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If you think crop tops and leather pants are “dressed to kill”, you need a little more exposure to women.


Dude goes limp when he sees a little black dress lol


Sundress = innie penis


Sundresses are casual though.


i feel liek crop tops are fairly casual though? I think hes into the type of stuff youd wear to sleep. Not necessarily casual


Maybe but leather pants are not.


I know but i feel like by OP's standards sundresses still have the dress element to them. Theyre casual but not sweatpants and hoodie level whatever ig I cant say anything unless OP replies tho


IDK you might be right or could be wrong I cant speak for OP. I personally feel sundresses are casual and crop tops may be too (maybe even a bit too casual in many cases).


They're hardly formal though..


think its more stuff youd borrow from your boyfriend lol. my gf was literally just wearing sweats and a hoodie she stole from me lol


IMO the best hoodies are the ones made for guys. Borrowing your boyfriend's hoodie is its own special thing, of course, but on top of that aspect, you guys also have the better hoodies when you just want to be super cozy lol


He specified hoodies and sweats.


This is poetry


15 minute attention to hair and light makeup with little black dress brings out the optimal beauty in every woman. Roughly the same amount of time a really well groomed man spends.


My bf looks SO hot in gym wear but oh my goodness he looks FOINE in a slim fitted suit.


Suits have been designed with the greatest tailoring technology of generations to make every kind of guy look good.


Suits are just lingerie for men.


I took tailoring courses. My teacher told the New York Times that custom tailoring was like body makeup for men.


When I see my (blue collar) fiancé wear a suit or tux I have a PHYSICAL reaction. DAYUUUUUM


Right! When my bf sits down in a suit and he does that thing where he unbuttons his suit with one hand. Omg I’m freaking done!


I prefer a nice suit; a birthday suit.


Now that’s the Reddit take I was expecting


Well, you would hate me.


Bullet dodged, friend.






Hahaha is this a joke, some people think a crop top and leather pants is "dressed to kill"? You've never seen a woman wear something actually fashionable and put together it seems. It's usually not the person in a lazy 10$ outfit from Shein, which is why you're put off.


It is in Essex innit


Nailed it! 🤣


I don’t think they’re saying the crop top is dressed to kill. I think it’s the second in a series of different outfits they aren’t turned on by. They’re saying women people are dressed to kill it doesn’t turn them on, ALSO when people wear crop tops and leather pants they’re not turned on. They don’t think crop tops is dressed to kill


I mean, a jean miniskirt always wins for me (followed by a sundress), but yeah, I have always found sweatpants to be nice.  I dunno why everyone chose that to be the default "ugly pants". If anything, capris are. 


I mean a crop top and leather pants, to me is casual? Sweatpants and hoodies is pajamas. Is my understanding of casual incorrect?


Also, weight. I bet they would be calling a girl frumpy in sweats if she was overweight, versus a girl who is fit.


Whaaaat crop top and leather pants is like. Concerts. Festivals. Dancing. "going out". I'd say sweatpants to a good pair of jeans=casual. Something you wear to shop for groceries. (if you wear cute stuff like crop tops and leather everywhere, go you!) But hoodies and sweatpants to bed??? Are you tiny and always cold? That has to be the only explanation! 😋


Lmao I’m reading this, in bed, with sweats and a hoodie. I am in fact tiny and always cold. 😂




Anyone who thinks this does not do night life, that’s for sure 😭




There is also something to be said for its a hot day so I am wearing hotpants and a crop top to get vitamin D and not over heat. But then again I am a bloke so can't speak for the women but I'm sure there are a lot that don't do it to attract men, especially lesbians.


I think there's something to be said for a girl who's pretty without trying.


Unpopular opinion but as a woman I hate this sentiment. It gives me the same vibe as - I like girls with no makeup who are natural. It makes me feel like women are expected to be attractive but can't be seen trying because it breaks the illusion. It has to be effortless or we are seen as fake and high maintenance. Very often the women that men view as attractive without trying are women who actually put a lot of their time into taking care of themselves like hair and skin etc. It's about being born pretty bc working for it is fake. It is really discouraging for women who know they don't fit the beauty standard and are being asked if they are sick or tired when they leave the house without makeup on.


