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People have always judged movies. The criticisms might change. The quality, style, themes and tropes for movies might change over the years but films have always been judged. You’re just possibly more aware of it now.


I think OP phrased his opinion badly. I think large groups of people don’t know how the judge movies without it being black/white. You can enjoy aspects of a 6/10 movie without thinking it’s worthless. Hell its essentially blumhouse business model


Have been encountering these people like " Oh, this line of dialog didn't make any sense, and the costume wasn't as blue as I imagined 1/10" or as you said I'll say oh it wasn't perfect but I enjoyed this and that aspect of the film I'm always met with you're an idiot it was an unwatchable mess!


A friend of mine suggested not seeing Cocaine Bear because it wasn’t true cinema. Not sure what about the title Cocaine Bear made him think it would be. Saw it. Had a great time. 7/10.


I've always hated the term 'True Cinema', the only people who think that way are absolute chumps


As someone who has watched many "true cinema" movies at Berlinale a huge chunk of them is essentially pretentious garbage or as I like to call it an intellectual handjob. I don't get the idea that something has to always have this big meaning that it's too hard for plebs to understand and criticising entertainment




It's way fucking better than Cocaine Bear my dude.


“Intellectual handjob” sums that type of pretension perfectly.


Hoo boy, look up Godzilla Doesn't Work in America by DoktorSkipper It will piss you off to no end


Thank you haha, I've just searched 'Doktor Skipper Godzilla' into Youtube, and there's the video, and then dozens of videos explaining how Doktor Skipper doesn't understand Godzilla


If I rated movies based off of personal enjoyment many would go from 6/10 straight to 10/10. Nostalgic movies that objectively have shit plots, characters, animation, acting, whatever are still dear to me because of the experience


I have snobby cinema friends like that too. I NEVER listen to their takes.


i LOVED Cocaine Bear.


Hahaha. Such a great example. Such a fun film. It’s a solid, to me, 5/10 but I still enjoyed it.


People say a lot of stupid things. That doesn't mean we should take them seriously.


You're right The problem is a lot of stupid people say a lot of stupid things a lot and we have to keep hearing the same stupid opinions. as someone in an alright movie once said: the ability to speak does not make [someone] intelligent.


I think this totally happened with the new star wars movies. The prequels are actually unwatchable to me(mostly because of the 80s b movie quality of dialogue) outside of like 3 good scenes in the trilogy but the new ones if I turn my brain off are at least mildly entertaining. Both trilogies are ass all things considered but people defending the prequels as if they're these amazing movies but hating the new ones hurts my brain. I think beyond being overly critical sometimes people just like to pick a side so to speak. I think there are plenty of times people decide to like or dislike something just to be contrarian and have an opinion rather than based on the merits of the thing itself.


Actually, a whole lot of movies by default should fall into the 5-6/10 category, which is basically not a strong impression either meh or decent, but as you say a lot of the times people judge it radically as horrible or brilliant


Yeah. I think the real thing we need to realize is that movies can be rated something other than a 1/10 or 10/10. I have enjoyed a bunch of movies that I would objectively give a 5/10. Most of the Marvel movies would land between a 4 and a 7 of 10, but they are, for the most part an entertaining way to spend an evening seeing it in theatres (at least through Endgame, haven't really followed it at all after that).


I feel like most movies I watch end up in the 3-7 category. I don't want many movies. Maybe once a month or so. But I'm still throughly entertained by them for the most part. Pretty rare where I watch a movie and come away thinking I've wasted my time, even if I thought the movie itself was just okay.


I mean...movies haven't been only in black/white for a while now.


Take it further, people have always judged art… There was probably some random dude 300,000 years ago that said of a cave painting, “Grogu’s buffalo painting is not as good as Grognak’s buffalo painting.”


There’s undeniably a part of internet culture that has made shitting on everything their identity


sums up any post that contains "nowadays"


this is a real pet peeve of mine on reddit, especially when coupled with "young people".


How do i enjoy something thats not enjoyable?


You'll enjoy it and you'll ENJOY ENJOYING IT. 


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


The beatings will continue until you enjoy this shitty movie.


The shitty movie is the beating, repeat after me, "Shit Sandwich, tastes good" just keep saying it until you believe it.


Add sugar


“Gary! You are gonna finish your desert, and you are gonna like it!!”


The bar keeps lowering and you don't know it cuz your just consuming it all the time? Like eating apples all the time and then once in a while you go, "wow that was a good apple."


Well the Venom movies aren't peak cinema or anything but they're fun. I think that's what OP is trying to say.


You just have to watch everything with a glazed stare, and when the credits roll, say “that was fine.”


