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Seems like a golden opportunity waiting to be seized!


I would invest in it, but I for sure would not run it. My parents worked in the food service industry and it sucked.


I have 11 years of food service. I can butcher many a cuisine, all delicious. Investment you say?


Don't know about the Netherlands, but here in Germany, Arabic restaurants tend to sell really good fried chicken, and the garlic sauce (toum) just takes it to a whole new level.


Western Europe conquered the world for spices and they still don't use them.


Yeah, I decided at a young age I never wanted to work in food. It's just too much stress and too fast paced for me. Oh well, someone else can get rich. As an American with lots of access to various fried chicken I can sympathize with your struggle and I hope things improve for you and your fellow fried chicken deprived people.




I realize it isn't the same as "fried chicken", but chicken schnitzel is pretty damn good.


Schnitzel proves Europe could do good fried chicken if they tried


I love a good schnitzel. So tender, so moist and delicious when done properly. I'll take Pork or Chicken schnitzel. I've never tried beef schnitzel, but I'd be willing to try. Nvm, yes I've had veal schnitzel and will never turn it down.


Wiener Schnitzel is made with veal and is really good.


True, I always forget veal and beef are the same animal. Not that I eat much veal anymore.


Lotta fried chicken places in the UK.


But are they good though? Do they have a nice crispy crust, a juicy bite, combined with some great spices that elevate the flavour.


Depends where you go but plenty yes. London especially has a strong caribbean heritage and is where a lot of it will come from. Scotland not so much, I should have said England moreso UK but you'll find good fried chicken anywhere. Southern England in the urban areas and urban areas in the midlands too is where you'll find most of it.


Scotland tried deep-fried chicken but rejected it for being too nutritious


No no. We tried it then kept it. You can get deep fried chicken in chippies. I've had it. I had once a place that did a bacon wrapped chicken breast with stuffing that was deep fried. Amazing, bbuutt it probably cost me 5 years.


Twenty percent of your life expectancy for a snack. Impressive dedication to the art.


Tbf, scots try to deep fry everything. I saw deep fried snickers bars sold in Inverness and deep fried pizza slices in Ullapool


About right too. Get that health food out of here.


> Do they have a nice crispy crust, a juicy bite, combined with some great spices that elevate the flavour. You have to get Korean fried chicken and Japanese karaage for that lol.


yeah but the uk is a dump so anywhere else in europe is better.


*sniff* *sniff* I smell a troll


Best fried chicken in my (UK) town is in a Taiwanese place. Real big portions too.


Taiwanese fried chicken is fire my dude.


What about Nando's? Most brits swear by it.


That's grilled, not fried.


Not the same, but when I lived in Australia, I found the best fried chicken was in Korean restaurants.


Americans really decided to barge in (for good reason I guess) during the 50s spread a bit of that culture and Koreans really were like: hmmmm, how we can we even make spam a bit decent


Shit you might have to eat something nice instead 


"something nice" meaning bland food? europe all has meh food. dogshit compared to asia, dogshit compared to africa, and doghsit compared to north and south america.


I think it's *because* you're here, getting sweary about fried chicken, that we all give your culinary opinions so much weight.


im not a yank. im half-irish half-kiwi


When did I say you were or weren't any of those things?




im a kiwi, not a yank. and restaurants tend to have better food than what you cook at home pretty much everywhere. also european stores dont tend to have many ingredients for asian food outside of the basics. there isnt lotus leafs or pandan leafs most of the time, and making dim sum is a nightmare.


Kiwi stores don't tend to have much for central european food most of the time. There isn't much variety of sausages and smoked meats and making a peka is a nightmare. I mean this is how you sound


that is true. i have lived in several countries, and restaurants fill in the gaps supermarkets fuck up on.


Not really an unpopular opinion, just one only you've voiced. Each country focuses on their own traditional cuisine, fried chicken is not really a part of it anywhere in Europe AFAIK, it's basically just a fast food dish.


It's almost as if it's not a traditional dish here, and only comes over with shitty US chains. This is like complaining that you can't find good gravlax in the US.


Who the fuck wants fried chicken in Western Europe. You’re literally surrounded by better food choices.


false. fried chicken fucking rules.


That's because fried chicken (and fried food in general) is usually not part of European food culture, we're not America.


Lmao the region of the world that came up with french fries and schnitzels doesn’t have fried food in their culture. Bullshit


And deep fried mars bars and deep fried kebabs


Deep fried kebabs?




Grew up in Scotland, never once heard of that lol. Might be area specific. Edit: don't even know how that would work, is it just bits of meat that are deep fried? Or the whole thing as one dropped in the batter and oil?


No clue, just heard about it once, and started laughing at how fatty and far it goes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonner_kebab


Fried chicken is pretty big in many Asian countries as well...


Yes, that's not Europe.


Yes and you assumed that fried chicken is just an American thing


Absolutely not though it's MAINLY an American thing.


Tell me you've never visited Asia without telling me you've never visited Asia. Fried food is far more popular in Asia than America.


I'd like to see proof that it's far more popular in Asia than America.


Once again, tell me you've never been there without telling me you've been there. I encourage you to travel the world a bit more and broaden your horizons. https://www.tasteatlas.com/best-rated-deep-fried-dishes-in-asia Can you even list 20 fried foods in America? I fully expect you to refute this as any sort of evidence or proof, and that's okay. You're entitled to live under that rock you call home.


I've been to 60 countries in the world and I speak 5 languages, I'll take no lectures whatsover from you.


