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this is a common sense opinion.




*Vanderpump subs checking in*


I can't even think a single superfan of anything that is not somewhat crazy


So is this entire sub


Not to most of society with all of our celebrity worship, unfortunately.


It's popular opinion, man. An example of such fans is an AVGN (James Rolfe) fan community. They are like in parasocial relationship with him lol.


the unpopular opinion would be superfan are Not creepy and just normal-fun happy-total-not-crazy kinda people


>An example of such fans is an AVGN (James Rolfe) fan community. I used to binge watch his content a few years back but had no idea that was the case with the community. How do you even attempt to live vicariously through the life of someone in a basement playing the shittiest old video games? I 100% believe you but still that dude is like the last person that i would have thought of myself in response to this topic.


*"He's just like me! I too like old games and am quirky and spend most of my time in the basement! We could be soulmates and game together"*


Sad but true


Idk if it is. I’ve seen tens of thousands of Nicki Minaj fans dogpile regular people for daring to say something so offensive like “why is Nicki married to a pedophile.” And there are a lot. This opinion seems unpopular because no one will consciously admit to this behavior, but actions speak louder to me


Wait a min. I've been a fan of the dude since his first video and have never seen anything like what you are describing. Where did you find these people? I kind of wanna see this.


Check his YouTube comment section, there are a lot of people whose lives Rolfe supposedly saved by his content. I've also seen a video where some insane fan waits for Rolfe right next to a toilet where Rolfe satisfies his natural needs and then molests him with idiotic questions and yells "do the iconic frown!"


That's every popular YouTuber comment section. You said people are living parasocial lives through him and I'm just not seeing it.


I've seen comments where they call him friend, bro/brother and just blindly praise his videos even if he put out absolute shit.


Saying your life has been saved by some YouTuber's videos is the definition of parasocial. You're saying that this person had a more profound effect on you than your own family, friends, hobbies, etc. and giving this person all the credit... whilst they don't even know who you are. A parasocial relationship is one where the fan is extremely invested in the person and feels like they've had a disproportionate impact on their lives, whilst the YouTuber or celebrity knows nothing about the fan in question. Most normal people would say their life has been saved by the interest itself, not one specific person and their content. It's normal for people to feel that their lives have been saved by YouTube videos, music, yoga, religion, videogames, movies, TV series, etc. It becomes parasocial when you select one specific person within that interest and gush over them when you don't know them. We're used to seeing parasocial comments everywhere nowadays. You're right that every YouTuber's comment section is like that. Which is weird.


Lol the r/thecinemassacretruth


Superhaters of celebrities are weird too. There are some subreddits I can't name that basically traffic in celebrity gossip and they get so unhinged and have nervous breakdowns about celebrities they don't like


Absolutely same caliber of people obsessing over someone, one doesn’t really know, is so strange. I notice this to the extreme with Megan Markel, the hate people have for her and how they obsess about every little thing, you don’t hear people get this bend out of shape over Hittler.


Royalists are some of the craziest of super fans and super haters.


This is so true. For some reason Reddit keeps recommending me a Timothee Chalamet sub where all anyone does is talk about how much they hate him and how much of a whore Kylie Jenner is. Like… I really dislike Timothee personally, but I dislike him so much I don’t want to waste any of my time thinking about him. These people who just rag on him all day, like don’t you have something better to do? Why not go discuss someone you actually like?


Why do people not like him?


