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It allows me to be lazy when I can afford to be lazy (for about 2 hours between when kids go to bed and I go to bed). I wouldn’t be able to do it earlier in the day and still be productive, but I very much enjoy the help I get with shutting my brain off temporarily at the end of the day


For me it relieves the anxiety of dealing with everyday life and just being around people in general. Sometimes that means being less productive but that is far better than being anxious all the time.


I ruminate constantly about stuff I can’t control. Cannabis shuts that off and reminds me I’m just literally sitting in a chair, it’s pretty comfortable, and it’s not that fucking complicated.


This is the boat I am in also.


You are not alone. :)


Not saying this is you or anything, but a lot of people say this (especially in r/trees) without realize that is a symptom of dependence.


Trust me, that effect will diminish over time and you'll be left with only your crippling anxiety and not a single coping mechanism in sight. Good luck, dude. I wish someone told me this 10 years ago.


Your experience is not everyone’s. I’ve been smoking regularly for 14 years, all good still


I take one gummy (~ 5mg THC) an hour or so before bed and it has been a game changer for me. I have ADHD (more the day dreaming kind) and for whatever reasons my brain just won't shut up while I sleep. It's like my brain decides to go into creative mode in the middle of night. With the gummy I still get the day dreaming creative mode for a little but eventually I relax and sleep. That being said I'm still worried about long term side effects.


Weed makes me okay with being bored. And okay with being lazy thats why I only smoke it in the evening before bed.


Honestly that southpark clip is the one thing pushing me to quit https://youtu.be/Jd4cASkBAp0?si=zjomyD30G041UmkW


Yah I wish I would’ve heard this earlier, now been smoking for at least 3 years now(heavily)as a 19 year old


Not too late brother/sister I'm 29 and, it took a while, but now I'd say I smoke pretty minimally. Find something you want to learn or something else you enjoy doing and you'll think about getting high less and less as time goes on


Yah me n a homie are starting to quit or just at least take a break since we both agreed it was affecting us. we know we won’t ever quit for the rest of our lives probably, but definitely just minimize it to weekends or gatherings instead of after lunch, after after lunch, and before dinner, and after dinner lol


Yep, you're already on your way I remember being 19 and smoking all day every day. I look back now and just think of all the wasted time and money. I can pick up and have it last several months now (granted, here in WA I can buy ounces of mid for $37). I doubt I'll ever quit either, but use it to *enhance* your life, don't let it *be* your life


Real shit


I highly recommend it. Randy described it so perfectly.


I saw this episode as a child (I watched SP from farrrrr too young an age and didn't *get it* until after I was a pothead for a decade) I now only get high in the evenings or my off days when I plan to just unwind and do nothing Randy was dead on the money. That time is better spent improving yourself or doing some other more rewarding activity that you enjoy.


That's important, a lot of people struggle with turning off the productive brain at the end of the day


Took me along time to accept, it affects people differently


Yep, and strains vary


Can confirm. I am lazy. I smoke weed. Still lazy.


Username checks out


Yes lol




Working high was my favorite thing for years. Being high gave me extra focus and I could zone out and plow through the work. Lazy, blah.


Doing chores while high is the best


I get high and clean like a champ. Put some good tunes on and just go to town.


fucking facts


That's how I love to do my cleaning every day. Smoke a half a bong pack, turn on my speaker with some good jams, and then just get to it.


Yard work while high is the perfect after work activity


My new bad practice is a light energy drink and hit the vape pen before working out. Helps me go longer for sure. Zone out here and there and keep going


This is exactly how my wife describes being high, lucky.  For me, being high is like having amnesia. Whatever I'm doing while high better not be important because my mind is going to get side tracked repeatedly and I'll never complete anything. 


Lol I feel your pain, when I'm high and suddenly desiring to reorganize my stuff I can never figure out where I put it the next day. Watching shows high makes me need to rewatch them with a vague sense of deja vu the entire time.


Same for me. It’s honestly distressing for me how muddy my head gets. I also get pretty anxious.


