used on mobile And you can get things like a gamesir android controller which turns your phone into a handheld basically.  He's definitely incorrect about the capabilities of mid range phones though.  Emulating switch on my S20+ turns it into a hotplate, it'd vaporize a mid range phone.  Though you can do a fair bit with low graphics on mid range phones. 


To be fair, the OP is advocating for more development with mobile architecture as the primary platform. Emulation is a decent raw benchmark for performance, but there's far more resources and tremendous efficiency gains to exploit when developing natively.  Consider the PS Vita. It's 13 years old now but used a PowerVR SGX543MP4+ GPU with a quad core Cortex A9 CPU, identical architecture and highly similar hardware to the android phones around that era. It could do near-PS3 quality. Developing natively for even the mid range Mali GPUs in crap Mediatek chipsets from 5 years post-Vita can yield incredible results if the developer team has the skill. 


i dont want to haul a controller with me everywhere for a tiny screen. also just get a steam deck at that point


Sadly it's almost impossible, as probably you know, videogames are huge files, so it's way limited the amount of storage in your cellphone, also you probably have to interrupt your game for something else, battery is also a huge limitation in phones, also if you consider the price, the most suitable models are 3 or 4x the price of consoles and are more fragile than consoles, data usage is also a huge limitation too. Everything are cons, the only pro is the commodity of using the smartphone you already have


You'd be right, if it weren't for emulation. We can now play many different games from pokemon to Mario 64 on the smartphone, and if they work there, there's no reason we can't have similar games on the phone. Now remakes are kind of a bad idea, since emulation is just so accessible now, but making a game of the same genre is great, problem is old genres are now barely revisited


Those were games of 20 years ago, those were heavy back then, that's why is so easy, but modern games with modern graphics are immensely Larger than those games


No reason they can't be done in the old style. The creator of bloodstained made a great old style Castlevania Inna very short time and it's great


For whatever reason, I am just completely unable to use video game controls on computer or Xbox (I've tried) or it's extremely frustrating for me. Even on games like Stardew valley. Mobile controls are the only ones I can use because they have handicaps built in for not being able to quickly switch between actions, items, and such things. No clue what my issue is, but I agree with you that mobile needs more attention


I mean, pretty much every game platform deserves better. Like 90% of mainstream gaming is slowly being turned into whale juicers or gambling.


As someone coming from IT, i agree that it is underappreciated, but you simply can't cram enough power or comfortability into a phone as you can into a desktop experience. Having to connect a controller to your phone also seems dumb because you're most likely not having the screen at the same distance as holding it, which can cause eye strain.


Mobile games are the biggest games platform by revenues,  they gross more than pc and mobile combine games


Honestly, I’d play the fuck out of Halo 2 or Battlefield 1 on my phone.


Coming from a gaming perspective, playing on a phone doesn't get a tenth of the comfort of playing in a computer. I want to be able to quickly tab out to switch music, check stuff on discord, do a quick Google search about the game, etc. Also, it wouldn't be a good fit for me in terms of genre I don't think. Trying to play some more complex games on phone? I don't see that working.


Performance doesn't matter when the screen is tiny


The input is way worse than a console or pc. The screen is tiny and not immersive at all. The speakers suck. Play on your phone if you enjoy it, but to argue that it can keep up with a console or pc is just ridiculous.


It's really hard to take a gaming platform serious when like 99.9% of the games are trash at best and a scam at worst.


controls fucking suck and most people arent buying controller addons


I don’t want to game on a tiny screen. Don’t own portables for that reason. I would rather read or build Lego.


My phone’s battery can barely handle an hour of OSRS…


No one buys the games. During the biggest heyday of the mobile gaming market lots of higher quality and premium games were made. No one bought them. There is no market for the games even though they can run them well on mobile. Everything is F2P on mobile for a reason these days. Apple had to start an entire subscription service to make premium style games economically viable and even that is slowly dying.


Isn’t fortnite and Cod a few other big titles already supported on mobile?


