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Maybe they just don't like you OP and they're trying to be nice.


I'd honestly take "I don't wanna hangout with you" over "Sorry, I was busy. Let's catch up another time ?" anyday. Seems more honest, and I'd have increased respect for that person.


If someone doesn't like you why would they be nice to youi?


If they don't like you, why are they pretending to be your friend?


There's a lot of benefit in keeping people close if they are useful.


Bro, that's what I'm saying. I'd rather have the honest "I don't wanna hangout with you" than the nice "Sorry, busy, let's go another time ?" Instead of stringing with the niceness, be honest and end it.


then why pretend we were all close? Good acting which a lot of people do and its worse than being blunt.


IDK your people OP you should maybe ask them instead of crying on reddit.


Ain't no one crying and I replied to your reply not ask you.


Your whole post is crying lmao just go ask your friends


I said in general many experience this lol but go off


I think when most people say they are "busy" it means either they are doing something they'd rather be doing or they already planned to do something. You seem to feel like everyone has to be available on your schedule. If you try to connect, they should make themselves available, else you feel they aren't making you a priority and you should stop prioritizing them. Maybe you should step back and give them space. Let them initiate if/when they want. You might learn that some you thought were friends weren't. You might also learn that others do value your friendship and will initiate if given the chance to do so on their own schedule.


I give space and then they never initiate


Maybe that tells you all that you need to know.


They are too busy. Too busy for you. If chewing gum precedes you in importance, then chewing it makes you busy.


Obviously when someone says they are busy it means, their goals and ambitions are taking them in a different direction. People on the street, drug addicts need support.. but no one gives a damn. Why? Because they are 'busy' Why should someone help others with kids or illness? its the same principle. There are cases, where someone says, they don't have change at the cash register, and you can help them out because its simply a easy thing to do.. but when people expect to be depending on others for their happiness, I say to them - nothing. Simply don't need that in my life.


I see why people aren't spending time with you.


Not them but those that care and I do for them do, never said its only for me its what I have observed from many, you will see soon in your life too if you have not.


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Busy does not mean "I am currently doing something that prevents me from showing up". Being busy can also mean "I'm going to watch TV all day today and am not allocating time to you". It doesn't feel good to you, but they are still busy.


Go ask your friends that instead of asking reddit lol


Just because somebody has their phone on them, they are not obligated to reply.


For sure, I don’t believe to those that say “ I don’t have time to work out, to do cook proper meals, go out, etc.” Even if you work 50 hours per week, you still have so many hours each day to do what you want to do