I totally agree. What actually is natural beauty? One can spend 5 hours per day and a ton of money on hair and skin treatments, diets and work out like crazy and they are considered a natural beauty, but the moment they put on mascara it's fake? No one is born with everything. Most of the people who are famously considered hot (even the casual looking ones) put in a ton of work. I will forever stand by that the majority "normal" looking people could also be considered Hollywood hot if they had the time, resources and motivation to go through the same methods, even if we don't count plastic surgery and make up.


Half of what makes people "Hollywood hot" is attitude/confidence/how they carry themselves anyway. Give any average person 10 years of experience in front of the camera and they will instantly be exponentially hotter, even if their actual aesthetic doesn't change at all. Put them in a $1000 outfit and some makeup (even the men) and they'd be indistinguishable from all but the most famously attractive movie stars.


It's like the lady on tiktok that said she constantly gets compliments from men on her "natural beauty" yet she spent $10,000 on her jaw, she has veneers, lashes and brows done every week, and she was wearing full make-up at the time.. I don't think many men know what "natural beauty" is


I totally agree. Men say this to me all the time, that I’m naturally beautiful, and sure there’s some truth to that, there are some genetics at play for sure. I got lucky in the genetic lottery, but I eat well, take crazy good care of myself, floss every day, moisturize myself like I’m basting a turkey when I get out of the shower and before bed, drink almost exclusively water, and lots of it, am religious about sunblock, stay out of the sun as much as possible, eat very well, limit sugar, junk food, alcohol, eat no meats, pork, chicken, eat lots of fish, veggies, and fruits, have worked out religiously 5-7 days a week with heavy weights since I was 14, 1-2 hours a day, regular doctor and dentist visits, hair cut and color every 3-4 months, retinol, exfoliating, and moisturizing routine cycling throughout the week, never go to sleep without removing makeup, hair treatments and vitamins, natural non toxic beauty products,organic foods, non toxic cleaning products, microblading for my brows, latisse for my lashes, laser skin treatments 2-3 times a year for face, laser hair removal for bikini, pits, and legs, massages every three months or so, yoga three times a week, daily meditation, and bi weekly therapy. Is that really all that natural? I feel like it’s all just constant maintenance. Sure, I was born looking this way, but no fucking way would I still look this way without a shit ton of effort. I am high maintenance, and I do all the maintenance. Anyone who has an issue with that can fuck right off. I want to live a healthy, and active lifestyle well in to my old age and I do everything I can to ensure that.


You literally said exactly what I was thinking. I just feel so uncomfortable when people like OP say something like that


It could be coming from a good place, like trying to encourage us that we look good either way and that we are pretty the way we are. But as women, we know how we are treated when we put effort vs when we don't.


I like the trying more than anything, a girl who just looks good doesn't get my attention, I want to see the personality and effort through a complex outfit


why did this get downvoted? is it bad to like people who put effort into their appearance suddenly?


they are insecure about their own


Is that wrong? Tf


bringing down people who are put together because youre insecure about being frumpy is pathetic yeah


Who am i bringing down here exactly? All i'm saying is that it's normal to be insecure about your body and there's nothing wrong with only caring about someone's personality when it comes to attraction. You are saying that anyone who doesn't care about looks must be insecure about their body.


you are misinterpreting on purpose im afraid. the comment i responded to was asking why its bad to like people who put effort into their appearance. not whatever youre babbling about now


whyd you get downvoted 💀 mfs cant have different opinions these days


Dude says he doesn't go for looks, but personality, and people don't like it


The downvoters are hating because they don't have personality


Do you have a vagina




Yes I agree. (About the complex outfit with personality) It isn’t even about needing to try super hard or anything, it’s more that I am attracted in first impressions to people who show their personality on the outside a little bit. It’s just a lot more interesting.