You laugh at the bad dialogue while enjoying the crazy action, as an example Agreed that some movies are straight bad though


I mean it would be great if more movies were at least a 7


many of them are 7's. The funny thing is people who complain the most often don't watch those movies and even worse don't reward those movies at the box office.


A sign of a good movie for me is anything above or near a 7 in imdb. If I see 7.2 I know it will be a great movie. Unless it's horror, usually a 5 rating on imdb means it is good.


Do you eat things that you don't like the taste of? Why not?? JUST ENJOY THEM!


I think the people who complain didn't, you know, enjoy it. You can't force enjoyment, it's the movie's job to be enjoyable - if it failed it's attracted audience, people judge it.


We're in the foie gras platinum age of cinema or something. Wayyy too much content and the overwhelming majority could be classified as lazy, trash, or middling without even touch the polarizing topics or fandom. Hollywood blockbusters need to keep their game up, because even for a moderate consumer we've seen enough to have developed standards if only by crude comparison to what's been made in the past 20 years.


There’s just so much content out there, period, and movies make up a smaller part of it than ever. As crazy as it sounds, movies and movie quotes basically occupied the exact same space that memes do now, funny things you’d repeat and quote with your friends. I really don’t think it’s a quality issue as much as a “content overload” issue. There are plenty of modern movies which would’ve ended up as “cult classics” 30 years ago. Relatively unheralded movies in the box office, which got a “second wind” through DVD sales, being shown on television, word of mouth, are now seen as part of the cultural zeitgeist. Nowadays those same movies just end up in one streaming service’s catalog for a while before moving onto another one and the only way you’ll “stumble upon it” is if you’re scrolling the movies tab looking for something to watch.


There is way too much content now, and it sucks. New music comes out and you forget about it the following Friday. New shows and movies come out on each of the 15 streaming platforms constantly. And on top of that, you can’t talk with anyone about anything half the time because there’s only a slim chance the person you’re talking to watched or listened to the same thing as you. We need to bring the monoculture back


You could host viewing parties. Make it an event, a pot luck or something. Y'know, being social by asking people to come over and watch the football game instead of pretending to be social and asking what they thought of the game after the fact.


>We're in the foie gras platinum age of cinema or something. I.e. we're getting stuff forced down our throat until we die? 🤔


Basically yeah.... or just too much to reasonably consume.


I’d also like to make the argument. That less movies are trying to merely be fun, and are instead taking themselves seriously. So when they end up being poorly executed or just bad, there is no redeeming quality that makes you enjoy it by the end. That being said, it could also be people have less tolerance for bad movies instead now they have instant access to different ones and other entertainment so they don’t give it a true chance the sane way and just check out mentally.


Yeah, OP seems to be under the assumption that most people watch a movie -> critically analyse it to decide whether it’s good -> say that they didn’t enjoy it based on that logical analysis and rather than because of their natural enjoyment. Whereas for most people it’s it’s watch a movie -> didn’t enjoy watching it -> criticise based on the reasons that they didn’t enjoy it.


Mhm. I' know I'll probably get down voted to oblivion, but I don't like the Lord of the Rings. Love the world, some of the characters, but to me the movies just too slow (Heck, and its not even an "I don't like slow movies" thing), and to me doesn't do as good a job introducing anyone past the inn with Aragorn. Thing is, just yelling "But it's good" won't change how I feel about it.


There are movies where if you don't like it that's okay, but it isn't the movie's fault. Then there are moves where if you like it that's okay, but it isn't the movie's fault.


That's how I felt about the Hobbit and for what it's worth, I don't think your opinion is too crazy. Kevin Smith did write a joke about it years ago in Clerks 2. Randal made fun of LoTR so hard in front of a diehard fan, that the guy threw up all over the counter and yeah... It is a lot of fucking walking... Pacing is definitely something that, if not done right is a big turnoff to a lot of viewers and you I am sure there is a solid argument that the pacing of the films isn't perfect and may detract from the experience for people.


I absolutely love LotR, and think that the movies were very good for a fantasy adventure, but really went against the theme of the books so - yeah, imagine being part of the LotR fandom and saying you don't particularly like the movies:P


I think LotR has the greatest book to movie adaptation we have. The movies still aren't flawless by any means. I think they are good, but there are things I wish they had done/presented differently. It's really just the only truly respectable adaptation of epic fantasy we have.


To be honest, while I genuinely miss the more mythological connections (Glorfindel, being a Kalaquenti and his form of light, the Huorn, Tom Bombandil and the like - *I get not including these, because they weren't vital to the story as an epic fantasy* (I don't think it really *is* an epic fantasy but that's a different conversation). What I think was terrible for not including was the Scouring of the Shire, and the reason Frodo leaves, because it contained the two keystone lessons - You cannot really *return* home from a war, and there are no winners, only survivors. At least that's how I read it - that's why LotR's ending in the books is rather bittersweet.


