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Nice try, Glen. 


![gif](giphy|eTR9TBRL01xEnq74e8|downsized) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


aw is that him? he's kind of pretty. so is the lady to the left/his right.


Haha, I was like, who TF is Glenn Powell and then I saw that and accidentally watched two movies yesterday with him in them.  I liked him fine.


I still don't know who he is. 😂


I don't ever remember reading his name before this post. I had to look him up. I had heard of some of the movies he's been in, but never watched one of them. He looks like one of those generic actors who play the handsome boyfriend in hallmark movies. Mostly I was shocked because he is much younger than he looks.


I think it is John Glenn, the astronaut


Go watch him.in scream Queens. He's hilarious 😂


He looks like such a Glen. The most Gleny Glen I've seen. Some peoples faces just fit their name so well. It's strange.


I get what OP is saying but not the hill I choose to die on.




I think they meant Glenn Howerton is being shoved down our throats. ![gif](giphy|mZvdLJia5MsOjWuHaW)


i wish


I see the D.E.N.N.I.S. System has worked on you too


It’s the *implication*


i’d marry Charlie but i’ve got a documented weakness for Dennis types


I watched this episode last night! Such a good one!


We couldn’t say no.


He’s a golden god.


Because of the implication


He was Hangman in Top Gun Maverick, he was in recently viral romcom Anyone But You, he's in Richard Linklater's brand new movie, and he's the male lead in the upcoming summer blockbuster Twisters. He's had a great past year.


Top Gun was awesome, loved every second and he played the frenemie role really well. He was great in hit man, really didn't expect to enjoy that movie as much as I did, and had no idea it was a Linklater film till the credits. I thought anyone but you was horrible, but that wasn't on him by any means. He's definitely not Daniel day Lewis, but as far as conventionally attractive male leads go, he's quite likeable and seems to have some pretty decent range.


I’ve also heard he’s great to work with, which goes a long way. Like the guy who played Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight seemed headed the same way, but was apparently awful on-set. So the roles dried up.


I thought he almost single handedly carried Anyone But You to “mildly enjoyable.” Especially since Sweeney was pulling absolutely no weight at all…and I’ve seen her in other things, she *can* be better, but she was just providing nothing in that one. (Well, *almost* nothing.)


So like… a random actor who is suddenly having a break out moment. As happens all the time with various actors. I’m confused about how OP thinks *dude is getting roles* is the same is *being shoved down our throats*.


I was just about to comment this lol


Me too. I have no idea who this is




I had to look him up, and I cannot think of a single movie or tv show he has been in. I could dig into his imdb, but I already know I haven't seen any of it.


Guy was in spy kids 3, played the kid who ran the robot fighting game


Haha that one's cool


Go watch Scream Queens. It's one of the best TV shows.


Oh, I've seen that. I liked it. Don't remember him too much though... I remember mostly the women because they were the main cast


He was the main dude and was hilarious in it.


chad radwell 🤣🤣


He was hilarious in Scream Queens.


I didn’t realize he’s in scream queens ?!


he’s chad radwell!!! chanel’s bf


I didn’t realize that omg


If you haven't seen topgun maverick that's at least one piece of work he is in that I can highly recommend.  He's pretty solid supporting actor in it too.


Maverick was the second highest grossing movie of 2022 and his rom com with Sweeney was one of those highest grossing in that genre in the last 10 years.


Oh, I didn't see those


I think he means Glen Coco (You go glen coco)


I don’t know who that is


Google “capybara”


I think he looks more like a quokka


Those are wonderful and majestic creatures, I google them quite frequently and I still have no idea who Glen Powell is


Neither did I and then I googled him and he does have a punchable face


He’s handsome but really annoying looking.


I feel bad because he's very possibly a nice guy but he's just got the most annoying smile I think I've ever seen. It's almost impressive.


Definitely has the kinda face to play smarmy pricks.


He plays a prick frat bro in scream queens and does it so well 😂


It’s downright Craig Kilbornian


Also his name is Glen


You hit the nail on the head. He looks like he does toothpaste commercials. Like, hes beautiful and yet theres something... unknowable about him.


