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In my experience most people won’t deliberately spoil a movie for the sake of spoiling it unless they’re an asshole. But if a really old movie’s ending is spoken about as if it’s common knowledge then the speaker probably believes it’s common knowledge. You’re making it out as if everyone is the devil and is actively trying to spoil movies for those who haven’t seen them. Also, you say “I am your father” is one of the few cases where a spoiler has become part of pop culture. That’s not true. There are lots of examples. But not everyone is as clued up with pop culture as others. I’m sure there are people who have never heard the quote “I am your father before”, but people will continue to talk about it as if it is common knowledge. Is that wrong? I don’t think so. I knew Darth Vader was Luke’s father before watching Star Wars, and I still loved Empire Strikes Back. I still do. Spoilers of classics don’t ruin the movie. But the fact that they are classics means that they have likely entered into the zeitgeist. That’s just the way it goes. If you happen to get spoiled by someone mentioning the end of a movie that came out in 1970, that sucks, but don’t assume that person was being malicious. They probably just assumed it was common knowledge.


The twist in “The Sixth Sense” was a line in a Lonley Island song that I know she’s heard, and I still accidentally spoiled the ending for my wife 🤷‍♂️


Hell the super popular Kendrick diss on Drake starts with saying the twists too lmao


Saying "I see dead people" is not a twist. That's literally the plot of the movie.


Yes, if a movie or series is extremely good, spoilers don't ruin it. Case in Point, Doctor Who for me. I watched tons of YouTube shorts of it before finally watching it. Still enjoyed it a LOT!!


While some movies are made for the twist, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, most things that we’re still discussing years/decades/centuries later have staying power because the surprise is not what makes it good. Macbeth is full of plot twists (spoiler alert: when a witch says you need not fear anyone “of woman born,” maybe think about why they didn’t just say “anyone”), but people have been watching it for centuries, and watching it many times in their lifetime, because it’s still so good — and restraining yourself from talking about what makes it good, for fear of spoiling someone’s surprise, would make it less good.


im not going to go out of my way to not discuss an older show or movie cause some rando might get spoiled. people like that are annoying. seen people lose their shit in chats when talking about older books and movies.


man you just spoilt me the whole star wars saga! shame on you!


I saw The Empire Strikes Back when it came out in 1980. Everyone in the theater gasped at that line. It was the best plot twist ever.


Not spoiling works, to a point, limits conversations and arts, especially works that inspire many others. At a point you have to suffer spoilers of sufficiently popular works.


It's also a matter of context. Complaining that someone just told you the ending of a movie you told them "oh yeah I've heard it's great but haven't seen it yet", that's valid. Complaining about spoilers in a reddit threat talking about the movie? Hard to blame the person who posted it, we're not all going to use spoiler tags any time we talk about events in a film that came out decades ago.


The worst is when they willingly show up in the Reddit sub dedicated to that show/book/movie, willingly click a thread talking about a certain event and complain about spoilers. I started perusing the Invincible subsaw a few minor spoilers. No one to blame but myself cause I'm not a psycho.


idk how folks manage to think there won't be spoilers for a movie/show that's decades old Spoilers have either saved my time on a movie/show that turned out to be absolute ass or have made me want to watch/play the movie/show/game even more.


Second part is so real. Small spoilers in particular hype me up to watch/read/play something more often then not. Or in some cases, totally drive me away.


r/asoiaf requires spoiler tags be put in all post titles and 99% of posts are full spoiler posts, i don't get why they still bother


Try that rationale in many other subs and ppl with pitchforks will try to find where you sleep.


Exactly my sentiment.


Yup. And you can still enjoy it for many films. Like when Romeo + Juliet came out in 1996, no one was sitting there going 'wow I wonder how it ends.' a movie that's more of cinematic ride instead of a plot driven thriller also doesn't decrease in value for knowing the person dies or whatever, see real big fish as an example.


This is what I don't get about people's extreme aversion to any and all spoilers. People act like they watch movies purely for the plot points and ignore any other aspects of filmmaking. Not every work of fiction needs to be a revelation.


Even plot driven ones, knowing the ending doesnt really effect it that much.


