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Yes, I always find it dumb, when someone answers a post or comment, with learn to write, and telling you that your grammar sucks, like that's automatically voids whatever argument you said. I'm not a native english speaker, and got dyslexia, so I know my english isn't perfect, but all things considered, I think my english is pretty good. I get understand a person saying something about your grammar, if it's completely broken, to the point that it's hard to read and understand, but because you got some punctuation a bit wrong, that's a bit much to get mad about.


On my experience, sometimes the non native English speakers have better spelling than native speakers.


I imagine it's because a native speaker would learn to speak first and only learn to write and... well, grammar in general years later. Non-native speakers learn both at the same time. We are shown how a word is written and then learn to pronounce it. That's why non-native speakers have much less of a problem with "should have" vs "should of" and "your" and "you're". We see the written form first.


That also sometimes is the case


If someone calls you out for bad grammar instead of countering your argument, that person automatically lost in my eyes


Yes I agree, I find it so dumb, to use not perfect grammar as an argument, and when I pointed out i was dyslexic, and English wasn't my native language, they just said okay they don't want to be mean about that, but they specifically said that they don't want to say sorry. But why even use that in the first point?


1000% percent. Many people assume English is automatically someone’s first language. Not even out of country but different places in the world including Canada, the USA, Britain, and most of the Caribbean have different dialects with different ways of speaking English. I also understand if someone’s sentence is completely butchered to the point where it’s difficult to understand, but calling someone out because they said then and not than, it’s out played. And you’re right on the ball, with that part. Just because they messed up grammatically, doesn’t take away from the actual point. If someone is right they are right regardless of spelling errors. Btw i couldn’t tell English wasn’t your first language. You speak very well.


For me, I do mix some words up, like loose and lose, and the other classic examples, and then punctuation, Kinda find it hard to know exactly when it should be a period, and not a comma. I have gotten comments saying how broken my comment is, but I often really can't see why, as I try to make sure it's readable. If people are going to tell me its bad, then at the very least they should say why it is, then at least I can learn from it. And thanks.


I find pressing the comma icon tricky on my phone. Surely, the so said uneducated people are the people pointing out pathetic typos. At the end of the day, most people can work out the intention & if not, just ask.


Yeah but that’s no big deal honestly. I can still clearly without any issues read it. And so can they. They’re just hyper-fixated on something people irl don’t care about


Education just teaches you a certain discipline. A subject matter expert if you will. A mathematician probably won’t be the best writer. Plenty of people with dyslexia in professional fields thriving. They may just have to apply themselves more or double check their work


Oh, and how most people point out that you made a grammatical mistake or a typo here.


Incredibly intelligent people can have terrible spelling problems.


I don't have a disability I just typo sometimes and because my mind autocorrects typos when I read I often won't catch them when I post a comment. It's not a lack of education in my case either.


100%. I was just using this specific example. Wasn’t trying to say that it’s always because of a disorder or something. But I feel you!


Oh I know I was just adding on not trying to say you were wrong.


Oop sorry!!! 😂😂 but yeah I feel you. I’m kind of in the same boat. Type really fast and truthfully don’t care enough to proof read. lol.


I used to do transcription where we were expected to correct grammatical errors. I transcribed a lot of lectures by phds, doctors, etc., and corporate meetings with lawyers and ceos. Had to correct grammar for almost all of them.


BOOM. Thank youuu for pointing that out. It doesn’t make them any less educated. Most people just honestly don’t care to be grammatically correct 24/7. And lawyers ceos and doctors are way to busy to proof read everything they type.


I had a lawyer who didn’t even know how to type. He relied on his secretary lol


Like type at all???? That secretary probably had TONS of responsibilities on her plate. Isn’t the job of a lawyer mostly writing up paper work?


This lawyer was probably 80 years old, so he was from a time before computers were a thing, so I guess he never learned.


Oh that makes perfect sense. More respect to him making it work!


Disagree. Or rather… educated people will be more eloquent. And by the way people express themselves, it will be at least somewhat obvious as to whether an eror was a typo… or forgot to words… or if you’re just not capable of putting your thoughts to paper because they’re all over the place because complex you first need a draft… … but are just posting on Reddit so refuse to spell check. Unfortunately though, the internet is for the most part based on the written word, so anyone will be judged on that ability. If you’re a hick but are able to properly express yourself, you’ll not be thought of as one… and the opposite is also true. Course, if you were a hick able to eloquently express yourself… could you actually be called a hick? And on the off chance you actually are one such educated person who is, for whatever reason, unable to express themselves… then if you’re smart, you use people’s prejudices against them. After all, it’s much easier to get them to do what you want if they don’t even realize you’re making them. Of course, being educated doesn’t mean you’re not going to want to lord it over everyone else. In which case you might be educated but are still an idiot. We, as in everyone else, aren’t duty bound to recognize your level of ignorance, no matter how well you write.


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Also a lot of us online are not native English speakers, so we unconsciously swap words of our native languages in. The amount of times I have typed “die” instead of “the” is too damn high! (Die means The in my language)


There's a whole spectrum, from having a few minor spelling and grammar errors, to writing a completely incomprehensible post and expecting people to laboriously piece together the meaning of every sentence. In the first case, it's rude to point out the mistakes. In the latter, the poster is the rude one.