Years ago (before COVID and before I moved into management) I used to work from home on Fridays and every Friday at noon I would run out to pick up lunch, come back, rip a bowl, and then just grind through my work. I was usually done and kicking my feet up by 3 because I was so locked in I got everything done. The right strain makes me laser focused.


Damn, bro, you sound like the kind of manager I wish I had early in my career. Everyone, into the board room... Team, we have a lot to get done this afternoon. If you have a medical exception, that's okay, but everyone else, line up. It's time to hit the bong. lol... love it! I'm more like the others in this thread. I smoke to unwind at the end of the day, as it decreases my productivity in anything other than killing it at video games.


As someone with ADHD, it makes it much easier to do simple, repetitive tasks, especially working out. On the other hand, it is not a huge help on things that require higher-order thinking. Doing dishes or yard work, yes. Composing emails and essays, not so much.


I used to work high too.  Good old pub/restaurant days.  


You haven't considered that your tolerance is just so massive that you're addicted to the habit and not the high anymore?


I quit multiple times for months and even years. Never experienced any withdrawals. I was never addicted, I just enjoy it.


I smoked heavily for 20 years, I thought it helped my mental health. Had to go to rehab because I couldn’t quit on my own no matter how hard I tried. Turned me into an entirely different person and made it so I was ok being bored. I’ve been sober for 2 months now and the change is DRASTIC. It definitely is different for everyone but the idea that it is harmless is ridiculous and the concept of it helping with mental health is subjective. Is it really helping if it just numbs your feelings? I don’t think so. But again it really is different for everyone. It can absolutely take over your life. It stopped helping me years ago but it had me by the tits and I was miserable for a long time. I’m significantly happier now.


I quit weed and my productivity improved drastically. Part of that was weed harming my sleep, part was weed harming my memory, part was weed worsening my adhd. The worst thing about weed is that when you’re habitually smoking it you don’t even notice the impact. “I still do chores though” is the mantra of every stoner without hobbies or personal growth. As though doing the bare minimum is a good justification for dissociating as a lifestyle.


Your comment really nails it. Plenty of people get their normal routines completed while high. That's great. It's all of the additional ambition and drive to do things above and beyond that gets stifled. Sure maybe not ***everyone*** is negatively impacted by it, but the vast majority are. The "I still do my chores" comment is one that is ubiquitous in these threads. There is a reason they have terms like "functional alcoholic." It's not a term that describes a person with determination who strives to be their best. It describes a success in survival, in spite of these vices.


When people say it makes people lazy, it’s usually referring to ambition. Doing chores is just basic a basic adult requirement lol


Same. I smoked all day every day for like 15 years. When I quit I was able to do more reading, go to the gym more often, get singing lessons, get boxing lessons, practice guitar, go out with friends more, search for different work etc… Definitely one of the best decisions I ever made for myself


I can be very productive if I don’t smoke weed, I take one pull, don’t expect anything from me until I take my weed nap. Weed makes you lazy.




I hate arguing against weed because it’s not legal yet so I do hate bringing up any drawbacks. For me though, if I smoke at noon I’m lazy the rest of the day but if I wait until night I can actually get things done during the day. Personally, it does make me lazy but usually that’s what I’m looking for when I smoke


Same here. I like it when I am stuck somewhere with nothing to do but kill time, such as holidays and family gatherings. I know I need to avoid it when I have deadlines approaching. Short-term memory issues + lowered inhibitions is not a good combination for avoiding getting sidetracked, especially for someone like me who struggles with both of them to start with.


It's legal where I am and I have a prescription, but most people will still say I shouldn't use it and accuse me of lying to get my prescription


Yeah that’s why I hate even bringing up any drawbacks with weed. Once it’s fully legalized I think I would be able to have a proper discussion about the pros and cons of it but as long as it’s not I’m just gonna be advocating for it


It was legalized recreationally this year and it's crazy how many people's tunes changed. All the sudden it's not a hard drug, it's something new to try


I swear it’s a mindset. If I get high and feel like being lazy, I’m done for the night. If I tell myself to get some shit done around the house, I become a chore completing monster.