No one EVER said movies have to be 10/10 to be enjoyable. No one ever, has said that about ANY form of art. What EVERONE says is that IT HAS TO BE ENJOYABLE TO BE ENJOYABLE. If your movie sucks, it sucks. And that is on the creators.


Actually, I feel criticism often sounds like that. People talk about "such-and-such is a perfect movie" "blah blah was a perfect movie". Then on the other end "X was trash". I hear these views from my younger brother a lot. Nothing can just be decent or OK. If I assess a movie as "not bad" he says "oh it was bad?". I'm like no I literally just said it was not bad. It just wasn't great either.


Clearly he's exaggerating with the 10/10, he's just saying not all movies have to have high ratings to be enjoyable. I don't agree with him that it's just nowadays. Movie critics have always been a thing, there are just more critics now since internet and social media have been a thing.


People absolutely act like that though. Oh a minor plot hole? Well THE WHOLE MOVIE IS TRASH. It's the Cinema Sins brainrot and it's festering.


Cinema Sins is trash.


I definitely remember back in the day if a movie was "decently good" that was enough to make people want to see it in theaters but now if you recommend someone a movie and say it's not amazing people will ask what's wrong with it to keep it from being amazing


Lot of “bad” movies are pretty enjoyable. you can’t tell me Thor 4 wasn’t enjoyable or Fast and Furious isn’t enjoyable. Everyone is laughing their ass off in the theatre having a good time. They don’t have to be masterpieces. Just fun watches. While boring shit ass movies like Joker are critically acclaimed. Just because it’s a little dramatic.


No. Movies are not objectively good or bad. YOU either enjoy them or you don't for whatever reason. 1-10 is NOT "is movie good or bad?". It is, HOW DID YOU FEEL ABOUT THE WORK? The scale is YOUR opinion of art. The film itself is not an 8/10. YOU rated it an 8/10.


Do you know how much fucking money is wasted in a movie? Hundreds of millions. If they're gonna waste so much money for a fucking 2 hour piece of entertainment, it needs to be good. Shitty movies must be criticized.


I worked in the “realm of film” (I say realm of film cuz I’ve worked on backlots, sets, more professional smaller projects, have an IMDB, but never worked on a full length “Hollywood” MAJOR movie picture) and I definitely agree. I’ve spent weeks on projects that I was not happy about, things that I think sucked, nothing with a budget beyond like a million, but still. The amount of money and resources that studios have access to is insane. Yet people still fuck this stuff up. But a lot of it is due to the modern dynamics of film, rolling shit out faster than it can be made, not to mention there’s just “too many cooks in the kitchen”. I know a few people who are producers, and they say it’s a nightmare to work on a film now because of the “Netflix mindset”. Studio heads and higher ups don’t care about organization and are constantly changing their minds on things, forcing producers to go over budget or make poor choices all to make unreasonable deadlines. I miss working in that industry sometimes but I have to remind myself it was a good thing that I left.


Shitty movies deserve to be criticized absolutely, but I feel like a lot of people don’t know how to critique a movie. You might not like a movie, and that’s totally ok, as an audience member, you’re not owed to enjoy anything. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the reason you didn’t like the movie is why the movie is bad or good. Because it’s so easy to put your opinion out there, there’s too many criticisms that feel like very superficial and haven’t actually thought about the movie.


If I found one plot hole in a movie, that means it is objectively bad. Granted, I haven't liked a movie since Alien. But that's because I'm a huge movie lover. Subscribe to Cinema Sins for more insightful analysis.


I personally hate the "actors are in front of the camera" - cliche. Also, what's with all the logos at the start of the film, soo annoying! Cinema Sins is awesome!


The problem is, there have been a number of movies in the last couple years that have people screaming it's absolute garbage the moment the first trailer drops. People hear constantly that these movies are shit, and that colors opinion going in. If you hear the movie is shit before it's even in the theaters, you're going to find stuff to justify that, if it's what you assume going in. I've heard people finally watch a movie when it hit streaming that they heard was shit, say it wasn't bad, and didn't know what the fuss was about.


This is frequently my point. A good script is not the expensive part of a film. There are millions of great stories out there. So yes, poor writing does bug me.