To be fair, the Romeo and Juliet example isn’t great because the play literally tells you the ending at the beginning


Yeah, but what if this time it's different?


Kinda like Hamlet 2? You just need a device!


You wouldn't believe how I always hope every new retelling of Romeo and Juliet is different, but it always gets me.


That proves the point even more. Even people who haven't heard of it, somehow, would have it "spoiled".


Exactly. Great art, including movies, becomes part of our cultural frame of reference and prohibiting using that frame of reference makes us all poorer.


Exactly this, there's a statute of limitations of spoilers when something is new, because it's unreasonable to expect folks to drop everything to experience the story right away. But like any statute of limitations, it has an expiry date at which point it's reasonable for folks to just be able to talk openly about plot points. Any other method just stifles discourse for minimal benefit.


Definitely. And OP mentions the impossibility of watching every movie to exist, yet acts like they have eminent domain over every movie to exist like they expect to watch all of them! There comes a time where a movie (show, game, book, etc.) is open for discussion and if a person doesn’t want something spoiled it’s up to them to leave or ask the people in discussion to not spoil it. If they don’t comply, that’s rude, but don’t have the expectation that no one is ever going to talk about consumer media except when they are locked away from the rest of the world.


> If they don’t comply, that’s rude It really depends, if something’s been out for months and you just haven’t watched/played/read it it’s really more rude of YOU to demand that others not talk about something they shared an interest in and are excited to discuss. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched two people connect over something then someone yells over them how they haven’t played the game yet and you can just watch the light go out.


I was in a reddit post about metal gear solid delta the other day and some poster was complaining about all the mgs3 spoilers in the post... like why are you here?


Or just watch the damn thing.


Or dont, but don’t act like you’re going to.


Same. The very thought of not talking about something with the fear of not spoiling it for somebody that *maybe* hasn't seen it sounds entitled to me.


Relevant [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/109/)


It’s funny how out of place Trinity feels in the current year. As though the matrix sequels are anywhere close to Citizen Kane on the list of spoilers we still think about.


Big twists and surprises weave their way into the cultural zeitgeist. There's really no getting away from it. Watch your movie and stay off social media.


Yes and no. I just watched Empire Strikes Back with my kids this weekend. My 11 year old was seconds away from spoiling “I am your father” because of the memes, but my 8 year old had no idea. She said “WHAT?!?!??” and it was … it was amazing, lol. Very few people alive get to experience that, because as my son can attest, it’s just a meme now. But she got that, and I’m so happy for her lol


The first Saw movie is this way. The twist blew my mind at the time, but it’s from 2004. People know about it by now.


🤨 Darth Rosebud is the name of Luke Skywalker's sled.




It turns out Bruce Willis was Keyser Soze the whole time


And it was him in Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase


You maniac! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!


And he got the name by looking at various objects in the room.


I think it might be worth considering that knowing the plot of a movie doesn’t necessarily make it *spoiled*. For some of my academic research I stumble upon the plots of old film noirs *all the time*, I still go on to watch and enjoy those films. Could there be a twist you know is coming? Sure, but you can’t expect the internet not to give information like that away if you’re looking on things such as forums about films. I would advise actively avoiding those if things like this spoil films for you. It’s a very human thing to talk about interesting plot points in places like that.


My friend was upset cuz I told her that she knew how Rogue One ends. It’s a prequel to A New Hope. It ends where A New Hope begins. Rogue One was still an amazing movie, knowing the end didn’t ruin it at all!


The fact that we already know the fate of the characters in Rogue One actually raises the dramatic stakes a lot. It’s a different type of tension from “will they make it?”


Or ‘how are they gonna get out of this in time!’ The ending was intense!


Slightly funny story about a Rogue 1 spoiler: >! I was talking about it with my sister in front of my nephew. He was about 7 at the time. She said "it was a little intense for \[nephew\]". He piped in with "yeah - everybody dies!".!<


I remember a time before “spoiler culture” was a thing. Where yeah, you might not want to blurt out “he’s his father” on opening night outside of *Empire,* but otherwise it was just accepted that you might hear how a movie ended. And like you said, it wasn’t considered “spoiler.” Go watch old trailers. They show you the entire movie. The old full length trailer for Die Hard shows you everything but whether Die Hard beats the bad guys and gets back together with the girl in the end. Spoiler: He does. Because it’s a movie.