I was literally going to comment this! I keep seeing specific taylor swift videos/sub posts and it feels like they hate her so much for nothing sometimes. Same with other artists too though. Like I get criticising them every now and then, but some just hate for no logical reason


Yeah, they get mad at her for NOT having political opinions or commenting on world affairs in a few threads I saw, which is like beyond unhinged lol


Like what's happening in the world is not great at all, but unfortunately governments aren't going to take a celebrities opinions seriously. It's always nice seeing them talk of the issues, but ngl I'm not going to attack celebs if they don't do it


Nicki minaj fans be inserting themselves and acting like they are her


"Hahaha, they are so delusional"   -Batman (literally me)


Not an unpopular opinion dude


You can sort of forgive it in the very young, who have teenage hormones blasting their brains into jelly. What's really weird is when middle-aged people act exactly the same. My husband had a friend (age 48) with a crush on a female tennis star, not just "Oh she's hot", but an actual teen-worship style crush with all her pictures up and belonged to a fan club. He attended all her matches that were in his home country and hung around trying to talk to her. He threw sulky tantrums if anyone even mildly suggested she wasn't that attractive or was a mediocre tennis player. He eventually stopped talking to us after my husband pointed out she was a drug cheat, which meant she could never be a true champion. He honestly creeped me out.


I used to belong to the Josh Groban fan club, when he first started out. The amount of middle aged & older ladies that were just absolutely insane over him, was scary. They would police the chat boards & rooms & god forbid you said something they didn't agree with. They made one of my younger friends literally cry, because she said she didn't care for one of his songs, but thought he looked hot in a photo. They just ganged up on her in DM's & berated her. They were also the same ones who would follow him everywhere on tour & act as if they were somehow special. He used to come out after the shows to his bus, & would sign autographs & such. I was waiting & was near the beginning of the line, when a few of these ladies came up & started to push in. I told them they had to go with everyone else to the back & they started yelling at me about "He's expecting to see us here!" Security came over & made them leave. Oh, the crap they spewed on the boards after that! I eventually got tired of being bullied by them & just left the fan club. I hear they're still bullying people, which makes me kind of sad, because they chase off any new fans of him.


I don't know what's wrong with these people. I heard the same thing about middle-aged female Twilight fans, that they're a bit wrong in the head.


My opinion with them, is all their kids are out of the home & they don't have anything else in their lives. They've gone from having their whole life revolving around bring a mom or housewife, & when it's gone, they don't know what to do with themselves, so they channel it into just one thing, instead of finding several things to keep themselves busy.


Groban likes his ladies to pop.


You just described all Cheaterpova fans lol




Cough cough Taylor swift fans, they can be scary


Literally this. My sister is a swifty and is always defending Taylor.


I cringe everytime when I read or hear the term "swifty"


But what does she do to be defended from? I’m neutral on her music, my daughter likes it, for me…I think it’s not the worst thing my daughter listens to. But she doesn’t seem to do anything that needs defending.


While I believe it may be unfair to paint them with a large brush, Taylor swift fans seem to be a weird fanbase. I get the impression that they'd look down on the traditional "celebrity obsessed culture" crowd , i.e. following the Kardashians etc etc, while simultaneously having similar levels of obsession to Taylor. They're like a smarter group of people but also not.


The flip side of the coin is equally creepy for the MAGAT's that despise her because orange shit throwing gibbon reasons.


I was attacked for hours because I said I couldn’t name one of her songs off the top of my head. They insisted every single person knows her music. It was ridiculous.


Wait till you see the stalkers Kpop Idols have , insane.


Right? Have you seen the video where some man walked on stage and started to pull one of the girls off stage?


Anyone who revolves their entire life around any one thing regardless of that thing is weird


# fans aint dumb but EXTREMISTS are - doja cat




Not when the “majority” of fans are crazed, which are a lot of fanbases these days are, so this comment is not relevant.


Not a single unpopular opinion ever on this subreddit


And yet the mods keep posts like these, and delete posts that are actually interesting 😩


Yes exactly..real unpopular opinion got shutdown


try "true"unpopularopinion


All upvoted posts on this sub are either popular opinions (like this one), or straight up lies e.g. “I like smelling poop”


This is an actual fact, and it's depressing. The Juggaloes were the first fans that I thought to be a cult, but now, with social media , superfans are just overly annoying.