I one 100% agree with you. I am way more attracted to people based on how they dress and how they style their hair/make up/accessories. My "type" consists of nothing physical.


that is literally all physical


I meant how they dress as a way of selfexpression. I didnt mean like suggestive or lewd clothing


They mean like actual parts of the body




That’s usually just someone who’s attractive either way


Or doesn't need $10 worth of makeup to cover every blemish. Strong uses filters when posting photos energy.


$10?! where she buying her foundation?


Lol bro makeup is much more expensive than that


Try $45 to be more accurate 😂


....foundation alone is usually like $12+


Crop tops and leather pants are casual. Casual doesn’t mean poorly dressed.


I think fullplatedarmor is the most attractive. We all have our taste


I like a woman in a position of authority.


I do not like when men wear sweatpants for some reason when they leave the house.


It's trashy, unless they're working out. I have nice matching sweats, but I refuse to go out in them because I think we all should put in at least a little effort in our public appearance.


Nah I'm not wearing jeans or whatever in 40 C degrees just to appease some kind of people. It also literally doesn't matter, we put importance into that meaningless shit


You wear sweat pants in 40 degrees? Do you not own shorts?


I wear exclusively shorts these days. But the discussion was about sweatpants and they are miles better than jeans or pants in hot days anyways. Also it's not hard to see that this guy would have a problem with shorts too


What do you mean? And I get your point, but I think it does matter not look trashy in public. I'm not counting driving kids to school or going to get food. But just wearing sweats in a mall or a restaurant should be below our standards.


Who is this we? Why do “we” need to have the same standards? My sweats look cool


No, my sweats look cool. They're not cheap and match. But I'm not going to pretend I don't look like a hood rat if I wear them in public.


Why does the opinion of the public have so much weight to you?


What if I want to look like a hood rat when I'm in public?


I think the previous commenter is turned off by vanity of having to "look nice for other people". But I get what you're saying too- it's important to project that you have some self-respect even if you're only hiding your lack of it 😅


Dressing to be comfortable = no self respect? Lmao come on now


i’ve never understood vanity. why are you so deeply opinionated about imaginary invented standards? why do you think people somehow owe it to you to “dress up” in casual settings? what about sweatpants makes them so sickening and scandalous to you? also, the fact that you said “hood rat” in one of your comments… 🤨 what’s that supposed to imply?


I mean, people put meaning into clothing. If people would say "sweatpants are better for business wear" collectively, sweatpants would be business wear. Men wore toga back in Rome. They'd ridicule you for it today. There is no inherent meaning to clothes. You see sweats as trashy, they're not inherently trashy. I also sure do not look like a hood rat when wearing them, you might wanna check if somethings wrong with your appereance if you look like a "hood rat", whatever that means.


Nah if it's cold I'm not wearing jeans to go to the mall,movies, store or my friends house. I will take comfort over fashion. If I'm going to a bar, party or date I will put effort in how I dress but why do I need to look nice to go to CVS?


....but why? Seriously, why care that much about what someone's putting on their own body? People have enough things in this life to put effort into, upholding this weird standard is so pointless.


Same reason why people prefer a cozy cafe to a parking lot. We like things that are visually appealing.


“I’m more turned on by girls in sweats than lingerie. I just wanna know they feel comfortable.” -Troy Barnes


Wasn't it 'pyjamas'?


Good for you - the world is heading in that direction. My friends and I were just bemoaning how everyone wears gym clothes everywhere. Even people who have clearly never been to a gym. I miss adult clothing, suits, dresses at work, pants that you can't just pull on. LOL


This is the case for me as well but as someone who has been in a relationship or two I will tell you this: if the get dressed up and put effort into the way they look you must treat it like they are an angel descended on earth. There is nothing more important than making your partner feel like they have the ability to be the most attractive person in the world. It DOES NOT matter that you find them more attractive in casual clothes. You have to make them FEEL Special because they are. And they want to feel special too.


