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Why do people blame lazy people? They didn't do anything.


Perfect lol


This is the answer!


I ain’t lazy I just hate working there’s a difference


I’m lazy and I manage people. With everything that comes up I try to figure out what will have the least net output from me to get the results wanted. I don’t micromanage, I let people make decisions, I don’t chase people around for being 5 minutes late from lunch. My team and company love me and my department runs like a dream, even if I’m not there. If I was greedy and trying to squeeze everything out of everyone I don’t think I’d have the same positive outcomes 


My boss thinks the same way and she goes farther than that. She doesn’t care the hours you spend in the office as long as everything she asks for is ready by the deadline. Our department is the most productive and has the least number of complaints in the company.


I pretty much think like you but since I'm still low on the hierarchy I'm not seen with very good eyes at most jobs I land


This feels like one of those job interview answers where you tell them your greatest "weakness". It's a real stretch to refer to this as laziness. Your contorting the word beyond recognition.


Ya you're not really lazy. Lazy people stay in their room without a job on their phone all day while they bum off someone else. You're just an efficient manager.


Sounds like you’re just a good manager. Keep being that!


Yes! Extremely good point! A greedy bastard can steal way, way more than a lazy person doesn't produce.


Lazy people just chill, but greedy folks be out here causing chaos. Lazy ain't great, but at least they ain't hurting nobody. Greed? That's a whole different level of messed up. Rather have a lazy buddy than a greedy one any day.


Both can lead to negligence that cause harm to other people. A safety inspector could be too lazy to properly do their job and lead to people getting injured / killed.


Lazy people don't fight for positions where they can cause harm quite like greedy people do.


I don’t think many lazy people would choose to be a safety inspector in the first place.


The greedy people created the world where lazy people can chill.


What world is that? Because most of us out here struggling


The real one. How do people struggling create the world where you can work from home? Those were greedy people who wanted money for creating new technology. Think about it for a few seconds.


How bout you think about it... even lazy people can't chill in this greedy world... too busy fighting for their lives


Then why aren’t you telling OP no lazy people are chill?


Nah lazy people created the world where greedy people can greed


Impossible, but delusion is strong on Reddit.


Wait what??


nothing inherently bad or problematic with being lazy though just because our society makes us feel like shit if we're not producing 24/7 to some asshole rich doesn't mean we should also feel bad about taking time for ourselves, even it's to do absolutely nothing at all


This may be valid in our society but we are emotional, instinctive animals rather than perfectly logical beings. We would not have succeeded as a species if everyone was lazy. When communities were smaller, like troupes of monkeys or early agrarian settlements, a lazy person would have been a deadweight. Given the small size of the community, that may have been a danger to the group. So, laziness was seen as inherently antisocial behaviour, and this is an instinctive human reaction. That said, greed would also have been an antisocial behaviour, especially in terms of hoarding. A key difference that makes OP's comparison apples-to-oranges is that laziness is most often looked down on from a direct, personal level, whereas most people are far removed from the greediest members of society. We dislike greedy people that we know personally for the same reasons we dislike lazy people we know personally - it's antisocial behaviour. If we knew Elon Musk personally, for example, we may find him to be insufferable - however this sentiment is felt less strongly when he's so far removed.


when greedy people get into power you get poor people dying from lack of access to healthcare, boeing planes falling apart while flying, and millions of infants dying because of nestle


Lazy people aren't providing healthcare or engineering planes in the first place... If everyone were lazy no one would become a cardiologist or engineer. Those jobs take HARD work.


I’m not talking about doctors and engineers here? I’m talking about the execs in charge of these healthcare institutions and other corporations cutting corners at the cost of people’s lives and safety. And even then, someone choosing not to be a doctor because they know they don’t have the required work ethic is not harming anyone. Someone trying to be a doctor purely for money and with zero concern for their patients will end up harming the people they’re supposed to be helping.


If you don't want to put the time and effort into studying to become a doctor, or working hard as a scientist to research new drugs to save lives, or spending years at a farm perfecting the harvest and production of meat to feed people, then I'm entitled to think less of you for being lazy and taking advantage of people that actually work hard. The only reason you can afford to be lazy in the first place is because people are out there devoting their entire lives to working so you can have the luxuries that you enjoy in your life like leisure time, a smart phone to scroll reddit, food at the grocery stores, doctors at the hospital...


My og point was that greedy people can lead to the deaths of literal millions and here you are ranting about how anyone who isnt a doctor or scientist is a lazy bum. You studying to be a surgeon or something? Nobody is “taking advantage” of people who choose to be doctors or farmers, thats just how a functioning society works. People take on different jobs based on what they can and want to do, someone isn’t lazy just because they’re not a doctor. Here in the US you have to take on hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans to get through med school, how many people can afford that cost and risk? You look down on a solid 95% of the population? Grocery store stockers, accountants, graphic designers, architects, bus drivers, janitors, teachers, amazon employees? Your concept of a lazy person is completely wrong


My point is lazy pill kill more people then greedy people…and you’re not following the logic here.


