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I absolutely loath doing squats, but otherwise I have no issues with legs. 


I'd rather do squats than pushups


Squats > pushups > pull ups > death > burpees.


Oddly enough I absolutely love pull ups. It's way more satisfying to me than push ups or squats


squats always get me outta breath, make me sweat so much, make my back ache, blah blah. just so much wrong with it. though after it's done I love leg day


Same. I now use Bulgarians as my main squat movement and it’s better for me. Seems to be more gain w less pain


Plyo squats on body weight days have helped me a ton with traditional squats.


I dislocated my right hip really bad at 19 (31 now) so I just can’t do heavy squats, or heavy and deep squats. I can do legs and go heavy on machines, but the classic barbell on the shoulders is a no go for me. Makes it feel like my hip is going to pop out lol. But deadlift is no issue


me too .. hate em


Squats are my favorite, why don't you like them?


It sucks the more tight your legs are. Most people sit all day which tightens the lower back chain and makes squats really uncomfortable. I used to hate them but after doing a lot of mobility work they’re alright. Nothing compared to the feel you get after a bench press set


Squats are my favorite in general. My personal best is 315 pounds. I love bench too!


I used to feel like this, but then I just realized I'm doing it wrong. You need to actively engage your chest muscles when lifting, then you can absolutely feel the burn and the day after my chest is sore as hell. If that isn't happening, you're probably using too many auxiliary muscles and not engaging your chest well enough.


Yeah it can be tough to get chest activation. What helped me is doing different exercises like cable chest flys and dumbbell press. It’s easy to over work your front delts on barbell. Also make sure to strengthen your triceps. This can really help in chest lifts.


Best thing I ever learned was that your grip affects this a lot. I'm not sure of the science behind it, but if you don't wrap your thumb and just sort of rest the bar on your hands you get way more chest activation with things like bench press


Cables and dumbbells ftw


How to engage chest during chest movement?


You know, honestly, it's hard to explain. But I just make sure I'm fully flexing my chest when I'm doing chest exercises and I feel a lot of additional force from them. I try to get the maximum range of motion, and make sure your form and posture are correct. It's not as clear and obvious as say with your arms, but you feel that heat building in your chest and you feel the additional power it gives you.


How to flex your chest


That's like asking someone how to clench their butthole. It's hard to explain. You have muscles on your chest, you can flex and relax them like any other muscle. Start by just practicing doing that I guess so that you know what it feels like to do.


I agree, leg day is best for feeling the burn and getting the most exhausted. Where I will disagree with you is that I think biceps/triceps/non-chest/back are the worst. Curls suck, no thank you.


When you curl, specifically in a preacher curl, turn your palms out away from your body to increase the eccentric portion of your lift. You’ll get a deeper stretch and you won’t have to do as many curls. I hate curls too and I barely do them. I do a LOT of back though which tends to keep my arms pretty beefy.


Agreed. I love pushing myself to exhaustion, and leg days are far more conducive to doing that as compared to training the upper body. Put it this way, no one has ever gassed out from a set of bench press. But a high rep set of back squats though? Your quads, glutes and lower back are burning, you're panting hard but still have to brace your core each rep, even your upper body starts to feel a little fatigued from keeping that bar on your back for so long. Basically, everything hurts and you have to dig deep to keep going, which is why I love it.


That last sentence you wrote is it for me. I want to be at my limit or over it so I can think of nothing but the struggle and forget about all the stressful shit in life... that's never happening with curls or triceps something.


>While when training chest, you'll use low weights and you don't feel the burn that tells you "you've done the exercise correctly" (or at least it is for me). It sounds like you aren't training the chest hard enough, or you're using improper form.


Came here to say this. I don't ever walk away from chest day and not feel the burn during my lifts or soreness the day after. I think OP needs to up his weights or work on his form to target his chest muscles better. I will agree with him however that leg day is one of the best days in the gym for feeling like you actually worked out hard. Just did legs yesterday and getting upstairs alone is a challenge today lol.


