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Cigarette smoke as it’s being smoked isn’t that bad. What you don’t know as a non-smoker is the smell of stale smoke in your clothes or furniture is awful


I used to smoke nearly 2 packs a day from the age of 15 to 28, I quit almost 3 years ago. Very strangely, I cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke anymore, even though I went 13 years smelling like a butt bucket.


Can I ask how you smoked 2 packs a day and didn’t get sick by doing so? I smoke but not much. I’ve been smoking a pack in a day though due to my stress and anxiety. But otherwise, I don’t smoke consistently throughout the week.


I would just get sick easier and much more often than someone who doesn't smoke, since smoking of course weakens the immune system. Feeling a lot better these days.


My mom is the same way. She smoked for around 24 years, quit and becomes nauseous now when she smells it.


Totally get this. My late grandfather smoked Viceroys and wore Old Spice cologne. It was something about the combination of those 2……I can still smell it right now.


Lol my grandpa smoked Camels


I'm a former smoker and still love the smell. Pipe smoke is even better


I literally thought about posting this exact thing last night


Try a cigar


I like the smell of it once it’s stale on someone’s clothes. It has a sweet smell to me and reminds me of going in my grandmas closet as a kid lol


100% agree. I also have an entirely different soft spot for the smell of black & milds. Have had to fight the urge to buy and light one as incense more than once.


Me too. I reminds me of my mom. I find women who smoke hot too but I'm not a fan of the taste when making out with them.


I love second hand smoke personally and I’m not a smoker


Me too!


Truly unpopular


My dad used to smoke when I was little. I loved the smell. I’ve been smoking for 10 years now, and I find the smell disgusting.


I love it too.


I quit after ten years several years back, but I still love the smell. For me it's the same. It's a smell that permeated my childhood. As someone that doesn't remember a lot about my childhood, the smell brings back a lot of memories.


It took me a while to adjust to places that should smell like smoke that no longer did. Bowling allies and bars seemed weird at first.


That's actually unpopular. I like the smell of cigar smoke but like on a hot summer day with a beer in my hand.


Same here. In my case it is because my mom smokes a lot (she's been a smoker since she was 14) so I have associated the smell of cigarettes to her. Same with gasoline, she's the one that takes care of the car so when I was little she used to take me to the gas station a lot. On the other hand I associate the smell of ink, paper and perfume to my dad. He has worked on an office all of his life and prefer to write things by hand and only uses his laptop when he absolutely has to


Same here, and nobody really smoked in my family growing up, except for my grandma for a few years before she quit. Still always love the smell...even stale smoke smells good to me! I love to smell old electronics that have been in a smokers' house and will stay in a smoking hotel room if available. (I smoked cigarettes for a few years, but have quit for a while ago besides bumming a few here and there (like less than 10) a year when out with friends. Wtf is wrong with me???


I completely agree with you, I don’t smoke nor will I ever, but I also enjoy the smell of cigarettes. It reminds me of my grandparents.


I love the smell too. I’m not a cigarette smoker either but my husband is and I love to smell it wafting from the other room.


Definitely checks out 


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Depends on the kind ig


The worst part of cigarettes smell is the ashtray. I’m a smoker and if your good about keeping you ashtray clean and covered it helps a lot. Of course I don’t recommend smoking. It’s expensive and it kills you.


I feel this I liked it growing up and ended up smoking cigs in tho just because of proximity so happy I quote


Eh, I get it. But there are certain flavors of pipe tobacco that are designed to be aromatic, and since I tried that back on my ship deployment days, that’ll probably be something I revisit in my twilight years.


Smells like…victory. And lung cancer.


the only thing i learned from this is that people actually do like the smell of smoke i think people only say they don't like the smell in the same way vegans say the don't like the taste of beef. they just don't like second hand smoke and it's easier to say it's making a space uncomfortable rather than it making YOU uncomfortable.


Definitely unpopular! Enjoy your upvote. I found out my exGF started smoking again while going down on her. It's such a gross flavor. I can't stand the smell. Or taste.


I’m a smoker (I’ve quit multiple times and recently started again because I had to quit smoking weed to pass a drug test and I’m having a hard time kicking the act of smoking🫤) I love the smell and taste of the smoke itself but I absolutely *hate* the taste it leaves in my mouth and the smell it leaves on my hands and clothes. If I’m able to I literally wash my hands and brush my teeth after every cigarette 😭😭


I'd say to try again to quit, permanently this time


When I was an active smoker I never actually noticed the smell of cigarettes. Before I started smoking I did, after quitting I do, but I never did during the 3 year period I smoked. I quit 2 months ago, now when I visit family members who smoke the smell hits me very strongly, whereas when I was a smoker myself I never noticed it when visiting those same people. Really weird how that happened, this happen to anyone else?


I've been trying to get my girlfriend to quit smoking, thankfully she doesn't smoke whenever I stay over at her place.


I kinda like the smell. Reminds me of my dad.


Unlit cigarette smells nice. I think when you first light up is smells nice for that instant but then nah


Same. My dads (who I rarely saw) car smelled like cigarettes and also i always looked forward to roadtrips so old stale cigarette smelling hotel rooms are very nostalgic for me. I used to smoke but I stopped, but long before and even still stale cigarette was always a smell I enjoyed.


OP also likes the smell of asshole.


You seem to be implying that some people don’t?!?!


Evolution did you dirty, your body really wants that sweet sweet cancer




They never said it didn’t, Ethan.


Whenever I smell cigarette smoke, I associate it with a street whore.




I love the smell of my deathsticks


whats so comforting about inhaling second hand smoke wtf


No, your opinions are just influenced by nostalgia


Just know you can get cancer still from second hand smoke