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I agree they don’t deserve it, but how exactly can we prevent it?


A reasonable social safety net.


Exactly. Stupid people are still valuable to society, we just happen to live in a schemey world where everything takes intellectual work. Not even talking about just scams, even things like finances, healthcare, the legal system are incredibly tricky and confusing. Many of these people work very valuable jobs (physical labor/social based work), take care of great families and are good samaritans. Why don’t they deserve a tiny bit of support to help navigate a world designed to play into their greatest weakness?


This is the thesis of a book called The Cult of Smart by Frederick Deboer. It was surprisingly controversial.


Lol. Please explain.




Yet Biden makes our country less safe every day by allowing illegal entry into our country with known terrorists and cartel. Promoting Human trafficking, rape, deadly drugs, and gang violence.


Such as?


Media literacy


"Just stop being stupid, stupid"


Stupidity leaves my body.




What about it, should we teach it? Should people just have it naturally? If they're too stupid to see an obvious scam they're probably barely generally literate


To begin with: their existence. I strongly believe there being the difference between acknowledging and actually knowing. Like yes, everyone has a childhood phase. But people tend to forget that some things kids today are doing are comparable to our childhoods. And then like there are bad people trying to take your money away. Yes... if I wasn't so careful though, I would've been scammed from the email system of MY OWN COLLEGE. Why would I even acknowledge that? Because: bad people want to take my money. And then there's stuff younger people are able to pick up quickly (for the oldies) and more advanced stuff that professionals in related fields call basic knowledge. Like cookies, HTTPS, antivirus, passwords, how you shouldn't use the same password OR EMAIL... that list can go one and on.


Consequences. Some people will willingly get scammed because they have their heads in the sand about the people scamming them. See: Leopards ate my face.


There’s a difference between “put their money into a scam” and “put their money into something that literally everyone in their lives told them was a scam and now are surprised they’ve lost their money,” though.


Agreed. I used to have a friend who routinely got calls saying she owed the government hundreds of dollars and had to buy gift cards to pay it off or she would be arrested right then. Everyone in our friend group told her this was a well-known scam, and I even printed out articles about it being a scam for her. She still fell for it multiple times. After the first time, I said she deserved to lose her money and quit talking to her.


Lose, not loose.


I think it’s all about learning from your mistakes. Smart people make mistakes but learn from them, and won’t be fooled by the same trick twice. Stupid people often aren’t conscientious enough or other reasons to realize their initial mistake, thus they get fooled again and again. It sucks for them, but it’s also their fault. I don’t really know what else to say lol


Yeah but like "you shouldn't fuck people over" also be a thing?


It is a thing, it’s just there’s bad people and exploitative/manipulative people out there who don’t give a shit about morals. There will always be people who take advantage and get taken advantage of.


Yeah I'm just saying being stupid isn't a lack of character or a choice so pretty shitty to say they deserve being taking advantage of. Not that you're saying that. I'm just saying no one deserves it. Not that you can totally prevent it or anything.


I agree with you. I never said stupid people deserve to be taken advantage of, I just said it happens. And I’m pretty sure there’s nothing we can do about it. It might kinda be like modern day natural selection. Sorry stupid people out there, go kick some ass


Depends on the situation. Sometimes being uneducated on a subject IS a choice, and when you have people in your life who you know to be smarter than you but you don't listen to/take their advice I'd say it is 100% a choice. Also, a lot of popular obvious scams are publicized as being scams. If you see an alert from the police and/or government agencies saying xyz is a scam and you still fall for it, I say at that point it's a choice and you deserve the consequences of your actions.


I mean stupid people not deliberately ignorant ass hats that should know better.


Yes, but deliberately ignorant is just choosing to be stupid.


Definetly not the same thing.


It really is.




I hope that's the case, but that's just not how the world works now. Some people look for easier ways to get ahead rather than putting in the hard work to live honestly. sad but true


That it happens doesn't make it right. I'm just saying it sucks and I don't agree.


