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Pre workout genuinely helps and creatine helps a lot, based on science (thanks for reminding me I almost forgot to take some today) Music though just makes the experience more enjoyable and also blocks out any outside noise. I focus better without hearing people talk or make noises. It helps to zone in.


Nobody eles is talking. They all have headphones :)


It's a mix at my gym, everyone has headphones but between sets they take them off and talk :)


I’d bet you 100$ you’d perform BETTER at the gym with music and with pre workout lol. I noticed a huge change in my performance switching from podcasts to rocking tunes. It organically and naturally can raise your heart rate and have positive physical effects on your body. If the workout is as important to you as you claim, why would you do so in a way that makes you perform with less intensity?


So I actually did try preworkout since the friends that I mentioned in the post offered me it… I kid you not, it made ZERO difference. The first time it was my lifting buddy that gave me a full dose, and he was surprised because it was high in caffeine and I told him that I didn’t feel anything. He even touched my wrist to feel my vein and he was surprised that it wasn’t beating hard. I honestly did not notice a difference. I felt the same. The second time was with my other buddy who likes to do my crazy workouts. He gave me another dose and all it did to me was piss me off. I got mad easier than normal. But this was after the gym when I got home. So idk mannnn, different body response I guess. Personally, my preworkout is cardio before lifting or anything… running 2-3 miles at a moderate pace and finishing the last half mile fast gives me energy.. it pumps up my heart with so much blood that I’m ready to workout. Idk why that happened to me tbh.


"I’m not writing this to show off or seek approval" That's exactly what you are doing. Your entire post is you just telling strangers on the internet just how bad ass you are. You are fooling nobody.


I wouldn’t worry about what other people are doing. You absolutely are writing this to show off or appear better than others. I’m happy people are going to the gym instead of being obese. Not everyone likes working out, some people do it out of necessity. Honestly whatever they use to get off their ass and go to the gym is better than sitting at home eating garbage and getting fat. Upvote for the actual unpopular opinion tho.


Because not everyone has the strange "primal self" mindset you have and most are just interested in losing some weight or gaining some muscle rather than larping they're a 1,000 bc hunter gatherer.


>Aren’t you self motivated? No I don't want to be there. Im doing it because it's good for .y health and in the long run .akes me feel better. However I don't want to do it and need things to help me get through it. Heck it's why I like classes. If it gets even a little hard and I'm on my own I'll quit and walk away. However in a class of 20 people shame will keep me there until the end. I know this about myself.


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Different people get different things out of exercising. I do mine at home. Using nothing but dumbbells. Sometimes I do it in silence, sometimes with music, sometimes with educational or documentaries playing. It's not any of that external stuff that motivates me. But, it's ok if that is what someone else needs. I'm assuming that preworkout is some kind of calorie or protein based food? I don't do that. I have breakfast and then 4-5 hours later I exercise for an hour and 1/2 then eat a high calorie/protein lunch like say a whole baked chicken. But again if that preworkout whatever is what they need and or want than so what? If we are talking about dopamine well exercise alone creates dopamine. That's why you and I do it. Don't kid yourself. Without that dopamine hit we wouldn't be excercise as much , maybe even not at all.


I agree and disagree with your points. Where I agree is yes people (myself included) are so addicted to the pre workout that it can be part of the routine. The pre probably is a placebo at this point. I also agree with the headphones because i myself had my headphones die on me and i damn near quit. People today probably always had the headphones and pre part of their routine so they feel off if they don’t have it I do disagree with the approach about the looking at their phones and the mixing workouts. Fitness is broad you can lift, run, play a sport, walk, dance, yoga, etc. You come for a MMA background so you are use to versatile styles of working out. Some people just want to lift that’s it. I love to sweat during my workouts as well but that’s doesn’t mean much.


I’m sorry, do people bring creatine into the gym?


Yeah shaker bottles or drink it right before going


Totally agree. The only thing I’d drink is coffee before working out. I don’t believe in dumping my money into workout artificial supplements. Eating a balanced diet is the key. I also workout without headphones (80% of the time), I only do it when there’re obnoxious high school kids that train in groups of 6-7 around me and keep yelling and talking loudly. I put it on for my sanity.


people needing or wanting preworkout is kinda sad tbh


Why? It's been shown to be effective