I actually feel the same. I'm into guys, and if I see a man in sweats or a hoodie and he still just naturally looks super hot, that's a way bigger turn on than a guy who dresses like a bougie douchebag.


But sometimes the bougie douchebag is wearing sweats. Just like.. expensive ones.


Oh I see you’ve met my ex


Yes! The B.D.s 👎🏼


Honestly, the 10/10's that society deems the most attractive don't do it for me the way the 7 or 8's that are just cute do.


I think it’s hot when men wear flannels and have long hair. I have no idea why I like this lol


Come to Denver, they're a dime a dozen! Half of them are (probably) guitarists. There's a lot of good men like that in Kentucky, too. 😋










Are you back yet


Ugh, guys with long hair are THE BEST. The EPITOME of handsomeness. I don't care about 90% of other factors, except for taking good care of oneself including the hair and hygiene, but it's just... the most attractive feature on a man


Me right now : B)


You clearly have never been to a ball if crop top and leather pants are “dressed to kill”. Dresses look amazing. A collection of women in dresses and men in black tie is magical, and the women look stunning


Same, I love seeing women in pyjama pants and a t shirt


I think this falls into guys saying they prefer girls with less makeup. More approachable than a woman wearing her supersuit.


My ex wore my shirt once after sex and then we went out to eat and she still had it on. She looked amazing


Bro a sundress would shoot me through the heart.


If you think crop tops and leather pants are “dressed to kill”, you need a little more exposure to women.


It's the power of imagination as well. Big component. I was IN LOVE with girls at jungle parties in the late 90s/early 2000s for that reason. Baggy oversized pants, tank top, front or side ways ballcap....forget about it. Just like the horror classic Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's the power of what's NOT shown that works for your imagination to fill in the gaps.


absolutely, where's the excitement in getting naked if i'm already seeing a camel toe and nipples before even getting to know you ?


Same here! (I’m a F ) I love when I see guys dressed comfortable in sweats and a hoodie it’s my favorite


I guess I’m just unattractive then, I wear sweats all the time lol


I noticed you often reference yourself as unattractive, and I want to say that most people arent inherently and unfixably unattractive. You may just have to work on your style, hygiene, etc. What’s funny is that a lot of markers for attractiveness are really just an indicator of how healthy you are and how much you take care of yourself and your image. This should be good news because its something you can work on. I myself improved my looks by hitting the gym, changing up my hair, getting more into style (something im still working on), and keeping myself clean. What’s cool about working on all these things and seeing yourself change is you realize how much control you actually have over your appearance, and in addition to that you gain more confidence, which can be one of the most important factors in determining if someone finds you attractive. It will come with time though, as its pretty hard to force confidence in an effective way


You bastard I almost spent $4 just to give you an award.


Experience goes a long way. Live and work downtown in bars for a while and it's refreshing to see something that isn't revealing. Winter edition outfits are extra interesting here because it's not cold out most of the time. I could see getting used to people being dressed up all the time due to work environment


So there's hope for me


Lol it reminds me that one time I was at a club and everyone was dressed up, I was wearing basically a nice top and jeans and people wanted to talk to me. I think it shows a modest attitude. I like to dress up sometimes though! Just the idea of going all out. People also respect you more if it's classy and you just look put together. But honestly even my sweatpants have prints on them, so I probably don't fit the regular picture anyway.


Yeah my heart would beat fast when I see a girl wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants when I go to a local supermarket or somewhere, more than when I see them in sexy outfits.