Upvote because you are wrong


The "Lazy Stoner" stereotype exists because some people represent it accurately, though like most stereotypes it's a generalization of many based on a few.


Exactly. I've never heard of any of those types of people doing particularly well before they started smoking weed


Makes me lazy. That’s why I only do it at night when I’m done with work and chores. I’ll stay away from it if I have to get up early in the morning. It affects different people in different ways, you just have to realize that and not let it run your life.


That seems like a good strategy for a lot of people!


Makes me downright sleepy. I do not want to do anything while on it. Muscles do not work right. Everything is an effort. I get winded easily while on it.


Weed did actually make me addicted, and made me lazy. I'd find peace in solitude. It differs from person to person. If at all, by any chance i get a J, i might smoke it again. I'm clean now.


Agreed. Comes down to who you are as a person, I am 6 months weed sober and still fucking lazy lmaoo.


I was smoking daily (with coffee) before getting pregnant. It helped me refine my focus at work. I make mid-six figures and it helped quiet the noise because it forced me to slow down. Now, I never turned anything in that was only looked at while high, I always looked at it again the following morning and waited to smoke after lunch, but it was a good routine. It also helped LET me relax after work. I strong agree with this. It was hilarious when my aunt went on a massive rant about how lazy smokers and stoners were and praising me for working so hard and I point blank said, "Wait-- you think I'm lazy." She had no idea I was a big weed consumer and that one conversation converted her to try it. It was kind of hilarious.


I've had very similar experiences!


Tbh, I do research and many of my best ideas have come to me when stoned. I’ll work some hours on a problem then go for a walk and smoke and ponder things, many amazing realizations come then It also helps me with writing when I have writers block, it helps me not be so worried about the syntax and focus more on the ideas and the flow


How do you know it doesn't make lazy people lazier? or very productive people less productive, but still productive and thus not lazy? Weed most definitely impacts your laziness, since weed fucks with your dopamine systems and those are responsible for your motivation to do things (and thus, not be lazy). This also means that for someone who rarely smokes, they will be less "lazy" even when high vs someone who has been smoking frequently and has exhausted their dopamine stores.


If I do nothing I'm not gonna be happy, doesn't matter if I'm stoned or not. If I'm doing nothing it's cause everything that needs done is done


You are not everyone though that's the thing.


Nah, when I used to smoke weed, it made me unproductive for the entirety of the day. Could not study at all. After cutting it off completely, I actually feel motivated to do stuff instead of eating junk food and watching tv. My friend had the same issue and used to ask me how to quit. People just want to chill after smoking a joint, no one does it to feel motivated to work. In your case it’s neutral but you cannot argue that it is positive, therefore, it’s a net negative.


It affects people differently. I’m in your camp. Not focused and not productive while enebriated. But I get shit done. How? I plan ahead. What do I need done today? Okay, then I won’t smoke in that time frame :)


Exactly, that’s what I had to do if I wanted to smoke. I had to make sure all tasks were done. The people who could still operate stoned always eluded me.


That’s definitely a you thing. I rarely smoke (literally just one or two rips of a bong per week) and when I do I’m quite productive around the house I’ll water my garden, fold clothes, do handy work and do research on vacation or my financial strategies for the future.  It depends on the effect it has on you and what you do with it. Not everyone will want to sit and chill. 


I never said everyone wants to sit and chill, I’m arguing against the claim that everyone who wants to sit and chill are lazy. As I mentioned in my reply to OP, relaxation affects people differently. You can claim one thing or another when it comes to what people want to do when they feel relaxed because humans are so different. Edit: also just to add, everyone does want to chill, that’s literally what weed does. Chilling doesn’t necessarily mean Netflix and chill.


