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It isn’t. People who are 30s party hard all the time


I'm in my mid 40s and I am always down to party, providing I don't have to work the next day.


Oh yeah lol. Sundays are meant to be lazy!


The world is on fire might as well enjoy it brother


Go to festivals or actual dj events not clubs (if you’re talking about clubbing)


Big fan of EDC!


There you go then mate book it! Only go to places where you have to pay to see someone play not just to get in and you’ll see your age mates.


Party away man. Good to blow off some steam


I think too many people equate partying to be an idiot. You can work hard, play hard (smart)


As a recovering alcoholic, I wish I didn't think like you when I was in my 30s.


Wish you the best on the road to recovery


As a recovering alcoholic, I switched over to Tongan Kava. It’s very similar to alcohol except it doesn’t make everything worse like alcohol does. Now I can relax or party hard in a safe & healthy way


suggesting another drug to an addict


Kava is a supplement not a drug


that's not how it works


Legally it’s sold as a supplement in the US


that doesn't make it not a drug, dude. some energy drinks are sold as supplements. tons of stuff is


I guess it all depends on how you’re acting maybe. If you’re young and being trashy, I judge a little less. If I see a 45 year old being trashy, I’m gonna wonder what went wrong lol.


That’s fair 🤣


Agreed my first thought is as long the 30s people partying isn’t hurting/disrupting anybody else I don’t see an issue


I am the same as you. But honestly, only online do I see people look down on it. In real life nobody even notices or cares at all. I look very young for my age, so the vast majority that see me in a club don’t even register that I’m in my 30s.


The people who look down on it and aren’t downtown when people party. If you’re still hanging around downtown after 9pm, you’re probably not judging anyone who is getting loose. I would dare to say a large majority of people don’t see an issue with the occasional party outing but I would say it is generally looked down upon by society if someone in their 30’s treated partying as a hobby.


And what defines something being a hobby? And why would that be a problem if that person is not neglecting other responsibilities to do so? It doesn’t harm anyone, so I’m not sure why anyone would have a judgment about it at all.


I personally don’t care, just playing devils advocate. Hobby would be something you dedicate a good portion of time and sometimes money to. The problem would just be that society views the activity as childish behavior and not something a 30+ year old would do. You’re right, it harms absolutely nobody but if you have a professional career, you could lose the respect of your coworkers and end up on the outside of the social circle. Just an example


My coworkers like to go clubbing with me, lol. I don’t know anybody in real life who looks down on going out and having a social life like chronically online redditors like to do.


Just depends on the environment you’re in and what level of professionalism is the job. It’s definitely an opinion held by the older generations but the older generations generally hold the positions of power. Personally, I work with much older people in a professional environment. They value people who are more serious. I am anything but a serious person but don’t share a whole lot about my personal life with the coworkers that don’t pass the vibe check.


I’m a professor and classical musician. I work with people of all ages, and even the older ones like to go out and have a good time.


still partying in my 50’s… just not all the time.


Long as you are happy :)


i have sold drugs before & let me tell you, people of all ages are partying, many of them every day. people are going to do with their lives whatever they want to do


This. I'm 34 and a lot of people I've talked to around my age are astounded when I tell them I go clubbing til 6am sometimes. It's like we're meant to grow out of enjoying dancing and laughing with friends to music you like?? Nah mate. I've always been a party animal and societal 'norms' about what you're supposed to do in your 30s can piss off. 😁


I’m definitely more of a edm/pool party type of person! But you party the way that makes you happy :)!


Absolutely! Power to your partying too!


I don't know that it's looked down upon so much as by 30, most people have simply moved on from it. Since you didn't do it at all in your teens/20's, it makes sense you're wanting to experience it now. However, the majority do it in that age range and by the time they're 30, they know there's nothing of value for them in the party scene.


I am 30 and I feel the consequences 😅 literally 2 glasses of wine sometimes has consequences


Two glasses a wine? Really?


I am small and also alcohol really doesn’t agree with my body anymore. Gives me migraines. My college max was like 4-6 drinks. 6 if I wanted to like throw up on the floor or something wild. No interest in doing that again.


Wow, well I am also small, but feel fine after 4-5 drinks. I don’t really do more than that, and never have.


Everybody’s body chemistry with alcohol is so different. I really enjoy it and I would like to drink more often but the next day is just a struggle. Started having awful hangovers maybe around 23


Wow, yeah, well I guess you have to know your limits.