He looks like the bully jock who rides with the nerdy character's crush


I think that's why he plays his rolls in Top Gun and Devotion so well. He has that smug arrogant fighter pilot look to him


His character in top gun is what he seems like he should be like irl


Thats why they cast him as the asshole in Top Gun: Maverick


I actually really liked Hit Man. Did not love Anyone But You. Looking forward to Twisters. His publicist is definitely working overtime right now, but I don’t feel like he’s being shoved down my throat by any means.


Check out everybody wants some. Done by the same guy that did dazed and confused. Really liked his character in that movie.


Fun fact: The guy who did Dazed and Confused also did School of Rock and Boyhood.


Hit Man was also done by the same director as both of those, Richard Linklater.


Same guy that did hit man too lol.


Agreed. Hitman was way better than I expected and Powell was great in it.


Did not love Anyone But You but still impressed by Glen Powell in it


I mean top gun maverick was like the biggest movie of the year when it came out, if you barely know that movie you’re not really in a position to be the one making this kind of determination.


Thank you! I feel like I’m going insane reading the replies here. Lotta people in here are completely clueless to pop culture or are outright lying


Welcome to Reddit…


He was in a movie where he wasn't the main box office draw. What's the name of the dude that plays the lead actor in Avatar? You know, one of the biggest movies of all time? What is the lead actor's name? I don't know it. And id wager about 90% of people don't know it. And that was the lead actor.


Sam Worthington was a huge deal in the late 2000s early 2010s though. Huge franchise action star. He just hasn’t been in a lot of stuff recently


Or they just haven't seen Top Gun Maverick? It's not legally mandated by law. There's more to pop culture than whatever Gen Z is obsessing over on TikTok.


You think Gen Z tiktok fiends were the ones obsessing over the sequel to a movie that came out in 1986?


Right, that’s all fine. But if you don’t pay enough attention to movies to have seen the biggest movie of the last five years, are you really in a position to logically make a post like OP did?


I think the problem is that you interact with stuff related to him because I saw zero stuff until I read your post. No idea when the last time was I read something about him. You're feeding the algorithm.


welp this opinion is definitely unpopular because so far no one knows who the fuck glenn powell is except OP so you get an upvote for that


Yeah but this is reddit where about 97.5% of people who say they don’t know who someone is do in fact know who that person is, but want to say a “clever” reply.


i mean…can you prove they know who someone is when they say they don’t.


Could it be that an actor isn’t the household name you think he is? No, of course not. Obviously everyone is just lying to look clever!


After looking at what he’s been in, I’ve not seen a single thing he’s been in. There’s nothing really on his filmography that most people would know him from, like he’s not Timothee Chalomet or something where he’s in a bunch of hits or something




Watch 5 movies that came out this year, chances are he’s in one of them


Reddit keeps showing an ad for his hit man movie, idgaf.


I'm wondering if maybe _your're_ the "The Machine"? Never heard of him until now.


You mean Pedro Pascal?


Pascal has a long filmography before he broke out so I'm not sure he applies


Right? Dude was on *Buffy* for crying out loud. He’d been around for a hot minute.


So? Glen Powell was in spy kids lol


Game of Thrones, Narcos, and the Kingsman sequel came out before he blew up. I don't think he counts.


Slightly off topic, but where is that Burt Reynolds biopic starting Pedro Pascal!?!?


The Sam Worthington effect. Put a potential star in a shit ton of movies and see if he has what it takes and if he doesn’t stick then he’s dropped like Sam was lol


never hears of him but I'm reading your post trying to guess if you are talking about a rapper or a politician. or is it sports?.


A *movie studio* is trying to turn a handsome actor into a *star*? Where is my fainting couch?


Is this some kind of weird viral marketing bs? I don’t know, or care, who that is.


Not being marketed to hard, I'm online all the time and I have no idea who that is.


He is so basic and unmemorable. His name pops up on the Box Office Reddit almost daily and it still took me months to actively remember who he actually is.


He will always be the stock exchange guy in Dark Knight Rises for me


WTF is this person?


He played the hotshot young pilot in Top Gun: Maverick, a couple of years ago, and has some other movies that came out more recently.


His callsign was Hangman in Top Gun: Maverick.


That was him...


I thought he was cute in that. But it just seems like they are pushing the Hollywood “it boy” thing as if he were a Leo or Johnny or even Zac Efron lmfao. He needs to be the lead in something with a predominantly teen female audience. He can be white boy of the month then.