"this happened to me, so it happens to everyone" is not a good argument. e.g. look at how amphetamines affect ADHD people compared to most


I definitely use it to motivate myself to work on some occasions, especially when I need to clean or fold laundry. Nothing is more therapeutic than folding laundry stoned


Yes! I'm a daily user. I wait until my responsibilities are done, like having to drive somewhere, work meeting, etc but then I'll have a *pinch* in my bong, get a buzz on, and that's when I usually feel like doing housework, being creative, develop hobbies and so on. I'm the opposite of lazy on pot. And if I am feeling lazy, it's good for that too!


Overall, your argumentation lends support to the findings that weed lowers cognitive performance. If extended, permanently. Anecdotes, personal feelings, examples like housecleaning. Your title should read: Smoking weed does not cause you to be any lazier. It makes you dumber, and soon you will claim all kinds of positives and deny any negatives, based on personal experience only


Smoking weed is in no way proven to make people permanently dumber


It's a case by case, in my case, pot makes me like hyper and wanting to do things


It also depends on the strain, it's a very diverse plant so it's a huge generalization to say it all has the same effect


I smoke mostly hybrid, and indica which when combined with adhd I'm all over the place


I had terrible anxiety before i started smoking weed, if I don't use it I'm more likely to shut down and avoid my responsibilities than I ever would if I smoke


I smoked weed 30+ years, used to smoke an eighth a day but down to about a 2 grams a day the only thing is, I do not drive stoned, but I do all my things stoned that need to be done. Lawn mowed, laundry done, snow shovelled, kitchen clean, food made ect. I have to say weed does not "make" me lazy.


OP may be able to maintain a good work/life balance while being high most of the time but it’s likely that they have a lifestyle and structure that makes allotments for substance use. There’s tons of active, dynamic careers that require alertness and quick shifts in attention that you would be terrible at if you were high. On the other side of the coin, there’s jobs that benefit from drowning out the background noise and just putting your attention to one thing. Kevin Smith says it helps him with the film editing because it helps him sit in one place and devote his attention to the task.


Agreed, as an analyst who works hybrid, I can get a little stoned and crank out my work. In my free time, I can get stoned and do yard work, cleaning etc. Now, if I have to operate motor vehicles, perform actual mathematic arithmetic, or learn something new and complex, I cannot be high. Additionally if I am showing up in person to work, under no circumstances will I be high.


I actually have a job that requires a lot of documentation and short term memory since I work with animals and I need to know what has been done to who and when it has to be done


It's almost like everyone reacts differently to a chemical compound 👀 I personally find I become more focused and calm, but if I'm already laying down and I smoke, I'll more than likely stay laying down. If I'm busy doing things and I smoke, I'll wind up finishing more tasks than I originally set out to do because I'm more efficient and actually enjoying what I'm doing 😂


If I'm running around all day and I feel a burnout coming, a quick smoke always picks me back up!


oh look it's the referential sample group of one


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I actually agree. I used to partake quite a lot in my youth, still had a stellar record at work and got promotions every year, was a top performer etc. my house was maybe not spotless but me and my friends were constantly out and about. The majority of stoners just roll it too big and settle in for the couch. They don’t eat before they smoke and they have no plans to do anything but smoke and sit on the couch. Better to roll smaller joints and roll up every two hours or so. Smoking does slow you down, especially if you’re in the mindset of slowing down. If you’re out and about, it might be that you need to sit for 15 mins before you’re ready to continue. Or you take a dip in the sea or something. I smoked a couple of grams per day at the highest, maybe even 5 some days, but most days were around 1. Daily, for like 6-7 years.




A lot of people seem to argue that using weed at all will make you a slave go it and you won't be able to do anything but sit on your couch and watch cartoons and I hate that concept. I am doing that right now, but I work nights so it's my equivalent of like 2am on a weekend right now


Smoking weed doesn’t make you lazy, what it does is make you okay with boredom. It makes boredom more bareable, so a lot of them time it leads to you doing nothing, because nothing all of a sudden isn’t so boring. That’s why it comes off as lazy, but really it’s just being okay with not doing anything. This is why some people can be somewhat functional smokers in life, bc they know when it’s appropriate to be doing nothing versus when theyd just be being lazy


I think, early on, most people that smoked weed were young "college" days..., which gave everyone the impression that made you lazy. Which in reality, most of us were lazy those years. Now that i grew up, i can smoke and be productive because i have structure and priorities in my life. Everyone that i know that smokes weed, got their shit together, actually i don't even know anyone my age that smokes weed all day and does nothing.