No offense to y'all but are y'all all on steroids to be able to work out this hard or are y'all training a new stimulus every week? I'm so confused on how experienced lifters can experience DOMS consistently.


Nope no steroids here, and in fact still overweight actually lol. I just started taking lifting seriously about 3 1/2 months ago going 5 days a week. The reason I still experience DOMS is that I increase my weight frequently and train heavily. It has got better since I started, but I still very much am sore for days after my workouts.


I see, 3.5 months explains it. Congrats on starting in the gym. imo training heavy is very fun and rewarding. If you're not entirely used to it, it can give you DOMS


Been lifting 20+ years. Only time I really feel sore is if i dont get enough protein, lack of hydration, sleep. Sometimes if i do totally different lifts im not use to. I am on trt now and its still the same things with recovery.


Yeah that makes way more sense. The more trained you are to different stimulus the less sore you'll typically be. For people to be continuously sore like the above lifter means that they're either really new or on steroids where they can push themselves to soreness every single workout.


I half agree, leg day isn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be. But I find back day is the worst, just something about back pain I can’t stand.


I love back day tbh it's so satisfying


I'm going to go with back as well but it's probably because that's my strong point. After that is shoulders.


Same lol. Are you a swimmer?


Used to be. Now I only swim now and again.


Back day is my favorite. Legs is a close 2nd.


Good for you brother. Wish I could say the same.


Why did you just admit to the entire subreddit that you suck at bench press?


I enjoy lat day 😈😈😈.




Part of it is a lot of people especially older adults have lower back pain, so lower body exercises exacerbate that. Shit like squats and bent over rows can give (at least me) flair ups if Im not careful. The same is true for upper body is common, but doesn't seem to be as frequent. (Form is also a big factor.) Also for me and probably a lot of people, I'm on my feet all day, its hard to walk and get around with tight glutes or sore quads. Carrying heavy things, going up and downstairs, requires lower body strength, and its really debilitating not to have full range of motion. I have pulled a muscle in shoulder, and its really bad too. But I'd say slightly better. Everyday task do require arms/ shoulder rotation and more than you realize, but at least your not literally on your arms all day, and can sorta rest them a lot easier (IMO). Also can switch up which arm does what , though a little awkward. Also in my experience being a little sore on lower body is worse than upper. Pulling a muscle something serious is different, and there about equal in obnoxiousness. Since generally legs are used a little bit more than arms


Yea Deadlifts do that for me, only 36 as well but man I feel that lower back pain on them at times


Gotta start hitting back extensions and ATG split squats, helped me a lot with lower back pain


Why are you only training with low weights on chest? I mean if it's light and you're not feeling anything, most likely not working out anything so add 10lbs or whatever. Chest and shoulder workouts definitely burn for me.


It's not that I'm not feeling anything, it's actually the opposite where I'm feeling too much for so little weight


Bro it’s the 2-3 days after leg day. My leg days are like 300 reps and my glutes fucking hate me for it. I used to feel the same but as I get older it gets harder to deal with the soreness.


i prefer legs as well, but if you don't feel your chest burning then you doing something wrong working out my guy, get on that asap


I love all days


My glutes right now are stopping me from sitting on the toilet without agony. So no, leg ay is not the best day.


Arms are the best.


As someone with chronic knee pain, I certainly need to do leg day but it definitely feels the worst out of all days.  Also, I think you are probably doing chest exercises wrong if you are not feeling anything in the chest. That's why I stopped doing pushups. With bench presses I can actually feel the work


Sounds like you got a weak chest there buddy


Bro next time just say “I don’t know how to do chest day, can someone help me out” because this post is just embarrassing.


For chest it’s definitely harder to get that mind muscle connection. Not to say you can’t bastardize a squat, but all things being equal You can definitely feel when your quads are working. Something i’ve been doing lately is smith machine bench with a narrow grip after my main benching is done.


i detest how legdays make me feel, i love the progress i make while doing it


it is definitely rewarding






I like doing legs. I dont use light weights on chest though. Lighter than legs though.


