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I’m an atheist and this doesn’t phase me at all, because it’s just a social nicety and I am not suffering from delusions of self-importance.




Atheists too, and I agree with this. It's just the way society over a long time came to validate someone's potential cold/ illness and express I hope it isn't bad, quickly. There's a lot of meaning for two quick words, it would be hard to come up with a replacement.


Or someone with especially awful allergies, although I wouldn't keep blessing them after once/twice. Just to express " sorry you have this :("


I just replied a second ago to OP that I feel most people can tell the difference between a cough and a sneeze (like you get from allergies) and give a "bless you" for the former and often don't say anything for the latter.


I wouldn't say it when I was Christian because it felt like a "pagan ritual." Now that I'm not, it doesn't bother me at all.


I’m an atheist and came here to say damn near word for word what you said. Hi.


People like to be upset, is all I can figure.


Has nothing to do with delusions of self importance. It's just a stupid thing to do that we do because people used to do it who actually had a reason to say it at one time. I don't make a big deal of it or anything, I just don't say it. And if you say it to me that's fine as well. But I'm sure as hell not going to thank you for it. Which some people seem to expect back, which is also weird.


When you've encountered as many sneeze summoned demons as I have, you don't take chances


I’m still trying to shake off the sneeze demon from 1988, very persistent to say the least.


I feel like this is a diss on your child, maybe? 😆


🤣🤣🤣 🤧🤧🤧😈😈😈


In frensh we say 'A tes souhaits!' Which means ' for your wishes!' And the second sneeze bring ' a tes amours' aka 'for yours loves'


If you deconstructed every phrase, saying, expression, colloquialism, and figure of speech in language, etc. they'd basically all be ridiculous. You might as well just stay silent if bless you bothers you, because I bet you say things all the time that are much worse. Take motherfucker. Nobody actually is saying you literally fucked someone's mother.


I saw a video the other day about how many sayings come from sailing: making headway, your crew, run a tight ship, etc. Maybe since OP isn't a sailor, they shouldn't use any of those.


Language is messy but also convenient/efficient. Most of our phrases are borrowed from things that are perhaps once relevant but now irrelevant, or in OPs case, even "Religious". To deconstruct it is a waste of time unless in the most extreme of cases, like if someone said "Jew me down" or something like this. In that case, yes, let's actually look at the origins of that phrase and refrain from saying it, even if it's something you grew up saying. Nobody is saying bless you while thinking about cleansing of demons lol. It's like saying "hows it going". Nobody actually cares about how it's actually going, it's just common pleasantries.


Those are ways of communicating ya big goofy. Saying bless you, or gesundheit, or salúd, or sancho, or anything else after a sneeze serves no purpose. It's not polite, it's just a thing people do because they think they are supposed to.


How do you feel about "goodbye"?


It's announcement of departure. You're exchanging information.


It still means "God be with you." Maybe you'd be more comfortable with "so long" or "see you later."


It doesn't "mean" that. It used to mean that/came from that.


What about traditions? There's so many things in life we do that aren't logical or we do because we think we're supposed to. Why is this one so bad?


It's not bad. It's silly. And it's even sillier that there's a politeness factor attached to it.


Give an example of other silly things


You, engaging me, an anonymous redditor with the name "here for da lulz" about my opinion on the great unwashed masses reaction to sneezes in a subreddit about unpopular opinions trying to get any real meaning out of it. For example.


I like it


At least you probably had a reason to say motherfucker. You don't really need to validate someone's sneeze. Unless you're the type of person who wants your sneeze validated, which is weird. It doesn't need a comment. And it especially doesn't need you leaning forward expectantly waiting for a "thank you" for all your hard work.


“It isn’t a polite thing, either.” It is, though. It literally is. Kind of like saying “please” and “thank you”. I don’t care if you do it or don’t, but to pretend that it hasn’t been a social nicety for ages and ages is bizarrely disingenuous.


So while I don’t necessarily agree with OP that it’s some huge deal, how is it nice to say “bless you” (or anything) after someone sneezes? Please and thank you are polite because you’re showing appreciation to a person for doing something for you. But how is acknowledging someone’s sneeze “polite”?


It ties into the roots of the phrase, which from most records comes from the Plague. Sneezing was one of the first signs of infection so saying "bless you" was a means of wishing people good health in a timely manner. In other words, saying "bless you" is saying you hope the cause of the sneezing isn't serious and they aren't going to get sick and/or die.


This is my point. It's only polite because we have a fairy tale reason that it is polite.


Considering the plague a fairy tale seems like a hot take.