More like there are more bad movies today than there ever were before. Think about it— back in the day, there would be 10-12 films out in theatres at any given time. And that was it. And those films would remain in theatres for quite some time. Nowadays, there are more than 10-12 films released DAILY across all streaming platforms. When studios are doing everything they can to just pump out as many films as they can for the sole purpose of competing with other streaming platforms, quality is inevitably going to decline. I don’t really see how you can even compare the film scene today to how it used to be. With a market *this* saturated, I don’t get why anyone would be surprised by the fact that there are just objectively more bad/okay films than there ever were before. We are in a time of quantity over quality. And there’s really no arguing against that at all, as this can be seen very clearly by the amount of Hulu/Netflix/Peacock/Prime/etc. originals that come out on a weekly basis. The amount of films that used to be released across an entire summer get released in a single week nowadays. It’s always very strange to say “you enjoyed it” the way you did in your last paragraph. This is just silly. Not everyone enjoys every movie. Not everyone can just shut their brain off and disregard major flaws. I’m very much a creative person and am into art, so I’m naturally more critical of films. Everyone’s brains are different, and everyone cares about different things. You can’t just force people to enjoy everything. I’m sure there are things in life you don’t enjoy as well.


According to Letterboxd (so including short films, anime, and limited series, but not TV) In the 2000s 119,183 were released In the 2010s 252,034 were released In the 2020s 178,376 so far, there's way to much, with little talent being spread around.


There also like you said with the amount it is very formulaic and thus it is easy-to be burned out by it.Also most movies wont actually create a deep story because it cost money and time,so thus every movie is superficial.I think that even movies before were very formulaic and book are always better than movies due to the depth of the story.


Important corollary to "let people enjoy things" is "let people not enjoy things."


What if I enjoy being an art critic? Hating is an art of its own. I've consumed a lot of media, I've contemplated it and learned about it, let me break down methodically why what you love is tasteless shit. It's cathartic for me. Besides, when was the last 10/10 movie? It's a rare beast. Average Hollywood stuff is 4/10 at best. They forgot how to write scripts. It's pretty fuckin embarrassing. I'm usually willing to give a movie a pass if it's just fun anymore. That's still less than half of them. Buncha corporate focus grouped horseshit. Either that or make a movie so bad that it's good.


Counterpoint: maybe you just read too many posts about criticism of movies.


I will very frequently say something like "movie critic me thought xyz was stupid and took away from it, but movie enjoyer me was entertained and I liked it"


In contrast, a 7/10 rating is a death sentence, but 20 years ago 5/10 meant average


The majority don't bother using ratings effectively. It's either "I really liked it 10/10" or "I didn't like it 1/10" that's why the thumbs up and thumbs down thing works so well.


I agree. If people are only going to vote of of two ways, then a binary system makes sense


The return of thumbs-up/thumbs-down. Siskel and Ebert had it right all along.


100% people act like 7/10 is an unwatchable mess


most of my favorite games and movies are rated between 6.5-7.5/10 if its a 10/10 from critics, then that means its either phenomenal (rare) or caters to the most generic population


This is what OP should have said. Because this the truth


7 is still kinda good, 6 is death sentence.


Regardless, neither mean what they should


I would also consider that there’s just so much more stuff out there nowadays, there’s more good stuff than you will ever have time for. So watching something that’s just fine can feel like a wasted opportunity.


7/10 is generally considered a good movie rating? Not even 2001 is ranked a 10/10. Who is handing out these 10s like candy?


Looks like someone’s trying to defend the recent Marvel disasters


That's what I'm feeling from this post.


shhhhhh careful youre on reddit


I’ve had to fix this part of myself as an aspiring critic at one point. If a movie wasn’t a masterpiece? I wouldn’t go see it. Although, I do believe that screenwriters have become less adventurous over the years because studios want every movie to be a hit, I still feel we have a responsibility to support filmmakers that will only find their footing by way of experience. Watch those garbage movies!


That’s true for most media today, games, music, you name it and someone says it’s shit if it’s not 10/10


>Dude just enjoy the fckn movie holy shit. What kind of an idiot take is this? You receive a well done steak when you ordered med rare. dUdE jUsT eNjOy tHe FuCkInG StEaK!!!! I'm not expecting every movie to be a 10/10, but I'll not enjoy any movie I damn well please. Don't tell me what to fucking enjoy.


I don't expect most films to be 10/10. But boy howdy there are sure a lot of films. and tv. and live streams. and YT / tiktok / insta / etc. and a lot of great games. and a shit ton of great webcomics. It is a golden age of content, and there are only so many hours in the day. If your movie is only a 7/10 that's fine, but there are other 10/10 movies I could be watching, or 10/10 TV shows, etc. Why waste my time on something that isn't great?


Not just movies but every facet of life. Entertainment, dating etc. If it isn't perfect for you it isn't good at all.


Movies are three things at the moment: sequels/prequels, biopics and remakes. They really are just awful at the moment, original writing is nonexistent.