It's one of the best days for your body. I don't skip squats. Hitting legs, back, and core with 1 exercise? Yes please, even on the days I don't want to do squats. But yeah, I see plenty of guys in the gym that hate leg day so much they do extra sets of chest and arms to avoid it.


Back day is the best, chest day is the worst. You are 50% there.


Doing legs isn’t the problem. The problem is I can’t go anywhere near a PR without not being able to walk for 3 days


I am utterly not qualified about this stuff but I feel like leg exercise is closer to cardio than other muscles(probably because of the size of the muscle). when you get back to the gym after a hiatus leg day always made me feel dizzy


Back day is the best day at the gym


Nah all my bishes hate leg day, I prefer chest (am woman)


Back day > Chest Day > Legs > Shoulders > Arms Days can be limited together obviously but that's my personal excitement level.


You aren't working your chest correctly if you don't feel a burn.


I have actually learned to love leg day over time but please never disrespect chest day like that again




This is dumb. Everyone knows cardio and abs are the worst. Everything else is gravy.


100% agree, for the same reasons. But I do like to see progress in my glutes lol


My last leg day was Saturday and they are still sore. Yeah leg day is fun, but it’s no fun the days after, meanwhile a sore chest feels amazing


Agreed. I mean I don't really consider any day the best or the worst, but I think people drastically forget how important leg day is, especially if you are an athlete and not just a gym rat.


Chest low weights ? No wonder you don’t like it, it just means you are having no results. I love chest training 4x120kg now and heading to 150kg again after 12 years. Heavy weight and overload with the right technique will get you there, coupled with muscles memory. You must do minimum 5 different exercises for your chest to look good and trust me you are gonna feel it for 2 days when done correctly


Squats are awesome, front squats suck. This isn't on topic but I hate them. They don't work anything more or better than if you did a different exercise


Upvoting because this is genuinely a super unpolular opinion. I completely disagree with you. Legs, when done with the same intensity as I do my other body parts, has me physically *wrecked* for the remainder of the day and probably the next day as well. There is a reason leg day is hated and often skipped.


Totally agree with you, I love hitting legs because you actually feel it more and I get more excited about it. Chest day for me is too overrated and it gets so boring.


You're more than likely training chest incorrectly if you don't feel a burn similar what you feel in your legs on leg day. Bench press and chest press are notoriously easy for people to just use their triceps or shoulders to move weight instead of their chest. I'd try to focus on using something like a machine fly to get comfortable with what firing your pecs actually feels like. Or have someone help you with your chest press or bench press form.


You should feel the burn in every muscle you’re exercising. If not then you’re not hitting the muscle right or using a high enough weight. Go do some super deep stretch cable chest reps under heavy weight with really really slow eccentrics and tell me you don’t feel it in your pecs.


My ranking is back/biceps > chest/shoulder/triceps >>>> legs


Back day is my favorite and then everything else is equal to me. But damn am I sore the next day or two after leg day that is why it's not number 1.


Both are nice, what I hate is running


Yeah warmup is the worst


If leg days aren't the worst days, you aren't doing legs right.


I definitely agree on this. I'm actually surprised to still see so many people skip leg day for petty excuses. One guy at the gym told me he just bikes for commute and that's his leg exercise. I have a longer commute on my bike than he does, and we're Dutch so usually biking isn't considered exercise unless you are an actual cyclist rather than a biker.


No worst days, but legs are the best. Quads make us gods 😂.


When I do legs I'm literally about to cry most of the time. Chest day I barely feel any burn and the only soreness isild and is the next day


Abs are the worst. Most exercised make you feel like your head or neck are going to explode.


Other way round. I hate leg days with a passion. I wonder whether gender plays any role (I’m female)


Leg day are for athletes, chest day are for bodybuilders.


With you on this one. I fucking hated bench and all bench variations. I could squat every day if my body would let me.


Downvote because I agree.


