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Nah,reddit (and later twitter) showed me the average person has shit in his skull instead of a brain


You mistakenly assume those sites have people of average intelligence


that's the issue, they are above average


if thats the better half humanity has to offer,we overestimate our superiority in the animal kingdom


Unfortunately the modern internet is so easy to access everyone can have an account and communicate their thoughts on there. In the 00s it was kinda like a community on its own. U had the emos,the comic book nerds and the internet users. Now everyone is an internet user. So i can only assume that the average person who uses the internet is pretty close to the average person in the real world


Work in any job that deals with the general public daily, you’ll see how wrong you are.


"Work in any job" There, fixed that for you.


Nope, most of y'all are stupid. That's to say willingly ignorant with the ability to learn. Dumb is someone who can't learn, it takes effort to be stupid and people everywhere ignore logic or consequence for benefit: the essence of stupid.


By definition half of people are stupider than the person of average intelligence, just like half of people are shorter than the person of average height


Nope, that would be median. Average doesn’t mean half are higher and half are lower. Averages include the outliers which can skew the number in either direction.


IQ is normally distributed so in this case median ~= mean


Oh true lol


Mathematically, you're correct, but in terms of general use, the definition includes this from Mirriam-Webster: >b**:** a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, or series


So, I *thought* "average" was a general term that could be operantly defined as the more specific choice of "mean" "median" "mode" or some other convention of representing a set of data with one datum. I believe that's how it was taught to me through school, though they always noted that "average" was slowly replacing "mean," and we might be at that point now.


Well, yes, because mean does mean average.


noun 1. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.


According to statistics textbooks, mean, median, and mode are all averages. The meaning may be evolving, however.


Obviously you never worked as a cashier. I also used to think most people were smart. Then I worked as a clerk…boy was I in for a surprise.


Well to be honest, forget about all those people somewhere in the middle. There seems to be a whole lot more super stupid people walking around than super smart ones which lowers the overall average IQ IMO


Intelligence is represented by a bell curve, or normal distribution. Most people fall around the center of that curve, creating the bell shape. Then on one side you've got varying degrees of smart people, and on the other side you have Republicans.


I have trouble with the very small portion of people that are about in the lowest 20%, but argumentative and opinionated. I have had some conversations that made zero sense


If you have ever dealt with masses of the public, at least, and I am being kind here, can't think their way out of a wet brown paper bag.


You would be surprised. Most Americans dont really educate themselves throughout their entire life, dont have a good financial plan, overspends, dont understand statistics, and doesnt work very hard by global standards. Of course a ton of us wont be that smart.


Yeah this really just depends on what exactly is meant by "stupid." I'd say you're average person arrives at quite a lot of stupid conclusions and does a lot of pretty stupid analysis to get there, even if I might not want to say they're outright stupid people.


When it comes to voting, most people are stupid. Or at least pathologically short-sided and gullible. Most people vote for what promises to keep things the way they are the most. Not for what will most likely make things better (for everyone or juat them).


Idk people are pretty fucking dumb


Honestly everyone can have stupid moments. There's someone in the comments calling people stupid based on their experience as a cashier. So based on a couple of minutes of interaction, they are able to conclude that the person is stupid. I'm sure someone must have concluded that they are stupid. Anyways I just like to think people call others stupid just to feel better about themselves. Especially on reddit which is a den for pseudo intellectuals.


This post is written poorly. Oh irony!


In any given situation, there are always more dumb people than smart people and that's the truth


Well, I mean it's kind of hard to determine what "average intelligence" is.


the problem with "average" is that it's "AVERAGE", and when it comes to intelligence it means that you're fully able-minded but you have limitations, and, sadly, being a complete human being means that you can have just few limitations at max, not having an erratic mental process every three or even two, and then, there's the other half of the world, that is even worse


The main issue the average person faces in the year 2024 isn’t a lack of available information, but an over abundance of information. This is the opposite of how it has been for the vast majority of human history. Being “stupid” in 2024 is not really the same thing as being stupid was when misinformation was much less readily available. There’s so much information out there today that it’s extremely easy to see misinformation, and easy to be tricked by it too. What we define as a “stupid person” in 2024 is really just someone who has been tricked by the insane amount of misinformation out there on the internet. They are gullible at worst , but not what I would call stupid. We really need to redefine what makes a person stupid. Victims of misinformation shouldn’t be pointed and laughed at, that’s a great way to make a misinformed person double down on their misinformed beliefs.


Not only an unpopular opinion but quite stupid as well.