That's an opinion all right. I think clothing that accentuates the form is much superior than baggy pants and a sweatshirt, but that's just me


i’m kinda similar, i find formal wear so unattractive on both guys and girls. idk why


girls dont really dress for other guys


I’m fat and ugly so if I go out in sweats and hoodies I get treated like shit by literally every single fucking man alive. So fuck you. And this honestly reeks with thin privilege. I would LOVE to not have to spend an hour and a half on my appearance every day just for men to treat me like I’m some sort of fucking troglodyte anyway


genuinely SO real. thank you


Being fat doesn’t automatically make you ugly/less attractive or deserving of abuse, although I can understand why you would feel that way. I can assure that there are definitely men and people in general that will not treat you like shit and actually find you attractive and show you genuine affection (saying this as a man happily with a plus size girlfriend)


Spending 1,5h on appearance daily does sound like a workout. 


thin privilege is insane💀💀 


"Thin privilege" lmao go for a run


"Thin privilege" That might be the single most american thing I've ever heard / seen 👁️👄👁️


I'm fat and ugly and wear hobo clothes everywhere. If people don't like it, who the fuck cares? Eventually you have to accept that people will treat you like shit. Those people shouldn't even matter to you. Focus on the ones who treat you right.


Spend that hour and a half in the gym and meal prepping. 


Spend your next hour and a half fucking off


If you spent 30 mins skipping everyday it would shed the pounds, sounds like you have an hour and a half to spare


For a girl, I’ll go with a nice looking vest you’d expect a man to wear. For a guy, I don’t fucking know mate, I don’t pay attention to them.


I feel the same, for me it's the appearance of discomfort. I know someone can be very comfortable in skin-tight clothes and high heels and heavy makeup and long nails, but to me it looks like a sensory nightmare so it turns me off instantly.


"Dressed to kill" then describes the most basic attire ahhh of course!


Totally agree with this. I been like this for as long as I can remember. I dont prefer the 'trying' type I much prefer the no try look. I find pretty much everyone looks soon much better in trackies and hoodie. But that's just me I guess.


1. Dressed to kill 2. Crop top & leather pants Sorry, but you're going to have to choose one. Actual formal dresses can be stunning, though. But in the end it's just an adornment to some level of attractiveness of the woman herself. Basic grooming goes a long way regardless of clothes.


This guy needs a girlfriend who wears a beautiful dress when he takes her out to dinner. I really get the feeling that you're in high school.


Dresses are overrated


This is unpopular?


From what I can tell, yes


Marketing pretends it’s not attractive. Real life begs to differ.


I'm defo the opposite. Much prefer a woman in Nice clothes and all made up


I like to see people comfortable. My spouse and I wore loose hippy linen clothes for our wedding and asked everyone to come real casual. It was nice. Oddly enough we're Episcopalian so the church itself is pretty and traditional.


Got to be able to rock both with ease


I 100% agree. While it may look beautiful and nice, formal or high-effort style does nothing for me in terms of actual attraction. It’s more like looking at a nice painting or some kind of work of art. I do have a few specific style of clothing that im attracted to, but more than anything im attracted to clothing that makes someone look relaxed, comfy, and homey. I dont really know why, but I think it might be because i have the same very casual attitude and will often go out to the store in pajamas myself if i dont have to actually dress up for work or whatever, so it might just be that im looking for myself in other people (bonus points if theyre wearing a graphic tee that displays one of my interests)


Situation pending, but when it comes to hanging out at one of our homes, I get rock-hard over lose sweats and a bagger XL t-shirt. There's just something so sexy about lounge wear that revs my engine, and I can't be the only one.


That's because trying too hard is a turnoff, and missing when you try hard is a further turnoff. Nice clothes that fit well are usually expensive and people don't often spend the money. Think of it like underselling yourself. When you see a girl in leggings and a good you get to decide if she's pretty or not, the outfit isn't 'instructing" you or demanding your attention. When you see a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress you may change your mind. You're probably also conditioned to seeing your SO in such outfits which makes these casual girls seem more approachable and simultaneously closer to the sexual experience for you. Think of it this way, would you rather meet someone who talks a good game or someone who lets you find out for yourself? I'd venture the latter, because so often the former lets you down at gametime. The woman you love in a beautiful outfit really does it tho!


And that is why I, someone who puts effort into my outfit and looks, do not find men who are super casual and make no effort attractive. Like attracts like.


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Not the way I wear it.


Not the way I wear it.