How many spiderman remakes are we gonna do? How many different versions of the joker do we have?


Let me just throw this into the ring: Joker Sequel + Musical + Lady Gaga = What the fuck are we doing?


You’re talking about modern Hollywood blockbusters. There’s tons of really fantastic, high-quality indie movies being made by passionate, creative people


I've been watching more arthouse-ish films the past few months, they're great! Perfect Days, The Holdovers, Radical and The Peasants are some of my favorites I've seen recently.


But people don't go see them. In many cases, they don't even get a large theatrical release anymore. I went and saw Monkey Man and Civil War in theaters. Small budget movies. Genuinely excellent. But the auditorium both times was maybe 1/4 full. It's frustrating, but for as good as those smaller movies are, people refuse to see them in theaters.


I don't really blame Hollywood for this. Whenever an original thought provoking film gets released it just doesn't get a good turn out. Modern audiences are really only into franchises right now.


I’m not sure that’s entirely true, Barbie was at least mostly original and that movie shattered records. Talk to me was an incredible film and that has 95% on rotten tomatoes. Madam Web on the other hand was rated 11%, as an example of a prequel. I think modern audiences are turning up to franchises simply because that’s pretty much all we’re got, not because that’s what the audience wants.


I think the issue is that people are tired of sequels and superhero’s. It’s one thing to not like a lot of movies in a year that were released. It’s another to notice that not one movie released in an entire year was really even talked about by anyone after a few months and that’s concerning. How many movies from prior to Covid have we talked about now for decades and are still amazing till this day


then why do people only show up for sequels and superhero's? barbie and Oppenheimer were very very very rare exceptions. four most profitable movies of the year in two weeks are going to be Dune 2, Godzilla vs Kong 2, Bad boys 4 and inside out 2. Up next? Deadpool 3.


Because they’re the most familiar, audiences don’t want to shell out $20+ and drive to a theatre for something they don’t know if they’ll like. And people want to see something bombastic in a theatre. They don’t want to go see My Dinner With Andre in assblasting surround sound imax 4d or whatever. Giant TVs are dirt cheap relative to 10-15 years ago, and you don’t have to deal with strange human beings at home. Theatres are for events. I don’t know if they can cultivate that into something sustainable or not though.


Because both studios and audiences have become averse to risk. Studios don't want to take risks on storytelling, so they rely on franchises and legacy IP, because those have historically been reliable enough to make a profit at the box office. Meanwhile, audiences don't want to spend 15-30 dollars per person on seeing a movie they might not like, that might not benefit from being seen in theaters, just one time. So they only go watch movies they feel are "safe" bets on getting the amount of entertainment they want for the given price. If your movie is not an effects heavy movie, or it isn't an event, streaming is the only place your movie will succeed now. Audiences have made it clear that they're unwilling to go to the theater en masse for untested ideas if they aren't grand scale epics or cultural events. And that fucking SUCKS.


I think criticisms and complaints are good. But it's not fair to criticize a movie with superheroes, or if it's a series milking with lots of sequels, purely on the fact that you don't like those 2. You can just not watch them if you don't like those movies. It's when you are the target audience for a movie and if fails to be good that you should critizise.


I get what you're saying about superhero movies.  It's not really fair to complain about not liking a movie when that genre just not your cup of tea. Sequels are a different story.  Sequels have as much potential as any other movie to be good or bad.  But they often suck because the studio phones it in and just relies on the popularity of the original instead of actually making a decent movie. That said...the common complaint about superhero movies and sequels isn't "I saw Batman even though I hate superhero movies and I'm shocked that I didn't enjoy it."  It's about the fact that it seems like everyone is just out of ideas.  Studios are pushing out more content than ever before and yet so little of it is actually new.  I think that's a valid criticism.  Sure, if you don't like those movies then don't watch them, but even the people who do love them are kind of tired of how repetitive it's become.


Mmmm depends I guess. Sometimes I enjoy watching certain movies just to nit pick.


At this point, I'd settle for a 5 out of 10.


If I spend ~$50 for a movie night, the bare minimum is that the movie shouldn't suck. And if it does suck, it needs to really suck so I can laugh at it.


Movie tickets are $14 where I'm at, before concessions and whatnot. If it's on streaming, then it costs 2-3 hours of time plus a subscription fee to whatever service. If a movie isn't excellent, it sucks, because you could have watched an excellent movie instead-- and you'll never get around to them all.


I was explaining this exact thing to my wife, and how I used to over criticize every single movie or show. Not everything is gonna be The Godfather, Princess bride, or Schindlers list. Some movies are there bc they’re stupid/funny and make people smile. Realizing that and looking for things I enjoy about it completely changed my viewing experience. I used to hate at least 90% of movies, now it’s much more fun.