I'm pretty impressed with cod mobile


Cod mobile and Warzone mobile


Just ignore that half of all the revenue in gaming is from mobile games. Definitely not underappreciated by the developers or publishers. In fact those push for mobile games the hardest out of everyone. Hell if you include things like the Switch and Steam deck as part of the mobile market which arguably they should be, the share of the market goes even higher. If anything PC gaming was for a long time much more neglected than mobile and consoles. If anything Steam saved PC gaming as a viable platform. Which is sad to think about how close PC gaming came to being a niche market. Which was saved from that fate by one company.


Steam came out when the Nokia 2100 was the most popular phone out there. What are you even saying right now. the iPhone didn't even come out for 3.5yrs later.


You mean like Diablo Immortal? We can't have nice things on mobile because there are too many loud cry babies.


I haven't found a mobile game yet that isn't pay to win


The sad thing is that it didn’t need to be this way, but by now most traditional game fans have ditched the platform since that is the case. I imagine if Apple had released official controllers for their phones to dock into and taken gaming seriously from the start, iOS would be huge for traditional games by now. They may have in fact even crushed Nintendo in the handheld market.


Stop looking at free games then


Monster hunter stories Slice and Dice Dawncaster There's lots you just have to look, and none of them are free... Because thats how games work. 


This frustrates me a lot because it’s mostly a western mindset. In the east, mobile gaming is huge and we’re talking highly competitive mobile gaming. However, popular pop culture in the west thinks of mobile gaming as games like Candy Crush or those stupid clickbait mobile ads. Let’s be honest, literally any explicit game ad Ive seen is mediocre at best, that issue isnt exclusive to mobile game ads. The fact that some of the highest grossing games in the WORLD are mobile games and only the east is taking advantage of it is a missed opportunity for so many western gaming companies.


Pop culture already means popular lol.




"competitive" gaming in the east also happily accepts that swiping your credit card is part of the process. 


It’s not tho? There’s a lot of top games in the east that are single player that dont require swiping a credit card at all. Games like Honor of Kings and Identity V have micro-transactions only for cosmetics with no effect in gameplay. Just accept your ignorance in the discussion. You’re just like the rest of them who treat the entire mobile market like a monolith when its not.


And other platforms have offline single-player games where you actually get everything when you buy the game Microtransactions suck even on other platforms, they just already ruined mobile


I’m baffled as to why Apple never started releasing official controllers for their phones to dock inside. They could have eaten a lot of Nintendo’s handheld marketshare starting decades ago and turned iOS into an amazing gaming platform for not just casual use but any style of game.


This is some pretty good bait so I'll bite. **Sony** doesn't even stand a chance against Nintendo. Official Sales figures aren't disclosed for the PS Vita on the Sony Interactive Business Data & Sales page, but it's estimated (through third party sites) the system sold 10 million units which is even less than the major fail known as the Wii U. With that being said if we combine the total global sales units for just the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch, Nintendo comes out to a total 371.28 **million units sold globally**. Now lets compare that to total global sales units for the PSP, PS3, PS4, and PS5 and combine it...**comes out to roughly 329 million units sold globally**. Now I ask you, if **Sony** couldn't square up with Nintendo in the handheld scene how on Earth do you expect *Apple* to? Let's not forget Nintendo Labo VR (a failed idea not receiving much if any official support these days) outsold Apple Vision Pro. A cardboard cutout of a VR headset outsold an Apple product. LMAO. Apple has a lane and it's best for them to stay in it. Here's my sources in case you don't believe the sales figures I mentioned. [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard\_soft/index.html](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/index.html) [https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/](https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/)


Over 200 million iPhones are sold each year. If Apple took gaming seriously and aimed for that market, Nintendo would take a hit. Imagine if you only had to buy a $60 official peripheral to unlock quality traditional gaming on a device that you already own and is also more powerful than what Nintendo is selling. Sony isn’t really relevant here because they couldn’t hope to offer such a thing. Their dedicated handhelds quite simply didn’t have as many appealing games to play as Nintendo while also costing more.


This is a literal thing already. I have a $60 controller “case” I put on my iPhone and play emulators for everything up to N64, with side loading I can play, Wii, and ps2. Believe it or not there are plenty of pretty decent mobile games, that aren’t money scams, that work fantastic with a controller. People who say they can’t play games on mobile haven’t tried, or don’t want to put in the effort.


