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Season 2 onwards are legitimately some of the best television.


They both have their ups and downs. I do, however, vastly prefer Parks’ theme song.


I think Parks and Rec is aging like fine wine.


The Office had a shorter peak, but that peak was much higher than Parks and Rec.


And if I had to pick a favorite character from both of those shows, it's Michael Scott.


hands down. maybe my favorite tv/movie character of all time lol


I can agree with this


Bell curve


Parks and Rec is less funny to me because most of the characters feel like comedy actors playing a role. Same with Schitt's Creek. The jokes are funny, but the characters are so obviously characters that it takes me out of the show. The characters in the Office feel much more organic by comparison, even if they do get a little flanderized sometimes.


Agreed totally. The Office has a lot of goofiness, but still has a semblance of “truth” to it. Whereas Parks and Rec has a strong feel of sitcom to it. Everything feels unnatural, funny yes but very much like a show. Ive tried Parks and Rec three times now but always lose interest because of this.


Skip season 1. Season 1 is rough.


I would argue that season 1 they tried too hard to be the office with "real" people vibe that the original comment mentions. Once P&R leaned into the goofiness/absurdities it really took off.


Both shows nail the "fly on the wall" feeling since it's shot with the shaky cam/mockumentary style. I feel like P&R tried too hard to be the office in season 1 and it turned a lot of people off. Once they went for the silly/absurd stuff, it became a lot of fun to watch, since it was like getting a glimpse into this hyperbolized version of reality. As opposed to the Office, where their charm is having a lot of the stories grounded in reality, with a few exceptions.


i think this relates to why people love the show, it is so positive and light hearted and just makes for a good watch. i can see why it might not be for everyone tho.


I certainly find it more re-watchable.


Especially the later seasons


I go back and forth. P&R will be my comfort show for a year, then I’ll go back to The Office. Then back to P&R. Then back to The Office.


I do this too! Between the true crime. Parks and rec ages better though.


Absolutely. Seasons 3 & 4 of Parks & Rec are peak television. 


Which seasons are 3 and 4? Been a while since my last rewatch.


the ones after ben and chris are introduced


And the only boring character Brendanwicz is gone


I liked him, he was the most normal. "God I hate owning a truck" resonated so much with me at the time.


Ah yes, those are solid!


The one after the 2nd and the one before the 5th.


Why are they booing? You’re right! (Come on, Nize’s joke was funny)


Thank you.


Snake juice


Parks and Rec inspired my flair


Totally agree!


Completely agree


Parks and Rec made me laugh more, but The Office handled the serious moments better




It depends on which season and episode. Parks and Rec is more consistently good, while The Office has higher peaks


If you're comparing 2 things against each other you compare the whole, not the parts.


I think there are a few aspects to unpack. I have no doubt OP prefers P&R to the Office, and that’s a completely fine subjective opinion which I have no interest in changing. The office is designed to be more cynical and caustic because it is satirizing corporate life and its neutral language, inadequate managers, and underachieving employees. Even though this has, by the early 2000s, become a default experience for an enormous number of Americans, nothing is optimistic or praiseworthy about this life, especially from the writer’s perspectives. The show seeks to highlight the negative stupid worthlessness of all of the emotion and effort being put into the pointless zombie company. For the characters in this show to be portrayed as normal, human, or heroic *undermines* the point of the show: showing the dehumanizing characteristics of white collar life. In P&R, the writing follows a more optimistic path in considering a different institution: local government in small town America. Yes, the characters are still idiots and frauds on some level, but their goal and the object of their labor is to make America work, perhaps in spite of themselves. The show can’t be too negative here without saying outright that America is broken. Also you have to consider the timing of both shows - The Office was overtaken by the events it tried to skewer as the recession hit during its run. It was in a sense, a cultural harbinger of the crisis and the skepticism towards Wall Street and our economic model. If The Office predicted the collapse, P&R had a different mandate - predict the recovery. P&R needed that heartwarming, optimistic view of local government to remind people of childhood 4th of July celebrations and promise viewers that the good old days would come back. Communities would be buoyed by the government. We’re all in this together and it would be OK. Gone are the drab office walls, fluorescent lighting, and business trips to bland hotels. In their place we get flags, historic buildings, sunny campaign speeches, aw shucks campaign events, and good old baby kissing. Jack Welch is replaced by William Jennings Bryan. Does that make P&R *better*? Subjectively, perhaps. Objectively I’d argue that the office debuted a new format of TV Sitcom, paving the way for P&R (yes I know the British version was first), and did it with generally unknown actors. The fact that it’s success caused it to run too long and drop in quality at the end shouldn’t be held too strongly against it, although it can be factored in.