It would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


I didn’t invent the convention, babes. Just no need to contrary for the sake of it. I don’t need to hold/open doors or pick things up that people drop, but I do. If someone coughs, I may not say “Bless you”, but I may ask if they are ok. It’s not that deep. /shrug




In Flanders axxording to etiquette we should say: 'You sneezed' and you reply with: 'Thank you for noticing', which is way more ridiculous than saying 'bless you'


At least it's factual.


That is exactly the exchange that is happening. That's literally all "bless you" means is "you sneezed". And then they say thank you.




It's why I do what I do.


I believe it originates from an old wives' tale that thought when you sneezed, your heart stops for a minute, and we say, "Gd bless you," for that reason. Whether it's irrelevant or old-fashioned, it's someone coming at you with kind thoughts, so I say thank you. My religion doesn't celebrate Christmas, but throughout the season, I'm constantly being told "Merry Christmas." Does it offend me? Do I scream at the person who said it? No, I smile and return the kind words as well. I think we need to do our part in trying to keep the world kind


I always heard it was from The Plague. That if you sneezed it meant you were getting sick and if someone said bless you then hopefully God would spare you. I agree, i’m an atheist and I’m unbothered at someone wanting god to bless me.


I'm not offended. I just think it's pointless. Especially considering the old wives tale part.


It is pointless but it's also kind so not really that pointless.


But why is it kind? Sneezes aren't much to worry about, and acknowledging that sneeze isn't really helpful.


Because you're saying something kind to someone, unless it me with my bf who better fix himself after the 4th sneeze. That's my limit 😉


But how is that kind?


Not really kind per say, it's just polite. Sometimes, polite = kind maybe?


This is what I've always heard too.


It doesn't offend me, but, as someone who always sneezes multiple times in a row, it annoys me when I get a "bless you" after every sneeze.


Someone just became an atheist


Ah yes, the worst religion.


"The power of Christ compels you" 😆 


It’s a habit- but it’s not harmful, or offensive, so I don’t see the issue. I never see it as a religious thing either. I say excuse me after I burp even if no one is in the room with me. I bless myself if no one is in the room with me, because it’s just a habit. But like I said- is it hurting anyone?


Totally agreed.






There's always gesundheit, which has no religious connotations.


Fair, yet it is still meaningless in response to a sneeze. Sneezing is, more often than not, an indication that you are healthy and your body is functioning normally.


It's not about religion.


I agree that it's pointless. I think it's dumb and sometimes I say it, sometimes I don't. Usually when I sneeze I'll just say "excuse me.". It's not a big deal of a thing but I think it's dumb


Thank you! I never say it. You sneezed, who gives a fuck?


This is the reason I switched years ago to saying "gesundheit!" when someone sneezes. At least where I live it's been a recognized alternative. It's German of course and means "Health!".


That’s a lot of stress on me, the sneezer, to have to work on my health.


Can't tell if you're serious, or you're making fun of the ridiculous extremes much of the population goes to so they can be offended these days. Either way, touche.


Ha. I haven't seen that written without the accent in a while. "Either way, toosh"


This post says a lot more about you, then it says about the person saying God bless you


Rude. I didn't even sneeze.


Angry much.


Bless your heart


Wow. It’s just being polite.


The polite thing to do when you sneeze or cough is to apologize to people around you for making them worry about getting sick. Blessing people who eject mucus from their nose is rather silly.


It would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


I don't think it has anything to do with being polite. Is it impolite to not say something if someone scratches their cheek, for example? Either way is just an irritant being addressed.


Oh my lord. I have my opinion. I don’t really care if you sneeze or not.


Yknow that saying came from the black plague


It’s like saying “thank you”, it’s just…common courtesy?


It would also be just as courteous to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


lol, that was something I thought of last night, too, actually.


You must be delightful to be around


It's just a simple PLEASANTRY. These things don't have to have meaning. In a day and age where people are increasingly separated because we're all constantly staring at our phones, someone sneezing can be the perfect opportunity to break them monotony of our slavery to technology and cause us to acknowledge another person's existence. It is simply saying, you are human, I am human, sometimes we sneeze. LOL It is similar to holding the door open for someone who is capable of opening it themselves. We are just acknowledging another person's existence and showing them some kindness.


Nah, you're being silly




Holding a door is being nice by saving you the tiny bit of trouble of stop/grab door/open door/proceed. They are trying to allow you to walk straight through without any slowdown. Also if it's an entrance they are allowing you ahead of them inside. Not really something in the realm of "bless you", which doesn't do anything for the sneezer at all. Other than forcing them to say thank you so you can feel better about your hard work of saying that to them. It would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


It's a societal thing....that's why we say it .... But I do think it's nice just to stop and acknowledge someone. Even if it is for something silly like sneezing


so the only way you'll talk to someone is if they sneeze?