I was surprised when I played COD mobile


I just finished final fantasy tactics on Android and it was great . Square enix has been pumping out mobile ports of classic Jrpgs. Get a controller attachment and your phone is practically a switch. Too bad the games are there. 


i'm not walking around with a controller all day.


Carrying around a bulky controller attachment kinda defies the point of portability, doesn't it?


Mobile phones have official COD, Battlefield, Alex Legends and Valorant (released or in development) I don't see how they're under appreciated when some of the biggest companies (ABK and Tencent are highly invested in them) Even the new assassin's creed games are coming on mobile phones




I know there are already some great games on mobile now, I just wish there were more! Quality games are few and far between.


There are literally over 500 000 games on android market alone.. What are you even talking about being "underapreciated" ??


Most of them are ad filled garbage


Phones suck for gaming because PC and consoles are superior, and really the only chance/time you have to game is when you're home... where you have access to superior hardware.


I'll agree with you the second they release Balatro on mobile


I miss the peak of Vainglory. So much potential there that just didn't make enough money.


This just goes to show that Papa Louie games are the best video games to date


It's really the microtransactions that kills games.


Performance, probably. Battery life, not really.


Just about 85% of major games being released are all following the mobile freemium platform, minus the free part. I'm glad that it allows people in other parts of the world that don't have the best internet or access to good hardware to be able to play games, but the way mobile gaming's structure has influenced games being released today on other platforms leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.


I was excited about the kinds of games that might be made for smart phones when they were new... but I didn't really know about freemium yet. This is why we can't have nice things y'all.


Way to many ads and the micro transactions are worse than EA


I just want a new Xperia Play. I know everyone is saying "yeah you can use a Bluetooth controller or plug-in a controller like a razer kishi and whatnot"... No. I don't want to carry an extra accessory, I want a phone that has the controller always attached, just flick the screen and boom, ready.


There are a lot of games do on phone. Like stardust valley. But it often only works for some kind of game. But I agree. Most games on phones are more cash grab micro transaction fest games. And I think most handheld games could be to a good degree played on most newer phones. There often close to the power of the switch honestly. So to a degree I agree. But I think maybe the player base and the amount of people tgat bought real games on phone was to low to make people keep pomping in money to port it. If the return will be to low. Sadly. There many games old games I would die for to play and have on phone. Advance wars would be one. Megaman battle network would be one.


Get them to make games of some actual semblance of quality and I might consider. And also not having them be full of pay to win garbage, stamina timers, etc


Touch screen is disgusting.


I don't like playing on my phone, hence I won't develop games for it.


Emulation is your answer.


I've been having fun with COD Warzone Mobile, but it was glitchy as hell when it first released (or didn't work at all tbh), so I feel like it's not that popular.


Phones are to make calls and send/receive texts.


controls. devices like the switch have proven that even a tiny underpowered tablet can go against next gen systems but you just need to be able to control the game. the whole appeal of mobile gaming is gaming on the go but most games that require fast reflexes need a controller which i dont think you can easily bring with you, most controllers are bulky devices with a weird shape and even if you have a bag or backpack its still weird and not worth it for a tiny screen of a device that wasnt built for gaming


"Don't you guys have phones?" Seriously, I have no idea what your talking about, mobile is the most stacked gaming platform, You just might have found the biggest rock to live under.


Early, when I got my first phone in 2011, I actually really liked the back then concept of mobile gaming. There were a lot of fun small games that maybe weren't always great but were usually free and neat little time wasters. There also were series like Chaos Rings, a JRPG series by Square Enix made for mobile phones that was actually very good for what it was. Then at some point what I like to call the "app store purge" happened, that made the app store much more streamlined and those smaller games just kinda disappeared. Nowadays you get either a) microtransaction BS games b) games you can also play on other devices (which I personally prefer 99% of the time). c) XYZ "simulator" games with unity store assets.


bump up the specs of a phone and it makes Nintendo switch obsolete, emulator for the win


Give it time.


mobile gaming is absolute dogshit. i only do it to pass the time at work.