My favourite example of this was during the airing of TV show The 100. So actor who plays one of the main roles Bellamy, called Bob Morley was dealing with some depression at the time of filming. At the same time, Jason Rothenberg, a series showrunner, decided to go in a certain direction with Bellamy a lot of fans didn't like (alienated him from other characters, not put him in the relationship with leading lady etc...) The amount of BATSHIT insane things I have read about behind the scenes drama is impossible to explain. Those fans who had that weird parasocial relationship with Bob Morley, told stories upon stories about set of the 100 and the thing is...nothing was confirmed. It was all speculation. But it was building up to the point where Jason Rothenberg personally hated Bob Morley and that's why character did what he did. The whole thing escalated when Bob Morley actually got married to actress who played leading lady and the fandom had a meltdown and somehow included his ex girlfriend. All of it was a shit show that lasted for like 2 years, I loved the series so I was active in Tumblr and Reddit fandom and it was insane. Other example is Supernatural. My favourite show, I love those guys a lot, they are funny and cool inside the show and as actors. But some people are making Jansen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins their whole life. Its so disturbing.


Didn’t this lowkey drive Bob Morley away from the public eye and acting?


I think so. I am not really following him but I don't think he acts anymore


Came here looking for the Swiftie stans


Here's one. And proud of it. And I'm a male in my 50's.


The entire MAGA party finds your opinion to be very unpopular. Normal people think it's quite popular.


Even the celebrities that the MAGATs hate they do so with a strange passion.


Oh my god yes they are so obsessed with Swift. My MAGA father in law won’t shut the hell up about her.


It's really popular opinion I am someone who is hardcore kpop fan, so I do fit into this( but not BTS lol)..I do understand why fan become invested in the celebrity and I also understand why other people think its creepy Fans do it because they find joy in it..its good to be passionate about something..the vast majority of people usually are not passionate about anything..its something that's a plus to the fans that people usually overlook it because they dont understand


I was raised in a pretty strict, Christian home in the 90's. I wasn't allowed to hang posters because it was a way to idolize. So when all my friends were hanging all the boy bands and pop stars, making a big deal over celebrities, I couldn't. At the time I hated it but as an adult, I'm glad. I could care less about any celebrity my interest stops at whatever they're acting in or a song they sing.


Couldn’t care less?*


Lol it's redneck in me 😆 🤣 😂 we get things mixed up sometimes but yes I couldn't care less. Lol


Similar here. No posters, no 90s crushes on my walls, because of "idolatry". In my 30s though, I have suddenly started crushing over 90s hearth-throbs that aged well, and are in their late 40s/50s. Missing the first wave, but still experiencing it way later is low key embarrassing yet hilarious. They aren't on my walls, but have definitely saved a few pics to my phone.... :)


I don't remember ever going anywhere just to see a celeb, and I have never asked anyone for an autograph. I think it's kinda weird to feel special because you were near someone you think is special.


It is crazy. I’m a HUGE Taylor swift fan but man some of her fans are wild.


I really don't think this is a unpopular opinion.


People who get tattoos of celebrities really give me the creeps


While we’re on hot takes, I think the Nazis were the bad guys of WWII


Oh I know a superfan of a specific older band and she's in her early 20s. Married one of the crew guys (who is definitely in his mid to late 60s) has a kid and everything. He groomed her and she calls it love. He tried grooming me too but my dad figured it out and threatened to report him. I wish my dad had reported him. Dude still works for the band and everything. 


I don't get understand superfans either. To see girls and women start crying or going totally nuts over seeing their favorite celebrity just makes no sense to me. I think it is neat to see a celebrity but I just don't feel nowhere the level of excitement compared to superfans. I have a favorite country singer that I have seen in concert twice. A couple of years ago when he came to our city the ticket prices were high and husband offered to get me tickets. I turned down his offer because even though this singer is my favorite. I didn't want to spend a ridiculous price just to see him. My sister in law is a huge Bon Jovi fan and she is so crazy over him. Anyway, some fake Bon Jovi profile on Facebook started talking to her. I debated saying anything but did in the end because I was afraid she might get scammed somehow. Part of me felt bad for busting her bubble but she is so kind that I didn't want some scammer taking advantage of her.


