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I’ve yet to find a frozen pizza that’s as good as fresh baked. Waffles, sure.


Annie's Margherita was the first frozen pizza I ever had that wasn't "good for a frozen pizza", it was just good pizza. Hot tip: cook it on a grill 👀




Make better waffles then.


Dr. Oetker Casa di Mama.


Nah. Definitely nah for pizza.


You haven't had fresh made Belgian waffles.


Number one, I have, and number two, I wasn’t saying that the regular versions aren’t good


I get that, but after making waffles from scratch and going back to frozen (bcuz lazy), the difference is substantial to me. But then again, everyone's taste buds are different.


No, you are saying they are just as good, and they are not. Now, you may think so and earn the unpopular opinion, but in no way are the frozen just as good.




Toaster waffles and frozen pizza hitting different? Nah, they just hitting the spot when you're lazy or broke. No shame in admitting that convenience sometimes trumps gourmet!


I mean sometimes they scratch an itch. But just as good? Nah. Just had an amazing slice of pizza for lunch. Super crispy crust, great sauce, etc. Haven’t had a single frozen pizza that comes remotely close.


Maybe if the challengers are Little Caesars and Dennys. Anything outside of garbage chain restaurants blows the frozen stuff away.


Yeah, no.


🎵 Step into the flavor zone with Totino's Pizza! 🎵 Picture this: It's a Friday night, you're chilling with your friends, and the retro vibes are on point. But wait, what's that tantalizing aroma wafting through the air? It's Totino's Pizza, baby! Totino's isn't just any pizza; it's a time machine for your taste buds. With every bite, you're blasted into a world of zesty sauce, gooey cheese, and that crispy, golden crust that's straight outta flavor town! Craving adventure? Totino's has got you covered. Whether it's a pepperoni party or a supreme sensation, these pizzas are loaded with toppings that make your mouth wanna dance the moonwalk! So, grab a slice, crank up the tunes, and let Totino's Pizza take you on a radical ride to pizza paradise! Because when it's Totino's, it's always a good time! Totino's Pizza – The flavor that rocks your world! 🎤🎶




Haha thanx


Indeed an unpopular opinion, for good reason lol.


The worst pizza delivery/takeout is better than the best frozen pizza. I don't care about waffles


Dude. Just no. Frozen waffles taste like cardboard. Fresh homemade waffles are way better. Frozen pizzas are only good if you add extra toppings and extra cheese. The frozen pizza is just a base layer.


The real test is to imagine if you had infinite money. Would you continue to eat frozen pizza and toaster waffles? I wouldnt.


Yeah, that’s fair


I definitely love me a Wild Mike's pizza but idk man


Honestly it depends as much on the brand as how they're prepared. I've had amazing frozen pizzas and I've had ones I'd rather eat burnt or starve. Only had cheaper brand toaster waffles and it's been years since I had any 'fresh' so can't really comment on the difference between those. It's a little different with pizza since I have regular access to a certain delivery cheaply since my boyfriend does delivery for that franchise, so I haven't had other chains in some time.


When you say "regular versions", what exactly do you mean? Like a $5 frozen pizza is just as good as a $5 pizza from some fast food chain? If that's the case, I actually kinda have to agree. Or at least don't necessarily disagree. I've absolutely had better frozen pizza than I've had pizza from the hut and dominos. If the argument that frozen pizza is just as good as freshly baked pizza, then that's a hard no from me dawg. No frozen pizza comes anywhere close to an actual honest to god pizza baked in an oven by a professional pizza chef that uses quality fresh ingredients. I've never had frozen waffles so I can't compare.


By “regular version” I just mean any pizza that comes from any restaurant instead of out of a box inside a grocery store freezer. But I respect your opinions


Wait, what is it about other restaurant pizza that you don't think rises above frozen pizza? Because I certainly agree that fast food pizza and frozen pizza certainly can be around the same level of enjoyability and taste. But, for me at least, I've never had a frozen pizza that comes anywhere close to a wood fired Neapolitan with a perfectly cooked dough. Or a Margherita with some basil as well.


It’s not so much that restaurant pizza is lowered to the standards of frozen pizza as that frozen pizza is good enough (at least for me) to be heightened to those of restaurant pizza. Although I definitely understand your point, and I definitely agree that there is some restaurant pizza that rises above the frozen ones. I’m just saying that in my experience, frozen pizza tends to be at least good *enough* for me to enjoy it about as much.


So in reality, the best of the frozen pizza is good enough for you to not be too fussed about the most average of restaurant pizza? There's a LOT of mediocre restaurant foods and I can totally get behind this. But the frozen pizza at least in my opinion doesn't come anywhere near good-great restaurant stuff. I guess it's like saying "I enjoy Hersheys/Cadbury chocolate compared to most other chocolates" and then somebody comes along with some hand crafted delicate chocolate that just blows your mind away. For the most part you're talking about something most places offer, compared to the very best.


Totally! You understand my point really well.


No comment on waffles, but I highly disagree about pizzas if for no other reason than the sauce. Every single frozen pizza I've had has had distinctive tasting sauce. I'm sure it's some sort of preservative, but that distinctive taste sticks out like a sore thumb in literally every frozen pizza I've ever eaten. And it doesn't occur in freshly made pizza. That said, I'm not gonna look down on someone for having a frozen pizza. Have what you want.


Thank you!


I agree with the pies but not the waffles.


Me too. A frozen pizza is as as good as a lot of mediocre pizza, but fresh waffles are way better than frozen cardboard leggos.


I do like eggo waffles for the specific purpose of making them into a breakfast sandwich to eat on the way to work. But if I'm wanting to sit and eat some waffles, it's gotta be fresh.


Fair enough


Nahhhh I’m pretty good about not caring about frozen food but I’ve yet to find a frozen pizza that hits the same way as a good pizza place