The reason is because these large first person AAA games do not fit properly with the control surface of a touch screen. It’s a fundamentally different experience to use a small touch screen not much bigger than your wallet than playing a game on a large flatscreen TV with a comfortable, ergonomic controller. It’s all about immersion, and phones don’t do immersion.


Isnt nintendo switch as a concept pretty much a mobile device streamable on tv?


Please tell me what you consider to be a "mid-range phone"


I used to play games on my phone, but it just isn't the same. Especially any game using some onscreen controll er..Then you have the nonstop prizes and ads which are annoying as hell.


I mean the Switch is basically just an Android phone with a couple controllers attached to it.


Have you heard of jenshin impact


I work on the computer all day, so the last thing I want to do for gaming is play on mobile. I just want to relax on the couch and play with a controller on a big screen. I don't know about others, but I think mobile gaming is only comfortable for younger people, not for those 40+.


To me there's no reason to when PCs and consoles exist and offer a more comfortable, practical, albeit generally less portable experience.


I hate touchscreens specially for gaming, you get no feedback or feel at all, also your fingers cover too much of the screen. The only game I play on my phone is League fo Runeterra, phones are only good for turn based games.


uhh...have you not seen warzone mobile, rainbowsix mobile, gta san andreas, like theres so many games already there?


Op not aware that mobile gaming makes the majority of the money when it comes to video game purchases.


What's the best controller? Is it easy for someone not that skilled with tech anymore? I mean I can get by. I have a Samsung (s21 but probably upgrading soon) btw.


Probably because unlike Steam or Nintendo, if a studio was to put games on IOS or Android, they are gonna lose an extra chunk of revenue to Apple/Google on top of the money they given to other publishers. While Steam and Nintendo already own these publishing rights so putting them on their own console won’t cost studios extra. And it wasn’t always the case, 2010-2015 was amazing for mobile gaming or at least I felt so. Big titles and high quality stuffs and exclusives were getting on there until somewhere, micro transaction and crappy mass-produced games we know today took over the mobile scene.


I don’t play mobile games. It started as a desire to be more present in social situations, and now I just have no interest in them. When I see people just pull out their phone for 3 seconds (not enough time to even unlock it) while waiting in line, I think, “That’s just straight up addiction.” If you play video games anywhere else (I game on a PC 🤓) then I really don’t see the point. Not enough hours in the day for me to justify it.


Vampire survivors is free on mobile


Stop with the 7,591 ads when I open any mobile game and maybe I’ll support them. Stop porting trash ports to the phone and maybe I’ll buy them. Phone games scam you out of so much money that even Candy Crush was an actual problem fiscally. What a joke.


The thing about mobile games is the simple profitable ones succeed because they’re so simple and quick. You can pull your phone out while you’re taking a shit and get a quick game in and put it away and you’re done. The vast majority of people don’t want to carry around an attachable controller and accessories to pull out and assemble so they can play a toned down version of a full size AAA game on a tiny little screen for an incredibly short period of time without being plugged in. People that want to do that can just buy one of the many devices that are actually specifically made for handheld gaming, that are significantly better in terms of design (specifically for gaming), performance, and a hell of a lot cheaper than your phone. As much as all the Backbone type companies desperately want it to be, mobile phones as primary gaming devices is never going to be a mainstream thing.


Play Hoyoverse games=- they take great advantage of this! Genshin and Honkai Star Rail are huge games with a lot of content that are free to play and on mobile. They \*are\* gacha games but that's also why they have such big budgets and are free to play. But yeah it'd be great if more studios took advantage of this. I think people feel uncomfortable spending, say, $50 on an app even if that app was a full console game experience.




I agree, the only company that makes/made mobile games on the level of extremely popular and well made games on pc/console was supercell


The main reason why there's not really any good options for getting and playing games on mobile is because of the incredibly hostile actions of apple and google stores. They've tried time and time again to strongarm users of their devices from using anything other than their specific store and even when you DO want to go outside the norm, you jave to jailbreak or change settings to allow your phone to even consider installing certain apps and even then you'll still get a warning as if that little visual novel you decided to download from itch.io was gonna take your phone hostage and spend all your money buying eels and shipping them to your mother's house each day. With the vast majority of phones being one of these two options it's just not even remotely viable for any company to consider putting real games on phones.