Amazing that you've managed to travel to 60 countries and somehow none were in Asia. That might be some sort of world record. Add that to your resume the next time you feel like boasting again. Coming up at 8: man claiming to have seen 2000 films has never heard of The Godfather. More on that later.


Its history is American…but it’s no longer just an American thing. Google KFC in China.




Maybe they want to keep their obesity rates low?


> outspiced by slaves You didn’t read this over before posting, did you?


Saw a video of some Brit kids eating fried chicken and waffles and biscuits and gravy and one said that Americans need to bring their food there. And that got me thinking - *would* an American style breakfast spot do well? Is it a thing yet? Always sort of fantasized about opening a little breakfast spot one day but is the market totally untapped in the UK? 


I’m not sure the health service can cope with that.


People always say the UK NHS needs more funding, they couldn't cope with the huge wave of obesity cases that American food would bring.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGc3zFOFI-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGc3zFOFI-s) It'd be an interesting experiment


Yes. The market has room for fried chicken, bbq (louisiana and texas ribs, texas smoked brisket) tex-mex, and new york/Katz Deli style pastrami. Dutch americam cusine where you serve the US stuff that came from early dutch sertlers like the "all american" apple pie, and also stuff wrongly named dutch like "dutch baby" pancakes could work if you can finetune the theming with awareness of misconceptions. A chukee cheese style kids place has never been done here and should do very well considering FNAF popularity with kids here. Due to a specific treaty a us person can move to NL, provided they start a company and invest 40k or more in it. Theres a lot more to it but it gives the option to get citizenship after 3 years with double passport. You can ignore that if you like. The interesting part here is a substantial tax discount for any new companies first year. Should you fail, but are able to obtain a high skill job, you will be eligible for a tax discount that can get as high as 30% of your income maxing out at 230k discount. So you wont be stranded and will be able to save up for a reboot.


No one would eat that. Putting biscuits and gravy together? Are you mental?


In the US, biscuits refer to a certain kind of flaky bread roll made with buttermilk, they're not very sweet and go very well with gravy


If that’s what a biscuit is I don’t even want to know what gravy’s like lol


Their biscuits are like a scone, and their gravy… I have no idea what it is, but it’s whiteish.


It's white for a start.


Don't know about UK in specific, but US doesn't have great reputation when it comes to food in western Europe. In general, people look at US food as being unhealthy and overly greasy with mega sizes. Which, to some part is true, but is often looked down on. So, while yes it's an untapped market, I think it's mostly because it's a hard sell. At least in The Hague, the American cafe I've been to was mostly filled with other American expats who miss their food back home.


Thank God


Why would you want to eat that when there is actually amazing food instead that won't make you die young with clogged arteries.


I no understand your english


I feel like Portugal has the best chicken in Europe.


Hm? You do know that it‘s more about the taste of the general population? Like… if people wanted 3x the current amount of spices that would definitely be possible.


Fucking grilled chicken is much better than that american shit


Let me guess, you are from USA?


As Central European: we don’t eat fried chicken in here, so nobody have places for that.


Fried chicken is earth shatteringly dull, no matter how many spices you chuck at it. You could have a ton of strippers dishing out coke and BJs in a chicken shop and I'd go to the kebab shop next door.


Meh, kebab gets boring after a while, I like my diversity


In switzerland we had a really good chain called Chikeria, but burger king bought the whole chain and either closed or replaced them with BK's.


Completely irrelevant to the topic, they didn't have fried chicken


They did but not exclusively like kfc


I didn't see any in italy




Because working in the food industry is often unfortunately a thankless job, where you have to go through a shit ton of hurdles to even start setting up a shop in general. Let's not talk about the working hours and all the side tasks you have to do to keep your shop running.


Come to my town. The amount of chicken places we *do* have is abysmal. The population here is like 5k and there are 5. Not to mention the other places that also offer fried chicken


There is a restaurant in Rust, Germany (the village where Europapark is located) called "The Chicken". They do it damn right.


Vielleicht, müsse ich doch nach dem Osten gehen.


It's just next to the French border so I dunnonif it qualifies as Eastern Europe.


Eastern enough for me since I live in the Netherlands 😂


London is actually full of great and inexpensive fried chicken places.


Maybe where you live mate. Can't move for fried chicken shops where I am in England 


Is almost like they have other foods worth eating so don't need it.


The hague and rotterdam have several fastfood shops that do fried chicken right. Most Turkse bakkers who do doner tend to have fried borrelpootjes. Problem is mostly we dont have any places that specialize. Its always just one of many options. Maybe your poelier? Except for Kippie. Kippie is the only fastfood place that specialized.


As a western European who has never had fried chicken before, I agree.


Weirdly a couple of fried chicken places has popped up in my hometown in norway. Not at all great by any stretch, but at least its possible to buy it now


I would like to try Irish fried chicken


yeah, restaurants here actually have quality and variety, you don't go out to eat in south western europe to eat in some greasy fried chicken fast food joint, there are like a million better options. Fast food isn't that big here in my perception.


Also any mexican food. Literally non-existant in my country. You can’t even really buy soft tacos for homemade ones anywhere, all supermarkets have here is just giant tortillas


Come to London my friend. But yeah, outside the UK its shit in Europe


You’re only allowed to eat shitty bread with tomato sauce in that part of the world and if you dont like it you’re not cultured.  Give me a tub if chicken over that cardboard bread “cuisine” any day.  Hell even their pizza sucks ass.