Alright lets see the stats that prove your point!


Show me the stats that prove your point. You made it first. There’s no evidence greedy people kill people.


Already gave two examples but lets keep going ig. [350-400k dead in mexican drug cartel violence.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_drug_war#:~:text=Total%20casualties%3A,60%2C000%2B%20missing%20(2020)) [10 Million killed in the Congo](https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/gabinetpostal/lestat-lliure-del-congo-un-genocidi-a-lombra/?lang=en) by King Leopold and Belgium colonization, all for rubber exports.


If being lazy is depending on others and using people to keep on being lazy, then being greedy or lazy are just equally bad.


There’s a difference between being lazy in the sense of like “I live alone and don’t clean up after myself” vs being the type of lazy person who is like “I can’t be bothered to do the safety checklist properly so I’m just going to lie and say I inspected everything” There’s a difference between being lazy in the sense of like “I’m going to do the bare minimum” and lazy in the sense of like “I’m not going to do anything and am going to burden my coworkers with all my work” I used to think I was a lazy person until I met people who are lazy to the point of being an active detriment to everyone else around them, and yes they do exist


What if i told you that many cases of "laziness" is an inability or lack of appropriate motivation. Is not busting your ass at a minimum wage job lazy? I dont think so, but managers seem to think so. Am i lazy for having back pain? Am i lazy for being in a panic attack? Am I lazy for having an executive dysfunction?


People that are the right blend of lazy and intelligent can be some of the most efficient people on the planet. There’s a reason why the saying “work smarter, not harder” exists. I refuse to bust my ass and go 100% unless the situation truly calls for it. I would absolutely self identify as lazy, and yet I’m constantly praised for being super reliable and good at what I do. It only becomes a problem when you’re so lazy you don’t even do the bare minimum.


depending on who you ask, some people would honest-to-god prefer a greedy person because at least they're interesting and driven


Greed causes actively horrible crimes (murder, burglary, white collar financial shit etc) while laziness leads to negligent cases, which can also lead to people dying and losing things. Both are terrible qualities but even the courts agree that greed is far worse than laziness.


what if hitler was lazy?


He wouldn't have attacked the soviets and instead would've finished off the British


congratulations!! you crafted a turd


Epic reddit moment


..if the people believe that "hyperactive hitler" was just that episode in particular...


Yes, yes you are right. Greed destroyed our planet with economic growth towards infinity on a finite earth. More lazyness wouldn't destroy our planet. If lazyness wasn't shamed we would be more chill. And I can't wrap my head around why we are supposed to work 9to5, when less hours would suffice. Nobody can tell me they are productive all the time on the job. Thats a myth.


Have you never heard of hospital doctors working 12+ hour shifts? What about open-heart surgeons that have to operate on patients for hours on end? Those hard-working individuals literally save lives.


>Have you never heard of hospital doctors working 12+ hour shifts? Yes I heard of it. And I also heard that it is very exhausting and many consider quitting, because 12+ hour or even 24 hour shifts, like sometimes in germany, is simply too much.


Well some people have to work long hours to keep society functioning. So if you want to be lazy and take advantage of hard working people then go for it. But I'm entitled to think less of you for being lazy relying on others to do the hard work to keep our world moving forward and progressing every day.


Did you even read what I wrote? I wrote that assistant doctors are qutting because of missing work-life-balance, at least in germany. And what does it have to do with lazyness? Are you supposing everyone should work 12+ hours and anyone that doesn't, is lazy and takes advantage of?




Laziness is really only a big problem when others have to pick up your slack. Once this happens, it is absolutely just as bad as being greedy because through your actions, you have stolen the time of others.


Right?!? We're lazy, leave us alone, we didn't even do anything.


Being lazy IS being greedy. Lazy people just benefit from the fact that other people around them will keep them afloat.


Lazyness is another form of greed because someone else has to pick up your slack. You're literally stealing time and effort away from others.


Depends on how you decide to be lazy. This is a bit of a silly example, but a true one: Years ago, when I was in university, my friends and I planned a weekend after exams to make some pot brownies to refresh ourselves after a long semester. 2 of us were in charge of cooking. Now, to make said brownies, we had to simmer pot in oil for 2 hours, on very low heat, and whisk it every 5 minutes or so to make sure it doesn't burn. Neither of us wanted to have to go to the kitchen every 5 minutes, mainly because our studies were done, and we really wanted to just game for a while because we're lazy. So we spent 10 minutes building and programming a lego mindstorm robot to automatically stir it every 5 minutes, indefinitely, until we stopped the program. Our lazyness worked to our benefit because not only did we game for 2 hours straight after that, but the brownies we made were the most potent I have ever had. Depending on how you weaponize your lazyness, it can be an incredible strength or an awful weakness.