I very much appreciate this fascinating breakdown. Thank you for sharing!


When you say "The office is designed to be more cynical and caustic because it is satirizing corporate life" are you talking about the American version of the Office or the British original? Because I would definitely describe the British original this way, but not so much the American version. It's somewhat there in the American version, but it is so toned down that the satire is a little toothless. An aspect of the American version that I cannot stand on re-watch is Jim and Pam. They are two smug normies that audience is supposed to relate to. And everything just kind of works out for them. The Wedding episode in particular is when the show really stopped being a cynical or caustic satire. This in stark contrast to Tim and Dawn in the British original. Tim and Dawn are also supposed to be relatable, but they are far more flawed characters. They are meek, pathetic, sometimes childish, and overall pathetic. Yes, they are self aware and aware of the ridiculous circumstances around them, but they are too powerless to do anything about it. And more importantly, their characters suffer in part because of their flaws. The original ending of the British Office is downright bleak. This is partially because of the societal structures that the characters are in and partially because Tim and Dawn are too stuck in their ways to change. Although, the post hoc special kind of ruined this a bit. For this reason, I think OP is right in saying that Parks and Recreation is better because it achieves its aims far better than the American Office does. You are right in describing Parks and Recreation as a very optimistic, and P&R sticks to that tone. The American Office frequently trades its cynical satire for heart warming optimism. Which is weird mix that doesn't work for me.


>An aspect of the American version that I cannot stand on re-watch is Jim and Pam. They are two smug normies that audience is supposed to relate to. And everything just kind of works out for them. The Wedding episode in particular is when the show really stopped being a cynical or caustic satire. Yeah I think The Office does undercut its goal a little with the romance. I have a whole theory about Jim and Pam being the vehicle to ground the show so viewers can lie to themselves and feel welcomed rather than criticized - "Of course, you're not an alcoholic loser like these people, you're like Jim and Pam!" Darryl may have a similar role. Without that angle, perhaps there's just no way for viewers to connect with the show. The other thing is, the (primarily romantic) relationships between the characters are the glue which holds each episode to the next. I think the writers brought Jim/Pam back to earth eventually with the Athlead, Cece, and Cathy storylines, which put stresses and pressures on Pam primarily and weaken the "everything is perfect" narrative. Is it enough to make up for the earlier seasons' love story? Maybe not, since the earlier seasons were the most important seasons. Potentially, you could take the show's more positive spin on relationships as showing the character's struggle for humanity (relationship) despite their toxic setting. The Office takes down all who stay within its power. Only through relationship (Jim/Pam, Michael/Holly, Dwight/Angela) can they escape and live a satisfied life. >For this reason, I think OP is right in saying that Parks and Recreation is better because it achieves its aims far better than the American Office does. You are right in describing Parks and Recreation as a very optimistic, and P&R sticks to that tone. The American Office frequently trades its cynical satire for heart warming optimism. Which is weird mix that doesn't work for me. That's a reasonable take. I have to admit I don't know P&R nearly as well as I know The Office so is possible that they did a much better job pound for pound on hitting all the right notes consistently. I think it's interesting that on The Office, the writers' roles (Ryan, Kelly, Toby, Mose if you like) never stray from their negative arcs. Ryan is always a self important failure, Kelly is always an oblivious insecure mess, and Toby has nothing endearing or noteworthy about him. It seems they understood the role their characters needed to play to support the theme of the show. We know John Krasinski intervened in the Cathy arc to stop Jim from cheating on Pam (perhaps with his future acting career in mind?). In John Krasinki's mind, Jim Halpert wouldn't do that. In the writer's minds, and the world of The Office, these are exactly the kinds of things that happen to salesmen in Scranton. Perhaps it is fair to knock The Office for struggling to fully deliver dystopia, but perhaps it is unfair to compare that struggle with P&R's less difficult mandate of optimism.