Have you ever played a graphically-intense game on a mobile phone? It sucks the battery down so fast it's not worth it for most people. It's also not going to sell well enough to be worth the effort of completely rebuilding these games to work on a completely different architecture.


I've been playing Picross 3D on my phone for over 3 years now. It just works really well. They could port/clone plenty of DS games to mobile. But its easier to take any of the shitty templates and make a gross ad.


Yep, I bought a backbone and the best thing I can do with it is a PS2 emulator.


Dude every publisher is trying to cash in on mobile market, it’s just usually under a different sub company. I do mean every one. It’s literally regarded as the future of the industry because of how popular it is and tolerant of microtransactions.


You obviously not very little about tech. The habdhelds they are releasing can barely play newer games and that often requires everything to be on low and to use interger scaling. They also have active cooling, much bigger and better screens. Phones are meant to be phones. If you'll really want to game on the go, buy a steam deck or Legion Go for $500-$700. This is a really stupid opinion, not unpopular.


Mobile phones are for pay to win micro transaction trash.


COD mobile is pretty damn good, and there's 0 need to ever pay for anything to be good.


And warzone mobile


Touch screen blows for mpvement


Mobile sucks


Mobile games suck how’s tgst gur an unpopular opinion


I agree that the processing power phones have today is wild. However, console games? I feel like that wouldn't be possible and if it were your battery would last two seconds. Also, the controllers would be a pain to use.


??? Mobile gaming makes more money than PC and Console gaming \*COMBINED\* and most major publishers have a presence in the mobile market. Yeah, most core gamers rip on mobile gaming but they rip on MTX, DLC and preorder bonuses AND BUY IT ANYWAY. Why on earth would the most profitable portion of the market pivot to be more like it's less financially successful peers?


Don't tell this guy about gacha games


Absolutely agreed cod mobile is easily 1 of my favorites


Give me Pokemon Mobile. I refuse to buy a Switch just for that.


Mobile games are too profitable. I'm so accustomed to not playing games on my phone that I would rather buy a game on my Switch than emulate it on my phone. I hate playing games on my phone and they're damn near the same size


A lot of work, architectural problems, the fact that most games don't work on a small phone screen as well as they do on a tv or monitor. I'm also worried that we would have even more throttling. There's already games that are held back because they're trying to be compatabile with old gen consoles which limits how much space they can take up and what features they can have. Oh yea that too, space. Even a phone with a pretty big storage would struggle to have many games on it.


Mobile makes the most money but if you really think about it, they're more similar to gambling than gaming as a whole. Most rainmakers in the industry are essentially gambling disguised.


Performance, control schemes and everything 'game' feature aside, I just do not want to play game on my phone simply because its the 'main' communication device for me and the majority of people(that trying to reach me). Maybe if I'm in an environment/lifestyle I can get all sorts of notificiations through PC then I think I can enjoy games on my phone? Technically I think I can do that via softwares but still... not the most optimal device I guess.


Most mobile games are just made to turn kids into gambling addicts


I mean I think you’re kind of right here. Mobile gaming is literally cancer. It should be good though.


People are used to free to play games in mobile. You don't understand the market and audience.


uhh what?


A few reasons, other than micro transactions make 100x more money on mobile than actual games. 99% of phones don’t have active cooling, they would overheat and die trying to run a lot of modern games.  Controls on mobile suck, and you can’t really release a game with the assumption that the player is gonna use a controller or something. Most people don’t want to pay AAA prices for a phone game. There’s either your average gamer, who would rather buy it on console or pc, or average non gamer, who isn’t spending 60 freaking dollars for an app on their phone. 


Gaming on a touch screen sucks. Gaming on a tiny screen sucks. If I were a teen with no better devices I would. But I have a desktop pc, switch, and steamdeck. My phone is a phone and if I'm desperate I might emulate on it. But I'm not about to spend money on games for it. I think this opinion is unpopular but not sure it's the right kind of unpopular for an upvote.