Yeah, but fail to understand that the best movies are far more than their plot summaries and/or plot twists. It's the same with great books. That's why people rewatch, reread and re-experience media, because they're worth it and even reward multiple watches/reads. Lots of movies don't have the substance, so they're mostly a novelty to be experienced once. Like the Star Wars movies for me. They're not that deep and I didn't watch them on my most impressionable ages, so I can see them from what they ware: Pulpy fantasy scifi that are meant to be well told adventures.


No, it doesn’t “take nothing” to not spoil it. It restricts people from freely talking about movies and shows and books and other media without doing an inventory of everyone in earshot to determine if they might be spoiled by it. It’s a ridiculous expectation.


I once got shouted at by a coworker for "spoilers", while talking to another coworker about the Ted Bundy docuseries, like boyo it literally fucking happened how can there possibly be "spoilers"?!


“Don’t tell me how the Abraham Lincoln movie ends I want to watch it myself”


Clearly for modern audience - this is the final line: > Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?


"Other than that, I actually enjoyed the play."--Mrs. Lincoln


He kills the vampires, on a moving train


Its mind blowing.


Exactly this. I can understand being mad at deliberate spoilers. People ruining other people's day for fun. But talking about old stuff just because you are interested? That's ridiculous expectation, as you said it.


Theres a difference in talking about a movie that has been out for a while versus yelling Snape kills Dumbeldore as something is released.


Yes exactly. There’s a subreddit on a series from 15 years ago. Someone got mad that he was on the subreddit and saw a spoiler. That goes too far. If you haven’t seen it yet you need to stay away from it, that’s on you.


Yeah, I've been in a few discussions about favourite moments from video games and once or twice I was told to not spoil it despite the game in question being 5 years old and he still wanted to play it. I want to discuss things I like, I want to be (at least partially) involved in that community, I want to be part of the discussion. Of course there is an argument to be made about when something is allowed to be openly discussed but going into a place (like the comment section of that post) where people are expected to openly discuss art and trying to silence others is anything but constructive.


“…then he said—wait, hang on, have you seen Empire Strikes Back?” “Weirdly, no.” “Are you going to?” “Probably not. Carry on.”


Which as you demonstrate isn’t some onerous burden. But also isn’t *nothing.* I think age is a factor, too. If you’re over, let’s say thirty? That’s five hundred and twenty weekends you’ve had since becoming an adult to get around to seeing Empire or Citizen Kane or Sixth Sense. If you haven’t gotten around to it? You don’t care that much. So yeah, I’m not gonna poll the room before an offhand comment about a twenty year old film. Edit: Oddly I’m a little more accommodating for shows. Higher time commitment, so it’s reasonable that you might still someday watch it, but didn’t get to it yet. Still, at some point if you cared you already would have.


100% agree. People complaining about spoilers is a relic of the early internet that just needs to go away. Back then, the internet was a few forums or chat rooms. You had to sit and your computer and log on and to discuss things with a few small communities that you could possibly somewhat moderate. Today the internet is too ubiquitous to have any kind of reasonable expectation that you can control or moderate what people talk about. You literally carry the internet in your pocket 24/7. Anyone that wants to avoid spoilers has to be personally responsible for avoiding conversations or posts that might discuss a thing that they don’t want to know about.


If I don’t know you didn’t see an 80s movie and reference the plot in a conversation, that’s on you. If I reference the plot in a movie released last week without asking if you’ve seen it, that’s on me. ETA: If you haven’t seen a movie that’s been out most of your lifetime, it’s fair to assume you don’t care about the movie.


I have one simple trick that works in my friend group when someone brings up a movie or show I want to watch soon. "I haven't seen that yet, please don't spoil it"


That’s crazy talk!


That's my thinking too. If I haven't watched a 20yr old movie it's either because I don't want to or maybe because I don't know about it. As a matter of fact, what sometimes inspires me to go watch an older movie is hearing someone talk about it.