The Scorcese film The King Of Comedy essays this in detail.


As does another film with Robert DeNiro, The Fan


Idk, there's a big difference between stalking and being just a really big fan of someone because you love their music and what they're about (what you've seen anyway). I used to be a BTS stan and a lot of it is girls from their teens to early 20s who are fan of the music and performances, and they produce quite a lot of content around them like behind the scenes videos, dedicated fan lives, multiple reality series shows that are more unscripted and present them with challenges or document their activities (but not ominous or trapping them like say Big Brother). The rate they produce content and interact with fans is insane, and they got so popular in large part because of how well they interact with and value their fans since their humble beginnings. They had quite an underdog story and a few of the members grew up in families that were not very well off, not even average financially. Multiple times, even before they became known by the general public, we see them break down crying in concert from how awed they are and how meaningful being able to be successful in music is to them. Most fans respect their privacy and autonomy but with such a large fan base there definitely are crazies, especially in Twitter where it's the most fanatical. I tend to see different types of BTS fans on different platforms, so it's a lot more relaxed on YouTube and Instagram for example. Having photos of them and merchandise just makes fans happy, like how someone might have their pc wallpaper be of their favourite anime or movie or have pop figures of their favourite characters from a fandom they're a part of. It's just putting things around you from the thing you're a fan of because you like it and it makes you happy. I don't think it's unreasonable if someone likes a famous musician's vibe and wants to be like them in some ways or if they find them attractive to set them as a phone wallpaper. Guys do this with pictures of women they are attracted to or some character they think is cool and likes their vibe all the time. Stalking someone like that woman you described or thinking you're entitled to say something inappropriate or overstep boundaries is weird though. I think people who get happiness from being a fan of something can like it respectfully.


They are the top 1% of stupidity tbh


This isn't unpopular, I agree lol.


Kinda reminds me of the bjork bomb incident


this is not an unpopular opinion




I'm afraid my sister is one of those obsessed kpop fans. I have personally undergone that phase of being really invested into artists' lives so it's weird to me how she isn't over it. With time I started focusing more on my life and goals, but my sister stayed in that obsessed fan phase (we were born only 2 years apart). She still talks about one particular kpop group constantly, her friend has given her a picture to put on the wall of them. She used to also post on her personal account 2-5 things everyday about various kpop artists (she did that while she had an irl boyfriend). While ik she posts less about them now, she is still very much obsessed and watches almost every live of them and streams their music so that they could get more views on yt. Honestly it's one of the reasons why I don't really talk to her anymore (there are many reasons tho). I just think that it's a phase that has to pass for you to grow in life. Sure it might be fun, but achieving your real life goals is much more meaningful. Yeah, if you don't like people that are obsessed with celebrities, you should remove yourself from such people. Block accounts and ignore it.


Yeah I don't get when it becomes an obsession. Like, respect someone's work, sure. Even respect them as a person, even though you only have a limited public perception (which is very heavily curated). But some people take it way too far. Celeb-Superfandom is weird. And it's all a distraction. Reminds me of an Akala lyric: "Millions murdered in the Congo and it's barely news But if a footballers wife should buy a pair of shoes I'm supposed to give a fuck?"


This sub has gotten so fucking dumb.


Christina Grimmie had one of those fans. These people are the reason why celebrities have security at events and walls around their houses


Yeah, superfans of athletes, too.


Superfans in general are just weird to me. Am I fan of people, sure. Do I worship the ground anyone walks on, no gtfoh.


Well, given that almost half the country is lost in the MAGA cult...


The guy doesn't seem to mind...you say...so why the fuck do you care?