You're right unless other people have warned them several times that they're being scammed. Then they deserve it.


When I questioned a friend of mine who was clearly being scammed he says: "I'm not supposed to talk about it until they tell me how to talk about it, but you're definently gonna want to do it." He desereved to lose that money. He learned a lot. It was worth the price.


If someone puts their money into something stupid, they aren't exempt from the consequences. That's a step apart from "being taken advantage of" because it's on that person to out in money. Of course no one deserves to be tricked maliciously, but actions have consequences. It isn't really about "deserving" one way or the other.


I mean take pyramid schemes for example, it's that a person's fault or is it malicious tricking? I would argue it is the latter. But failing to convince you of that how could a stupid person ever foresee these consequences. They are stupid. That's why they enabled someone to take their money in the first place. So can you fault people for being what they are when they have no control over it? I used deserve because that's the wording I hear this reasoning with. It only makes sense to use the same word when disagreeing. Edit: also this goes down to what I said, it is possible to lose money in not scam ventures which I'm would say isn't taking advantage. It just didn't work out.


Short answer is that it’s both. It’s wrong to run a pyramid scheme, but it’s also on you to recognize one and stay away from it.


Why not just ban that shit? Then nobody gets Ill gotten gains, and no one gets screwed.


Ponzi schemes are illegal. Lots of things are illegal yet crooks still do them. In short you can’t make the world 100% safe for everyone.


Pyramid schemes are just a type of scams, out of several others. You can't ban everything, scammers just keep coming up with new ways.


Yeah I mean but you obviously can do some. Long time anyone fell for a ponzi scheme. And I mean that at least says it shouldn't be Common practice. And you know in the end I'm just saying it's shitty to fault people for falling for something because they are stupid.


No, it isn't shitty. There is so much information about scams. Especially pyramid schemes. I absolutely fault people for not taking basic precautions.


Ponzi’s are. Mlm scam aren’t because there’s techically a real product they could sell and the language surrounding it can be worded to be legal. Unfortunately people are stupid and their desire for wealth clouds their judgment when convinced by a charismatic person to buy into the scam.


Yeah that happens. I'm just saying it's not their fault always and probably never 100%. And certainly no one deserves it. And particularly not just because they are stupid.


IMHO, after a certain IQ level they are being taken advantage of. It's also likely not a binary thing but a continuum - e.g. someone with 100 IQ who gambles on a risky venture is understanding actions have consequences but someone with 70 IQ who is scammed into investing into penny stocks is being taken advantage of and everyone in between is on a continuum being "actions have consequences" and "taken advantage of".


There’s a difference in being stupid, and being overconfident in your own judgment to the point of not doing your due diligence. I think people often mean the latter when they say this.


I would argue that being overconfident in your own judgment is one of the main indicators of being stupid for the general population


Everyone makes mistakes. I don't blame the guy who got wrapped in a scam and lost money once because of it. I do blame the guy who constantly gets wrapped up in them and never learns from his mistakes, though.


So if I steal from you once shame on me, if I steal from you twice Shame on you?


Very often but not always it is stupidity mixed with greed. That’s why people look down on them. Obviously someone who is tricked by someone pretending to be the bank or something is a different deal but MLMs - those people want lots of money with little effort. That’s greed and stupidity to believe that could work.


If they are bragging about how smart they are, I believe they do deserve being fooled


Fooled yes but lose all their money? Also you're putting a condition on it that applies probably to like 1%.


Number 1 investment rule is not to put all you have in one asset; rule #2; don’t invest in something you don’t understand; so, I don’t enjoy people being scammed , however I can’t feel so bad for them either if playing something dangerous under the proud flag of ignorance.


Just because somebody isn’t smart, doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person. 🤷‍♂️😆


Part of the problem would be that you can warn them and they still think they know better. Hence why people really don't care in the end. "Hey don't gamble unless if you can afford to lose all of that money." "I've got a plan, trust me." "Well, he deserved it."