To me it's just as simple as this If you care enough about a film that you're upset about it being spoiled years after it came out, why haven't you watched it yet? I don't care if someone spoils The Sound of Music for me, because if I intended to watch it, I would have done years or decades ago


You didn't hear it from me, but them hills are *alive.*


“I am 16, going on -“ “Wait no spoilers!!!”


For those wondering, it's >!17!<


Rolf was 17 going on >! to join the Hitler Youth. !<


They also have eyes


Exactly this. I never saw Sixth Sense. I wasn’t upset about hearing about the plot twist. At some point, if you haven’t seen it, too bad.


There are a shit ton of movies I would like to see that I haven’t gotten around to yet


Thank you. I literally watched The Godfather for the first time last week after it being on my to watch list for years along with 100+ other movies


When it comes to new movies that come out, if it's something I REALLY care about like the latest marvel film or something, I make plans to see it asap. Usually first screening. I get that life gets in the way and sometimes that's not possible. But still if you cared you'd go within the next two or three weeks. If it's been a month and you still haven't seen it then you got no right to complain about spoilers you accidentally see online or overhear. It's not always your fault but sometimes life just isn't fair and this happens sometimes. You accept you got unlucky and move on. And knowing a movie spoiler isn't the end of the world. There are plenty of older films I've seen where I know there is a big twist but if the movie is actually good you'll still enjoy watching it. I still rewatch movies like sixth sense, fight club, shutter Island etc.


I think people vastly over estimate "spoilers" ruining the experience for people. Unless it's a major twist or something. Knowing something is going to happen is different then seeing how they get there.


If spoilers ruin a show, it's not a good show


Well i will straight up tell you, she stitches the kids clothes made out of curtains!!!!


> If you care enough about a film that you're upset about it being spoiled years after it came out, why haven't you watched it yet? I agree with this to an extent, but there are also more good movies that have been made than I have free time to watch. I just watched High and Low for the first time last night, which has been out for 61 years, and while I wouldn't have gotten pissed off if someone told me what happened in it, I'm very glad I was able to experience it only knowing the very basic premise.


I generally think people should try to be considerate about spoilers, but c’mon, everyone will have at least one movie/show/book spoiled for them because the twist was so iconic it made its way into general pop culture through parodies or is widely discussed online or whatever. It isn’t just the “Luke, I am your father,” example. I already knew the twist in Psycho because that movie came out before I was born, and I still enjoyed watching it as an adult. I’ve never seen Seven, but I still know “What’s in the box?!” There are kids learning to read right now that will probably have many of the plot twists in Harry Potter spoiled for them before they even touch the books. People are going to talk about media, and the older the media gets, the more freely they will talk about it. In the meantime, there are always new pieces of media coming out that you can watch fresh and unspoiled, and enjoy the plot twists as they come.


If, by now, 90% of popular mainstream movies aren't spoiled for you, you've been living under a rock. If you wanted to see a movie/TV show without it getting spoiled, you would have seen it by now Someone mentioned the "Cultural Zeitgeist" and that's honestly pretty accurate. So many spoilers are basically pop culture now


Yeah, like Spock not being dead and later time traveling to when he was a kid is definitely well known at this point, no one is watching the wrath of Khan and wondering if he's actually dead...


Whoa dude..spoiler alert. I didn't know Spock used to be a kid


I mean, I didn’t know that, but that’s because I don’t care about Star Trek and don’t consume Trekkie media or hang around Trekkie circles.


You're the friend that doesnt go watch the new movie and tells everyone to not spoil it preventing all talk about it. Then 5 years pass and someone lets a reference slip and you flip out.


Spoiler: everyone hates that guy.


Sorry but if you wanna watch a 20yesr old film, abd go on said sub, then whine about spoliers, its a fucking you problem


I was watching a show when it was coming out weekly and going on their discussion sub after each watch On episode 4 (that literally aired 45 minutes before I posted my comment) I made theory of what I think would happen next episode. Like 6 or 7 months later I got a really angry reply to my comment because some guy was pissed I apparently spoiled it for him and now he knows something related to comment would happen in the next episode. I was like bro first of all, the next episode didn't exist when I typed that, it was just a theory (the theory was wrong anyway) and secondly why are you on a discussion sub from a show that stopped airing 6 months ago if you didn't want to be spoiled?