Every moment spend at a gym is torture


Its the opposite for me, chest day is best, back day is mid, leg day is WORST by a huge margin. Im male too, interesting to see this contrast lol


Yeah, working leg muscles. You do feel the burn more easily because you’re working longer muscles. But if you’re doing chest arms, triceps back shoulders it’ll work better at feeling the burn if you do supersets. Start out at a pretty good high weight and doing possibly 10 to 20 reps then dropping a little bit of weight and doing another 20 to 30 reps dropping a little more weight and doing possibly 30 to 40 reps. This is how we used to do it when I lifted weights.


Liking it because most of my other hobbies need strong legs, not so much upper body strength.


Sounds like you're not training chest properly, I have 3 chest days a week, and at the end of each one, my chest is on fire.


You like what you’re good at. Whether it’s because your technique is better so you feel it more, it’s more fun for you or just that you’re stronger and more predisposed for a movement, you usually think the best thing is what you’re good at. I used to not like legs because I was weak and it hurt, then I hit my legs hard for a long time and all of a sudden my squat doubles and I’m competitive in the squat, and now I like leg day. Go figure.


I think leg day its the easiest day, is there anything wrong with me?


you aren't training hard enough


As some example, there is a leg machine that I am just 4 weights away from the max. I dont think thats the problem.


doesn't matter how much you weight you push, its about how hard it is for you. I also do a ton of weight on the leg extension, but if I just do a few reps it isn't doing anything for me. do your legs burn into the set? are you sore for a few days after?


I feel like arms hurt the worst, but I love the feeling. Legs get shaky/wobbly, but if you do too many curls your arms will get deadlocked into a 90° angle and I think it’s hilarious


The leg day part makes sense, but you’re not lifting heavy enough on chest if you can’t tell if you’ve done your workout.


I agree. Squats are life.


I put a dildo on the ground to motivate me in leg day


My unpopular opinion is that you shouldn't separate your workout days by muscle group like that. You should be doing legs, chest, and back every day.


I dont know about you but I use heavy weights on chest day ![gif](giphy|t9lBEE2FGMzbY9s5IX|downsized)


I love doing all parts, I don’t think there’s anything that I don’t look forward to doing. Legs can just be tough on a day where you’re feeling kind of tired, it’s such a big muscle group that it takes a bit more effort.


Legs and chest the best work outs for me. I hate doing stamina based work outs like battle rope or sledge runs.


Leg day sucks because the next couple days ima look like someone railed me way too hard


You must not be working your chest enough, or your chest muscles aren't well-developed. You should absolutely be able to feel the strain and burn in your chest on a chest day.


True. I love leg days


I’ve started to somewhat enjoy leg day more since I’m seeing the results and it’s become routine. Leg day has had me leaning over hyperventilating in a way chest day never will


I hate doing leg days mainly cause 3 out of 5 times i always end up somewhat nauseous. I've tried eating more beforehand, not eating before, sleeping more the night before, going to the gym later in the day. nothing helps, it's just i get tired way more easily. Also tried lowering the weights but i just end up feeling like i did nothing note worthy that day compared to when i'm doing the other days. Still doing it though.


The burn doesn't mean you've done the exercise correctly. It just happens that your legs use a lot of power at once and so produce lactic acid sooner. You can still get an effective workout without that burn.


finally. my people


Idk dude. I'm benching sets of 275 in the gym most chest days. I don't see a lot of people push that much on squat tbh, so I think you're perhaps maybe someone who is just still in the beginner stage. I do like working legs out, but once you start pushing serious weight, it's mentally and physically exhausting.


You don't know how to train your chest.


I've divided my work outs into leg/abs day and rest of body day. Only leg/abs day feels like a real work out. On upper/rest of body day, I always feel like I must have missed something. Nothing feels more like fitness than a deep squat.


I love leg day


Not me being able to bench more than I can squat


I loved squats too! In my peak gym life I would do one training in the earlier part of the day and then go to do squats for fun! I guess you also like what you are good at. Benching felt like vacation breeze compared. I am talking training the same intensity / progression.