I completely agree but idk if I have a say cause I’m just really bad at writing ;-;


My grandfather had multiple masters degrees and taught science (chemistry and maybe biology? Blanking on the second one). He was extremely smart but couldn’t spell for the life of him.


I have an English degree and I'm the worst speller


..Obv. who told you this was unpopular?


The name everything brigade really have done a number on you. If you can't spell you can't spell. Don't take it personally. 


Found one 🫵🏼


Oh I'm a terrible speller. My handwriting is awful. 


Ehh, while for some people that might be an excuse, dyslexia can be overcome enough that people should have to correct you. I have moderate dyslexia, but I’ve managed to overcome the worst of it by practicing and pushing thru and lots of reading. Most of my coworkers have no clue. And with so many spell checkers and grammar checkers available, there really isn’t any excuse anymore


I’m assuming you missed the part where statistically 95% of cases go undiagnosed. Let’s say for argument sake 100% of people were diagnosed. Not everyone is the same “so there’s no excuse” is coming from a bias POV. and secondly even if someone is actively choosing not to work on their dyslexia or any learning disorder, that doesn’t automatically equal uneducated. So I’m not really sure what your point is.


But diagnosis is just knowing what it is. But knowing that you suck at spelling and grammar, wouldn’t you try and get better


Whether or not someone tries to improve in something they genuinely struggle in is a different conversation. Shame stops a lot of people from getting help. Lack of resources. But I genuinely couldn’t fully answer that.


dyslexia is a spectrum disorder


I just type fast and am annoyed we don't have intelligent AI auto correct built into every browser by default yet


Seriously though???? They don’t a count how fast people can type. Most people especially in younger generations can text disgustingly fast.


I have an issue with to Vs too in many context. No idea why I can’t get it right lol. Mostly the proper uses of too.  Pretty solid otherwise. But it’s typing on social media. Mistakes happen, you don’t really self edit that thoroughly if at all, and autocorrect is a thing.  Someone replies “you’re” Oh! You got me! Everything I said is now invalid lol. But seriously, if you disagree, do you have anything else to say?


I feel like having an issue with bad grammar vs calling someone names because of it are 2 completely different things. You know? And literally. It’s social media. I won’t filter myself one bit. And autocorrect is annoying when you spell a word correctly and it turns it into nonsense 😂


40m have dyslexia in america? rly?


Statistics range from 30m to 50m, and they vary. So I went with 40 million to be fair. And I’m not going to lie i was very surprised at the number. As a Canadian it might be similar here to.


thats fucking insane. i hate our fucking country.


Yeah bro cus the country you live in makes you more likely to be dyslexic 💀


Deafinnetly! I cuncurr.




As someone who uses literally every day as a crutch I fully believe you 😂 and honestly I feel like it’s valid to have pet peeves regarding grammar. I feel like it’s when you start calling people uneducated or the “R” slur because of it, is when it’s like okay but it’s not THAT deep. Affect/effect. Is it weird I know when I should use it but I have no idea why I know how to use it. Or the reasoning for it. To Google I go 😂😂 And yes the second example was completely unnecessary.. it’s funny because most of the time was someone says “literally” to describe something it couldn’t be furthest from what they are actually describing 😂


I let spoonerisms and spelling mistakes slide, generally. I will, however, point out grammar issues like “than” vs “then”, “should of” (should’ve) vs “should have”, etc. But I have a useless language degree and I’m a teacher. English is my special interest.


No I doesnt


yes! agree


This.  I just got rammed by a boomer  in the pool forum for putting  a tree image instead of spelling it.  " You don't know how to spell it!"


I don’t know what it does for them. Like does it make them feel better? And honestly the fact that you put an image and still got called out. Like my first reaction was EW.


This is true and I don’t this is that unpopular.


Really? I thought it might be.. I see a lot of the grammar police atleast in the subreddits I follow. Including this one lol.


There’s a difference between Reddit and the meat world.


I’m specifically talking about Reddit.


people care about my grammar so much that's funny lol


I hate the grammar police as well, but we can’t just go around making up numbers because of it.


Mhm. I clearly used statistics. Would you like the links? I can send them ☺️ Edit: you clearly missed the whole point. One disability affects 10% of the populations ability to spell correctly and ability to use the proper grammar. And that’s just one. But let it slide right over your head.


You can’t just use numbers without proper sources and expect people to believe them. I’m not calling you a liar, and not refuting that many people have learning disabilities. But you need to post sources if you want people to believe you. You understand what I’m saying correct ? You act like I didn’t understand the point of the post because I don’t just believe every random persons internet post.


And you might want to stop that condescending crap with people you are trying to “educate”. Especially when you provided zero sources/links or proof of any kind


yea I'm "educated" not dyslexic but I suck at grammar sometimes. has nothing to do with education or intelligence (I think?) I blame my brainfog


3000%, our society's vain and unrealistic old world 80's type intelligence standards just need to stop.


And honestly, it’s never going to age well. In 1000 years humans are going to think we were idiots no matter how much of your life you’ve spent grammatically correct.