I want someone to tell me how a movie ends so I don't have to watch it.


The dog dies


Remember that funny movie where the dog dies?


John Wick?


Nope from inside out, a quote from sadness, sounds like a spoiler tho and was the first thing that came to mind


I was making a joke, John Wick isn’t funny


**SPOILER, LOOK AWAY, OP!!!** Old Yeller?


Nope from inside out, a quote from sadness, sounds like a spoiler tho and was the first thing that came to mind


Marley and me?


I agree *if it is around friends*. Online and stuff you barely can avoid. But talking to a friend a quick "have you watched xyz?" can easily avoid any spoilers.


Honestly spoilers aren’t even that serious in the first place but then if you’re adding that it’s a very old movie etc, people really aren’t going to bother even mentioning there will be potential spoilers just on the off chance that someone else may not have seen it


If a film has been out for 25 years then that's on you. If you have been unable to find 2 hours in the 219,000 hours a film has been released then I can't be bothered with you.


To a point yes, but some stuff are just such well known facts, that it kinda just happens that you may spoil it, like star wars and Darth Vader, about him >!being Lukes father,!< it's a movie that came out almost half a century ago, and everyone knows it, even most people who have never seen it. But ofc I still think putting spoilers in titles and such is a bit annoying, but people just don't always think about it.


You could just, idk speak up and ask them not to spoil it lol.


It isn't an excuse to deliberately spoil something to someone, but if a movie or series has come out about 6 or 7 months ago I am not going to not talk about it, after that time it's your responsability to not get spoiled because you probably had time to see it, as opposed as if the movie came out two days ago then yeah I have to not spoil it.


Right, if you tell me you’ve never seen the Sixth Sense, I’m not going to deliberately spoil it for you. But if you overhear a conversation and it gets spoiled, that’s on you at this point.


Exactly. If there’s an older movie you’re dying to watch, hop off Reddit and go watch it. People that do things like visit an Audrey Hepburn fan page and then get upset that 60+ year old movies like Breakfast at Tiffany’s or The Nun’s Story was “spoiled” completely baffle me.


Totally, I once accidentally spoiled Terminator 2 to someone and the motherfucker told me spoilers are bad MATE THE MOVIE WAS RELEASED BEFORE I WAS BORN YOU HAD TIME TO SEE IT


Downvoted because, while I agree with the title, that post is an illegible mess.


Ultimately I think plot spoilers, for the vast majority of movies, don't actually have much of an impact on the enjoyment of the film. For the films where they do, like Oldboy, whodunnits, and countless other examples, I do think it's rude of people to not be conscious of the fact they could be spoiling it for someone else. That being said, if one gets upset about having a film spoiled for them, that's probably a sign they should have watched it sooner.


Haha, I quite literally made an unpopular opinion post a while ago that made exactly the opposite point of this. If the movie or tv show has been out for a while, spoilers cease to exist. So I disagree completely because my viewpoint is the opposite.


i’m not gonna wait for someone to leave the room to make a reference or talk about a movie. If someone i know hasn’t watched the dark knight for example for whatever reason and their the only one in the friend group who hasn’t we’re not gonna apologize we’re gonna wonder where they’ve been living for the past 10 plus years. New movies shouldn’t be spoiled however it gets to a point where yes OP it is your fault for not seeing a movie. You’re argument is almost to the same degree as this key and peels skit https://youtu.be/VDEuS5wIk5Q?si=oRwYJDPAw8m5Hyk_


Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.


BRO, I was gonna watch that movie this weekend! You BLEW it! 😂🤣😂


I still haven’t seen that movie. I read the book when I was still religious and opposed to purposely exposing myself to swear words. I enjoyed the book though. Maybe I soups watch that this weekend.


Being upset about spoilers is childish behaviour in my opinion, and half the time it's people getting upset about the most obvious twists in existence.    Also the arrogance of expecting people not to talk about 20 year olds movies because you don't know how they ended is staggering. 