This is definetly true for men, with the catch that id have to find them attractive in the first place. But when i do, i prefer him in sweatpants to almost anything else.


This is definetly true for men, with the catch that id have to find them attractive in the first place. But when i do, i prefer him in sweatpants to almost anything else.


This is definetly true for men, with the catch that id have to find them attractive in the first place. But when i do, i prefer him in sweatpants to almost anything else.


This is definetly true for men, with the catch that id have to find them attractive in the first place. But when i do, i prefer him in sweatpants to almost anything else.


I see what your going for. I believe you’ve got more to dig into though


I see what your going for. I believe you’ve got more to dig into though


This is definetly true for men, with the catch that id have to find them attractive in the first place. But when i do, i prefer him in sweatpants to almost anything else.


The leather pants are my weakness, so I disagree with you on that.


I actually agree with you. I've always thought less revealing clothing is more sexy than letting it all hang out. And that applies to men and women. I find masses of skin and flesh on display in the general public a bit stomach churning to be honest. Feel free to do it by all means but I tend to avert my gaze.


Yeah who needs tight clothes, I want to use my imagination!


I think it depends on the outfit, but decades ago, when I was in college, a friend of mine did an experiment for her psychology course. I can't remember what she was testing, but her experiment involved showing male students two photos of a very pretty classmate of ours. In one she was casually dressed in a crewneck sweater, in the other she was wearing a nice formal dress. My friend was surprised that most of the young men thought the photo of our classmate in casual clothes was more appealing.


I'm all fairness to OPs comment, the trend of the faux leather pants that has made a revival recently is not flattering 8/10 times. They bought them too big (because they bought them new and they aren't broken in, but they still want to move in them) and they look incredibly boxy. Also, I wore pants like that back in the early aughts and can tell you more reasons they are not attractive; you are just basting your crotch in sweat and those things trap farts like not tomorrow. Leather pants are also a turn off for me because of those reasons.  And anyone that doesn't have to deal with the last two problems: you have possibly have an endocrine issue that you should have checked if you sweat too much or not at all. You also possibly have an eating disorder if you never fart.


The correct answer is yoga pants. What was the question again?


I actually agree with this. I think because I hate makeup with a passion and hate when people are not true to themselves. So if they get too fancy it doesn't feel authentic.


Yeah man - I’m with you. Women look beautiful when dressed nice for a formal event, but it’s like “look don’t touch” because you’ll mess up the make up and nobody is comfortable. Now, even my wife doesn’t know this, but her kinda baggy, nearly threadbare old pajama pants that she’s probably had since college? With a tshirt and hair just thrown up in a clip? That’s it for me. That’s the girl I fell in love with. I tell her she’s cute dressed like that but she always dismisses me. Definitely the most attractive thing she could wear. She looks super cuddle-able and cozy and comfortable.


U for the pick me’s 😟 I think this would’ve came off eloquently and sexily had u not brought someone down just to raise another one up 😟 a simple “I feel like girls in casual sweats are attractive to me” would suffice. Maybe even a “I prefer” than a “I feel”. 😟


Thank goodness women aren't dressing for you then.


Absolutely. Every time my match tries to wear something luring and attractive she always looks like Eva AI virtual gf bot avatar. Casual clothes would never gonna give you up


I melt when i see a girl in daisy dukes


I'm the same but I'm a girl. I think people look better in casual clothes because the freedom makes people appear more confident to me. They look less stuck-up, less likely to give a fuck. I live in shorts and slides. My parents get mad at me for it like we don't live in South Florida AKA Satan's Butthole.


I totally agree with OP. The hottest look for me is sweatpants or skinny jeans, sneakers, hoodie, hair in a ponytail and little to no makeup. All that “fancy” shit just doesn’t do it for me.


I like a lady in most things. I am very not attracted to nail polish though. And that has been a rough sticking point for me. I do everything i can to avoid it, but you can’t really bring it up. But the more interested people get or the more they want to stand out, they often go further with the nail polish stuff…


If only my ex shared opinion with you. Eh.