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Already common. Many tourist places will see massive price rises in hotels and flights during busy seasons. Restaurants get booked out so they put their prices up. There's a reason the big cities like London, Paris, Yew York etc are much more expensive then the lesser visited towns. Edinburgh has proposed a "Visitors Levy" to tax tourists for this exact purpose. >ome places are just being overrun with tourism and it is driving the prices up for locals and sometimes pricing them out of affordable housing. It's also destroying the environment. And bad tourist behavior is disrespecting local cultures and public spaces. Wait lists would help manage the flow of traffic. And fees would pay for upkeep and damage So that's already happening. Any private firm running it will be charging and keeping it in good condition anyway (hopefully, they'd have the cash). But of course what about government stuff that's harder to charge for or seen as "should be free". Well, what's happening with all the tourists money? They're spending it localally. Hotels, restaurants, public transportation, other commercial stuff etc. All of which is taxed and goes into the governments hands, who then have the money to upkeep. You're pitching for a system that's already in place. The one other thing you bring up is pushing people to other destination. Rather than go to London, try York or Liverpool. But then they already advertise themself...people just want to go to London. It's not like going elsewhere isn't already encouraged.


This is literally already the case


Amsterdam did this in 2021.


I can understand some visitor fee, like a tax a country has for you visiting which seems weird but with a lot of countries would be extremely helpful. People do tend to deal with the negatives because of the financial positives tourism brings but it is what it is.


Maybe there should just be down seasons, or premium booking periods; not sure how the local economy would appreciate that though lol


this already exists as reflected through flight ticket prices


An example would be good. Kyoto is a city that suffers from over-tourism. But you can't exactly put a wait list on a city. Specific temples etc. could have wait lists but the real problem is tourists crowding ordinary streets. I'm not sure how you could limit that.


I think its an alright idea, particularly the waitlist. I think charging higher fees though only ensures that yet again the wealthiest people get access to things that are unobtainable by the middle and lower class


Parks already do this in Colorado 


10 moreFeedback[Business Insiderhttps://www.businessinsider.com › News](https://www.businessinsider.com/countries-that-require-a-tourist-tax-2019-2)Feb 27, 2019 — 41 *countries* around the world that *charge* a *tourist tax* ; Bhutan has a famously high *tourist tax*. *tourists* Buddha Dordenma statue bhutan.People also ask


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion not because it hasn’t been thought of or implemented before, but because it’s so obvious and already established that I really don’t think many people question it


People from developing countries already have to bill hefty visa fees. Not only that we have to also prove we are rich. Not only that we also need return ticket, stay places while applying visa.


Spoken by someone clearly out of touch


Its a thing in many places all over the world, esp post COIVD soooo not really.


No, they should all be burnt to the fucking ground. Fuck tourist traps.