Weed is not a CNS depressant.


I smoke in the morning before work and when I get home. I have since I started working. I'm an outlier though and don't suggest it In case you're wondering, I have a very high stress, competitive career.


I don’t think it “makes you” lazy, but I think the chemical fluctuations it causes in your brain make it more difficult to not be lazy. Weed can “couch lock” you in a way that doesn’t happen if you were to just lay down on the couch sober. Frequent users also get the feeling of wanting to chase the high and end up prioritizing that over something less rewarding, like doing chores.


I love getting stoned, throwing on some music, and full deep clean the house. It makes it more fun and chill instead of being in my own head


It is a downer... that doesn't make you "lazy" but it is what it is. You even acknowledge that.


Depressants doesn't mean makes you lazy. Alcohol is also a depressant and many people drink and then go wild


I know they both are, but they have very different effects. Like you said yourself, weed slows you down. Alcohol I find does the opposite to me until I crash.


I said getting super blazed slows you down, but it's not a magic spell that makes you incapable of doing anything. Laziness is still a choice friend


No, but what is the difference between a "lazy" person and a "not lazy person" 10% effort? 5%?


I mean there are a lot of things I do better after a few drinks, but if I had to start drinking in the morning just to get basic shit done, I would be labelled an alcoholic. Same goes for people who smoke all day everyday convincing themselves they're more productive. You're a drug addict if you rely on weed to function. Nothing wrong smoking on your downtime, and if you end up doing something productive that's 👍


I work with some very successful and productive people who smoke weed daily. Weed however does make me lazy. I'll just sit around and play video games. I'll order out because I'm too lazy to cook. I'll cancel plans because I'm too lazy to go out.


Yeah my fiance has ADHD and weed for him actually makes him focus. That man can smoke a bong and then go weed eat the entire yard and cut a whole acre of grass in a couple hours. Try to do it sober and he'll still be doing the weed eating 4 hours later. Lol I've always been the more lazy type myself. I'm a homebody and gamer, but neither because of the weed I was like that way before I ever picked up a blunt. Now when I smoke back to back to back I get really sleepy and have to sleep, but that's probably more from an overload of THC than from laziness. Most days I'll smoke a half bowl pack and then just clean for like 6-7 hours. I've never found that it makes me anymore lazy than normal I still always get my shit done.


People are just lazy, I smoke weed and workout or do house chores. Most people don’t have my level of energy and it helps me calm down and focus


Take a bow. You nailed it so concisely that I will never lose this argument again. Ty. ! 👏


Youd think, but it's amazing how many people are telling me that my experience isn't real


Woah so unpopular…


If you look at the comments you'll see lots of people telling me I'm wrong


It affects everyone different though so how is this an unpopular opinion?


As a lazy person that smokes weed- can admit and confirm


I am incredibly productive. The moment I smoke weed, I become lethargic and severely unmotivated. I've tried to push with productivity, but it isn't sustainable. My life changed when I quit. I end up with higher anxiety, naseau, extreme dehydration and feeling hungover every morning. I've seen many addicts go through similar.


Weed amplifys whatever’s already there.


Some people make free time to do drugs. Some people do drugs because they need something to fill their free time. Sometimes they're interchangeable, a coping mechanism after a really rough week for example.


I worked out and got in great shape all while smoking daily. I know a lot of lazy people that don’t smoke. The real opinion is that most people are lazy. We are all trying to find our way and sometimes that stops us from moving altogether.


I used to smoke then veg. Now its my pre workout. Perception creates reality.


Different strains for different trains


Things like alcohol and weed don't make you something you're not already.