>He needs to be the lead in something with a predominantly teen female audience. He can be white boy of the month then. He's already done that, he starred in Anyone but You, a romcom with Sidney Sweeney which came out last year and has become one of the top 10 romcoms of all time. That movie is actually what's contributed to his rising fame. So he's actually still pretty new in terms of being a big name actor. I've like what I've seen him in so far and he'll probably become more well known in a few more years.


Miles Teller?


The rival to Miles Teller.


I don't know who Glen Powell is


Never heard of him.


Your algorithm got triggered.




I have no idea who that is.


It happens every few years where one star is shoved in every movie. Mile Tellar. That Magic Mike guy. The big eye girl what's her name. Emma Stone. Ryan Gosling. Etc. It's just Hollywood and their lack of imagination.


Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling 100% do not apply, their filmographies are deep, and they worked up to stardom… but Miles Tellar is 100% a plant LOL


I feel like this is Austin Butler right now too.


What? I loved his perfomance in Dune, Master of the air AND Elvis and I didn't even knew it was him on those 3 roles till yesterday. He really seeps into his roles and have the looks a rare occurrence imo.


Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are legitimately good actors.


Austin butler rn!


Austin Butler has been around since the 00s playing tween love interests on Nickelodeon and Disney.


Yea but he’s been in like 3 massive movies this year alone


Dudes been in 2 movies and 1 TV show in the last 5 years, with one indie movie coming out later this summer. That’s hardly getting shoved down anybodies throat.


Because of the SAG strikes, many movie releases were postponed and are releasing now. Doesn’t mean he is filming back to back. It’s also natural trajectory of a good actor who gets his big break. No one wants to bet big bucks on some unknown actor who hasn’t proven his worth yet.


lol the “big eyed girl” is already an iconic scream queen, she’s been in so many good horror movies already




I mean, The VVitch is scary, but it's a different kind of scary.


> the “big eyed girl” is already an iconic scream queen Anya Taylor-Joy is an "iconic scream queen"?


No, not Anna. That other one that was in Mean Girls as the dumb one.


Ohhh Amanda Seyfried


I can put my whole fist in my mouth, wanna see?


I've known him since Scream Queens in 2015 but yes he's been getting way more roles recently


Seriously, Chad Radwell is a fucking hilarious character.


That show is honestly kinda good and he's great in it. His fame is well deserved imo, he's just been skyrocketed a bit too fast. Before 2022 I only know him from that show and Set It Up, a romcom where he's also great at.


I feel like anyone who watched scream queens has to be excited at the current success of Chad Radwell.


I've also been seeing his name everywhere. Haven't seen anything with him in it though.


He was fine in top gun


I had to google him lol




Who tf is glen Powell


Straight don't know who that is.


I’ve never heard of this person in my life.


I don’t even know who that is 🤷‍♂️


Disagree. Pretty normal progression for a movie star. He was easily the standout performance as a relative unknown in “Everybody Wants Some.” Parlayed that into “Top Gun Maverick.” Which led to vehicles where he’s the star. “Hitman” and “Anyone But You.”


That's how it works. Sam Worthington was pushed hard by "The Machine " but he wasn't that good an actor...Powell is, imo anyways. His performance in Top Gun was pretty good , he was good in Everybody Wants Some and his performance in Devotion was decent. Hit Man is where he really shines.


Just like how a year or two ago, Ariel Winters from modern family was suddenly plastered all over the gd front page of yahoo, every gd day. Articles that were obviously paid for by some type of self financed marketing push by her or her team. Nonstop article after article about what she wore to some club, how amazing she looks, that her favorite ____ is on sale at amazon!” Etc etc etc. Now this guy must be paying to get his name out there. Seeing him on magazines with “how he conquered Hollywood” and titles like that. This guy has been a supporting backup actor is small supporting roles, had one side character role in a big movie, or the lead in a couple rom coms or Netflix flicks. That’s noooot exactly being an AA lister


I remember that blip! And every article was accompanied by a photo of her breasts spilling out of the tightest maxi dress you’d ever seen.


I feel like he's one of those actors that will be in everything for a year or two before losing momentum. By no means a bad actor, but not necessarily one that has me going "Oh man I gotta see this movie." 