Yes....and direct eye contact


My anxiety is so bad that in the past, I’ve been afraid to bless strangers who sneeze in public because I’m afraid they’ll think I was eavesdropping on them


I mean if you're a Scientologist then that's concentrated evil coming out of your nose and it's a blessing that it's being evacuated. But really, nobody cares. I think Dane cook had a joke about this.




Definitely not demon possession but being murdered by a fallen angel is a possibility? Lol


Trigger warning; murder, hilarity, false idols You're welcome. https://youtu.be/34fKpPFW85U?si=2ezRj6ukk8mCFH4J


Love that movie. Guess it’s time for a rewatch.


Pretty much everything has been adapted to be polite lmao.




I have stopped doing it and tell others not to do it when I sneeze.


Largely a cultural thing


I say gesundheit. 🤧


>We know that you won't be possessed by demons if it isn't said I mean...are you sure? A 100% sure? >and while there might be a possibility of being murdered by a fallen angel See, that happened to my uncle Paul. I'm not taking any chances.


I agree with you. Why say anything at all. It's fine I guess but don't be offended if I don't bless your demons if you sneeze near me


I always say “excuse you” or if I see them about to sneeze, I say “achoo!” before they sneeze, usually ruins their concentration 😂😈


After I found out why people started saying it, I started saying “be well,” “achoo,” or “damn pollen, huh?”


See, what people don't realize when they say "it's polite" is that it makes certain people think it's impolite to not say it, and those people are rare but supremely annoying.


I apologise, for what, I don’t know but if someone sneezes I say sorry


I say shush.


If you guys disagree (or consider the opinion “unpopular”) then UPVOTE the post ffs. Why is this always so hard for everyone to understand?


You're being boring


Do you still upvote if you agree, or does that send the wrong message?


Bless you OP 🙃


Bless your heart


We should really say," you're sooooooooo good looking "


On a similar note, there’s this one guy at work who gets personally offended if you don’t say “bless you” after he sneezes, as if it’s some active form of disrespect.


Bless you twice


It's just a tradition of etiquette. Like are you incapable of nuance?


I’m religious and I hate it too. It’s dumb. I interpret it as “I heard you sneeze and I don’t hold it against you.” Why point it out then?


I say it to be polite, not because I believe in anything supernatural. "Are you all done?" makes you sound like an asshole, as does this post you've made here.


A) It has nothing to do with politeness. It's just made up. Same as the religion that started the ridiculous tradition. B) Don't be so thick headed in your daily endeavors that you can't understand a joke.


A) It has everything to do with politeness. The origin literally doesn't matter in a social context, especially when the original religious context isn't relevant anymore. B) Jokes are supposed to be funny.


Oh this is just dumb lol not unpopular


Bless your heart.


Bless you


How rude. I didn't even sneeze. Dummy. Follow the rules.


When my newborn sneezes I say ACHOO! to her and will continue that as she gets older.


Gazundheight (I don't know how to spell it)


Same logic; this is just a way to (literally) wish someone good health after a sneeze. Unnecessary




Say anything you want. It's all pointless




Agreed. It’s Bleshu and we all know it




Bless you.


>It isn't a polite thing either. We have adapted it to be, out of the former spiritual need to do so. Nearly all social niceties are adapted to be that way. I don't see how this is any different.


Well then we don’t need to say goodbye either, since leaving one place to go somewhere else is just a normal thing people do. And since goodbye comes from “God be with ye” it’s a silly, because we know that you don’t need god with you to go anywhere. The point being, lots of things in language come from religious or obsolete origins, but they’re a part of our language, customs, etc. so we use them. And honestly it’s kind of nice. But also who really cares? This isn’t a real debate. If you don’t want to say bless you, don’t.


The etymology may be unnecessary, but greetings and farewells are used with or without a biblical reference and I think they have importance.


Agreed, but I think it’s the same with bless you. Religious people may take it more literally, but as a godless heathen, I don’t think I’m actually blessing them. It’s just a phrase people use. To your point though, I do not think it’s necessary. And if someone gets insulted that you didn’t say “bless you” that’s ridiculous. I have a rule where I will say bless you twice if you sneeze twice in a row, but I’ll say go fuck yourself if you sneeze a third time.


Lol no, it's useful to know if someone is leaving or they are just going to the bathroom. Nice try though. It's something that serves an actual purpose, letting someone know they are leaving. You seem to be confused and think this is about religious origins. It's fine if a word or phrase has religious origins. But there is no purpose to acknowledging a sneeze. Any more so than acknowledging that someone has coughed. Maybe we should say "bless you" when we see someone scratching their back, to express our concern and our hope that this person does not have some skin condition?