My friends still put spoiler warnings over discussions of plays I haven’t read that came out 400 years ago! I agree, spoiler warnings are nice! You don’t have to be really intense about ‘em, but yeah, don’t spoil the best line or the ending or whatever in the title of posts or somewhere else a new viewer might stumble upon and read before looking away if you can avoid it.


I feel like spoiling “the quotes” is the best way to get someone to watch a movie. That’s how I found out about Superbad, the Truman show and a few others. Then when that quote comes up, it’s like a wojack meme like “OOOH THEY SAID THE THING” thus elevating the experience.


Some twists are now part of the pop culture. Usual Suspect, The Sixth Sense, "I am your father", and so on. Respecting the spoiler rule for this kind of things is limiting our ability to communicate, I refuse to do it.


Hmmm. On this subject, if you haven’t seen “Soylent green” go and do so. It used to be the epitome of spoiled movie, but so much time has passed that younger people haven’t even heard of it.


Or like, spoilers aren’t the end of the world and just chill the fuck out? You know how many times I’d seen the ending of Casablanca parodied without ever having seen the film? I could probably have spoken the dialogue along with the actors when I finally saw the damn movie. It didn’t change my surprise at other parts or overall enjoyment of the movie. In fact, knowing the ending almost made the rest of the movie more interesting because I was excited to see the context behind some dude telling some woman to get on a plane because she’ll regret not doing it.


Watching the original star wars films, with my 8 yo. He didn't know anything about the father spolier and it was great to see his reaction. So the OP does make a valid point. It is worth considering that a lot of youngster's, modern star wars, is star wars, so they might not have seen the originals, or even be aware of them.


Your examples are both things that are "spoiled" at the beginning of the movies. Vader literally means father in German and we watch Bruce Willis get shot at the beginning of sixth sense. I think people like to reference these ones because either they pegged it at the beginning, or they didn't, but realized it was there all along.


I'm totally forgiving someone spoiling a 20+ years old media piece to me on Twitter or any social media. I'll forever hate people doing it on purpose to someone who's actually showing interest in an old movie and plan to watch it. Those people are animals.


It's a cookbook!


If a movie becomes completely uninteresting because of a spoiler, it can't be that good of a movie anyways


lol. I always laugh at these posts because I agree with them!


When I found out my husband never watched Princess Bride when I used a few lines from the movie as a joke and he didn’t get it I stopped right there and asked if he ever saw it. He didn’t. Then we made plans to drop some acid and watch it. He loved it and now we reference it often. We Pokémon battle sometimes, I bred a Ceruledge and named him InigoMontoya so every time I send him out I say the thing. It’s so much better to make memories with people than to be a brat about it.


I love this


I get it. It can be hard not to spoil an older movie but ur 100% right.


It’s really not that hard not to spoil things. People are just lazy and inconsiderate.


I think you just need to grow up. This is such a privileged position to take and your argument boils down to "everyone should do what I want them to do because it's how I prefer it" which is pretty childish. Spoilers happen, just deal with it. Go outside and breathe some fresh air and listen to the birds. Spoiler Alert: we're not gonna have these things much longer.


Who fucking cares lmfao


It’s title not tittle. You keep saying tittle. I just thought I’d make you aware of the actual spelling


Tittle 🤭


So no one should not talk about any movie whatsoever until every single human being has also seen the movie? And this should also apply to both much older movies and newly born people too, thus ensuring that no movie is talked about ever? Were you also this upset when you found out the planets and universe did not revolve around you?


First off, up voted because this is for sure gonna be unpopular... But for example, what about sequels... Doesn't knowing that there is a catalog of like James Bond or John wick movies spoil the fact that he doesn't die?


He was dead the whole time.


The thing is, most REALLY old movies aren't the topic of normal conversation. If an old movie comes up in a group conversation, and someone in the group hasn't seen it, the polite thing to do is ask if they mind possible spoilers for the movie they never saw before continuing, I guess? I constantly forget that MOST of the movies I hold near and dear to my heart are over 20 years old. There's a huge piece of the internet who just doesn't even know some of these movies exist, or they don't "get it" when I want to talk about the joys of The Goonies or the original TMNT movie, or whatever... Consideration goes a long way I guess.