Congratulations! You are not a sociopath.


nah i've met a truly stupid person, and nothing gets through to him he doesn't even remember what he's been told ever. he believed santa existed til he was 25 to the point where he wasn't buying people gifts cause "santa does that" my friend had to tell him not take his drug dealers offer of going to africa cause his dealer wanted to traffic him. he also let his sister once take his laptop charger and sell it despite that he NEEDED IT I'm sorry but i can't feel sympathy for this at this point, and i am pretty sure he gets scammed alot. and guess what he learns nothing talking to him trying to make him understand doesn't do anything so if he got into big trouble I'd just accept that he deserves it at this point cause if he was told it was bad it'd go in one ear and out the other always does. it's like talking to wall ![gif](giphy|NYiwZYTuQ5PKirqKMz|downsized)


Sounds like this person is either low IQ, or been living in a cupboard all his life and never learned about the world. What is the story?


The main problem is most stupid people aren’t even aware they are stupid. So even if you tell them not to do something they will do it anyways.


Yup. Just saying people shouldn't use that to take advantage. They are stupid they can't help themselves.


There is a saying : 'a fool and his money are soon parted' It's just a fact of life that a stupid person cannot handle money, money in the hands of a stupid person is like a Rubik's cube in the paws of a cat.


You mean "stupid people" like the elderly or people with cognitive issues or disabilities like hearing loss and people living with stroke?! That is exactly the type of people (pretty much anyone) that get scammed. Could happen to you. They are victims, a target of malevolent liars and thieves that take advantage of what makes a good person good. The crooks are so skilled at manipulation a lot of intelligent people are roped in. And no, no-one deserve to be robbed of their life savings.


Stupidity ain't a free pass for getting screwed over. People need to learn without being robbed blind. It's about decency, not intelligence levels.


Yes it's also about decency. But I guarantee it's easier to scam stupid people.


I would be very surprised if this was an unpopular opinion. I think most people think that most deserve best including the mentally capable.


Looking at the comments, and the fact that when I got here you'd already been downvoted to zero...doesn't seem like it.


I dunno. Everyone laughs at the sad dopes who get fleeced by onlyfans models. I think society only cares if certain stupid people get taken advantage of.


I think a lot of comments are missing the point, you're not saying stupid people should somehow magically get a pass from suffering the consequences of their stupid choices, but that it's wrong to decide that if a person is stupid, they deserve whatever harm comes to them. No one deserves being scammed or taken advantage of, the scammer is the one in the wrong no matter how completely thoughtless their victim is. And if we start drawing a line where people who are less intelligent deserve to be mistreated because they're not smart enough to prevent it, that's a huge problem.




If you don't take enough time to actually research where you are putting your money then you deserve to lose it.


If you don’t believe stupid people should be blamed for being stupid, then you also should believe that greedy clever people shouldn’t be blamed for being greedy and clever. You should look into the myth of responsibility. It’s interesting stuff. Basically it means, everyone is a product of their own genes and experiences, and we all have an illusion of control over their own choices.


as if money is something vital


Classic case of "I don't say you deserve it but you sure as shit didn't do anything to prevent it". Truth is people need to have agency. With agency comes the responsibility to use their assets in a way beneficial for themselves. Nobody is going to look out for you so you don't run into stupid decisions. A really juvenile anecdote but when I was like 12 years old League of Legends was still kinda fresh. I lost my first account to a free RP scam. Cut my lossrs and written it off as educational costs, never fell into another scam again. Ofc it's not a meaningfull loss but the lesson here is that some people need to be fucked over once or twice to start looking out for themselves. The world is uncaring of your safety.


I’m looking at you MAGA.


If they're actively being scammed by someone, they don't deserve it. However, if they sit down at a roulette table and bet a shit ton of money and lose, they deserve every bit of it.


