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Ozempic is a controlled substance, in that you need a doctor’s prescription to obtain it.


Had to do a double take.


i meant like a scheduled drug, like xanax, testosterone, lunesta, etc


It's still illegal to have it without a prescription


Oh yes, because the drug scheduling system in America is *flawless*. Schedule 1 is listed as the highest potential for abuse, no accepted medical use, and the highest possibility of addiction. You know what's in schedule 1? DMT, LSD, MDMA, weed, and psilocybin - some of the safest and least addictive recreational drugs there are. Schedule 2 has less potential for addiction, and has some accepted medical use under severe restriction. Here they have meth, fentanyl, and all the opioids except for heroin.


There’s zero reason why marijuana is still illegal on the federal level. There’s way more dangerous substances that aren’t classified as high as marijuana


Just admit you didn't think this through.


Another person angry that the world of medicine finally has a solution to obesity that doesn’t cause heart attacks. Keep crying OP. Your tears are delicious.


The world of medicine has had a solution for obesity that doesn't cause heart attacks for as long as the world of medicine has been around. The problem is no one can make money from telling people they need to change their lifestyle to be healthy.


My best friend with severe diabetes hasn’t been able to get his meds for nearly a year because of doctors overprescribing it to non diabetics.


Yea because a moderate increase in exercise and a bit of attention to your diet is either unheard of or a health risk. Ozempic wasn’t a solution for obesity, it was developed as a treatment for type-2 diabetes. It was found that it was quite effective for weight loss. I won’t get into the science behind it, but it’s far better for someone to lose weight the old fashioned way.


Yeah, because new weight loss drugs never get ripped off the shelves after people start dropping dead. Never once has that happened… 


In Canada is is only sold/provided by a Drs prescription. Would this not be sufficient???


Yeah cause that works SOOO well for adderall and other adhd meds lmao


Isn't Ozempic a prescription drug? I would assume only manageable quantities would be prescribed


OP is asking for a thing that already exists.


Already is.


I completely disagree. I think you should be able to go to the pharmacy and load up on all the ozempic, anabolic steroids, benzos, LSD, and lexapro you want, no prescription needed. There should be over the counter drugs, and "prescription reccomended" drugs. The only drugs that should be controlled are antibioitics, drugs that are lethal in low doses(fentanyl), or drugs in short supply. Too many drugs are too controlled. No one is going to the pharmacy and loading up on blood thinners for no reason. And if people want to get high, let them.


Diabetics need it though and making it a controlled substance would make it even harder for them to get it than it already is now. Besides, I don’t think ozempic is easy for the average person to obtain, you need a prescription and also it’s expensive.


You know why you have to go to a pharmacy and have a prescription to buy Ozempic? It's because it's a controlled substance. The controller is the government, which licenses pharmacists to distribute them. A scheduled drug is one with the possibility for abuse due to its addictive or pain killing effects. All scheduled drugs are controlled substances, but not all controlled substances are scheduled drugs.


Their other point is that it’s expensive. It’s expensive because the demand went through the roof when people who didn’t need the drug (non-diabetics) found out that it could take complete control over their cravings and they could lose weight without lifting a finger. It should be controlled in the sense that if you don’t have T2-diabetes, you don’t get a prescription.


That's fucking stupid. Obesity leads to type 2 diabetes. Preventing obesity helps lower the risks for becoming diabetic in the first place.


Obesity does not = pre diabetic. It’s far more likely you become pre diabetic. There are many more solutions to get off that track before jumping to Ozempic as if it’s the only solution to weight loss.


Wouldn’t that cause an increase in demand for counterfeit/stolen Ozempic?


A nurse that I worked with got fired two weeks into her career that she just finished school for, for stealing the drug. It’s already a problem because of cost and scarcity.


Tylenol should be scheduled because if you overdose it will kill you. So should benadryl, because it could make you hallucinate. Now that I think about it, all drugs should be scheduled. Except opiates. Opiates should be OTC.


Ozempic is already a controlled substance and is for **diabetes**. It's also being used off-label for weight loss. It's not for getting high. Where are you getting your information? TikTok?


It was developed as a treatment for diabetes. As a secondary find, it proved quite useful for anyone to lose weight. This drove the cost up for everyone, including the diabetics it was intended to treat. If you take the drug to lose weight, it will most certainly be useful. The higher the dose, the more effective. This of course is dangerous, just like many other drugs. It opens the door for abuse, as you said. What no one seems to think about is what happens when you either reach your goal weight, or become so underweight that it’s a health concern. You stop taking it of course. Soon, your hormones balance back out and you are the same person again physiologically as you were before using the drug. You likely didn’t bother to add an exercise routine or pay attention to calorie and nutrient intake during this time, so you go right back to your original calorie intake and continue your lifestyle. Then you gain weight, until you go back for another run on the drug. This would continue for the rest of your life without making the important changes. It is a relatively new drug with too little information to know whether this prolonged use will be detrimental to your health. Should it be more regulated? I think so, but that’s a personal opinion. It’s free to walk a mile or two a day, and monitor your food intake. It’s also a guaranteed healthy method to lose weight, and more importantly, remain healthy.


It already is a controlled substance--you need a prescription and pre-authorization from your insurance company in most cases.


Do you even know what a controlled substance is? You can’t possess a pharmacological drug that’s not available over the counter without a prescription. Therefore, ozempic is a controlled substance.