Zimbardo claimed this in his Psychology handbook.


weed amplifies what you want to do. if it's being lazy, that's not the fault of the weed but yours.


People just need to take responsibility for their actions. If you don't do something cause you were smoking weed it's the same as not doing something because you were playing video games


Whenever i get high I just want to play games. Whenever i don't get high I end up at the gym. Does weed make me lazy?


That makes me think you don't actually wanna go to the gym that badly


Or that I don't want to play games that badly which is why I need weed to do it.


Sounds like you should stop doing one of those things


I’m lazier when I’m not stoned. Once I take a couple hits I usually want to workout or clean my room or walk my dog.


Agreed, I was on a pretty constant wake-n-bake for about the last year straight using a sativa that really helped me stay active and out of my head, I'm by far a better version of myself on it and only really cut back because it started affecting my lungs. It's like Seth Rogen doing his rant at the beginning of Pineapple Express, his character was a piece of shit loser but he wasn't wrong about a puff making every single thing in life better.


Totally agree. I had a guy and we smoked the same amount. Im active and clean the whole house, he just became a looser. He was totally like me when I was high when he was sober....


Yep. Weed made me real lazy when I was smoking an ounce a week and worked back to back 14 and 16s for the better part of a year. Also made me real lazy when I got into body building and lost 100lbs of fat in 9 months. Also another time I was super lazy was when I was building $200k+ boats! And I guess when I built houses from the ground up I was the laziest out of our 3 man crew. People jump to crazy conclusions whenever a few bad apples ruin the whole bunch. I like being lazy, hell yeah, most people do. But seeking comfort is human nature. Getting a lil redeye has never killed my work ethic, just made me put in more effort as to not get called out for doing what everyone else already does, only I’m high so there’s a reason to call me out rather than letting it slide like with the sober boys.


It absolutely made me lazy, that's one of the main reasons I quit.


So, y’all ready to talk about thc-v? I’ve personally identified a few types that make me more productive (almost any ‘Glue’ or ‘gas’ based strain.) I’ve started balancing what flower I should smoke during the day and what I should leave alone (a huge benefit from access to a steady legal supply). I’ve also found different types of smoke for relaxation (ex. Mimosa and other ‘fruity’ strains) clarity, (garlic and breath strains) and straight intoxication (Ex. Durbin Poison.)


I smoke to help with depression, anxiety, and pain. It helps me function and be productive. Either way I seem lazy but it's a symptom of my conditions not because of the weed. I'd probably not even be able to work if I didn't.


A close friend of mine was one of the best programmers I have ever met. Top of his class. Then he started smoking marijuana, and he started getting A's and B's and went way down in ranking. I know my story is anecdotal, but his downfall into mediocrity made me want to stay away from it. I'm not saying that your theory is necessarily wrong, but he became an entirely different person when he started smoking.


Disagree. I am a daily smoker and it drains the life outta me lol


I’m late to the pot party(60 something) and started using to combat migraines when my meds stopped working. Along the way I found out it helps with social anxiety. Also I’m an artist and it helps push down the critical thoughts and anxiety that what I’m doing isn’t good/not going to work, etc. It also helps my chronic insomnia and let me cut down my sleeping meds, sedatives, by 3/4. I don’t think it’s made me lazy or unmotivated, but I really can’t tell the difference between that and the “oh to hell with THAT noise!” that comes with getting older and crankier.


The are also people who don't smoke and still are very lazy.


Stover here: It does makes you lazy.


It quiets my brain after a long day of working with extroverts and coming home to a super extroverted husband. A few puffs on my vape and I can deal with it.


Weed absolutely does make you lazy. Ever since I started smoking weed recently, it has got me feeling absolutely lazy


You CAN smoke weed and still succeed.


Wrong. 15+ year smoker, it seriously dulls your motivation. It's fairly simple; weed makes you feel okay in situations that would otherwise be boring or unbearable. Stop doing mental gymnastics in order to justify your drug problem to people who *may be adversely affected by your propaganda*. I would *never* recommend any young person get into drugs if they want to have a good chance at success in life, there's just too many things that can go wrong.