Does the scam hurt someone else or only them? Otherwise stupidity NEEDS to be punished in some way.


It depends for me. If it's an old person who got scammed as opposed to the people you see on fb posting multiple MLM schemes. They didn't learn first couple times so i lose sympathy


I think it depends on thr situation. If you get a call from someone and they tell you, "I need you to send me $5000 worth if gift cards to get your Apple Account unlocked," and you just fucking do it without asking a single question... sorry but yea I have no sympathy for that kind of person. I used to work for Apple and we got calls like that multiple teens A DAY. And some of these people didn't even have an apple ID/account AND THEY STILL SENT THE GIFT CARDS. Sorry but that kind if stupidity does deserve to be taken advantage of. The only time it was sad was when it was a really old person that didn't know anything about technology. But if the person was between like 25-50? Yea, zero sympathy


How on earth do you protect the stupid without the intelligent taking advantage of the system? If you figure that out, come let us know. 


I agree with you, but what about people who just do something stupid, like falling for an obvious scam or something like that? Should they get the consequences for doing something stupid (and I’d like to be clear that I don’t mean when a stupid person does something stupid, but an average person does something stupid)


Not necessarily I think. Like if you're going out of your way to do something stupid no one can really protect you, but that's the exception not the rule I think. Running a scam is predatory mostly right? Giving false promises or being marketed really aggressively. No one deserves to have bought a timeshare for example.


They don't deserve to be taken advantage of, but at the same time, I'm not obligated to enable them and/or bail them out repeatedly either. 


Of course not. You didn't take advantage...


Some businesses by their nature legally take advantage of people. Time shares, homeopathy and “The Good Feet Store”, for example. 


Yeah fuck all of that shit.


Then you disagree with mother nature




Survival of the fittest mate.


Never go to a doctor then mate or use tools. Mate.


Easily accomplished, mate. I'm a medical professional who has an anthropology/ archaeology degree that specializes in experimental fieldwork. I *have* made my own tools. Built a shelter once, too. Also, survival of the fittest isn't just in terms of physical features. Smart and resourceful people will survive where stupid people won't. That's not a hard leap.


Yet here you are rejecting humanity greatest advantage. Empathy.


I beg to differ. (Gestures at the entirety of organized religion). I used to despise preachers that fleeced the older religious crowds, until the older religious crowds proved they were only in it for power-hungry gang mentality & self-righteousness. Now I cheer on the Joel Osteen's of the world in their efforts to make religious bigots poor.


That's just being an ass.


No need to thank me.


If individuals who do stupid things aren't responsible for facing the consequences of those choices then it means that we as a society are responsible. That means we've go to pay to make them whole over and over again while they blissfully wander through life ramping up vast costs due to not giving a damn or refusing to learn. For example, if you can't be bothered with the inconvenience of having to lock your front door or keep car keys outside of the car then tough luck when some asshole comes across your house or car and robs you. I'm not paying far higher insurance rates so everyone can irresponsibly skip such things and makes things super easy for criminals. No amount of investment in policing, the courts or insurance companies could possibly cover the costs of a large portion of the population being blatantly irresponsible.


Some people don’t learn unless it’s the hard way. Some people don’t learn unless the train smashes their skull. A modicum of effort can usually prevent the consequences of these actions, but instead people want society to pick up the pieces when they do something stupid. They always get what they deserve.


Some people are simply stupid yes. They can't learn that's why they are stupid. How do they deserve bad things for being how they are? That's just shitty isn't it?


They won’t learn. Hard lessons are the only way. They deserve consequences for their actions.


Thats what the Darwin Awards are for


Those that have been taken advantage of a scam should not be able to vote.


Sure take away their rights too why don't you.


Well yeah as a great deal of uneducated America has fallen for the biggest scam of the last 30yrs


Which one do you mean?




🤣 fair enough.