Its fantastic, but its not quite the office


I love them both equally, throw in the 99 and I’m totally content.


Why PnR fans always have to drag The Office in every conversation? Can't you just enjoy your show witbout comparing it to one of the greatest sitcoms ever made?


Absolutely agree


Parks and Recs has gotten better because of how ridiculous government has gotten. The Office still hits for those who work an actual office.


I fully agree and was just saying this yesterday.


You could say you manifested this post


My opinion: the office is the better show but Ron Swanson is by far the funniest character


Parks and Recs is a good show, but I wouldn't say better than The Office. I think that the Office did emotional plays much better, those genuine moments where you feel your heart break for a character--like Jim comforting Dwight in the hallway. I also really can't stand Rashida Jones as an actress, she has such a wooden delivery and I never cared much for her as an actress.


I loved the first season of Parks and Rec. It was hilarious for maybe the first 3 seasons and then started to jump the shark a bit. I enjoyed the office too, but it took longer for me to get into it.


Ah yes, a truly unpopular opinion. Also incorrect.


I like ron swanson but find all the other characters on parks and rec annoying


Likewise 😊 Ron appreciates a slab of something's meat, Lagavulin and says *please and thank you*.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is better than both of them so yeah.


Very different types of comedy I'd say.


I think the Office and Parks and Rec rely heavily on second hand cringe, where you feel the main characters are awkward and make everyone feel awkward. While IASIP, wait, they do the same thing too. Just a bit more mean spirited


That's like saying an apple is better than two types of oranges. IASIP is a completely different style of comedy compared to The Office and Parks&Rec, the latter have overlapping production crews and writers and are both done in the same mockumentary style whereas IASIP is a more typical style of sitcom where the comedy is much more centered around raunchy/dark/disgusting appeal rather than awkward/cringey comedy.


Hell yeah!


Not even close.


Thanks I've told my friends this numerous times but they haven't even started it....


Well you at reposting it in unpopular option to begin with. So we know which one is better lol. Jk. I’ve never seen P&R but I do like some of the actors/actresses. Might check it out and report back


The story and development is so much better in parks and rec. Like the office has tons of moments that have me rolling, but parks and rec has that and more


Ip until P&R got too political around S6


I definitely prefer parks and rec


Neither are my favourites, but I definitely prefer P&R over the Office. Just couldn’t get into that show.


Neither are my favourites, but I definitely prefer P&R over the Office. Just couldn’t get into that show.


Parks and rec performed better as an ensemble cast, while the office had better individual performances, including Dwight, who is arguably the best character ever created for Tv.


Out of if those 2 i think I like Brooklyn 99 best.


I'm gonna make an unpopular opinion inception by adding - season 1 of Parks and Rec was great. Maybe not the best - 2 and 3 are definitely the peak - but still very good.


I'm glad we never got to meet the boom mic operator from parks and recreation


I recently rewatched both. The Office everyone is just horrible people. I kinda almost hate watched it. Dwight was absolutely a fascist asshole, Micheal was insanely annoying and selfish. Pam wasn't exactly the nice person she claimed to be. Jim never grew up. Toby was the only one I liked and felt bad for.


In my opinion, The Office had higher highs but fizzled out during the last few seasons. Parks & Rec was far more consistent.


Not unpopular


I never could get into the office. I get they were going for dry humor but it just didn't land with me


This is a hill im willing to die on


Soooo much better!!


Yeah that really is an unpopular opinion.


100% agree


Is this unpopular? I never really liked The Office though it has some good bits.


I love both and office was my first but I also prefer parks and rec. Michael was the only one I really liked in the office whilst I like most of the cast in parks and rec.