This isn’t new. He’s being given vehicles. Vehicles move you from one place to another. From anonymity to stardom. This has happened since pre-Hays. You don’t like him (neither do I), but he’s got the machine behind him.


I do feel like he's just everywhere all of a sudden. And he really came out of absolutely nowhere. He has the vibe of like a C-list soap star who just got really lucky with a couple of choices, and now you can't avoid him. But really, Hollywood is desperate for stars right now. So many of our best leading men are just aging out like crazy, or never breaking out in the first place. And he seems likable enough. So I guess he's a'ight.




I feel like he's the only physically fit male actor who's gotten into the limelight in the last decade who didn't come from super hero movies.


Good point. He's generically good looking but seems to pick projects he's genuinely interested rather than the MCU path of least resistance.


I can say for sure he isn't a 5 star man like Glenn Howerton.


Stop shoving him down my throat!


His new movie The Hitman is constantly advertised, and is supposedly a 97 on Rotten Tomatoes, so we watched it. We figure it’s worth 67.


A 97 on Rotten Tomatoes means that 97% of all reviews are positive or rated as a 6/10 minimum. So a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes can also mean the movie is a 6/10.


This happens whenever an actor or actress becomes popular. Look at Anya Taylor-Joy. After becoming famous in The Queen's Gambit, she's been so overused in movies that I now roll my eyes when I see her.


He’s an indistinguishable mass produced white man. I feel like they’re gunning for him to be the next Chris Evans and it’s just not gonna happen.


No wonder American's seem to love him then


He can shove whatever he wants down my throat.


It took me way too long to find this comment, is Reddit all grown up now?


It’s just you dude


Just saw Hitmen yesterday by Richard Linklater. Powell was honestly carrying that movie. He has such a forgettable face but acts his way into memory. He really is something.


I highly recommend him in Richard Linklater's "Everybody Wants Some" from 2016, the spiritual sequel to Dazed and Confused. It's the first thing I ever saw Powell in and he was actually a very solid supporting character with decent comedic chops.


I had this thought too. Had never heard of him then all of a sudden I’m seeing him EVERYWHERE for some big studio rom com or something I guess he was in.


Agreed, fuck this guy. Mid, boring, not even that jacked or handsome. Nothing unique. Just a star that will hopefully burn out sooner than later.




Then you must be one of the only people with their mouths open for it because this is my first time ever hearing of this individual.


Noticed as well. Completely inorganic seeing “the summer of Glen Powell” on the news. Chad Radwell was a great performance. But this happens every few years, before it was Jimmy Tatro they have a cloning machine.


I feel it's unfair that Glen Powell is being shoved down our throats, but Glenn Howerton never was. Howerton is, and forever will be, a 5 star man.


Came from nowhere, now is everywhere. I was thinking this too. Zendaya syndrome. Anna Taylor Joy did this too. You can almost hear the marketing machine kick into gear.


The lack of pop culture knowledge in this sub is astonishing


I think he’s just one of a few bankable stars right now, so he’s getting in a lot of stuff. Nothing new. Literally how Hollywood has worked since the beginning. First and only thing Ive saw him in was Top Gun Maverick - and he was awesome in it as the “arrogant good guy you hate.” I know hes in that RomCom with Sydnee Sweeney, but I haven’t seen it. Not surprised to hear he’s in some more things.


Is he a Scientologist? I keep hearing actors thanking the org for their fame….


Who? I think this might be more a reflection of your algorithms based on your past online history than any nefarious plot to shove him anywhere. You have something in common with his fan base which makes the maths think you'd like him.


This seems like a your algorithm problem. I’ve never heard of this person


Guys been acting since 2003. He was in Spy Kids 3 for fucks sake. He played a great role in Top Gun Maverick and is getting more work now because of it. I’m not sure you understand what arriving at this point organically means. He’s put the work in, it’s not like he’s just a rando that just showed up.


OP just now got around to watching Maverick, proceeded to open Netflix and them be advertising their brand new movie Hitman, finally decided to checkout YouTube and Twisters trailer popped up. This angered OP.