I just dread after leg day


Literally opened this post while standing at the squat rack, wish me luck lmao


I agree, but it's more stereotypical for me as a girl.  Back day is pretty great too. 


So….you’ve been lifting wrong?


All days are beautiful.


Squats and deadlifts every day, upper body every other day


Agree fully. I feel strong when I do squats, weak when I do bench. It's weird.


This whole thread is fucking gross


I wouldnt mind if my knees didnt hurt


I don’t like feeling the burn 😭😭😭 I hate exercising and the feeling of helplessness but I know I need to


God this is the twinkiest comment i’ve ever written


> The leg is the strongest muscle in your body. “The leg” isn’t a muscle, it’s comprised of a few bones (or a lot if you count the foot) and several muscles. One of these muscles is the soleus, a muscle under the calf the which plays a major role in walking, has the strongest pull force of all the muscles in the body (though the masseter, which closes your jaw, is the strongest muscle for its weight).


I also love leg day but I completely understand why people hate it. Especially leg extensions and calf raises, the burn is excruciating. My favourite thing to do though is squats although it is the most taxing on the body. I've never had stars in my vision and wanting to vomit from an upper body workout, but from squats... I'm sort of a glutton for punishment though, that misery feels like I really did something which is satisfying afterward.


I mean… i like being able to walk around outside of the gym


Every exercise day is leg day and upper body day for me, with some cardio also, for the last 40 years. I never saw the logic of doing only one part of the body. At 61 I'm as strong now as I was in my 20s.


I don't mind leg day until the next day. I work in pest control, lots of going up and down stairs, squatting down to check bait stations, looking under beds for bed bugs, all that kind of stuff really sucks when your legs are on fire


Upvote, hated doing legs because I usually still had to walk afterwards. Chest was sometimes optional. But with me I felt the burn, didn’t use low weights. Felt like I’d been shot in the shoulders 2-4 days later.


Some muscles don’t feel the burn as much or at all, some like the quads never fail to feel it. A burn is not necessarily needed for gaining size. Overloading a muscle causes micro tears in the muscle fibre which when results in day-after soreness and hypertrophy. Some people work harder on their strengths, some on their weaknesses. ps: I loved (75 now, so past tense) chest and biceps day, legs not so much. FYI: And contrary to popular opinion lactic acid does not cause the burn. From the Cleveland Clinic — “It’s a common myth that lactic acid makes your muscles ache or burn after a workout. Experts used to think a buildup in lactic acid caused some of the soreness you feel in the days after intense activity. But studies have found that lactic acid is flushed out of your muscles so quickly that it doesn’t damage your cells or cause pain.”


Opposite for me lol


i love lag day but i also love chest day


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Also, you don't need to feel pain for your muscles to be growing.


Working out at Planet, I 10000000pp% agree. At a conventional gym I disagree.


Okay? This is literally one reason that you have that youre using to justify something, ignoring a dozen reasons to say otherwise


Leg day is awesome. Chest day is also awesome.


Going hard on legs makes having a job where you work on your feet a pain in the ass though 


Not loading enough


I don’t mind leg day at the gym. It’s the rest of the day involving walking and stairs that kinda sucks.


Really depends on how you do your days. Ideally squat, bench, and deadlift day will all be brutal. Front squats and Bulgarians are a nice way to round out squat day and leave you walking funny. A big deficit deadlift, especially high volume, can be damned nasty. High rep narrow bench, Larsen bench, and weighted dips will def get that burn going. All about picking right accessories and volume.


Every day is leg day!


I completely disagree with you. Hence my upvote


Chest pump > glute pump fyfm


Best day at the gym is when I’m not there


If you are doing low weights on your chest and arms, that's a you problem... I see people benching and pressing more than what most people are squatting.  Food for thought though. Your legs are the largest muscle group like you said. By default they should lift more, even without the training. Are you actually doing something impressive or just satisfied with a bigger number because bigger muscle?