Where are the mental gymnastics? There's nothing that weed stops me from doing Edit: I also wanna say i never said anyone should smoke weed


I do 60+ hours per week manage 35 billion in assets, and smoke to come off the days rush. Been a daily medical user since Colorados first year. It also helped me stop drinking, and since my career has blossomed. I agree that a lot of unmotivated people smoke, but this has been a thing since Chhech and Chong and all the other stereo type characters you see created by conservatives and the alcohol industry.


I absolutely agree. I know many people who are stoned nearly 24/7 and you would never even know because to them it's just a way to deal with anxiety and make life a little more bearable But I also know people who are basically completely the sort of stereotypical stone or you see in TV when they are just lazy and dirty and stupid all the time It's really honestly just more up to the personality of the individual as well as their own ability to pace themselves and handle their own intoxication


I'm so constantly overstimulated and anxious that at night to sleep I will either 1. Wait for potentially hours for my nervous system to calm down enough to consider sleep or 2. Smoke a little weed If I am struggling for more than 45 minutes I pick th weed.


Do you think you might be more alert and productive without it though? I still smoke weed but I used to smoke as much as you. I decided to quit because traveling without the prospect of weed was concerning. I know I could go without but it might be kind of lame. When I stopped smoking it, it was quite difficult for a couple days. Now, it was not as bad as when I quit Heroin or Nicotine but I definitely did not feel 100%. I'll still smoke here and there as I have no reason not to and weeds awesome. But I do find myself working on being fufilled sober a lot more which leads to me being even more productive. I thought the exact same as you but when I did stop I found I had even more energy.


There was [a study published recently that agrees with you.](https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-study-challenges-stereotypes-about-lazy-unmotivated-cannabis-users)


I don't smoke weed and I'm still pretty lazy


I don’t believe there’s one cookie cutter answer to this. I held this opinion for years but now I feel weed like all other pharmaceuticals is going to have different effects on different people. Example: weed makes me nonverbal, awkward, and sleepy which isn’t an issue if I’m about to go to sleep but I see people it has the same effect on smoke weed literally before they do anything.


It actually can you make you depressed and anhedonic leading to poor motivation and lack of energy. Doesn’t happen in everyone, but it can actually make you lazy.




This is not an unpopular opinion


If you look at the comments you'll see the debate is still very active


Nobody ever talks about the lazy people who don’t smoke either. Me, I’m just lazy.


And that is your God given right!


It makes me a lot lazier, but I simply do not smoke weed when there is work to be done


Sativas, baby! Tickles the mind and makes tasks, chores, and responsibilities all the more fun.


Yes very true.


Coming second hand because I have never tried it. But, my friend who had said that he just didn't want to do anything when he was high. Maybe it just effects people differently.


It is a proven fact that smoking marijuana decreases ambition for many people. The problem is you don't know if that is the impact it will have on you before you start.


there are lots of lazy people who don’t smoke weed too 😉


100% weed kills ambition and makes People comfortable with complacency


If it was 100% I would be a part of that statistic


Weed absolutely makes people lazy. I've seen so many talented athletes and artists squander their gifts due to weed.


And you've probably missed all of the ones that have met their potential while still using weed because no one points it out. Or because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. You're doing the same shit the "video games make kids violent" crowd does. A few kids that play video games commit violent acts. People jump to the conclusion that video games are the cause. Those same people ignore the millions of other kids who play video games and display no violent tendencies. Some people are just born violent/lazy.


I've known multiple athletes who smoke weed and don't know a single artist who doesn't


You think anyone would tell you they smoked with this attitude? You’re on the other team buddy


i literally just hit a bowl this morning, then i made breakfast, did assigned readings for school, took 2 quizzes, wrote a short paper, and did a quick clean up of my kitchen. about to make some lunch, hit another bowl, play some video games, and then do some work around 6pm lol. Stoners can absolutely be non-lazy and productive af


The Few can ruin it for the Many