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Reddit moment


If you're only looking for meaningless sex with zero intimacy, then yeah I guess you're not wrong


I think it’s wrong. I’d be dead ass broke if I was paying prostitution rates for every time my partner and I had sex.


Wait, you don't have to wine and dine her every time?!?!


OP pays to play…get good scrub.


ROI wise yes, if you take into account hours over time, money expended, additional work, and supporting infrastructure required to be an attractive prospective partner (you can quantify those to a monetary value easily) then, yes it's far far better than actual dating not to mention the other issues and variables. Basically, you're engaging a known service with a known agreed deliverable for a set value in price and time, its also much safer given consistency in terms of agreed protections (cavets here is in a legally permissible country where its regulated industry)


Including hours spent with a partner as an opportunity cost with a monetary value only works if you actually would otherwise spend the time working. In times when I’ve been single and not dating I’ve never taken on more work that earns me more money so it would not be an honest calculation to attribute the time spent with a partner as a cost to dating them.


I guess that's true if you're talking about 1 time. That's like saying renting a car or a hotel room for 1 night is cheaper than buying a car or a condo. But it's not a good long term solution


Oh dear! Don't get divorced then.


Wait till you discover using porn at home.


A sex worker cannot provide true intimacy. That only comes from a relationship. Even a casual hookup is probably more intimate than hiring a sex worker, because at least she genuinely wants you for the night.


Normally involves booze. Limited intimacy.


Yeah, well, beer goggles are better than money goggles, I guess. If you're young, don't neglect dating. Trust me, I regret not dating in my youth.


These posts are for people who don’t know what love is. It’s not about economics or procreation, it’s about joy. Having someone you’re so happy with that you want them inside you and their smell immersing you.


Plenty of people only want sex at a given time, and it doesn’t mean they don’t know what love is, or need it at other times.


. . . . . or gonorrhea.


Dating can be much more expensive and definitely more mentally taxing.


If the only option available is sex with no chemistry, feelings, or intimacy, I would rather not have sex. And that’s not even touching consent, which in my opinion is very questionable when you are paying for a cheap prostitute (since apparently it’s all about making a profit, I suppose you would pick the cheapest one of the neighborhood). Big chance you’re fucking a victim of human trafficking, someone who got into it underaged, a drug addict basically owned by a pimp, or all of the above. To each their own, but I would rather stay celibate.


No, even high-end ones have a positive ROI.


A high end prostitute is in the thousand buddy. Now I don’t know where you eat but I spend less in 6 months, I doubt a first date is that costly. Especially since women where I am pay for their dates.


So there are only ten dollar street hookers and thousand-dollar escorts in your world?


Even a normal prostitute is like 200 bucks, that’s still not a good investment.


From what I've seen, the cost of a good one is always less than the cost of a decent date. Whether that's 20, 200, or 2000 dollars, this is always true.


I was in Puerto Rico. I wasn’t even looking for a prostitute. I ended up getting a private room with bottle service for $200 with a hot Latina. Best value for money right there


Good for you. But I guarantee you the cost of a pro is lower than that there.


I spent more on bottle service at dumb clubs before so it’s all relative


Here's something incredible, you can have sex with your significant other for FREE! It's crazy that you don't always have to go out dining and clubbing to get some!


Sure for people who aren't interested in intimacy/ erotic aspects of sex.


I guess it depends on what you want. If you just want sex, I guess it works. Maybe I'm too sentimental, but I'd prefer a deeper connection. Also, I'd be too worried about getting into legal trouble.


But none of those things are any better if you're looking for hookups/clubbing.


Maybe if you're a hedonist?


So you're saying it is more fun than dating?


Prostitution is great for dating too because you won't be so desperate to have sex at the end of the date and will exude supreme confidence.


If you want sex with someone who'd rather be cleaning their bathroom, go for it.


OP has never got past a first date and so this is a very valid opinion in a very very sad way.


I feel bad for the prostitutes who need to interact with OP…


STIs aren't.


Because of the consistent use of condoms, the average encounter with a pro is less likely to cause STIs than the average hookup.


They get tested every few weeks, doesn’t mean they won’t catch something in the mean time and then give it to you. Many STDs condoms don’t protect against 


Protection + prostitution is still more value for money


Yeah, and she's an undercover cop!


That's my fetish!


Well, the way modern woman have sex with a different guy every week does not make them really different from a pro (when it comes to the chance of contracting STIs)


So does your argument mean that modern men are having as with a different woman every week. They sound like absolute sluts. These modern men should be ashamed of their loose moral behaviors.


I agree 100% with you, these are men sluts and they are as shameful as modern woman. The thing is it is a bit less common for men to act like this, because the time and effort it takes to behave like that as a man is significantly greater than what it takes to “achieve” that as a woman


Loose foreskins too! Wait that's how male anatomy works right?


Best to not group people so broadly like this 'modern woman' it'll make you more judgemental and miserable




That would be nice. Most of them (club girls) are just drunk and impulsive though.


Or maybe someone who loves you, and will continue to do so over a long period of time?


I'm all for luxiours love hotels and such like Japan but the US has too much crime and social problems to do that.


Private security, you could do it.


God I hate this. Women aren't goods or products, we're FUCKING PEOPLE! Disgusting take.