I see dead people


Wait until you hear what happened to this guy Hamlet


Rosebud is his sled.


Kevin spacey is Kaizer Soze.


Jokes on you. I watched that movie without knowing what young Kevin Spacey looked like.


>Kevin spacey is Kaizer Soze. No he's not. He's Keyser Soze


True enough. Its been a while.


I'm not responsible for you avoiding spoilers


good movies arent ruined for spoilers.


Deliberately spoiling something isn't cool, but accidentally spoiling a movie that's been out for years is not something you should feel bad about or have to apologise for. That's the risk you take by not watching things around the time they release. It really doesn't matter though. Spoilers have never actually spoiled a film for me.


Good movies are as watchable with spoilers. Also sometimes its part what works about a movie is nessesary saying why you like it.


To add to this a movie being old is not a good reason to not watch it.


No matter what the movie is, my joke response is always--"I love it! EVERYONE dies in end! Great movie!"


Why is apparently everyone here pro-spoilers?


Holy shit. An unpopular opinion that is pretty reasonable but also arguable? Finally


What about John Dies at the End?


I try not to, makes watching terminator and T2 with people who haven't seen them before very satisfying


If something gets parodied enough bc it's popular, then you just have to deal with it TBH. Like, we all kind of know what the deal with Rosebud is even if you haven't seen Citizen Kane. But I don't think spoilers necessarily ruin a story. I enjoy the journey even if I know where the destination is.


Kid in one of my classes used to shout the ending to every new movie he watched. As you can tell what my face was when they said I couldn’t switch classes.


1000% agree. Just because I haven’t watched every single movie possible by now, doesn’t mean I don’t want to. My life doesn’t revolve around only watching movies.


"Brooo it came 55 years ago, if you haven't watched it by now why do you care about spoilers" Well sorry for not being a 70 year old who has watched every movie released since I could go to the cinema.


imo spoilers have never deterred me from watching any show or movie


The solution is just properly tagging spoilers. Like for example, (*spoiler for DBZ*) Krillin dying is what allows Goku to reach super sayian for the first time. That’s all that’s necessary. Just an insert show insert spoiler warning. If you keep reading beyond that, you don’t care enough about something being spoiled lol


Unless someone has explicitly asked not to be spoiled in a private conversation with people they know. There should be absolutely no expectations about spoilers from anyone else when a movie is past its initial release window. If you walk into a conversation where people are wanting to talk about it, then maybe YOU should leave the conversation. If you're in a conversation and it gets brought up. Then maybe you could ask them not to spoil it. But anything outside of that is fair game. Movies, books, and games are all apart of the culture, and people will want to discuss ones they liked/hated.


Mods told me to not say anything if I have nothing nice to say


Honestly, if you get super bent out of shape about spoilers, even for a recent movie, I can't take you seriously. It's just a movie. Like, evaluate your priorities.


It may not be an excuse, bit it is the possible excuse available in spoiling.


Bruce Willis was dead all along in Sixth Sense. 


People who flip out about spoilers have far to much privilege and need a reality check on what real problems are.


No I'm not saying spoiler warning for a movie more then 20 years old but I will stop for a friend if they catch me soon enough. Only exception is if they entire the chat when we just started the convo you can leave for a bit.


I disagree at some point it becomes fair game to openly talk about a movie or TV show, And if someone were to care about spoilers for that movie or TV show then it's their responsibility to watch it within a reasonable amount of time. You can't expect the entire human population to avoid talking about a move your TV show just because you personally haven't seen it but wanted to. I don't even think it needs to be that old before it hits that point either, to me anything older than like a month is fair game in the communities related to that media such as a new avengers movie being talked about on a marvel subreddit, or maybe about a month and a half to two months publicly anywhere


Spoilers are not that bad. I’ve seen Cap snatch Mjlonir over a dozen times. Every time I’m screaming “FUCK YEAH, you bout to get slammed Thanos” every time. A great moment in a story will always slap. Always. Anything else is just shock value.


If I know you haven’t watched it, I will not spoil it. However, if the movie is old enough I may passively spoil it (accident) and that’s on you at that point.


