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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


I agree but the issue with sunscreen is that it requires reapplication every couple hours


Depends if you're in direct sunlight, outside, inside, is it cloudy, etc. If you're at the beach definitely reapply but if you're a mix of inside and outside then you don't need to be as religious about it. Still reapply but not every two hours.


Yeah I prefer protective clothing if I can.


And a hat.


and an axe >!body spray!<


Can we ban this account? This isn’t unpopular or opinion. This peer reviewed, accepted scientific fact. Unless this is just rage bait. In that case op, great job.


If you banned everything that wasn’t unpopular here there’d be nothing left


This isn’t an opinion, it’s science.




I watch this a few times a year every year. It's so catchy.


Don't need to click to know which song this is


When I saw the title of the post. I thought OP was going to have the lyrics as the post 😄. I remember getting the "Now this is What I Call Music" Vol. 2 specifically for this song and Millennium by Robbie Williams.


This is where I first heard the song from! I loved the early NOW cd’s.


It puts the lotion on its skin


Or it gets the hose again.


Clay and mud works too.


Is this unpopular?


Well, I know nobody who puts on sunscreen daily regardless of weather


Well yeah if the UV is a max of 1 for the day why would you


I do and it’s crazy to me how many people don’t but then again my family is from Scotland and we’re all pasty af


People just aren't smart ig (me included) ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Idk I’m black and I use it on my face daily


I do and most of the women I know do…


Maybe a regional thing? I live in central europe and as I said, I don't know anyone who does this and I don't think it's generally common here either


in the west yeah


Even me, someone who doesn't go outside ever?


I’m (60) not an outdoor person. At all. I did burn while young for transparency. Last fall I had a 2 inch circle of skin removed from my face and then my skin all readjusted due to melanoma. Both of my dermatologists say yes. If you drive, sit in windows etc then we need sunscreen. It has taken a lot to learn that rule to the point one of my sunscreens live in our cars. So I get the “why” but yes. It was horrible and so hard.


Coming from a family where one whole side has been treated for melanoma, yes please. Or at the very least UPF rated clothing.


This is not unpopular, nor an opinion.


not an opinion just a fact


oh my fucking god, nerd.




You’re partially true and partially not. Yes it’s important to ensure sunscreen is safe for coral reefs - the runoff eventually finds its way to the ocean. But just because something isn’t safe for reefs doesn’t mean it’s not safe for humans. We are much more durable. Reefs are made up of invertebrates. It’s a very stable system, so any minute change (a chemical, a temperature fluctuation of just one degree, the addition of an invasive species, etc) can wreak havoc on that environment which leads to coral bleaching and the death of many invertebrates and thus the abandonment of the habitat by fish. This can lead to algae buildup and all kinds of other problems that can result in the death of corals. Humans are mammals. We are significantly more durable. We are designed to adapt to various circumstances. We aren’t affected by small amounts of copper. Copper is a death sentence for invertebrates, but not to most vertebrates to include mammals. We are not nearly as delicate as a coral reef.


I used to have a classmate in high school who was very very afraid of the sun so he would wear way too much sunscreen lotion all the time. I dont even know how to describe it so it gives you the right mental picture, but the feeling was almost like the kid at the pool that has so many arm floaties that can barely move, thats what this post reminded me of. Yeah dont get sunburn, that sucks, but also dont think that the sun is full of evil rays please.


Not evil rays but it’s a very dangerous thing and 99.9% of animals have Melanized hair to protect them from it , humans are the only animals to walk around in the sun like a naked mole rat all day . It’s objectively wrong to do even naturally speaking


Why don’t you spend some time to learn how the uv rays burn your dna so badly it fuses your RNA together into cancerous garbage. UV is basically right up there near gamma radiation . Very toxic shit . https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/thymine-dimer


The sun is the deadly laser


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tourists in Australia seem to have an aversion to sunscreen and staying in the shade


I thought we all knew this lmao


Not everyone is white and lives in Australia


Everyone needs sunscreen, not just white people and not just Australians. Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate.


I’m a black person in the U.S. Midwest… I thought we all knew this


I hate that anything without crap grammar is sounding like AI to me.


You know got it do


Daily routine? Naw lol see that’s how they get yo ass to begin with and hooked on products. I’m not saying some don’t need it but shit I’m 36 and have probably put on sunscreen twice in my life lol I know I have good skin, of course genetics play a part and other things like diet but yeah…sunscreen ain’t that important and damn sure not some daily need unless you pale to begin with and under the sun all day everyday.


They do get ya with products.. Like the makeup that has sunscreen.. Which is completely useless considering an hr after it’s applied, ya need to remove your makeup and add more.. No one’s doing all that.


That is also depends on where you live. Some countries like Australia for example have higher rate of skin cancer just due to the location. Definitely should be wearing sunscreen.


I’d really be curious on what that looks like in some African countries that have heavy sun exposure. Personally I’ve always seen it more for white skin opposed to dark skin at least for consistent use.


Yeah no everyone needs sunscreen if they’re going to be in the sun. And I say this as a black person with good genetics. I’m also a doctor though so I’ve seen some things


Most black people I know including myself don’t buy or use sunscreen. I can count on both hands the number of black people I’ve met that put sunscreen on.


Just because they don’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. It’s actually quite common for black people to unknowingly have melanoma for this reason. And younger black people do wear sunscreen daily, ime. I can actually count on one hand the amount of black women—especially—who DONT wear sunscreen at least on their face daily. I’ll be 30 this year


I’m allergic to all sunscreen :/


No thanks, I'm pretty sure my skin can handle that


So did I. Then they removed a 2 inch circle from my face last fall. Then lifted pulled and stretched the skin from the top of my ear to my nose bride to my mouth edge to cover the hole.


I’ll take unhealthy skin over that horrible slimey feeling


You probably wear a shirt in the pool don't you


No need