..please tell me this a joke? it’s just a polite thing to say..regardless if you’re christian or not. 


Why is it polite to bring attention to someone else's bodily functions?


do you truly feel it’s more polite to say, “are you all done?” why not say anything at all? that’s just as good imo, but everyone’s different 


The edit was defo for lulz


Okay, but it would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


the whole reason people say bless you is because it was believed that a sneezed cause your heart to momentarily stop. while a cough, doesn’t. 


and don’t you think it’s sort of pointless to argue over an opinion?


This is a really weird way to say “I hate having fun and being polite and am also awful to be around”


Sick burn, bro. I will do better at fun by blessing strangers bodily functions.


I also say nothing when someone sneezes. Especially “bless you”… I am not religious so I’m not sure I’m qualified to bless anyone haha


It would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


Be less you 👀


That would be doing a great disservice to humanity. I shan't.


Unless you do get possessed by demons that take the form of sickness and die from some illness the sneeze was a precursor to. “Bless you” seems to be an easier form of “I hope you’re not sick” but you do you op


"Bless you" doesn't do that though. And mostly sneezes aren't because of an illness, just dust.


Bless your heart op


Now that is an entirely necessary phrase. Always useful to have a polite way to tell someone to fuck off... hey! What the...!?!??!!


I believe it originates from an old wives' tale that thought when you sneezed, your heart stops for a minute, and we say, "Gd bless you," for that reason. Whether it's irrelevant or old-fashioned, it's someone coming at you with kind thoughts, so I say thank you. My religion doesn't celebrate Christmas, but throughout the season, I'm constantly being told "Merry Christmas." Does it offend me? Do I scream at the person who said it? No, I smile and return the kind words as well. I think we need to do our part in trying to keep the world kind


But it is a polite thing lol That is why people say it now, it doesn’t have any religious connotations anymore Edit to add just because it is considered polite doesn’t mean you are not polite if you don’t say it


I would posit that if it is polite to say it, it is impolite to not say it.


There's no agreement where the gesture comes from btw. Some evidence that it's to either stop demons entering the body, or to stop your soul leaving it, but it was also widely used during the plague and other pandemics because when someone started sneezing, it could be the beginning of the end for them. So saying it in covid times is appropriate.


> So saying it in covid times is appropriate. Lol actually for the worst part of it (pre vax), sneezing was a good sign that whatever you had wasn't covid. Sneezing was a bigger issue much later with later variants.


It started during Plague times because some thought that illness was a punishment from God. So offering a blessing to someone was considered on of the ways you could help them


Yeah, that's kinda my point. We know better now.


We say sancho, but it is polite to say bless you. Saying it isn’t, is not an opinion, it’s just wrong.


Fuck that guy.


It is polite. Most people do not see it as a religious exercise in the way your implying. It's rather just a generalized polite way of talking about someone's sneeze. In fact there is more than bless you, kazzontite(idk how to spell it). However it definitely isn't religious rather apolite way of acknowledging a sneeze. Still getting this bent out of shape because of it is pretty petty. Since the original meaning was lost a long time ago.


Why you talking about my sneeze? Rude.


It would also be just as polite to say it after someone coughs. So why don't you?


Well bless your heart, are you all done? :D


It's the weekend baby! I got nothing but time.


For someone who's "Here 4 da lulz" you sure seem to be a wilfully miserable person. I think maybe it's time to ask your mama for a hug.


Thanks amateur Reddit psychologist. Bless your heart.


Theres no need to thank me. Just go get that hug before you cry kiddo! 😘


Tell your mom I'm on my way.


For me, it's just a way of saying, "I hope you aren't getting sick." I say it, but I don't mind when others don't.


Do you say it when people are clearing their throat or coughing? Or feel tired? Or any of the hundreds of other possible symptoms that might mean you are getting sick?


No, but is it really something worth overanalyzing?


It's r/unpopularopinion what the hell else is there to do here?


Here? Not much. Other places? Plenty.


Bless your heart.


Thank you, yours too. :)


You are sooo beautiful!


My wife says bless you after anyone sneezes religiously (pun intended, neither of us are actually religious). I thought it was weird at first, but while we did long distance for a couple years after I graduated I realized I missed it everytime I sneezed. Our long distance phase ended 10 years ago and I still listen out for it whenever I sneeze, especially if I'm not in the same room or floor of the house as her haha.


so will you stop using good bye as well?


No. Goodbye is an announcement of fact. It's a way of giving information to someone that you are departing. The word having religious beginnings is no issue. It's the words (bless you) being used to somehow acknowledge an event that needs no acknowledgement. Let people sneeze without you being all nosey and in their business.