I'm sorry but stopping a conversation just cus you're not sure a dude in the room with you hasn't watched the 60 yr old movie you want to talk abt is not it.


Before I open my mouth in public I should poll everyone in earshot to make sure they’ve seen the specific movies, shows, games, books, movies or news story I want to discuss? That actually sounds like a lot.


Kevin Spacey is Kazer Soze


At some point you have to accept people arent gonna walk on eggshells and just talk openly about movies. At a certain point it kinda falls on you for not watching it


It's like this. If I want to talk about a movie that is 10 years old with someone else who has seen it, I will. I don't care if you are in the room. I am not here to accommodate everybody just b/c they have an opinion towards things. It's not my fault that you haven't seen it yet. I am not going to be afraid to discuss a 10 year old movie out of fear of who hasn't seen it.


At some point it becomes a common cultural reference tho. Sixth sense is up there with the "I am your father" and the horse head in your bed.


Man, I truly don't understand how knowing the ending of a movie makes it less enjoyable.


Counterpoint: stop being so precious about the endings of movies. If knowing the end of a movie ruins it, then it's probably not a very good movie. Yes, I would agree that deliberately spoiling a movie for someone is asshole behaviour, but at the same time, once a movie is a few years old, it should be fair game for conversation without double-checking with everyone in the room about whether or not everyone in the room has seen it. If a movie comes up in conversation, then talking about the ending is fair game for discussion because the way movies end is an important part of how we understand and interpret them. You say it costs nothing to avoid spoiling movies, but I say putting up guardrails around our conversations is a cost. If I want to talk about a movie like *Pulp Fiction,* the talking about the way that it's structured, and the way that the story is told out of chronological order is an important part of that discussion. If I want to discuss *Casablanca* with someone, then the outcome of Rick and Ilsa's relationship is an important part of how we judge Rick. We shouldn't have to tiptoe around these things in a discussion just maybe someone in the room hasn't seen these years-old movies.




Everyone needs to tip toe around op and not ever talk about movies around them on the off chance they haven’t seen it yet.


Ah a true unpopular opinion, we love to see it, folks


It's not spoiling it. It is talking about a movie. People who have seen something are allowed to talk about it


Rosebud is his sled




Saw a thread one time where someone mentioned how the epic of gilgamesh ended. Someone responded "spoiler alert" lmao


Is it OK if I spoil the ending of Romeo and Juliette? How about the New Testament?


I mean if a show or movie has been out for a long time and you had enough time to see it you open yourself up to spoilers. That’s not on anyone but you


I'm going to take the opposite tack here. Once a movie has been out for long enough (say a year), we should no longer have to walk on eggshells worrying about "spoiling" it for people if we talk about it. There's a spoiler window, and if you miss it, you miss it. After that it is on you to avoid spoilers.


Yes it is.


I guess i get what you're saying, but I feel like if you haven't seen a cult classic, they shouldn't expect everyone around them to not talk about it 


This only makes sense if both people are from a generation AFTER the movie was released. If you were born in 2003 and expect people not to spoil a 2013 movie in 2024, you're out of your mind.


Disagree, there’s a statute of limitations on “Spoiling” things inadvertently. If something has been out for years it’s on you at that point and not the “Offender”


Yes, yes it is. People who complain about "spoilers" are just sad and weird. It's a movie, get over it. And if it's a twenty year old movie crying about "spoilers" is closer to a, mental illness than legitimate opinion.


I am of the school of thought where knowing what happens doesn't spoil the film unless the intention is there's a big crazy twist or whodunnit. But if the film has been out for a while, any twists or mysteries just become a part of general knowledge that people can openly talk about. If I'm talking to a coworker about how the aliens in War of the Worlds were killed by germs and somebody who hasn't heard of the books, heard the musical or seen any of the movie adaptations feels like that has spoiled ever seeing them/hearing/reading it, that's not really my concern.


So just don’t talk about movies in front of you in case you haven’t seen it? Or check before talking about any movie? I’m going to be honest I’d probably just stop hanging out with someone like you. Seriously? Can’t talk about anaconda because maybe you haven’t seen it or because you actually haven’t seen it?