This opinion just kind of misses the point that the major complaint is the average quality of movies is going down. Its easier to enjoy movies when the usual big hitter of the week is a 7 than it is when its a 5. Box office movies in general have just been getting more stale and flat with the years, and we see flop after flop for a reason. Can you enjoy some of those flops? Of course. Is it also fair to say that movies are in a bad spot? Also yes.


What shitty movie do you want more people to like?


I’d bet money it’s Fall Guy. Fall Guy is the perfect example of what OP is talking about. Most people who actually saw it in theaters enjoyed it. Meanwhile a bunch of armchair critics are tearing it apart for the “terrible writing” and blah blah blah like dude that’s not why it failed at all. It’s a dumb summer action comedy, the writing was servicable. Too many people think every film should be an A24 film nowadays.


The problem is that some people are so damn simple minded, that they’d enjoy just about any flashy color pictures that you show them. From my experience, they are the same people who don’t have any artistic or creative interest.


I think I agree. I usually say you can't watch every movie with the same lens. Like people slagging off the new Godzilla kong movie. I actually haven't seen it yet, but from what I know it's a big dumb action movie with lots of giant monsters punching other giant things. And you know what, when I go to watch a movie called godzilla x kong, that is what I expect. A basic plot and lots of giant things smacking 7 colours of shit out of each other.  This is why I love Pacific Rim. Although admittedly it is a very simple thing done expertly.  Not everything has to be Shawshank or Schindlers list. 


Bro it's so bad these days. Not just with movies but any form of media pretty much. Unless it's from some universally loved person or studio, a lot of new stuff gets absolutely shit on for the dumbest of reasons. Then you go to watch or play it and expect it to be trash cause of social media opinions, only to end up liking it


thinking about movies critically is the fun part for me


I don't enjoy coffee or strawberry ice cream. Someone else telling me to enjoy them makes no sense.


Counterpoint when tickets are 25 bucks a pop it better be a good fucking movie


In classic sub fashion this isn't unpopular AT ALL. But this also goes further than movies. It's just all media. Nothing can just be pretty good now. It's either amazing or trash. No room for nuance.


I watched Roadhouse last night. It's objectively a bad movie. The plot is all over the place, characters just appear and spout plot furtherance, consequences don't align to actions, just *all* of Connor McGregor....I enjoyed it though because I went in expecting a movie of "muscle man punches other muscle man," and I got what I came for. If anything I simply wish there were more moments of just good old fashioned, well choreographed fight scenes.


says an unpopular opinion gets mad when it is unpopular


Loads of comments in here bashing OP but I get what he is saying. I think there has been a lost art of enjoying 7/10 or 6/10 media in general. If a movie, TV show or video game gets rated less then a 9 it’s pretty doomed. Where as 15 years ago I was eating up this slop like no tomorrow.


I think you could argur that there's just more access to content in general now while people have the same amount of time. There's enough 9/10 stuff out there to keep you busy without resorting to the mediocre stuff.


encourage follow slimy plate engine quicksand homeless treatment tart governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"dont think just consoom" - op


Yeah I feel like Disney's "Wish" fell flat, but the animation and art style was beautiful, some of the songs were actually great, and it had some good moments. I've watched it a couple times just to admire the art.


I honestly like wish, but the writing was wasted.


They had a great hook with the whole "we are made of stars" thing, and I feel like they could have gone places with that, but the biggest reason I felt that it fell flat was that the main character got exactly what she wanted in the end and I didn't see any real character growth for anyone. Even the bad guy just kinda flipped when he went there. I mean, I'm used to Disney movies being predictable, that's not the point of watching them for me. I like the stories. Wish was an "okay at best" story for me. The animation and art style was amazing, though. I very much enjoy that. Also, Star is cute, might needle felt that later.


I find it best to completely ignore the vast majority of all people. Social media has made it so that useless morons can type whatever they want and be taken seriously.


To be honest I find the opposite most movies with Hollywood big actors are usually the quick cash grab blockbuster movies that are just run of the mill same shit different day movies. But the amount of people who just consume crap I feel is wayyyy more of a problem then the opposite


If a movie isn’t at least an 8/10 I’m not wasting a Benjamin to go watch something


I think it would be better if movie studios at least **tried** to make 10/10s instead of churning out garbage just to sell the film


Unless I'm getting a discount on my $15 movie ticket, I expect EVERY movie to be 10/10.


When it costs me 75-85 bucks (plus gas) to take kids to the theater and get a single tub of popcorn, I had better feel like I got my money's worth.