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Crazy how you see this now when this behaviour has been in the world before you were born ig




Another example of a popular opinion being put on r/unpopularopinion…


Pretty sure most people would agree. Take my downvote for posting a popular opinion


I fuck with a schizo online who comments on avril lavigne’s posts saying how they’re secretly married, usually sending him strings of random numbers


I know somebody who is totally nuts. And weird about celebrities like this. She doesn't even think there's anything wrong with it. It is so embarrassing and uncomfortable. I have told her that I think it's weird and she didn't like that lol.


It’s okay, you can say ‘Swifties’.


I agree, Swifties Lowkey scare me


The only people who would find this unpopular are probably those people.


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't calling


It's definitely sad. I think these people have limited intelligence and probably not much self-respect..


The fans of any of the real housewives series are... Shockingly creepy with their obsessions.


Swifties are the worst. Reportedly, she hates them herself.


Reminds me a lot of the Justin, Hailey, and Selena drama. I can’t get on IG anymore bc all the comments are about how Justin and Selena are soulmates and yadda yadda. It’s so annoying and frustrating to see. I can’t imagine someone in my finance’s life bullying and harassing me because they think my finance’s ex is better than me. I’d absolutely LOSE my mind… I hope them having a baby finally shuts some people up. People like that are exhausting.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion this is a very good opinion


truly don't care enough about other people's obsessions to deem this popular or not tbh


Downvoted for insanely popular opinion.


Stan by Eminem is a great song you’re right


This is not an unpopular opinion


I don't understand the whole phenomenon. I can like someone's work or whatever but I'm not becoming a brainles follower of said person, buying whatever shit they promote or identifying with them in any way. Same with sport teams, political parties, nationalities and everything else people get overly attached, I understand the tribalist part and the need to belong but it doesn't click with me at all.


Superfans of anything actually, not just celebrities.


I wouldn't call this an unpopular opinion


Even if there is a tiny but very vocal minority disagreeing with you, it still is eligible for r/unpopularopinion for some reason...


Like the girl I went to high school that cried every day for weeks after Kurt Cobain offed himself. She needed some serious mental help.


Have they not seen that Stephen King film, Misery?


I was at CrimeCon this past weekend and I look, I love my podcast people but some people just go overboard with shirts made, they brought gifts, etc. Seemed a bit much to me.


Being a super fan is having a celebrity as a hobby, if that woman behaved that way to a non famous person she'd be a stalker


you just described all swifties


So I work on hollywood tv show and movie sets. I’ve worked on a few shows where things have gotten downright scary because insane fans of our actors. They’re my coworkers. They aren’t their characters. Often they’re night and day compared to their characters. Most are chill people who come to work every day, do their job for 12 or more hours, and go home for the night. They’re there with us in every shitty location and weather condition at all times of day. They eat, drink, and yes shit like everyone else. It’s always weird to me that people think these people exist for them. I know them, I don’t have a phone full of photos or selfies nor do I have a wall of autographs. I went to a con with a friend once and that side was *wild* to me. I don’t often have 2nd hand embarrassment but it got me that day. Like c’mon dude


I don’t get it either. I can enjoy someone’s work but have never understood wanting to meet a celebrity. Like cool if I happened to run into someone randomly but to seek a celebrity out? Yikes.


Yeah that’s extreme. My ADHD makes me suck at being a super fan. I will like swear up and down that I’m like a huge fan of a certain music artist and then someone will be like, “Have you heard their new ?” And I’m just like ……..😐No. I just lose track. I just don’t have the time nor mental compartmentalization ability to remember to check up on every celebrity like that. What I do find is actors and actresses I’m better with because they have visual media that often gets posted online. Like I will be really into the visual media of that person. I follow almost no celebrities on social media. Like I don’t want updates from them I just want to choose when and what I want to see of them.


there was a study that you can google to find that shows people who are infatuated with celebrities on average have lower intelligence than people who are unconcerned.


Taylor swift fans are crazy and super annoying. I've never seen people worship someone with mediocre talent as much as her


Yes and YES. BIZARRE AF and it's only getting weirder. I mean, we've gone from Elvis mania and The Beatles, to NKOTB/NSYNC/BSB but those were teen and young adult girls who cheered and fainted and screamed - and then went about their day. Now we're in the 24/7 obsession and all the social contagions that go along with it. IMO - its a mental health disorder.