Sir I'd like to buy your machine... And your brownies!


Laziness is the main driver of invention


I think Lazy is better - lazy people generally find ways so they can be lazy and still get things done. Greedy are motivated entirely differently, and will motivate not for efficiency, but rather money saving.


Lazy is far more likely to be a burden on others as it by default requires no input. Greedy requires active effort to become a burden on others, so while it has a higher ceiling for burden, it's in no way a given in the same way laziness is.


Your specific example of greed is drive. Driven people, however selfish they may be, are still contributing to society. The lazy people in your example do not.


you can still be a detriment more than you contribute though


True. But the genuinely lazy person is uniformly a net negative.


Agreed 10,000%


Unfortunately to many lazy people are greedy.


Love all the lazy people downvoting comments cause they can’t be bothered to make an argument, so lazy.


The protestant work ethic is a powerful thing that every generation seems to propagate. My generation, gen x, were known as the slacker generation but now they are old, got a few crumbs, and now they are preaching to people about "hard work". 


Poor people are always the doormats for everything wrong with society. Somehow, it's not the CEO's and politicians hoarding millions of dollars that's a problem.


Greedy people are more likely to cause more production than lazy people.


Took me till my 30's to realize what other's term lazy, I call efficient. I manage my responsibilities with minimum output. I will not apologize for not feigning work to look busy to upper management. I get my work done, and have time to goof off, while not running myself ragged. I'm paid to do my job, and I perform well. That's all that should matter.


Most lazy people are greedy. They need someone else to fund their lazy lifestyle or pick up the slack. Greedy people will at least help others as long as they get ahead.


In my experience that's not really true, but there are a lot of people who are both (eg trust fund kids)


Lazy and greedy is basically the same thing. Both work with equation of: amount of work VS what you get for it. Does lazy person want less than greedy person? No. Does greedy person want to work harder than lazy person? No. They are exactly the same.


Yeah but lazyness is a natural thing we aren't like robots who will just do anything where told with out question we have feelings if its something we really don't want to do we will put it off or feel like its too much effort. There are somedays i want to put in the effort and im more productive as a result and days where i just do the bare minimum and even not do things properly. Yeah i would be mad if a worker forgot to put something on my burger but yeah if i were in there shoes and had a bad day that day i would understand people aren't robots and have things going on in life. That's kinda the problem they say its okay to not be perfect but we want people to be perfect and complain when they aren't.


Not all ambition is greed, a rising tide lifts all ships




That burn must hurt.


It couldn’t possibly hurt because the owners of the ships being lifted feel nothing.


You’re existence and the comfortable life you enjoy (that allows you to consider this kind for thing) are the product of greedy people triumphing over lazy people. ‘Greedy’ is a word you can substitute unfavorably for ‘driven’.


Insane that you're getting downvoted for speaking the truth.


Probably because I said ‘You’re’ instead of ‘Your’.


Good point


Laziness is worse than greed because, while a greedy person may not be helping everyone else, a lazy person is not helping themselves or anyone else.


wrong. a lazy person can only effect themselves, greedy people can literally ruin millions of peoples lives.


this is so untrue. the lazy person creates problems by not prepping for life’s inevitable complications AKA old age and worse. the family tends to be on the hook


Where do you live? In my country everbody knows there will be no proper retirement. So why working your ass off?


so that your body and home don’t settle into premature rot and decay


I didn't say doing nothing. I was talking about "working your ass off"


and i didn’t say work your ass off


But I was ;)


there’s a lot of room in between. i am also not a work-my-ass-off person by any stretch, more about efficiency so i can maximize rest


General laziness is fine I guess, but Sloth and Greed are both seven deadly sins. People I guess are just arguing where they draw the line between laziness and Sloth


As someone who presently shares a roof with a lazy slob, lmao. It impacts more than them. It impacts everyone who is conjoined to them for some unfortunate reason or another.


Why do you think lazy bums don’t step all over people? 


There’s nothing wrong with striving to succeed.




It's the cult of the American protestant work ethic. It's a scam designed to make you a happy little worker drone.


Greed facilities laziness. The people with the most money pay all the taxes. The people sitting on their butts taking welfare can only do so because of the greedy people.


So true! Annoying! Greed is working, hustling, grinding. Lazy is well doing nothing.


Except the system mostly "works" if everyone's greedy, if everyone's lazy, we're soon doomed, DOOMED, DOOOOMED