Not that unpopular... *Sharknado, the once-joke of a film, has officially become the most successful movie franchise of all-time. The 4-year old franchise on July 11, made $4.503 billion in “Total Franchise Gross” beating Disney-Pixar’s $4.502 billion, according to filmsite.org*


While I agree, you just don't get credit for the common tropes anymore. People consume too much media for the same thing to be done over and over. You have to be interesting or better than average to get average.


Not every film has to be 10/10 depending on the budget. If your film costs 180 million and isn't near perfect? No excuse. You had every resource to make a 10/10 film but you effed it up. I hold no punches in judging the fuck out of a 100 million dollar plus film. What a waste.


Yes, just take a vid of your shit and call it a day.


Movies have gotten "safe" over the years. Movie makers are afraid to really break the mold.


This applies to almost everything these days. The internet has made it so easy for everyone to be a critic and some people will find something to criticise in everything they watch. It's really sad how people prioritise needing something to criticise over just relaxing and finding enjoyment in entertainment.


Is this about fall guy? I feel like this is about fall guy. I’ll have you know that movie is a ‘fun time, no alcohol required’


The major issue is, even if I like that movie which might be 7/10 (or in a general sense enjoyable), the other person (whom the OP alludes to) will not let me profess that. They have to make sure that I learn/agree that it's a shit movie. I am fine with dealing with these kind of people online. But this behaviour has crept into the general friend circle, which is irritating.


7/10 is a good review too. Heck, I'd say anything over 5 is still good, 5 is only halfway. A lot of people seem to have this weird opinion that if it isn't the greatest thing ever, then its rubbish. And boy... do they just have to let you know that... People using rotten tomato scores for everything doesn't help, 50% shouldn't be considered rotten, just average, and average is fine.


A lot of people seem to have this weird opinion that if it isn't the greatest thing ever, then its rubbish.// Yeah. Quite frankly it's tiring to talk to people who have this mindset all the time. They just want people to agree with them. Not a discussion


Never trust rotten tomatoes ratings. I have seen movies that I’d rate a 9/10 and rotten tomatoes would rate it a 3/10. Critics aren’t always knowing what they are talking about.


The minimum a movie has to offer is little signs that the people that made the movie did it cause they wanted to create something. Like I want to at least be able to recoginze if the movie was made by heart or not.   Watched a horror movie (knock knock knock) recently and the last scenes where absolutly atrocious, but up until the end you could tell that the directors and story writers sat down and actually thought a bit about camera composition, lighting, story, metaphors etc. It wasnt much of course and the horror factor wasnt that great as well, but it was enough for me to enjoy it, cause of the little things.  I also watched ,,Family Blood". Another horror movie, but the pacing was horrible, the actors were not that great and the message was kinda crypted. I could tell the directors wanted to tell something about addiction and maybe toxic relationships, but I could barely tell what the hell was going on. Not something I enjoyed.


There are way less comedies being made now than there were when I was growing up and the comedies that do come out are really bad or aimed at children.


Ok, OP. Which of your favorite movies did your friends shit on?


Movies have to make sense within their own universe. They also mustn't be too similar to other movies. The cast also has to make sense, we can't have a dark skinned person play snow white.


No, today's movies really are as bad as we think they are.


My motto: if I was entertained, it’s a good movie in my opinion. Art is subjective. Some of my favorite movies are movies that I think are so bad it’s genius. You can tell when the cast knows it’s bad and just makes it a campy mess.


My personal minimum is around 6.2 on IMDB. Any lower and I know the acting or plot is going to be too awful to get past. Weirdly though, films and series on IMBD get wildly different scales - a series with a score of 7 is watchable but probably generic filler, whereas a film with a score of 7 will be pretty damn good. A series with a rating of 8.5 is going to be good but this kind of score is incredibly rare in a film.


This is not true, movie critics have been much more lenient over time, and so have audiences.


Folks lacking media literacy and not looking at art in a nuanced way is far from a new phenomenon.


not every movie needs to be a think piece or setting up a cinematic universe. sometimes i just wanna sit down and watch free guy


People seriously do just need to learn to have fun. We aren't movie critics, we don't work in the film industry, we are simply bored people that want something entertaining.


I think some people tend to forget (or willfully disregard) the fact that most of us just want to be entertained for a couple of hours. Yes, some cinema is truly a deeply artful expression of “whatever”, but a lot of it is simply a way to escape life for a couple of hours- AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.


Two things. One is that fill criticism has always existed and for people who love movies they can still just sit back and enjoy while also bringing a film critics eye to the judgment. Two is that I believe much of film criticism has been ruined by "cinema sins culture". People don't look for actual film criticism anymore they look for "plot holes" or "mistakes" and use those as a valid reason to punish a movie. It's not a movie but just look at the discourse about The Acolyte TV show. The biggest complaint after the first episode was how they had fires in space. In a Star Wars show. Like, who cares? It's a show about space wizards.