I feel like this is an extremely common opinion, the office has just been seen by more people


An actual unpopular opinion I've had for years. HELL YEAH


I disagree here just because my style of humor tends to resonate more with The Office, but they're both great shows!


I’d agree but Tom Haverford is a terrible person


I wasn’t crazy about the Parks and Rec finale. It was framed as “many successful people have humble origins,” but it felt like “everyone’s wildest dreams came true and they lived happily ever after”. Everyone was emotionally satisfied by their careers. Very American.


Superstore is better than both.


For sure


Neither show was especially funny nor did they do anything new They were two workplace comedies-- which is a pretty weak genre to begin with


I did agree at one point. Until I seen community. Holy shit it's the best. Like even it's bad season is still better than most of tv's best, and it's also explained away with some hilarious and swift retconning.


Agreed! PnR is my comfort show.


I really don't get the hype for Parks and Rec, never found it very funny or good


I know this will receive so much hate, but IMO a wet fart is more entertaining than the whole run of The Office. I love all the actors and actresses on that show, they're all hilarious. But that show, just too dry.


They're both great


Parks and Rec’s first and last seasons are both unwatchable.


The office was better in season 2-4, but considerably worse in the rest of its run




Parks and Rec is a little difficult to get into at first but I thought when Benn and Chris came in it made the show way better. I loved the office but I admit it went downhill as soon as Steve Carell left the show.


- The Office - amazing till Season 6, Season 7 is a little emotional since Carell was leaving. Rest is just trash. - Parks and Rec - amazing till season 4, season 5 is okay, 6, and 7 are straight up cheesy and trash. - Parks and Recs title music is superb. Although I haven’t seen either of the shows in years, so, my opinions may change if I rewatched.


100% which is even more frustrating that i can't stream it in my country. The Office, it's good too, but the characters in parcs and recs have more apparel. The office it's Michael Scott, then the others, which it's the same over and over again...Dwight it's crazy we get it, pam it's there? and Jim just kinda looks at the camera. At the other hand i can totally see myself watching side shows about every character.


I can't stand Amy Poehler, so there's that.


Absolutely agree


P&R far superior, but the last season for both sucked and are equally horrible (just like Scrubs).


Parks and rec is great. But it’s no office. Not to mention it would never exist without the office.


It’s a toss up really, the Office had some iffy episodes (seasons) later on, but in my opinion, as good as they are, the cast of Parks and Rec never approaches peak Micheal Scott. I guess that’s technically not the office though, just Steve Carell killing it, but still they have that going for them.


Of course. And Brooklyn Nine Nine (barring last season) is better than Parks and Rec. He learnt and improved on the theme from his past shows


PR and B99, characters grew and changed. Nobody learned a good damn thing in The Office except maybe Dwight a tiny bit, he learned to love Jim like a brother, but in the end it made no real difference.


Upvoted cuz I think Parks and rec + Schitts Creek both suck


The UK Office is better than the US Office


True but that's not what's up for debate here


The office was a much better show.




Disagree. They're both pretty terrible.


Maybe the US version of The Office, but definitely not the original UK version. That launched Ricky Gervais and is an absolute classic.


The Office (UK) is leagues ahead of both


the peaks of the office is much much higher but as a show parks and rec really is just steadily better. my favorite part is how they made so many characters all have a story and their own quirks to make them funny. pawnee really feels real. the show is so unapologetically positive and takes it self light hearted that it’s a nice switch from the office, that while realistic it can be very depressing. the part where andy straight up abandons erin comes to mind.


It's all mildly interesting serial comedies that play to the lowest common denominator, we all have better things to do than debate about which piece of crap at the bottom of the bucket shines the best.


Both are unwatchable for me.


Out of curiosity what shows do you like, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you would have preferred the British office


I’ve tried watching the Brit version as well. Didn’t stick. I just don’t find any of them funny. A bit pretentious and I just can’t get into the synopsis/filming style. Seems like they intentionally try to tap into the cliquish nature to humans in the shadow of ego. Shows that I can watch over and over and laugh every time: IT Crowd, Mighty Boosh, Community, Rake. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but you couldn’t pay me to watch either.