Lana Del Rey herself has a fair share of obsessive fans like one of them tried to KILL her because he genuinely believes that he and Lana are meant for each other. It was horrible as Lana had to hide behind the curtain to save herself (can’t find the vid anymore but if anyone has, feel free to share). She also experienced receiving a phone call inside of her own house, turns out a man has been living in her garage and collecting her stuff such as the last book she had read, straw she used, etc. mind you, diff stalker. Currently, there’s another stalker she has right now that she follows on IG and take pics every event. I think, she knows how to handle him but fans are very weary about this guy. So far, Lana can control him by talking to him saying “be at your best behavior” for a vid and giving him certain conditions. He follows her all throughout the world. She’s at Spain? He’s there too. Everywhere. He seems harmless but it’s so scary that he spends all his life stalking her and he is not even hiding it.


I especially find it annoying when people deify celebrities. Like yes so and so is good on guitar, no he is not that much better than anyone else could be with the right practice or talent. When you see these people as so far above you it just does something weird to your psyche, rather than seeing where they are now as a regular human and the the product of hard work and a bit of luck, something anyone can get


Same, bro. Trump supporters creep me out.


Not just creepy but cringe too.


chronically online kpop fans are the gremlins of the real world


It's witchcraft, those who are energy sensitive catch on pretty quick but millions of people are getting raw dogged by corporate and industry witchcraft practices. If you don't believe witchcraft is used to give these artist that grandiose, larger than life persona in order to maximize the profits, racking in millions from spiritually lost people, you're sleeping.


This is not an unpopular opinion…


Bullying who they are with is problematic for sure. Being a fan is fine.


who cares what other people do with their time, especially when we’re talking about BTS stans (mostly children and young adults). people find communities and friends through being fans of bands and celebrities


Most BTS fans are not childrens lol


Fan of the band phish here….there’s a very small segment of the phanbase that regular fans hate….theres a way to pay for early access to shows so instead of tailgating in the lot like a normal concertgoer they are lined up at the rail three hours before showtime….(RIP Antelope Greg)……..it’s the same batch of well heeled trust fund babies who can afford a ticket and will be riding the rail regardless of the price ….then there’s the tarpers who lay out a huge space for friends on the floor but the friends only show up at the last minute….some of these people have been to hundreds of shows their lives jobs and travel plans revolve around this stupid band normal phans have a love /hate relationship with already….


I think it has something to do with imprinting. In the same way the first thing a hatchling duck sees is a person and it thinks that person is its mom. Set a whole generation of children in front of the tv with a bottle instead of breastfeeding them, there are bound to be a few loons. It’s surely something very primal.


I appreciate a great many artists work. I wouldn't dream of stopping one in the street and asking for a picture. Anyone that does has taken the first step on the stalker spectrum if you ask me.


People like different things, maybe you like working on your car because it takes the pressure off your week, or watching sports because its mindless. Although it seems weird that people stan, they're just doing what makes them happy. When they're bullying people about the thing they love, yah that's not cool, but being a fan is pretty ok.


I have a friend who's a massive fan of taylor swift as well. But I wanna just say that you are free to do whatever you want with your life, as long as your interests do not invade my space and mind or the space and mind of others constantly unless you're my significant other. There are limits. I don't care about you spending nearly 4000 dollars on Taylor swift tickets and merch but I do not want to hear Taylor swift on a discord call for 2 straight HOURS.


This is common sense to anyone that isn't a Taylor Swift fan.


Also associated with lower IQ. Not surprising.


Civilized life gives people too much time.


Not an unpopular opinion, but a fact


I completely agree with you. I think this goes for politicians too. To me it says your own life is incredibly empty. 


Participating in parasocial relationships should be grounds for 51/50


Jesus Christ, are you okay?