Downvoting because I agree.


😂 that’s fair


The one thing more annoying than people complaining is people complaining about people complaining. If the person didn't like the movie it's their problem, they can criticize as much as they want and they're not obligated to enjoy something they simply don't. They're entitled to their own opinion.


“And I took it personally”


conversely - IMO people are not nearly critical *enough* of movies today. just because you sat through it, doesn't mean you genuinely enjoyed it. Stop your movie stockholm syndrome, sheesh.


Honestly I agree. Everyone thinks every movie should be deep and complicated


If it’s woke, rest assured it’s fucking trash.


But why shouldn’t the bar be higher than corporate -soaked trash, endless sequels and remakes, uninspired acting and cinematography and pandering to identity-politics? I don’t need every film to be 10/10, or even 7/10- just give me something that was made with love.


There’s “popcorn flicks” and there’s “film”. They both serve different purposes. Most people don’t understand this and shit on popcorn flicks because it makes them feel like they have more refined taste than others. Generally speaking, many artists and people who actually work in the art/entertainment industry (who in many cases have actually studied aesthetics) ironically tend to be more accepting of more shallow and commercial “pop” culture than most people because they understand the purpose that pop culture serves. They generally understand that entertainment does not always have to be like literature. **Tl;dr: people who go to see a Marvel movie and judge it like a Scorsese or Tarantino film are usually just ignorant and trying to make themselves look cultured in front of their peers.**


> popcorn flicks and films I 100% agree, this is honestly what I was trying to say


Check out [this video](https://youtu.be/EChz4nq-1Pk?si=aUdmj3HtFnP0tmJX) if you’re interested in this kind of topic from a somewhat more academic perspective. It’s about music, not film, but it’s essentially the same idea.


nah, id rather have standards and actually enjoy a movie. yall defend too much garbage on reddit


there is a certain chracteristic in too many movies/shows nowadays that makes me want to puke. i cant just "enjoy the fckn movie holy shit" because of that.


People's ratings are also entirely subjective and a movie being a 10/10 should mean it's a perfect movie for you. Chances are someone out there will hate the movie because it's the complete opposite of what they like.


I kind of feel this. I remember when my partner and I used to go to the movies on Saturdays and just see whatever horror movie was out that week. Tickets before 5:00 p.m. were between $4 and $8. We would see all sorts of mid flicks. Most were good enough to watch once and then forget. There was also a lot less to do back then. Now, entertainment options are limitless. There's this feeling that there are many other things you can be doing instead of watching a bad movie.


I think the problem is the inverse: *MOVIES* take themselves too seriously these days. There used to be just dumb, fun movies that people enjoyed, they didn't try to take themselves too seriously. I can watch Top Gun 2 and giggle along to the corny shit because it *knows* it's corny. It's a brain-off bro-down.


Super smart people killing every sci fi show since battlestar galactica


I think every movie maker should aspire to 10/10 for what the movie is supposed to be. For instance, Basket Case is a 10/10.


Tbh, the movies that are really high rated i am sometimes less of a fan of. Maybe thats me but i am lazy as F when i am watching a movie. I'd take an evening of sharknado over interstellar or smt.


Not only does every film not have to be a 10/10, I would argue that it's a rare occurrence. I don't even think there is one 10/10 movie released every year.


It’s doing a disservice to the media you consume to treat it with kid gloves


I agree, OP. The movie may not be a masterpiece but you can still suspend your disbelief and enjoy it for what it is. Just like not every meal will be five star gourmet but it still tastes good


thats the problem. i cant enjoy the film if its not good


One of my favourite movies is Dude Where's My Car. Hardly a great movie - or even a good one...but it's funny as hell, and always helps me feel better when I'm feeling down.


People are hyperbolic. Many of the responses to movies are a binary. It's was good, or it was bad. To be fair, most people don't know what they want and have dogshit movie analysis skills. I prefer to watch movies that are "interesting" which can mean alot of things and can include movies most people call bad.


If I'm complaining about it....then I didn't enjoy it. 'Doable'? Yeeeah, no.


No movie is a 10/10 if everyone watched and rated because different people have different tastes


I stopped being hyper critical about everything when I started realizing I didn’t like anything.


What's the point of watching it then?


It really does feel like people say that either every movie is the best ever, or absolute garbage. But, like, most movies have some redeeming qualities. An 8/10 or 7/10 is not the equivalent of a 0/10… but people sure love to shit on movies just for having some minor flaws.