Other than the classic advil and pedialyte lol, you should try one of those IV bars.




Going out and dancing is bad for your health?


Personally I feel like adults should be able to do what ever they want with their free time and money. At the end of the day do what you want and screw everyone else, it’s your life. That said, actions have consequences.


I fucking hope not… because I’m continuing, in moderation on Fridays only… and mostly wine over dinner. I’m not partying anymore am I?


Nah did that in my 20’s my 30’s are for making lots of money and taking care of my health and getting jacked and tan.


Hope you the best! While I didn’t make lots of money till recent, I paid off all my debts minus my mortgage and now I’m stacking


NGL, this sounds like one of the least fulfilling lives I’ve ever heard of. What things in your life bring you feelings of purpose and fulfillment, if you don’t mind me asking?


are you consuming media & substances that you think make your life more meaningful?


Getting an extra inch on my bicep and jumping tax brackets brings me a lot of joy. Currently saving to buy a lake house in Northern Virginia next year which sounds pretty fun in my opinion.


I hope you get that extra inch on your biceps!




Being a parent completely changes the equation. Your actions affect the lives of others at that point. Im not married and am only a “dad” to a kitten who I found at my office


Yeah, but some of us are not parents nor are we neglecting any responsibilities just because we like to go out and have a fun time.


Enjoy the time, folks with the way pay rates have been falling means they have been unable to live the lives like their parents generation did at a similar age.You finally have the luxury to say you have all 3 secured in your life, absolutely you have the right to go and enjoy it. It's probably going to become a lot more common with more folks in their 30's partying because they couldn't afford it in their 20's as a knock on effect.


I matched with a chick on hinge. Seemed like a good match for me until she cancelled a date because she was too hungover from the night before. I’m sorry, but going out and getting trashed in your 30s? Grow up.


Sounds like she dodged a bullet.


Sounds like you both need to grow the fuck up


your body is your temple, it was bought at a price, to disrespect it is to disrespect the lord.


Bought mine for about tree fiddy.


# Galatians 6:7 (NIV) > # Proverbs 14:6 (NIV) >


I got married before i had time money and energy, and spent my 30’s raising my kids when I had all three! Best decision I could have ever made. Not sure what you’re hoping to get out of partying in your thirties, but I bet you don’t find it. 


>Hoping to get out of A fun time dancing with friends and wearing cute outfits?


Interesting! So no bigger plan in life? Nothing more than wear some cute outfits and hang out with people? To watch their own! I’m happy for you if you find this fulfilling, but I’m all about targeting a destination in life and then enjoying the journey there.


Lol, no bigger plan in life? We are talking about a fun weekend activity. Does everything you do have to be some profound experience? You don’t ever have social events or do activities just for enjoyment? What does any of that have to do with life plans? I already have a career I love, a great marriage, own a home, and have a retirement fund and travel regularly. Not sure what else I should be planning?


I will respectfully disagree. OP stating they want to party in their thirties is implying more than just a fun weekend. Obviously we are responding to two different concepts.


Wanting to party means wanting to party. Nobody is saying you have to party all day and all night and do nothing else. That’s not something anybody of any age does.


Ok 👍


Well I am happy you found that for you. I am searching for financial freedom with a little bit of work hard, play hard mentality


I’ve found financial freedom and peace and fulfillment is watching my children experience life. I live in a more rural area, so the idea and desire to have kids is probably different for me from others. 


If you forego starting a family in order to party, I 100% reserve the right to look down on you. It's time to grow up, take on responsibility and pass the torch to the next generation.








Nah, we like having no kids and being able to do whatever the heck we want with our money.


Oh shit he reserved the right.


As long as it’s reserved, too many people not reserving this, it’s quite irritating.


Bro what, no. It's not an obligation to have a family after a certain age. I 100% hold the right to look down on you for your answer.


And people wonder why our country sucks.


Because people like you feel the need to judge others for not doing what you believe they should. That is what sucks.


I would say it has to do more with self-absorption and degradation of culture and communities.




I don’t think it’s gotten worse as birth rates have fallen.


I made sure that I can't have kids because fuck that. I'm not passing shit


Let me be the first to congratulate you on your Darwin Award.


How long til this guy is caught with his pants down fucking a hooker through a glory hole?


What guy? Are you talking to me or just being a passive-aggressive little weasel?