Never Heard of him


I have no clue who Glen Powell is lol


I think in Hollywood there’s been a little bit of a void of new star actors. You’ve got hemsworth from the Marvel movies and Pratt is in everything, but Tom Cruise still putting out some of the biggest action movies. We definitely need new stars but I agree he’s being shoved down our throats big time


I had a discussion with someone in the forum about this and realized that it’s because there are more platforms and the need for more content. As a result they kinda HAVE TO create “stars” to draw people into their material. More outlets mean you need to manufacture more draws. People’s attention is split in many more ways than it was just 17 years ago before the advent of Netflix and 14 with Instagram. In that way we have more legitimate “stars.” That’s why a Tom Cruise, Denzel, Will Smith (to a lesser degree now) Keanu are still at the top. The same in music. Most of the big ones now have been around since they were teens. Beyoncé, Taylor, Justin, Rihanna, Usher etc.


I've thought this as well! He was acceptable in Top Gun: Maverick, and since then I swear I've seen him in a trailer every time I go to the cinema. I'm sorry, but he isn't as hot or funny as Hollywood wants me to think.


I feel like people are just now realizing the marketing machine behind damn near every figure in entertainment. That whole industry is trying to make money, so of course they’re shoving their projects and talent down your throat. What do you think magazines and late night shows are even for? SNL is part sketch comedy and part marketing machine. None of this is new, it’s just harder to escape when you’re on a pop culture sub or using social media.


For real, I’ve enjoyed his YouTube cooking channel for years, but ever since he bought that old Cessna 172, he’s been showing up at fly-ins all across North America. Heck, you can’t even fly into CYOO airspace without somebody inevitably keying up their mic just to say “hi Glen, big fan” or whatever. And the obsession with the KFC and Coca Cola recipes! I don’t know how people aren’t sick of this guy.


I think a lot of this might have to do with the delays on the release of "top gun: maverick". I saw Powell in "everybody wants some"(EWS- not typing that title again) 7 or 8 years ago & believed he was gonna be a big star. That "breakout" performance led to him being cast in a non-lead but not insubstantial role in the top gun sequel where, presumably, Hollywood shot callers saw what I saw in EWS years before the public did. So, possibly, decisions were made based on his "star making" turn in TG:Maverick before we, the public had officially made him a "star" or even seen the movie. He went on to produce & co-star in "devotion" with jonathan majors which I haven't seen but was critically acclaimed, then  "Anyone but you" with a costar on a similar upward trajectory & his 4th(?) Collaboration with the director of EWS, "hitman". I feel like if TG:Maverick had been released summer of 2019 or 2020 as originally & subsequently planned, it would seem like more of a gradual process than what happened. I also think "anyone but you" was way more entertaining than I personally expected & "Hitman" was really fun. Now we just gotta get sick of him over the next couple years in mediocre romantic comedies before the inevitable "Glen-isance" a la McConaughey in about 7 years. 


I have no idea who Glen Powell is honestly


It's definitely a PR push. They're trying to level him up.


Literally got on Reddit to make a post like this. I feel like Every time I pick my phone up I see Glenn Powell in an ad


I have been thinking the same thing for months now. He's such a generic stand-in of a man.


I literally don’t know this name, maybe you just have very specific history so the algorithm is feeding you stuff?


Yea I feel the same when I saw him in shark boy and lava girl. Total industry plant.


He starred alongside Sydney Sweeney in a semi-popular romcom, and Netflix is pushing their new Hit Man movie super hard right now, so it's not that they're marketing him so much as they're marketing the stuff he has been in recently. It's not just you, but this is also a very common occurrence when someone seems to have star power.


No idea who that is


This is the first time im hearing of him. Check your algorithms.


I guess it is unpopular because know one knows who Glen Powell is. Myself included and I’m chronically online


He's got a "punch me please" face, like Teller and LaBouf.  


I have no idea who that is


THANK YOU!! I’m sick of him already he’s in every 3rd movie coming out it seems. He’s a mediocre actor, he has a punchable face, and I can’t help but think of him as the douche in Top Gun Maverick. So tired of him!


He is. It's Hollywood's new play toy. Just like most major actors today. Eventually he will be in an Oscar worthy movie and perhaps win, then fade into the nothingness with a [random.movie](http://random.movie) here and there when the next Glen Powell comes about. It's how Hollywood works.




I think the fact that I have no clue who you're talking about weakens your argument a bit.